12 July, 2008

Whites Still Trying to Rescue Africa

Posted by Socrates in Africa, Socrates at 7:43 pm | Permanent Link

Rich liberals think negroes can be saved from themselves if enough money is coughed up:


  • 8 Responses to “Whites Still Trying to Rescue Africa”

    1. Zoroastro Says:

      Nobody’s invented the bottom of the Afro barrel yet. Yet there’s a small, brilliantly helpful device called a condom. Also strongly advisable: abortion, tubal litigation, vasectomy etc. -all very efficient (future) crime-preventing procedures.

    2. Justin Iggerhater Says:

      I wish that Latarian Milton kid would have been aborted. That kid is a prison sentence waiting to happen.

    3. Mark Says:

      Africa is completely dysfunctional without white rule. So now there is black rule, propped up by white aid.

      They behave like irrational children, so they must be treated as such. You don’t just give into a child’s whim and throw money at them endlessly, you teach them discipline, and more importantly self-discipline.

      As the article notes, not correcting their bad behavior while giving them food and aid is just increasing the population of bad behaving people. It’s counterproductive.

    4. Osama bin Laden Says:

      pity-charity is insane. a very easy to understand graphic of how things have gone:


    5. Jim Says:

      The sub-saharan niggers are breeding so fast that even in spite of AIDS they are the fastest growing race in the world today. The jews are encouraging their immigration to previously White countries as replacements for our people that were never born thanks to the jewish feminists in the 1960’s and ’70’s who convinced White women to stop having children and opt instead for careers outside the home. As our formally White lands become increasingly “niggerized”, civilization will collapse and the world will lapse into a permanent Dark Age.

    6. jim donaldson Says:

      Here’s something funny. You will laugh till you cry and then you won’t stop crying, especially when you realize no one cares:


    7. Jaroslav Hus Says:

      Mark said: “You don’t just give into a child’s whim and throw money at them endlessly, you teach them discipline, and more importantly self-discipline.”?
      This is crazy and stinks by bleeding heart of judeo-christians!
      JUST LIVE THEM ALONE and buy from them whatever you need for your economy. They will be happy with mirrors, pearls, DVD players.
      Just live them alone, they have their own culture and medicine and also their gurmee food. Do not be goog doer for your own feeling good sake. Help your people!

    8. Steve Says:

      The root farce is that we’re made to think Africans are just under-utilized resources. Whites, always looking to do more with what we have, will take the Jews’ word at face value, that there’s more to the African than what we see, that they are a huge human resource that just hasn’t manifested its potential. In black-area schools, the rate is often as high as $10,000 per student/year, though poor white schools get higher grades, with less cost. It makes no economic sense to divert any resources to Africans anywhere in the world. They always do less with them than Europeans would.