12 July, 2008

The Morality of White Nationalism

Posted by Socrates in Africa, slavery, Socrates, White solutions, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 7:33 pm | Permanent Link

A poster on an internet forum raised an important issue. He noted that, when trying to persuade other White people to embrace White nationalism (WN), a moral argument should be made for it. Perhaps something like this, although you may want to make up your own argument(s):

1. If non-Whites have some sort of “right to survive” (as groups of people), then so do Whites – in fact, since Whites gave the world almost everything of value, we may have more of a right to survive than non-White peoples.

2. Countries that are run by Whites are safer, healthier, cleaner, more lawful and more productive. In fact, all of the races within a country benefit when that country is run by Whites. It’s the most moral type of rule [1]. Under non-White rule, the opposite is true – just look at the current South Africa. Everyone is suffering there, Blacks and Whites alike. Ditto Zimbabwe. The non-White management of a country is harmful to all of the citizens and is therefore immoral.

[1] if the subject of slavery is brought up, why not wonder aloud if the negroes would rather be living in mud huts in Africa, wearing grass shorts and throwing spears

  • 21 Responses to “The Morality of White Nationalism”

    1. Cowboyzeke Says:

      There is also a morality of whiteness itself which WN embodies. Whites and whites alone care for the diversity of the animal and plant kingdom, having gone so far to found all of the scientific fields of zoology, botany, and all sciences dealing with the specific animal phyla.

      Orientals and Blacks will decimate the entire world if not stopped by whites, using any animal for medicine or meat with no plan for preservation and /or saving of endangered species these are white ideals and activities.

      Mexicans especially, but most non whites (this includes jews) torture animals as part of their cultural and social structure, a things whites, and especially WNs look down upon.

      White nationalism will not only preserve the specific, beautiful and fragile diversity of our own race, but also that of the world.

    2. New America Says:

      you wrote:

      A poster on an internet forum raised an important issue. He noted that, when trying to persuade other White people to embrace White nationalism (WN), a moral argument should be made for it.

      in reply:
      If there is a greater morality than the greater prosperity of your collective posterity, I can not imagine what it might be.

      I think this is part and parcel of why White Nationalism – “the best Idea, with the worst people representing it” – has failed to make substantial inroads in the American politics of the last half-century.

      Yet – and this is of singular importance – GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY, white FAMILIES, with the greatest exposure to the “benefits” of diversity, fell as far as they can, as fast as they can.

      Don’t kid yourself – those loaded minivans and U-Hauls hauling it out of Southern California (Northern Mexico, actually, for the first hundred miles on the formerly “American” side of the border), are fleeing in defense of the Foundation of White Nationalism, White FAMILIES as microcosms of the White RACE.

      Soft, distant, intellectual appeals to “morality” fall on hardened, dead soil IF the emotional foundation of love of FAMILY is not firmly in place.

      With that, the linkage between a Positive Theory of White Nationalism and White Families is all but manifest; without that, we are simply throwing fertile seeds on hard, inhospitable soil – the concrete mindset of our RACE’s soft, internal enemies – the UnDead, if you will.

      We’ve wasted far too much time trying to be rational with the irrational.

      Appeals to “morality,” to a people who define us as the very incarnation of immorality (“anti-equalitarian,” in forceful opposition to the State religion of Mandated Equality), are simply wasteful.

      We can do better, MUCH better, and we should do so.

      While we can…

      you wrote:

      Perhaps something like this, although you may want to make up your own argument(s):

      1. If non-Whites have some sort of “right to survive” (as groups of people), then so do Whites – in fact, since Whites gave the world almost everything of value, we may have more of a right to survive than non-White peoples.

      2. Countries that are run by Whites are safer, healthier, cleaner, more lawful and more productive. In fact, all of the races within a country benefit when that country is run by Whites. It’s the most moral type of rule [1]. Under non-White rule, the opposite is true – just look at the current South Africa. Everyone is suffering there, Blacks and Whites alike. Ditto Zimbabwe. The non-White management of a country is harmful to all of the citizens and is therefore immoral.

