25 August, 2008

UK: Former Parliament Member Dies

Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, jewed culture, jewed law, Jewish politicians, Socrates at 7:10 pm | Permanent Link

Leo Abse, who helped liberalize Britain, was a Jew – you’re surprised, aren’t you?


  • 3 Responses to “UK: Former Parliament Member Dies”

    1. Sgt. Skull Says:

      I’m shocked…..shocked! I also think we’d find most of the gentile traitors in America to have some jewish blood.

    2. ein Says:

      BBC: Social reformer Leo Abse dies

      Mr Abse was the son of Rudolf Abse, a Jewish solicitor and cinema owner who lived in Cardiff. On his website, Mr Abse (who was born in Cardiff in 1917) was described as being politically active from an early age.

      He became a solicitor and founded his practice, Leo Abse and Cohen, based in south Wales, in 1951. It now employs around 150 people and has offices in Swansea,, Newport, and Cardiff, where it is one of the …biggest solicitor firms. He was both the founding partner and a former senior partner of the firm. In a statement, the firm said: “The partners and everyone at Leo Abse and Cohen are deeply saddened by the news.”

      Mr Abse guided a Private Member’s Bill through Parliament in 1967 that legalised sex between men. He was also credited with helping to liberalise divorce laws through the 1969 Divorce Reform Act.

      [He] had two children: Tobias, a lecturer in European History, and Bathsheba, one-time curator of the Keats Museum in Rome, now married to an Italian diplomat.
      Abse? I certainly wouldn’t have taken it for a Welsh name! I don’t even know what it is. Some Welshman! Too bad the Welsh (and English too) don’t have their own representatives. When will they get some real democratic representation?
      Our present-day democracy has been subverted to mean representation by Jewish (or Jewish-controlled) politicians and mind-control by Jewish media.

      Are we surprised? Should we be?

      These modern marranos keep emerging from out of the woodwork — sometimes very surprisingly, other times not. Often it’s not til after death. Not that Leo was any surprise, in his case, but I find that very often some of the most surprising revelations (of who were the worst enemies in our midst) come from reading the obituaries. Until then, you never really know.

    3. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Both main political parties in Britain, Labour and Conservative, are infested with and controlled by jews.

      White British people have made it clear since the 1950’s that they do not want colored immigration, yet the invasion continues year on year.