13 August, 2008

David Duke on the Georgia-vs.-Russia Conflict

Posted by Socrates in David Duke, Russia, Socrates, South Ossetia at 6:51 pm | Permanent Link

Note that Duke has spent a lot of time in Russia and therefore knows the political landscape:


  • 13 Responses to “David Duke on the Georgia-vs.-Russia Conflict”

    1. Heinrich Himmler Jr. Says:

      Imagine if the Jew York Times or Jewsweek magazine published an op-ed piece like that? Then there really would be such a thing as a free press in this country.

    2. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Don’t forget U. S. Jews and World Report.

    3. Igor Alexander Says:

      I’d been hearing about this conflict from the MSM and didn’t know what to make of it. I should’ve known Jews had something to do with it. It’s gotten to the point where U.S. foreign policy is literally indistinguishable from Israel’s.

    4. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      only ONE ‘solution’….”the ultimate solution”…..as Dr William Pierce said: turn Israel into a glass-topped ‘parking lot’ & hunt down & obliterate EVERY JEW on the face of the Earth!

    5. John Says:

      The jews are saying that Russia is the new NS Germany and Amerikwa must act in the same way it acted against the Germans.
      Now the problem for them is how to deal with Russia’s nuclear arsenal for if it were not for the nukes I have no doubt that we would already have seen a massive Amerikwan air attack. It is only Russia’s nukes that prevent this for the time being.

    6. Coup d'Etat Says:

      When news agencies, whether in paper or on TV, report a country invading another and don’t go into detail on what caused the conflict and why but only to state what the repercussions will be for the supposedly aggressor, anyone with a brain will understand important information is hidden and the so-called invasion is more than likely false.

      When a country has criminals or individuals upholding illegal activity, including upholding the interest of Israel and its criminal acts including murder, you have a bunch of individuals in the USA in the Executive branch that are in essence accessories to murder. No condemnation was ever reported about Georgia and the actions of certain key individuals belonging to a special jewish interest group. Not surprising. This alone is not only good information to warn non-jews, but it is enough to prove that our executive branch is continually committing illegal acts. Where’s Congress? (on vacation) Where’s the Judicial branch which is suppose to be conducting checks and balances and preventing a foreign hostile government, Israel (AIPAC, etc.), from using the US to appear slightly improper or support the murderous acts Israel is committing? As long as no one comes head to head with jews/Israel, expose them for what they truly are on TV/radio shows, we will continue to have problems and we will continue to have our government on all levels illegally supporting Israel and jews and their murderous acts. Jews will also continue to not be prosecuted for unjustified murder and for intentionally lying and hiding facts throughout the media.

      If we (our society in the 1940’s) had never accepted the jews’ intentionally made-up stories about the Holocaust, we would not be in this situation and most if not all will more than likely still be living in concentration camps or dead! We would have been able, probably more easily back then, to remove the jewish leadership in the US and England and convicted them as criminals. But, unfortunately many citizens were hoodwinked into believing the Germans were evil and started WWII.

      When are the jews ever going to be held responsible by anyone for their murderous actions which have been committed within the last century upon numerous nations, directly or indirectly? Who will be brave enough to push the jews down?

      As long as we allow homosexuality and other immoral affirmative actions to rip apart the Constitution and push down the original host nation as has been implemented by the bastardly jews, we will be so buried deeply into the jews’ fecal waste that degradation will be permanently fixed in our society and that supporting Israel’s/jews’ murderous actions will be a normal acceptance by all.

    7. Heinrich Himmler Jr. Says:

      Of course, it’s upsetting that brave White Aryan Russian people are being killed in the Georgian conflict (which was instigated by Jews), but at least that conflict is taking away attention from the Chink Olympics. The Chinks and all those greedy corporate sponsors of the Olympics must be hopping mad about that!!

    8. Blackshirt Says:

      Thankfully we still have the Russians to be a thorn in the Jewish New World Order’s back. Without Iran and Russia they would’ve already made us all slaves.

    9. Igor Alexander Says:

      “The jews are saying that Russia is the new NS Germany and Amerikwa must act in the same way it acted against the Germans.
      Now the problem for them is how to deal with Russia’s nuclear arsenal for if it were not for the nukes I have no doubt that we would already have seen a massive Amerikwan air attack. It is only Russia’s nukes that prevent this for the time being.”

      I think Russia should help Iran out with its nuclear program. Nothing would make me happier than an Iran with nuclear capabilities.

    10. Howdy Doody Says:


      IMO the joooos after the tragedy ended in 1945 pushed full bore to open our borders to Non Whites because they believed we would never other wise want to murder fellow Whites in a war nor fall for any more of theri sets up/lies.

      The majority of the US in 1941 was stead fastly against the War in Europe and what the FDR Cabal did shows their M.O. along with the http://www.usslberty.org. They on every Forum on the US that writes anything about them.

    11. Doody Howdy Says:

      Stats show 60 percent were for WWII and the 40 percent did not know what the war was about. Those are Americans and American figures. Radios were used to propagate in those times as are TVs today.

    12. Howdy Doody Says:

      Doody Howdy Says:

      17 August, 2008 at 6:54 pm

      Fluke you !

    13. Howdy Doody Says:

      Enemy alien liar.

      Right after Linberghs speech a 10,000 MAN poll was conducted in OCT. 90% were against ANY war in Europe.