22 August, 2008

Illuminati Roots

Posted by Socrates in Illuminati, jew mentality, Jew World Order, Socrates at 10:32 pm | Permanent Link

The topic of how the Jews used secret/semi-secret societies to worm their way into gentile high society probably should be talked about more, since it builds a stronger case against the Jews. However, some WNs feel that talk of the Illuminati sounds too “conspiratorial” to newbies:


  • 42 Responses to “Illuminati Roots”

    1. New America Says:

      This is a much stronger point than many realize.

      VOR’s Peter Schaenk put forth the proposition that all of the “NWO/secret societies” are simply variations on themes from the Talmud, including the ever-misunderstood 33rd degree of “Freemasonry.”

      This might be understood a bit more clearly if we see that these people, who “are of their father, the Devil,” rule by misdirection. This is part of the pattern; give the goyim one part of Truth, and then, having gained their confidence, lead them off The Path – ever so slowly, ever so softly.

      An example of this can be seen in studies of the Kabbalah, currently a fad among certain mass media stars.

      All of these are simply derived from the Talmud, which is the Jewish manual of low-intensity warfare.

      Finally. we see, in these “secret societies” – various Forms of Freemasony, such as the “Shriners” – the outworking of Evil in that they lead to what Judaism is – literally, the EXACT opposite of Christianity.

      Have you ever listened to the Patriotards talk about these vast, secret societies?

      They talk all around the ONE common element they all have in common:

      They are Jewish, pure and simple.

      Never give up.

      Never surrender.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    2. -jc Says:

      And that is why the so called Patriot Movement is unquestionably infiltrated by disinformation specialists and patriots for profit, propagandizing with much absurd disinformation that has an appealing element of truth, e.g., you aren’t required to pay income taxes and should be publicly advocating the violent overthrow of the government, that gets their newbies in trouble with the IRS and police. The maybe percent and a half that might follow the half-percent of real leaders are duped, neutralized, and on the radar.

      Consider, too, “service” clubs, starting in government high schools and ending for some people by networking professionally in something almost universally regarded as respectable such as rotary Rotary, for example.

      One Rotarian I knew, a financial planner– a euphemism for a confidence man specializing in stealing the inheritance of widows and orphans, apparently a Sephardic Jew, claimed he had been friends with a deceased big shot Rabbi. He had quite a few big Jews as clients. Many of those with whom he did business whom he knew through Rotary were not Jews however. There are many so called gentiles in Judeo-freemasonry, too, especially government and police officials.

      Finally, I observed how the bastard operated ostensibly trusting and installing other Rotarians as if they had some secret handshake, nod, and death oath, such that they ended up in control of the finances of a solid corporation and almost sacking it before they were exposed.

      Outfits like Rotary and the Shriners give money to scholarships and crippled children’s hospitals, etc., and that is what they beat their collective chests about in front of the public and newbies.

    3. Antagonistes Says:

      Well, it sounds like Anton LaVey (founder of the “Church of Satan”) stuff to me–very cheesy.

    4. ein Says:

      Anton LaVey???? Oh, you must mean Howard Stanton Levey, son of Michael Joseph Levey, a liquor distributor from Omaha.

    5. Antagonistes Says:

      Anton Szandor LaVey, founder of the (shudder!) Church of Satan!

      Author of (plug your ears!) The Satanic Bible!

      (Sounds of demonic wailing and ghostly moaning!)

      LaVey and all these nefarious masonic people are simply boys who have not grown up.

    6. Heinrich Himmler Jr. Says:

      LaVey’s real last name was Levy, a JEW……….. The subject of Jews infiltrating goy society through secret organizations is an intriguing one, but there is so much bullshit and con-spiracy theory mixed into the subject that it’s almost impossible to distinguish fact from fantasy.

      However, it IS a fact that many Jews marry into rich, prominent Goy families in order to secure the Goy families’ fortune and move up the social ladder. That’s why Jews married into the Gore and Kennedy Dynasties, for example. Also, Jewish men, like most Negro males (Quincy Jones, Sidney Poitier, Sammy Davis, Jr., OJ Simpson), find the women of their own tribe unappealing and would rather have sexual relations with a SHIKSA. Their offspring will be more attractive, too.

    7. New America Says:

      in reply to jc, and Antagonistes:

      Antagonistes wrote:

      Well, it sounds like Anton LaVey (founder of the “Church of Satan”) stuff to me–very cheesy.

      in reply:
      jc extended the point to where it really matters – the day to day operations of political systems.

      On the outside, everyone sees the cleverly constructed Facades – the color uniform and fez of the Shriners, for example – and look at the publicly touted charities.

      On the Inside, what you see is, in effect, a derivative of Real Power.

      Someone Else laid out the Plan for you; how many levels, what secret words, what secret signs, and gave you a false religion designed to replace even Judeo-Christianity with Unitarianism masked as Christian Universalism.

      All the while, you get ever further from the reality of RACE as an organizing social principle – RACE, where the Power of Creation can manifest for a much better world.

      When my cousin applied to get a position in law enforcement, an old friend of the family took him aside and said he should join the local Masonic lodge – he REALLY should.

      He was told that the police officers, the judiciary, and the attorneys – all of the attorneys who mattered – were members of the Lodge.

      Yes, The System is wired.