      [1] if the subject of slavery is brought up, why not wonder aloud if the negroes would rather be living in mud huts in Africa, wearing grass shorts and throwing spears

      in reply:
      There is an easier statement of this, and that is to point out the obvious:

      EVERYONE, from all OTHER Races, and all OTHER continents, want to come to the country created by, and for, the people of the West, the inheritors of the West4eron Soul, the White RACE.

      If we are so damn evil, why do they want to join us, and, in time, become one of US, so damn badly?

      The answer is simple.

      Those who criticize us, are jealous of what we can do, that they can never do.

      There are no exceptions to this rule.

      Those who criticize us are like the tribe of monkeys, screeching at the pride of lions as they pass by, and hoping the lions do not pay TOO much attention to them.

      Otherwise, they might decide to DO SOMETHING about them…

      While they can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    3. Celtic Warrior Says:

      No group, least of all niggers and jews are going to hand us survival on a plate. We will have to FIGHT for breathing and breeding space, just has we did in centuries past when facing Moors / Arabs, Mongols and Turks, or any other group that hated us and envied our beautiful and productive land.

      Things haven’t changed. Get this into your head; niggers and muds want to kill you, take your land and if possible your women too.

      Centuries ago we could beat back any invasion, but then the jew appeared on the scene with his oriental guile and cunning. His demonic manipulations have effectively paralysed our will and psychologically castrated us.

      So how are we going to fight back? First off, act like a White man and don’t apologize for anything in our past, be proud, and from that will flow moral and spiritual courage.

    4. New America Says:

      in reply to Celtic Warrior:

      you wrote:

      No group, least of all niggers and jews are going to hand us survival on a plate. We will have to FIGHT for breathing and breeding space, just has we did in centuries past when facing Moors / Arabs, Mongols and Turks, or any other group that hated us and envied our beautiful and productive land.

      in reply:
      Absolutely true.

      We MUST work to develop a theory of Positive Masculinity (already here!), AND develop the Mindset of the Warrior.

      Watch the great dvd of “Fight Club.”

      Now, watch it AGAIN, and see what the writer is REALLY saying To us, ABOUT us.

      He’s right out of Terrible Tommy Metzger – “The Cause of our problems is simple – WE LET THIS HAPPEN TO US.”

      Some thoughts about WHAT to do at the end of this post.

      you wrote:

      Things haven’t changed. Get this into your head; niggers and muds want to kill you, take your land and if possible your women too.

      in reply:
      Another absolute truth, and it is no good to be rational with the irrational.

      They lack our values, and see our (Feminine!) need to “talk” and “discuss” as signs of weakness. The softness of our INTENT is more than countervailed by the hardness of their DEEDS.

      you wrote:

      Centuries ago we could beat back any invasion, but then the jew appeared on the scene with his oriental guile and cunning. His demonic manipulations have effectively paralysed our will and psychologically castrated us.

      in rely:
      “…paralysed our Will” (caps added) is EXACTLY what has happened.

      “This is not by accident,” either; however, again, WE LET THIS HAPPEN TO US.

      Here’s my new Motto:

      FORCE Is Required To Overcome Intertia


      you wrote:

      So how are we going to fight back? First off, act like a White man and don’t apologize for anything in our past, be proud, and from that will flow moral and spiritual courage.

      in reply:
      Watch “Fight Club.”

      NEVER APOLOGIZE for having Created the greatest country in the history of the world, with the greatest amount of personal freedom, and, still, in its dotage, the most powerful single economy in the history of the world.

      The Answer is right before us.

      We have to develop a New Nation, in the Country we are living in.

      This means doing what works, just like the hook-nosed demons known as Jews.

