1 August, 2008

TONIGHT – This Week in Organized Jewry with Bud White starts at 9pm Eastern

Posted by VNNB in Announce, VNNB at 8:00 pm | Permanent Link

Should be another great show, tune in at:

www.reasonradionetwork.com and choose the HOW TO LISTEN tab.

Stories for tonight are listed here:


and you can access the skype chat by clicking this link:

click here

  • 3 Responses to “TONIGHT – This Week in Organized Jewry with Bud White starts at 9pm Eastern”

    1. Andrew from jew-infested Delray Beach, FL Says:

      When I see the filth my children watch on TV and in the movies, I see the work of the jew

      When I see the murder of millions from communism and two world wars I see the jew

      When I see the coming of a third world war I see the jew

      When I see our monetary system hijacked by the Federal Reserve I see the jew

      When I see the majority of the Democrats’ funds and the majority of the Republicans’ funds are both being received from AIPAC I see the jew

      When I see my people portrayed as evil and idiotic on sitcoms, and movies, and commercials, I see the jew

      When I see 30 million illegal aliens from Mexico crossing our unguarded borders, and driving wages down, and bankrupting our hospitals, and creating ganglands in our cities, I see the jew

      When I see the tremendous tax burden on my people I see the jew

      When I see the looming Federal deficit I see the jew

      When I see the murder of innocent Americans in false flag attacks in the Lavon Affair, and the King David Hotel, and the USS Liberty, and the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, I see the jew

      When I see the banishment of nativity scenes, the Ten Commandments removed from courthouses, the word “Christmas” replaced by “Holiday,” Washington and Lincolns’ birthday combined into President’s Day, and the enactment of a Federal holiday for Martin Luther King, a communist, I see the jew

      When I see my children taught to honor anti-heroes and being told falsehoods about their own history and being made to feel guilty for it I see the jew

      You should too

    2. ein Says:

      “When I see the filth my children watch on TV and in the movies, I see the work of the jew . When I see my children taught to honor anti-heroes … I see the jew.”

      I was in a restaurant a few days ago, and there was a nice-looking white family seated nearby. Their little boy, only about six or seven, was wearing a T-shirt with the name and face of a black baseball, uh, “hero”.

      I thought, Is this the best they can do? Are there no white athletes to look up to anymore? Why would this family (no doubt thinking itself very enlightened) give its young son a black sports “hero” to look to as a role model? And starting so young!

      And, more importantly, WHO tells them that this is a “hero” that they should look up to?

      No doubt, they’ll be thrilled when their daughter comes home, in another ten years, with LeShuan on her arm — or at least pregnant with Le Shuan’s baby, even if LeShuan is no longer anywhere around. Well, they asked for it.

    3. Adam Says:

      You know what might save Voice of Reason bandwidth?

      Create bittorrent files of each new show, as well as the archives of older shows. This distributes the upload/download burden to other people.

      The only thing people who seed or share these files should be mindful of is that the bad guys will have your IP address, so probably not a good idea to do it from work!

      You should also have a low bandwidth MP3 version available for download for those on dialup and using proxies.