      I no longer pay any attention to the Patriotards, all of whom look ever more closely at people and organizations they do not understand, for they fail to see the common element binding all of them – Judaism, as a RACIAL strategy, which is designed to control ALL other Races, but in particular, the WHITE RACE.

      This is a RACIAL WAR we have been drafted into, most of us quite unknowingly.

      We should learn from the examples of the demons-known-as-Jews, who have been in a RACIAL WAR against us since they were spawned from their Father, the Devil.

      A friend of mine said one of the first things you do is a Masonic Lodge is have a yoke – a noose – placed around your neck, and you are “yoked” into the Lodge.

      The “yoke” also means you are a Servant of those who control the yoke…

      Never give up.

      Never surrender.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. ein Says:

      it IS a fact that many Jews marry into rich, prominent Goy families in order to secure the Goy families’ fortune and move up the social ladder. That’s why Jews married into the Gore and Kennedy Dynasties

      Thanks for that. I didn’t know about Gore (although I know his father worked for Armand Hammer). I’m always learning something new every day! But how about also the father of John – uh – “Kerry”? [Kohn]

      Also, Jewish men, like most Negro males (Quincy Jones, Sidney Poitier, Sammy Davis, Jr., OJ Simpson), find the women of their own tribe unappealing.
      Their offspring will be more attractive, too.

      Apparently, Jewish women feel the same. Look at Barbara Streisand. After achieving immense Hollywood wealth and power, when able to be her own person and write her own ticket, whom did she snare for a husband? Pierce Brosnan! But she’s too old for him to give her a halfbreed child. What a waste of a good white man. She’ll just keep him as a trophy husband.

    9. ED! Says:

      I have known that information over thirty years. It only matters what happened then because of it’s effect today. Strip away all wraps and what do you have, Talmudist Jews with Gentile enforcers. They needed to hang then, and they need to hang NOW! Secret societies are like governments, take away the people and all you may have left over is an idea of structure or organization on paper. It is the people who cause the trouble and not the idea of structure. When Jews conspire should it surprise anyone. For a sick White Nation to regain it’s health is simple, remove all non Whites most of all the Jews! The reason we refer to a nation as a host when discussing the Jews is that for the most part Jews are an INFECTION!


    10. ein Says:

      the common element binding all of them – Judaism, as a RACIAL strategy, which is designed to control ALL other Races, but in particular, the WHITE RACE.

      This is a RACIAL WAR we have been drafted into, most of us quite unknowingly.

      Yes, it is indeed. From my own personal experience and observation, the Jews are obsessed with CONTROL. Maintaining control over the gentiles. Keeping them in line. Even when they are in a ratio of perhaps 1 to 50, or even less, they make a point to insinuate themselves into positions of CONTROL.

      Management positions, union positions, political positions, even positions in neighborhood organizations! — they ALWAYS manage to be in the position of power, controlling everyone else around them.

      Last month, at the Hilton in San Francisco, there was a convention of a municipal employees’ union. (AFSCME, I think.) The union members were overwhelmingly black. But up in the (very pricey) VIP Lounge on the Executive Level, there were the management people holding forth and enjoying their perks. They were NY City Jews, not blacks! Nothing unusual, of course. I’ve seen it all before.

      When I once visited my mother’s elderly great-aunt in a little coal mining town up in the Appalachians, she casually mentioned something about having to call Mayor Kauffman. Kauffman? — an unusual name for that area. I asked her if he was a Jew? Yes, he was. (It meant nothing to her. And I’m sure it meant nothing to the townspeople.) This, in a town that probably didn’t have a dozen Jews! But a Jew was the mayor. I have found the same phenomenon many times since, in similar towns in odd places like Kansas and Kentucky, towns which have hardly any Jews — but a Jew is somehow always the Mayor, and he speaks for the whole town. Control is their obsession.

    11. New America Says:

      in reply to ein:

      You have brought forward a point I mentioned in an earlier discussion with Hoosier, and that is this:

      I have NEVER had a Jew start a casual conversation with me.

      ALL conversations that THEY started were aimed at focusing my Mind in a certain direction, and putting forward an action they wanted me to perform.

      Always – no exceptions.

      COMPREHENSION: On every Saturday, the Jews meet and remind each other of how WE are animals to be controlled, and they discuss those control systems.

      To them, it’s all about Control – and they never have enough.

      Never give up.

      Never surrender.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    12. New America Says:

      And THIS is what I hate, most of all, about the Patriotards, and their ever more elaborate secret conspiracy theories.

      They do so, because to go straight for the truth – this IS a RACE WAR, and the Jews are winning by default – would remind them of how impotent they are.

      In turn, this acceptance of impotence is a reflection of how well the Jews have done their job – they can not conceptualize that it is THEIR Power the demons-known-as-Jews have harnessed, with thoughts lighter than feathers, and more powerful than a locomotive.

      So, they crack back on the applejack, and wait for Sky God Pierce, or Sky God Rockwell, to return and make things right.

      God forbid the lazy, fat bastards should turn off the tv set – what? not watch Kobe Bryant? – and start to get into shape, and develop their minds and their skills for the sake of their Posterity.

      Here’s the clue phone these worthless bastards should answer:

      One day, this country will be broke, and all of the claims these bastards made on the income and assets of their grandchildren will be reduced to nothing…

      And so will they.

