Global Court Voids Danish Immigration Law
Posted by Socrates in communism, Denmark, globalization, immigration bills/laws, Jew World Order, Marxism, New World Order, Socrates at 7:36 pm | 
This ruling significantly loosens Denmark’s immigration law, which was tightened-up back in 2002. Europeans, why not learn “The Internationale” to show that you’re on the proper side of things?
17 August, 2008 at 2:57 am
First it was the Common Market. Then it was the European Community. Now it’s the European Union. What next, the Eurpoean Empire? Fortunately, this forced, artificial superstate will not survive. It goes against the tribal and racial aspects of human nature.
Please don’t tell me that White girl in the photo holding the baby is married to that big black spook standing next to her? Where is this stupid girl’s father? How could he allow this to happen? The Day of the Rope will probably be more like the Month of the Rope, what with all the executions that will need to be performed.
17 August, 2008 at 6:58 am
Glad to be my age and to turn it over to you young men to sort out. I’m so sickened by these sort of developments that I find it hard to enthusiastically defend my so called people that continue to act like this.
17 August, 2008 at 7:40 pm
As long as jews are alive and their organizations continue to exist, e.i. George Soros, problems with non-white immigration and race-mixing will continue.
20 August, 2008 at 4:14 am
The problem of race-mixing in Europe makes me go ballistic! For the sake of sanity I have to look away at the sight of a White woman pushing a nigglet in a pram.
One solution could be to transfer these people to Cape Town, with the permission of the White South Africans of course.
20 August, 2008 at 7:31 am
Here in France it is not that unusual to see a white MAN “pushing a niglet in a pram” — the only place where one is likely to see this.
Also to see proud grandparents strolling with a little brown toddler, which would be a cause for humiliation elsewhere.
20 August, 2008 at 3:30 pm
Have the French people lost all sense of racial pride? How can any sane White man or woman tolerate having a nigger grandchild in the family!
As Marshal Petain said in 1940, “50 years of communism has done this to France.”
21 August, 2008 at 2:20 pm
“Have the French people lost all sense of racial pride?”
To answer your question: Yes, I think they have. It certainly seems so…. the result, as you say, of 50 years of communism. Communism (including its Marxist sisters) — while still not supreme here — is very pervasive, more so than Americans can imagine. (In America would you see avenues named Lenin, Gorky, Stalingrad, etc.? They’re all over France.) Americans must understand that the French see 1945 and the Second World War very differently than we do. We see it, rather vaguely, as the triumph of democracy… somehow or other. That’s what we’ve been told. They see it, much more specifically, as the great victory of Marxism over “racism”. In line with that racial interpretation, the newly arrived African “immigrants” are only too happy to go along with such a view and support it.
Secondly, “the French People” , as they are presently constituted, one must say quite frankly, include a great deal of garbage — and I am not even speaking of the non-whites! (Just look at Sarkozy, for an example of what I mean. He isn’t even French!) I don’t know what the percentage is, but I suspect the REAL French people are already reduced to a minority in their own land, outnumbered by a hodgepodge of riffraff from everywhere who eagerly buy into the “proposition nation” notion. It serves their purpose, after all; and Sarkozy caters to it. There is still quality in France, but it is getting hard to find.
If only people with French grandparents had been allowed to vote, I don’t doubt that LePen would have won the last election.