26 August, 2008

Georgia School Superintendent Won’t Back Down

Posted by Socrates in public skools, race, racism accusations, Socrates at 7:07 pm | Permanent Link

A rarity these days: a White man who won’t apologize for truth-telling:


  • 4 Responses to “Georgia School Superintendent Won’t Back Down”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      I don’t know……This Willbanks fellow seems like he’s on the verge of resigning in disgrace or getting down on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Idahoans are lucky they don’t have to put up with a lot of mentally inferior nigglets and spiclets, at least not yet.

      BTW, what has the NAACP ever done for the average Negro in the street? Their main purpose seems to be fundraising. And all the NAACP leadership is either Jewish or uppity mulattos and quadroons.

    2. Luek Says:

      Yes, a White male in a public position who tells the truth about niggers and refuses to grovel to the NAACP afterward is a rarity indeed.

      But a much larger rarity would be the White community publically supporting him against the politically correct maggots.

    3. Susan Says:

      I live in Gwinnett County Georgia a few miles from the Gwinnett Board of Education where Wilbanks works. I saw on the local news this morning the NAACP nitwits held a small rally in front of the Bd of Ed yesterday afternoon. Don’t know if they’re coming back today or not.

      I called the Bd of Ed this morning and spoke to a nice woman who said she’d received about twenty calls from around the country supporting Wilbanks. I asked her if anyone had come out to show support in person in front of the building and she said she didn’t think so.

      She started to talk about Wilbanks not being a racist, etc. etc. I politely interrupted her and told her that was NOT the issue here. The issue was freedom of speech and freedom of expression, etc. etc.. I told her the issue was just who was going to be the arbiter of what views and opinions are allowed and which ones are not. I told her a lot, and she quietly agreed with me.

      And I told her I would gladly come and stand in front of their building today and hold signs in support of Wilbanks and freedom of speech in America. She seemed grateful.

      So, I have just finished making signs that read “There is no hate speech…Facts Aren’t Racist” “We either have freedom of speech or censorship” and “Support Wilbanks” “Honk for Wilbanks” “No Apology”.

      I am getting ready to run a couple of quick errands and then go down to the Gwinnett County Board of Education and stand in front holding my signs this afternoon. If the NAACP goons return, I will be there either alone or with someone if someone else decides to join me. But I will not be bullied by those fucking nitwits and be afraid to express my opinion in my own country.

      And somebody HAS to publicly stand up for our freedoms in this country at some point. Might as well be me.

      If I can get someone to take some pics of me, I will post them on the Tard Corral on the Forum, as that is where Linder has seen fit to make me reside. Although up to this point, I have refused to post there at all. I have gone to another website where I am not corralled into a ‘tard pit or where I have to suffer the insults of the woman haters of VNN.

      If the media comes and prints any articles or photos, I will post that too. There might also be something on the local news station. Yesterday WSB Channel 2 covered it.

    4. Susan Says:

      I went and stood for about three hours. No opposition showed up and no media showed up except at the end of the day a newsvan from Channel 2 drove into the sprawling Bd. of Ed complex but never came back out. I got some good positive feedback, but mostly a lot of empty looks. People seem pretty clueless, sadly. But, I feel good about what I did and may go back down again especially if the goons show back up. It was a beautiful day, very windy, and warm in the direct sun, so I’m exhausted but pleased that I went and stood up for freedom of speech in this country. It’d been a while since I’d been an activist.

      I decided not to write about it on VNN at all. As long as I’m relegated to the ‘tard corral, I won’t post anything at all. I don’t miss VNN at all. I’m at the Phora now and have been welcomed there by lots of posters. So far, only one rabid woman hater, malcontent has annoyed me. Everyone else has been very pleasant.