      Never give up.

      Never surrender.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    13. Heinrich Himmler Jr. Says:

      Herr Ein…….

      You make a good point about JEWESSES who would rather have a Goy husband (what’s the Yiddish word for that?). Tori Spelling is married to a Goy Boy Toy, for example. The politicians Howard Dean and Mike Dukakis probably married their YENTA wives for the sake of currying favor with Jewish voters.

      However, I think Babs Streisand is married to James Brolin, who, if I’m not mistaken, is a fellow Jew. Babs Walters, another Princess, claims she had an affair with the mulatto Mass. Senator Ed Brooke.

      So I guess many Hebresses will try to avoid contact with the males of their species, too. If this keeps, up, soon there will be no more Jewish race!

    14. Whitepride Says:

      I think there is something to these conspiracy theories. I think David Icke just might be on to something. We need to focus on the reptiles and not ‘the jews.’

    15. ein Says:

      However, I think Babs Streisand is married to James Brolin, who, if I’m not mistaken, is a fellow Jew.

      Oops! Was I mistaken about that? I should have checked my facts first. Got my Brosnans and Brolins mixed up. Thanks.

      However, on checking Brolin’s bio now, I see nothing there to indidicate that the good-looking 6’4″ Brolin, son of a building contractor, is a Jew. Maybe though. Who knows? But there’s no hint of it.

      At any rate, our observations about Jewesses who can afford the best and their’ taste for Goy Toys remains valid. And I thank you for the other samples which I didn’t know — Tory Spelling, for instance.

    16. ein Says:

      We need to focus on the reptiles and not ‘the jews.’

      What is this nonsense about “reptiles”?
      I think Whitepride is leading us (misleading us) down a false path.
      Sorry, Whitepride, I don’t buy it. You’ll have to do better than that.

    17. zwei Says:

      Talk of “Illuminati”/masonry is the discourse-equivalent of that dude in the swastika shirt at the Kirksville rally: no one will take you seriously. And rightfully so; paranoia about “Illuminati” dates from the 18th century, we have no business carrying it into the 21st. Kevin MacDonald doesn’t care or write about it, and people take him seriously, so I’m pretty sure that means writing about “Illuminati” is a formula for not being taken seriously. Basically, the dude(s) running this blog need to learn self-control in what they post. Not EVERYTHING construable as anti-Jewish is useful or necessary; much of it is outdated, irrelevant, and harmful to getting the message across to the unenlightened. You won’t grab anyone with burning headlines about Weishaupt’s (alleged) ancestry or “Judeo-Bolshevik freemasonry”. Stick to modernity, stick to what confronts the modern white man every day of his life. Mucking about in the past like this is, without meaning to insult, just retarded. But then this will probably be censored anyway (where am I, a a mainstream news outlet?) …

    18. New America Says:

      in reply to zwei:

      You made some points worthy of further discussion.

      you wrote:

      Talk of “Illuminati”/masonry is the discourse-equivalent of that dude in the swastika shirt at the Kirksville rally: no one will take you seriously. And rightfully so; paranoia about “Illuminati” dates from the 18th century, we have no business carrying it into the 21st. Kevin MacDonald doesn’t care or write about it, and people take him seriously, so I’m pretty sure that means writing about “Illuminati” is a formula for not being taken seriously.

      you wrote:
      The larger issue is that no one comes directly to full-bore Intelligent White Nationalism. Many came from Republican Conservatism, Libertarianism, and various other essentially manipulated fringer groups.

      Foremost among these are the Patriotards.

      They are the ones who subscribe to the American Free Press, and have long believed in unseens, transnational conspiracies, and most of these conspiracies are the projections of the ignorant, trying helplessly to make sense of the lies they have been told.

      Many of them pay attention to various manifestations of what they believe to be “The Illuminati.”

      Most of them are not only mistaken, but sadly mistaken.

      Demographically, by the way, the also seem to be overly interested in Bigfoot, and UFO’s.

      More on why that matters directly.

      you wrote:

      Basically, the dude(s) running this blog need to learn self-control in what they post. Not EVERYTHING construable as anti-Jewish is useful or necessary; much of it is outdated, irrelevant, and harmful to getting the message across to the unenlightened. You won’t grab anyone with burning headlines about Weishaupt’s (alleged) ancestry or “Judeo-Bolshevik freemasonry”.

      in reply:
      No one ever said “EVERYTHING construable as anti-Jewish is useful or necessary,” and no one will.

      It is vitally important to see how thoroughly the demonic Jews spoil every society in which they gain power, as they make society over in their Image, and this pattern of behavior extends to ALL elements of society.

      A broad view is very necessary.

      VNN supplies it, and we need it.

      you wrote:

      Stick to modernity, stick to what confronts the modern white man every day of his life. Mucking about in the past like this is, without meaning to insult, just retarded. But then this will probably be censored anyway (where am I, a a mainstream news outlet?) …

      in reply:
      But ‘what confronts the modern white man every day of his life” came from Somewhere, and it is useful to learn from the patterns and practices of the most successful (parasitic) Race on the planet – the demons-known-as-Jews.

      That takes me to The Larger Issues:

      The Conspiracy Theorists simply get stuck at the level of feeling knowledgeable about The Conspiracy, which is then seen as so powerful, so subtle, so massive, that all they can do about it is to…study it, from their safe little house, with a bottle of applejack in one hand, and a big bag of Fritos in the other, silently watching Kobe Bryant or the NFL Channel.