      Home schooling is the start, leading to Christian schools, that WE control, where we have education of the Mind and the Spirit, instead of indoctrination of the Mind, in the service of whoever currently rules the State.

      That’s for openers.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    5. Celtic Warrior Says:

      New America, your term ‘Positive Masculinity’ has great sound to it. That’s what WN men need to aim for, and earn the respect of White women too.
      I’ll watch ‘Fight Club’.

    6. sgruber Says:

      A moral argument would have a very limited application. It may be valuable as a gateway for less informed (“more idealistic”) Whites. The fully informed White sees Reality for what it is: a quasi-Nietzschean struggle among different animals for dominance. It’s US or THEM – kill or be killed.

      Of course, having intelligence, the human and humanoid animals are often sly in battle. For example, see: kikes.

      Is spirituality an asset or a sickness? Are moral arguments key to pumping up our self-esteem as a race, or are they wrongheaded?

      No healthy organism other than Man requires a moral justification for its existence. And “Man” here is only White people. The non-Whites need morality only so far as it is useful as a club to beat Whites over the head with.

      “Morality,” in the sense of needing a justification to exist, applies only to Whites out of all the fauna in the known universe. And despite their greatness, Whites are going extinct. Connection?

      Sure, spirituality built Chartres and served as a (deceptive?) balm for many of our great men. But for the mass of our people, it only meant and means Altruism with a capital “A” – that is to say, the leaving open of the possibility of submitting to the Other as a desirable action.

      The whole “spirituality” of the West is jew-born, or jew-infected, right at the start. Again, look at long-term RESULTS. Whites’ consideration for the Other made their demographic downfall. And morality, boiled down, consists almost wholly of consideration for the Other.

      Fuck the Other and to blazes with moral justifications.

      For example, fuck this argument that “we’re doing it for the animals.” “We’re doing it for the plants!” Not for ourselves – oh no. WE don’t deserve to exist, except insofar as the Other (vegetable, animal, or mineral) is served by our existence. We’re shit; the Other is All. Even if the other is just a rock or a rat. This is the illness of morality.

      The time has come to get rid of the jews.

    7. New America Says:

      in reply to sgruber:

      Good points!

      The “morality” we are being asked to support – all in the name of Equalitarianism – is, as you would expect from Jewish constructs, the EXACT opposite of the Truth.

      Bob Whitaker’s companion site, nationalsalvation dot net, gives an excellent definition of, and examples of, Wordism – the philosophy that we are suffering under, which holds that intellectual constructs are more important than the forces which form, and sustain, a valid social order – Family, and the extended Family, the Nation.

      The Civil War was a critical moment in American history, because – among other issues – it made the nation, an organic RACIAL entity, subordinate to the State, a legal entity, and thus, a fiction that has power exactly as long as it can enforce its will.

      Christianity, at the Institutional level, is pretty much an inversion of what Christ intended. Thus, the Institutions that claim Christianity as their foundation have failed – because they represent, pretty much, the EXACT OPPOSITE of Christianity.

      And what “religion” is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Christianity?

      That’s right – Judaism, which is “of it’s Father, the Devil.”

      So, Episcopalian churches are pretty much homosexual dating services, and Methodist churches are pretty much Feminista Central – boys allowed for decorative charm, but Men are DEFINITELY not wanted.

      So, nobody really chooses to go to the Institutional churches.

      There IS tremendous growth in the charismatic community, and in the megachurches. There is Life there, and it is more – and offers the potential to be MUCH more – than following the hollow Forms of religiosity, as the “Mainline Protestant” denominations do.

      Our Mistake – and it is damn near the RACIAL equivalent of Original Sin – was in treating the Other as “Equal.” and THEN. burdening ourselves to MAKE them “equal,” even at the expense of our Posterity – literally, human sacrifice – in the name of “Equality” of outcomes.

