Solzhenitsyn Dies
Posted by Socrates in Bolsheviks, history, jewed culture, jewish criminality, Russia, Socrates, Solzhenitsyn, Soviet holocaust at 7:30 pm | 
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who alerted much of the Western world to the Soviet-committed holocaust via his book “The Gulag Archipelago,” is dead at 89. A later Solzhenitsyn book which details the Jewish role in that Soviet holocaust – called “Two Hundred Years Together” – has yet to be published in English “for some strange reason”:
4 August, 2008 at 12:45 am
R.I.P.–Someone’s begun an English translation here:
4 August, 2008 at 12:13 pm
The jew Anatoly Rybakov has never had the last two books of his “Children of the Arbat” trilogy published in English. Could it be that his characterization of his fellow jew communists was a little too close for comfort—even if he did not name the jew.
It’s worth remembering that the jew Rybakov has written a holocaust novel of some sort about jews in Russia(?) during WWII. Even that subject is too hot to handle from a jew viewpoint.
6 August, 2008 at 12:29 pm
Isn’t it odd that Solzhenitsyn was actually stripped of his citizenship in the 1970’s and dumped outside the borders of the Soviet Union. Now the he is being given a state funeral as a national hero with full honors by the new Russia. Just maybe this could be a preview of what is in store for the persecuted white racialists in the West like Matt Hale. The tide will eventually turn and White civil rights advocates like Hale will someday be hailed as heroes ahead of their time.
6 August, 2008 at 10:55 pm
His two-volume history of the Jews in Russia, Dvesti let vmeste (Two Hundred Years Together, 2002), caused renewed controversy, resuscitating charges of covert anti-Semitism that had appeared now and again (usually maliciously) throughout his career. In fact his view on the subject was a complex and nuanced one, as was only to be expected of a man whose second wife was Jewish, and whose three sons from that marriage had been brought up in the Judaic faith.
8 August, 2008 at 2:08 pm
just finished reading the French translation of Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together (2003) on Russian-Jewish relations since 1772 in two volumes (still no English translation available…”are we powerful or what?”). It’s both a quick and fascinating read; among other things, we learn that not only the October 1917 Revolution (really a just a well-organized, well-carried out Jewish coup) was dominated by Jewish agitators (a documented fact) but so was the 1905 Revolution (something I didn’t know). We also learn from the grand old man the awe-inspiring extent of the Jewish domination of the Soviet Union during its first two decades of existence, including its ruthless and murderous internal security system: Tcheka, OGPU, NKGB, and NKVD. A Russian in the hands of the Tcheka, etc. was almost certain to be in the hands of Jewish torturers and executioners. The litany of Jewish crimes committed against the long-suffering Russians (and other Slavic peoples: Ukrainians and Belarussians) and coldly listed by the author is simply nauseating and one should approach both volumes on an empty stomach. To this day there has been no acknowledgment on the part of international Jewry of Jews’ overwhelming support of the Bolshevik dictatorship during its first two decades. No asking for forgiveness. No reparations paid out to Russians. No chest-beating. No calls for repentance. No nothing…how un-Jewish that would be! Those few, rare Jewish voices who dared to speak out about the Jewish role in the establishment of the communist terror machine in Russia were inevitably greeted with hostility and enmity by other Jews and told to shut their “self-hating” mouths. It must also be remembered that it was Russian Jewry that saved the Bolshevik “experiment” in the early days when the old order civil servants went on a general strike to protest Bolshevik methods and measures. When that happened, educated and sympathetic Russian Jews were able to step in and literally save the nascent Bolshevik administration.
Another interesting aspect brought up by the author concerns the so-called era of “National Bolshevism” (a real misnomer) allegedly inaugurated by Stalin. Solzhenitsyn points out that Stalin was as much hostile to Russian interests as Lenin and Trotsky. How many millions of Russian peasants and Russian Orthodox clergy perished under Stalin? To speak of a Russian nationalism on the part of Stalin is simply laughable when one considers the slaughter accompanying Stalin’s and Kaganovich’s collectivisation and religious persecutions. Additionally, Jews continued to be overrepresented at all levels of the Soviet bureaucracy (including their overwhelming participation in the administration of the Gulag system) during Stalin’s years at the helm.
Furthermore, Solzhenitsyn speaks of his personal contacts with Soviet Jews and their typical detached relativism on all issues, including communist crimes with their tens of millions of victims. However, all that cool, intellectual relativism and reluctance to see the world in black and white terms would disappear in the blink of an eye as soon as Hitlerism was mentioned. Another example of Jewish hypocrisy highlighted by the author concerns Jews admonishing Russians (namely Solzhenitsyn) to reject generalisations regarding Jews and aspects of the Jewish character at the same time that they would form and propagate the most negative opinions on the Russian character and how it was the Russians’ fault that the fundamentally noble communist experiment failed, etc., etc., etc.. Expressing generalisations about Russians while demandind from them that they abstain from seeing in Jews some distinct personality traits is very Jewish and pure chuzpah. Nothing is ever the Jews’ fault. It’s always someone else’s fault. One standard for the Jews, another standard for the goyim.
See also Jews in Russia.
Lots of good comments in that thread.