      If you look at the demography of American Free Press readers, and Alex Jones listeners, you will find a lot of overlap with people who read about Bigfoot, and read about UFO, and can talk about them at length.

      Mind you, they don’t actually HAVE personal experience with Bigfoot, or the UFO people, but, damn, they can talk about them all day long, with the rap fascination of children on Christmas morning.

      Same thing for the Patriotards.

      They can TALK about “The Insiders,” The International Bankers,” The Illuminati,” all day long, but they never DO anything about them.

      Because, to attempt to do so would be a stunning reminder of their impotence, and their helplessness.

      Reread that last sentence.

      White Nationalism, in turn, has failed because converting to Wehite Nationalism is not unlike a religious conversion – you finally listen to a “small, still Voice.”

      Most don’t have the patience for that, or the discipline to develop that patience.

      So, they go back to the System Designed and Supported Distractions – Budweiser, barbeque, and Kobe Bryant replays.

      We face Insurmountable Opportunities.

      I have to give full credit to Linder for his miraculous cleaning up of the VNN Forum. It might actually become what it should have been – the Source for Intelligent, Active White Nationalism.

      Don’t talk about the Illuminati; hell, BE the New Enlightened Ones, for our RACE!

      More to follow.

      Never give up.

      Never surrender.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    19. Whitepride Says:

      ein Says:

      24 August, 2008 at 7:11 am

      We need to focus on the reptiles and not ‘the jews.’

      What is this nonsense about “reptiles”?
      I think Whitepride is leading us (misleading us) down a false path.
      Sorry, Whitepride, I don’t buy it. You’ll have to do better than that.

      That was sarcasm; just joking around.

    20. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:

      Zwei is right. Iluminati talk muddies the water and would be a turn off to anyone searching for the truth. There are many cogent arguments to be made today based upon verifiable facts, that a person can prove to himself about who is in control, and why we are losing our White nations.

      One good example of this when talking to a young, White person is to point out how White men are ridiculed and scorned on the jew- owned television. Show him specific examples, like the WAMU ads of a year ago, where older, White males are herded into a cage with a young, hip, black being the new role model for modern banking. Show this person who owns Hollywood and how the movies are anti-White. Show him advertisements sent through the mail that consistently pair a young, White female with a non-White. Name the ad agencies and show that most are jew-owned and located in New York City. Teach him who is overwhelmingly involved in the porn industry, and who is making the megabucks off of young, White, soulness women who will do anything for money.

      Teach the newbie White about our dwindling numbers world-wide. Teach him who has brainwashed our people to be so demoralized as to no longer reproduce in large numbers. Tell him who is behind our immigration laws that allow hordes of non-Whites into our country thereby destroying our culture.

      Also, tell him about AIPAC and the neo-con jews who are in virtual control of our government, and how most of our modern wars are either for Israel or being financed by jews. Name those Kikes, so that when he turns on the jewtube he can link the jewnames with the jewfaces.

      Finally, teach the young White pride in our history. Watch him stand taller and straighten his back when you prove to him that ANYTHING worthwhile and great that has been accomplished in the history of mankind has been due to the genius of the White man.

      If you do all of the above, there is little need for talk of an Illuminati or Freemasonry. It woke this ol’ girl up, and will wake up others too.

    21. ein Says:

      “That was sarcasm; just joking around.”

      Glad to hear it.

      Frankly, I think all this reptilian stuff is not only misleading, distracting, diversionary nonsense — sheer embarassing idiocy — but that David Icke is probably insane. (I can think of no other plausible explanation.)

      And, as CCC says, it only muddies the water. It makes any discussion into which it’s permitted to enter, simply laughable.

    22. ED! Says:

      Had I thought of the come and here website I would mentioned in my early post. More proof that Jooodeeeism is a disease!


    23. ein Says:

      As CCC says:

      When talking to a young White person, point out how White men are ridiculed and scorned on the jew-owned television
      Show him ads that consistently pair a young, White female with a non-White [male].
      Teach him who is overwhelmingly involved in the porn industry,
      Teach him about our dwindling numbers. Teach him who has brainwashed and demoralized our people so as to no longer reproduce.
      Tell him who is behind our immigration laws.
      Tell him about AIPAC and the neo-con jews who are in virtual control of our government.

      And so on … and so on … and so on…..

      Any ONE of these crimes against us, taken from the above list, would be sufficient condemnation of the perpetrators. Inevitably, someone will always rush to say that just one such instance (e.g.. Jews in the porn industry) could be merely a coincidence.

      Yes, it could be. Perhaps. In one case. But when ALL of these offenses point unanimously in the same direction, to the same group of conspirators lurking in the wings, then you have a MASSIVE INDICTMENT of that particular subversive group which has been consistently promoting them.

      That group is as corrosive and destructive as any poison could be. Indeed, they ARE a poison — a poison that has gotten deeply into our system. And they are, quite literally, killing us.

    24. Whitepride Says:

      Frankly, I think all this reptilian stuff is not only misleading, distracting, diversionary nonsense — sheer embarassing idiocy — but that David Icke is probably insane. (I can think of no other plausible explanation.) – ein

      Personally I tend to think that Icke is a con-man; peddling his squalid wares to the credulous and the weak-minded. He makes a buck off the, for many, growing, still fully in-articulated sense that the life of our people is slipping away. Despicable.

