7 August, 2008

Better Not Make Any More Babies in Australia

Posted by Socrates in Australia, birth control, dispossession & destruction, dysgenics, eugenics, feminism, General Decline, genetic interests, genetics, genocide of White culture, Jew World Order, jewed culture, New World Order, Socrates, Western culture at 7:50 pm | Permanent Link

After all, the creation of more White kids might hinder the feminist, anti-family, anti-White-male, dysgenic (read: Jewish) agenda that’s being pushed in the Western countries:


  • 11 Responses to “Better Not Make Any More Babies in Australia”


      (8/8/08)Gangs, mainly of Pacific islanders, are driving around Brisbane looking for white people to bash . . . just for fun. In Melbourne, about a million white Australians have fled what was once Australia’s cultural capital in response to non-white immigration, as the figures for violent crime in that city soar out of control.

    2. JewTracer Says:

      Discouragement having kids (especially to Whites): sure sign of a feminist, judaised society.

      Remember goyim: the economy comes first, not your race, family or culture. Fucking Jews.

    3. John Says:

      Melbourne and Sydney are now almost majority non white.

    4. Brigantes Says:

      The reason why the birth rate has risen is because of coloured immigrants breeding like rats,it has nothing to do with white Australians.

    5. Mark Says:

      The first world isn’t overpopulated, the third world is. Combine this with the fact that whites are helping non-white populations increase and even being surrogate parents to their surplus children.

      Just caught a few minutes of a Christian family on TV, handome and blond, singing the joys of their Middle Eastern religion and how they just can’t do enough for China and raising their adopted Chinese children. How backwards our people have become.

    6. chirs Says:

      Here is the way i look at it: I always see black or latinos (politically correct term) with with 3 or more little kids. They breed without thinking. Where whites plan on having kids. That is not to say all whites are like that. There are too many white women out there that would sell their bodies for a candy bar. You look at any celebrity and they have a hot white woman next to them. You never see a white guy with a fat black woman next to him, unless he was blind or desperate. I really think those dumb little myspace bimbos need to think about what they are doing to their race and keep their legs closed.

    7. Martin Says:

      Yeah Aust is being over-run with non-whites….the whole country is going the down the drain….very sad…..the future for this country is looking very grim!

    8. John Says:

      The Jews abolished the White Australia Policy.


      Corrected audio link at bottom….
      (8/8/08)Gangs, mainly of Pacific islanders, are driving around Brisbane looking for white people to bash . . . just for fun. In Melbourne, about a million white Australians have fled what was once Australia’s cultural capital in response to non-white immigration, as the figures for violent crime in that city soar out of control.


    10. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      When supernaturalism disappeared from Christianity, (as it had been, bit by bit for two thousand years), the dying faith was taken over by the liberalism it had always nourished, but kept in abeyance.

      Christians today go about “saving” people, not from eternal flames, that nobody believes in anymore, but from economic deprivation. These do-gooders, and their liberal first-cousins, go about “saving” people in other lands, and bringing them here, demanding “economic justice.”

      In the New Testament, the concept of family is enlarged into meaninglessness. “Behold my mother and my brothers!” Jesus said, pointing to the crowd around him.

      Concepts can be enlarged into meaninglessness, or shrunk into the same.

      The way of the liberals is to keep the word, but enlarge the concept into ungraspable absurdity. In this way, liberals have destroyed the concept of family, concepts of individualism, and democracy. A man will work his heart out for his family, but when family is practically everyone, how is this to happen?

      The early Christians employed this method with the Hebrew scriptures–taking things out of context with reckless abandon and reading into the verses things that were not there, some of which are obviously absurd and the product of sub-par minds. They did all of this to promote their cause. Far from being the guardians of truth, they were propagandists of the first rank, driven by their zeal.

      The same thing has happened to our political documents–they have been taken out of context and applied to all with reckless abandon.

      Maybe not by Christians, but by their liberal kin.

      I see a distinct relatedness between Christianity and liberalism.

    11. Celtic Warrior Says:

      I suspect that jews are starting to get worried that White people maybe following Michael Hoffman’s advice and producing more children.

      The dire demographic situation in Auckland NZ is almost as bad as in Sydney.

      Sri Sreggin is right, today’s Christianity in its final stages has become crazy and unworkable. When all the do-gooders have exterminated themselves who will be left with a burning zeal for ‘charity’, non-whites? I don’t think so.