    25. Chris Says:

      David Icke is a useful example of how the Jews like to control all sides of debate. By making it look like Icke is anti-semitic – witness his ‘confrontation’ with the ADL in the video ‘Jews & Lizards’- sets him up as an opposing force which then leads the unwary into the dead end of ridiculous conspiracy theories. Many are attracted to Icke’s lizard ‘theory’, despite its unverifiable nature, because they are too lazy to demand evidence and seek only exotic entertainment. Having tapped this lucrative source of gullibility, Icke is milking it for all he’s worth.

    26. ED! Says:



    27. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Maybe his real name is KICKE.

    28. New America Says:

      in reply to Zwei:

      Yet, the demography that leads to VNN comes from the places I mentioned, and they are stuck in a world that never really was, but they compensate for THEIR indifference to the future of their Posterity, the foundation of our Race, by doing…nothing.

      After all, “The Conspiracy” is so vast, and so powerful.

      This, in spite of the fact that “The Conspiracy” lives off of the power of the indifferent.

      Full kudos to Kevin MacDonald for his efforts, but they have not been translated into a form that the average man can understand. much less act upon.

      Robert Griffin’s excellent website suggests some issues worthy of discussion, and action.

      National Salvation Dot Net, the bob Whitaker sister site, discusses all of the issues in a framework we can relate to.

      That takes us to your main point.

      Your right, the junk to signal ratio is way out balance, and yet, a lot of things CAN be done – look at the list to your left for the “Open Thread,” for some.

      I see a sea change taking place in White Nationalism, and it is all to the good.

      Seeing the growth and enforcement of thoughtcrime regulations, and laws, have forced us to accept the fact that yesterday is over, and the soft, comforting Illusions of Yesterday have vanished like mist in the hard light of day.

      No one is going to help us.

      No one is coming to our aid.

      Sky God Pierce, Sky God Rockwell, Sky God Uncle Adolph, all used the tools they had to address the needs of the moment before them.

      ALL would do things very differently if they came back today.

      The closest we have to a comprehensive answer is the Northwest Quadrology of Harold Covington, especially, “A Distant Thunder,” all of which are available for free online. Yes, even the hardest drinking “Bud ‘n’ BBQ” “Movement Leader” can afford them.

      If anyone’s ideas for solutions on any scale do not fit in Covington’s Analytical Framework, they are wrong.

      In truth, the Obama Campaign has crystallized the importance of taking the next step for all of us, while we can…

      Everyone that could matters is getting serious.

      Even Linder is cleaning up VNN’s Forum at a wonderful rate. This experiment in democracy is seen for what is was – proof that democracy does not work, past very small organizations, and usually, not even then.

      (Parenthetically, Linder COULD have a tag on the tag list to your right, entitled “What Is To Be Done.” Just an idea.)

      Metzger is doing Socratic dialogues with his associate, “Tommy Gun,” and has realized the problem is not with them – the problem is with us, for allowing this state of affairs to develop.

      In short, rather than simply blaming the demons-known-as-Jews, Metzger realizes they are just doing what parasites always do – stripping the bones of the carcass of the dead, and the dying.

      Metzger realizes we can DO SOMETHING about this, but first, we have DO SOMETHING about ourselves, and those who do that will become the Vanguard of the RACE, with explicitly RACIAL thinking governing their thoughts, words, and deeds.

      (Parenthetically, Metzger’s website could use a little help. A simply link checker would reveal he has many broken links on his site. Simply housekeeping…)

      VOR’s Peter Schenk has done a masterful series dealing with just how the demonic Judaics took over this country without firing a shot.

      (Parenthetically, VOR should just have one thread for all of Peter’s shows. This will help the newbies to get up to speed fairly quickly.)

      Our Focus has to be on the Creation and Formation of a Nation – a WHITE Nation, that will be wherever White people are. This might, in time, take the Form of a Country – a Republic – in a future United States of America but we can learn from the examples of the demons-known-as-Jews, and place out thoughts in the context of developing our Selves, and in time, our Families, to be worthy of inclusion in this White Country, in a Nation formed of, by, and for, the White RACE.

      Linder was right when, in a past GoyFire, he noted that if our Constitutional “right” of Free Association was allowed, and any state in the Union could be made WHITE ONLY, then, no matter how desolate the State – Hell, make it Montana! – you would see the greatest land rush in American history.

      You are seeing him being proved correct in the example of post-Rodney King Southern California.

      If they had a Whitelandia to go to, they would ALL be gone to Whitelandia – Hell, they would live in their cars to be in an all-White land.

      Linder’s new focus on excellence is to be applauded.

      We are, like it or not, pretty much the only people intelligently considering these issues, and what to do about it. Stormfront is trying to be the American version of the BNP.

      They will fail.

      The OLD VNN had a lot of good articles and commentaries dealing with the issue of forming a new nation – Arch Stanton did a lot of solid, groundwork on this.

      Yet, VNN has lost good people, who are probably ready to return, in some small measure, now that the Forum is an ADULT ONLY area, and the legitimate fear of Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom harvesting IP addresses is gone – forever.

      Two quick concluding observations, for now:

      All of us should do our mp3’s in 16; those who have great speaking voices – Shank, Linder – can do them in 24.

      Way too many of them are going out above that; even the work of Western Voices World News is of no value if it can not be downloaded by our people on dial-up, which most of us are on.

      Finally, when Kevin Alfred Strom returns to us, he should look at the excellent series of YouTube videos done by the Church of Scientology as models for getting OUR message out.

      THAT would be extremely productive work, indeed.

      Never give up.

      Never surrender.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    29. ein Says:

      In short, rather than simply blaming the …Jews, Metzger realizes they are just doing what parasites do — stripping the bones of the carcass of the dead and the dying.

      An interesting analogy. And yet, to be precise, true “parasites” don’t eat the dead. They only feed off something that is still living — preferably a victim that is sickly and weakened and unable to resist. After it’s dead, they move on.

      But, Jews are aggressive. They do MORE than what mere parasites do. Unlike ordinary bottom-feeders that feed upon dead and decaying meat, they are also responsible for killing their victims first.

      Maggots and vultures don’t kill their victim and then devour it. They just wait for it to die. But Jews hasten it along.

      It is in the interest of any clever parasite to keep its host alive. That makes Jews predators as well as parasites. They destroy, glut themselves, and then move on.

    30. ein Says:

      You both forget that bodies decompose by the action of parasitic microorganisms. But the analogy is really too grisly to be of any use, so let’s forget it.

      I’ve forgotten nothing. You didn’t read my statement: ” true parasites don’t eat the dead. They feed upon something that is living.” They steal their nourishment from another living creature. Yes, microorganisms break down carcases, but they are not parasites.

      Sorry, I find that the parasite analogy is extremely valid, and I’ve written about it here before. It’s very important. Indeed, I think it may be more a fact than just a mere analogy! You’re free to disagree if you like

      “Cleaning up the forum …. no one will ever take it seriously, and nothing serious has ever come of it. Linder is too weak in his organizational ability.”

      “the old guard WNs, Linder, like-minded Burkean patriotards, and paleocons all come together in intellectual retardation.

      I notice that you are consistently critical. I hope you are here to serve some constructive purpose.

    31. New America Says:

      in reply to Zwei:

      you wrote:

      I don’t believe the average man is a target. The average man … well, enough vitriol has been poured on his head, and still he is what he is. Our thing is for marginals.

      in reply:
      This is the same point that Pierce made.

      The “marginals,” in the positive meaning of the term, are the only ones that get anything done.

      What’s left of the middle class – and that is not going to be here for much longer – would just as soon turn and rend us, with their intellectual and moral cowardice masked by the claims of principled morality.

      you wrote:

      That said, I think Linder should capitalize on some of the genuinely serviceable writers who frequent these comment-corrals in the construction of a homogeneous, if basically flawed, “line” for the average man who can’t afford $120 for MacDonald’s trilogy (CoC is available online in PDF though) or follow even that.

      in reply:
      I hope Linder can attract Geoff Beck into doing his mp3 commentaries.

      Good people came here, and good people left, in horror at having to try to communicate with others in the VNN Forum, where people who were little more than oxygen thieves were allowed to prove Gresham’s Law applies to people, as well as currency.

      Bad people drive out good people.

      How many looked at VNN Forum, saw the intellectual equivalent of an elementary school food fight, and said, “No.”

      you wrote:

      Cleaning up the forum …. no one will ever take it seriously, and nothing serious has ever come of it. Linder is too weak in his organizational ability. He prides himself on staying in the background, but what’s needed is a little demagoguery to pick through the natural talent Linder always used to say he was trying to attract, which he has very seldom acknowledged or put to use.

      in reply:
      Nothing serious came from the old VNN forum, because it did not attract enough serious people.

      Serious people looked, and saw a virtually schizophrenic disconnect between the Linder who writes, and speaks, and the Linder who allows brain damaged losers to undermine their efforts.

      Undertakings that are lacking in seriousness, are not taken seriously.

      I remember, with horror to this day, a VNN FTL broadcast where the speaker, who was frighteningly ignorant, was so drunk that he literally – LITERALLY – passed out, on the air!

      THAT is what happens when you allow democratic egalitarianism to run amok.

      That is what is being removed from the VNN Forum.

      That the people who did make VNN FTL look good are now doing it over VOR speaks to the fact that the best of us are making something happen, somewhere.

      you wrote:

      Am I alone in thinking, e.g., that the VNN BLOG, misbegotten creature though it be, would at least be better off with a writer like New America constantly spinning away at everything passing under his eyes?

      in reply:
      The BLOG has the singular advantage of being intelligently moderated.

      That’s why people who engage in intelligent discussion – Bill White, Brutus, Sri Dass, Biff Baxter, the list goes on – posts over here, and not over there.

      The Common Theme for VNN must move in the direction defined so well by our best analyst, Harold Covington.

      We must start, where we are, and move towards the Creation of a new nation.

      Never give up!

      Never surrender!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    32. ein Says:

      One animal feeding off another: counts as parasitic action in my book.— Zwei

      Does that make you a parasite if you eat a piece of chicken?

      Liked those comments from NA about “oxygen thieves”, brain-damaged losers, food fights, and Gresham’s Law as applied to people. Right on the money!

      Yes, I have noticed an enormous improvement too. And so have others.

    33. ein Says:

      Does that make you a parasite if you eat a piece of chicken?

      If it were alive, sure.
      OK. We’re in agreement on that. :)

    34. New America Says:

      in reply to ein:

      you wrote:

      Liked those comments from NA about “oxygen thieves”, brain-damaged losers, food fights, and Gresham’s Law as applied to people. Right on the money!

      in reply:
      Linder seems to have realized that all of the efforts we have done come to naught when the first impression people have of VNN is when they go to the Forum, and see all manner of people they would not want to be in a room with.

      The fundamental integrity of Our Message is destroyed in a moment, and rebuilding our position is a long, hard struggle.

      That’s why I am framing everything in terms of the only model that works – Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model.

      To simply blame others for what has happened to us it to blame others for what WE ALLOWED To HAPPEN.

      The issues are, (1) “They” don’t care what we think, and (2) That philosophy reduces us to eternal victimhood.

      Take Metzger’s Analysis, and apply Burnham’s “Suicide of the West” analysis, and realize that when we stopped growing, we started dying – when the Western Soul turned inward, the power vacuum was filled by those of lower value, such as the illegals, and the crackhead niggers.

      Simple as that, really.

      So, we need to occupy ourselves with the fulfillment of a much greater Purpose than the gratification of our individual selves, and nothing works as well as the Model of laying the foundation of, and building a Homeland for, our Posterity – Our RACE!

      This is EXACTLY the motivation of the meanest Hebrew peddler, centuries ago; he, and his compatriots.

      They did not just cheat a gentile out a penny; in doing so, they were laying the foundation for developing the skills necessary for, and the financial power needed, to form the modern State of Israel.

      It worked for the Parasitic RACE, and it will work for the Creative RACE.

      you wrote:

      Yes, I have noticed an enormous improvement too. And so have others.

      in reply:
      I hope so.

      This is an example of what happens when the Light-stealing Parasites leave.

      The Light shines through, and the best of us have room to move forward, unencumbered by the rest of us – oxygen thieves, to a man.

      Linder made a very astute observation in one of his GoyFires, noting that “in politics, things can change very quickly.”

      I think that is happening, as the continual drumming in the media of the Obama Presidency, the desirability of the Obama Presidency, and the open contempt for the White RACE, in general, and the White RACE, in particular, are forcing our Kinsmen to look closely in the mirror and think One Question:

      “What Is To Be Done?”

      THAT is where Covington’s Northwest Analytical Model will define to goals, and some strategies, and VNN will define some strategies, and some tactics.

      Never give up.

      Never surrender.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    35. Gerald Edward Patrick Morris Says:

      The “Illuminati” were a mere academic movement during the latter 18th century, reaching the height of their influence under Adam Weisshaupt and claiming notable members such as Benny Franklin. Their influence was confined to some well written, penetrating works on how to seize power and keep it. As an organization, they didn’t amount to much.

      As was pointed out, all of these masonic pervert-pal kosher-kabals have in common masonic religious ideology and jew-grovelling, the REAL content and desired effect of these sick, satanic schisms. They are indeed the “synagogue of Satan” as is pharasaic jewry itself, which rules the masonic religion at the top.

      For giggles, combine the inverted pentacle of freemasonry with a jew star on top of it. One gets a kabalistic “Tree of Life” symbol if this is done properly. Now you know a little more about why these symbols are used. Not a big revelation that but….

      The Founding Syphylitic Negro-raping Judeophile Perverts of this “United States of America” FILTH were among the most utterly EVIL groups of hominids to ever assemble on this planet. “America” has NO redeeming qualities at all. Learn THAT lesson ye would-be Aryan Liberators and then proceed accordingly. The entire “white” identity as contrived by these founding masonic pervert-gangsters was an expressly JEWISH identity! Being “white” meant ACTING AND LIVING FOR AND LIKE JEWS! Thus, the Better Sorts, such as my own Aryan forebears from the Emerald Isle, were (and to this day are) classified as “white-niggers” by their jew-masonic oppressors. Same goes for other Euro-Aryans free from jew-masonic blight. Thus the deliberate cultural/historical lobotomization of these More ARYAN immigrants to “America” after the hateful pattern known to Tacitus in his writings on jews nigh 2 millenia ago. RECLAIM YOUR HERITAGE ARYAN MAN!


      HUMAN, NOT american,

      Gerald Edward Patrick Morris

    36. "High" Society = Jewntile Society Says:

      The topic of how the Jews used secret/semi-secret societies to worm their way into gentile high society probably should be talked about more…

      Why would the jews need to use the cloak and dagger approach?

      How hard could it be to infiltrate a segment of society that’s already crawling with plutocratic elitists who think, talk and act just like they do?

    37. New America Says:

      in reply to “High Society”:

      The jews used a “cloak and dagger approach” because there were formal, as well as informal, limits on Jewish control.

      For instance, there were quotas on the number of Jews who could attend Harvard – this, during the last century.

      This is useful for providing examples of how the Children-of-Satan-known-as-Jews infiltrate all of the Institutions of a society.

      Linder quoted the Great Insight of Chuck Pearson:

      Jews don’t take one side of an issue. They take ALL sides of an issue, and, in doing so, control the outcome of the argument, whichever way the arguments go.

      I’d like to tie this into the observations of Gerald Edward Patrick Morris, cited above, when he wrote:

      Thus the deliberate cultural/historical lobotomization of these More ARYAN immigrants to “America” after the hateful pattern known to Tacitus in his writings on jews nigh 2 millenia ago. RECLAIM YOUR HERITAGE ARYAN MAN!

      in reply:
      This astute observation, delivered with the two-fisted forthrightness that is the hallmark of VNN, ties in with VOR’s Peter Schaenk’s observation concerning the control of our Patriotards:

      Schaenk noted that Founders made numerous references to “The Lord” in their documents that founded the corporate entity, “The United States of America,” which allowed them, and the demonic Jews, to support the Jewish interpretation of “Lord,” which is, of course, “their Father, the Devil.”

      So, once again, we were Charlie Browned…

      The Answer, as always, comes from Harold Covington.

      The Jews always looked at the American country as a source of sheep to be shorn, and then turned into mutton, and the bones to be sold for fertilizer.

      All we have to do is:

      (1) begin to stop playing THEIR Game, by THEIR Rules, and…

      (2) shift our resources into Creating the foundation of our White NATION, and then, in time, our own Country.

      Let’s not mince words:

      America, as we knew it, is all but over, and the incredible indebtedness will work to ruin any positive economic future for our people.

      As well, both political parties want to legalize all of the illegals in America, and their families in Mexico.

      Thus, the Republicans are reduced to little more than a Southern rump party, perfect for snake-handlers, and plantation owners, and of little value to anyone else.

      Think the Self-Proclaimed “Greatest Generation” (SPGG) – your grandparents – would have supported Affirmative Action?

      They said they wouldn’t, but they damn sure didn’t stop it.

      How about using the 101st Airborne to forcibly integrate their public schools?

      How about passing “Civil Rights Acts,” and “Affordable Housing” legislation – all aimed at destroying their Way of Life?

      They damn sure didn’t stop it, and damn what they SAID they wanted.

      In short, at all points, the White Working Class has been “Charlie Browned” by the CONservatives, and the Republicans.

      For the newbies, “Charlie Browned” refers to the famous PEANUTS cartoons, where Charlie Brown ALWAYS goes to kick the football held by Lucy, who ALWAYS pulls the football away, leaving Charlie Brown lying on his back, as Lucy ends with her refrain, “YOU BLOCKHEAD, Charlie Brown!”

      The SPGG has been a flock of sheep.

      We must – and our Posterity must – become a pack of Wolves, starting with each of us, acting individually, with the long-term Goal of forming our own Country, as a Home for our own Nation.

      Covington’s Northwest Quadrology provides a perfect Analytical Model for all of us.

      Covington has also removed all of our excuses.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    38. "High" Society = Jewntile Society Says:

      There may have been some rivalry along the way, but the jews and their jewntile buddies have been friends and collaborators more often than not (their partnership during the slave trade era is a perfect example of this).

      Also, it should be noted that the evidence used to support the Illuminati theory is very weak.

      A lot of it appears to have been fabricated.

    39. Dildo Starr Says:


      -It doesn’t look like a terrible organization to me? Perhaps “enlightened.” If it is corrupted, it is from jewish subversion. There is no documentation that shows an “Illuminati” world domination plan.

      There is no evidence any criminal conspiracy has sprang from that short lived organization. There is ample evidence of a jewish criminal conspiracy that has been in effect for at least 3,000 years. Kikes control the central banks of Europe, the privately owned federal reserve, 96% of the media, Hollywood and the secret spy police, which are attempting to make voicing against non white immigration, or “illegal” invasion, a hate crime. The same way it is to talk about how having so many Africans and Muslims in Europe, might be detremintal to white society. This is so when they build their North American Union, dissolve the US, and let in potentially 100 million more Mexicans, all dissidents can be rounded up in a northern Canadian gulag. It will be a crime to discuss it on the internet, and any sites that do can be shut down. The government can inact any measure it so wishes, and the media sort only will not report it.

      The Illuminati bullshit is just that, meant to create “reasonable doubt” and meant to take your focus off of the jewish conspiracy, which there is no question of.

    40. passing through Says:


      Hello all, please read this web site. Everybody, every single person can do something, today, to resist the nwo. Turn off the TV, get off your buts, stop watching the simpsons, stop shopping at walmart and do something.

    41. asheNAZIS Khazars Rothschilds suck Says:


      Hitler failed the white race and caused the death of millions of white European people because he did not exterminate the ROTHSCHILDS and only he could have. Shicklegrubers, Hitlers, Ratzingers, Ashers, all Khazar AshkeNAZIS, Vril society, Helena Blavatsky, Alistair Crowley, secret societies do run the show, only retards can’t think critically and see through the veil, and all sides, including the AshkeNAZIS are controlled opposition of these same AshkeNAZI Rothschild jews, popes, and infected aristocrats, who led to the slaughter of millions and millions of innocent white Europeans. Those of you who cannot think for yourselves and must rely on the “authority” you appoint, this Dr., or that Dr., are stupid ass goyim. Think for yourselves, do your research. Anybody who tries to impede research is JEW or shabboz goy. All roads lead to ROTHSCHILD. That is the sum total of world history. Anybody who disputes that is a liar.

    42. Wes Penre Says:

      The Illuminati and jewish involvement