      We have gone mad – literally insane – as our Mind fights the Awareness of what our Senses are so clearly telling us, and all too many of us have retreated into fantasies that allow us to barely function. Whether these fantasies are identification with a sports team, or a measured retreat into medication (alcohol included) really does not matter.

      We accept them because they allow us to avoid dealing with the pain formed by the Illusions we are trying so desperately to hold onto.

      We must accept the Pain, and live within the Truth:

      FAMILY, as the microcosm of RACE,

      RACE, as the macrocosm of FAMILY, and

      RACE, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

      The Living Christ is MUCH greater than what “Christianity” has become, particularly at the Institutional level.

      He is the One Who is discussed in the Books of Christianity – the Four Gospels, and, for Insights as to what Christianity MUST become, the Book of Revelation.

      The ENTIRE purpose of the Old Testament is to get you to Matthew 1:1.

      The ENTIRE Old Testament can be profitably disposed of, as well as most of the New Testament.

      A useful source of materials for a Restoration of Dynamic Christianity can be found at christianseparatist dot org, as well as their companion site, anointedstandard dot com.

      These people make Linder seem moderate!

      That ties in with your excellent observation:

      The time has come to get rid of the jews.

      The best way to do that is to do to them what they are trying to do to us, and that is to displace them, with a Better Way, and replace them, with Better People.

      OUR People, in OUR Nation, with OUR Economic and Political System.

      For further thoughts on that, look to the masterful works of Harold Covington – who, ALONE among us, has it EXACTLY right, in the largest possible context – starting with “A Distant Thunder.”

      More – much more – to follow.

      Here’s the Question I use to define EVERY choice I make, no matter how great, or how small:

      Is what I am about to do the best I can do for the world my grandchildren will WANT to live in?

      ALL I do is aimed SOLELY to make it possible for them to live in a place where none may make afraid, in the Northwest Republic of Harold Covington.

      The brutal application of logic to this one Question provides damn near perfect MORAL CLARITY to everything I do.

      And I don’t even have grandchildren!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. Scipio Americanus Says:

      1. If non-Whites have some sort of “right to survive” (as groups of people), then so do Whites – in fact, since Whites gave the world almost everything of value, we may have more of a right to survive than non-White peoples.

      The mistake with this argument is to assume that there is a “right to survive” when in reality no such thing exists in nature. Besides, it is an argument used by our enemies to paralyze and destroy us and thus constitutes nothing more than a red herring — and they know it!

      A ‘right’ is a concept and in political terms exists only in Western societies where they were formulated and successfully implemented via the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors who fought, bled and died on the battlefield not only for themselves but for their posterity.

      Such concepts cannot be found in non-white societies whose populations never formulated them for themselves let alone put into practice.

      Furthermore, it is an argument made from a position of weakness and not from a position of strength.

      Ultimately, if we are to survive as a race, we must once again assert ourselves or perish as dictated by the Iron Law of Nature. In the end, if our race has become so degenerate that it will not fight on behalf of itself and its posterity, then it will ignominiously perish and no amount of begging or pleading with the discolored pithicoids of the world, who incidentally HATE us, will change this unalterable law of reality.

      2. Countries that are run by Whites are safer, healthier, cleaner, more lawful and more productive. In fact, all of the races within a country benefit when that country is run by Whites. It’s the most moral type of rule. Under non-White rule, the opposite is true – just look at the current South Africa. Everyone is suffering there, Blacks and Whites alike. Ditto Zimbabwe. The non-White management of a country is harmful to all of the citizens and is therefore immoral.

      The mistake here is to assume that the majority of non-whites desire to be ruled by “Whitey” for the reasons stated.

      This is certainly not the case as these populations would rather perish than be ruled by the hated white man. Zimbabwe and South Africa stand as testaments to this fact. Where is the call from their populations, who are starving to death, demanding the return of “Whitey”? The silence is deafening!

      Of course, they HATE us not for our flaws, but for our virtues. They are motivated not by love of self but hatred of us. Our presence on this rock we call ‘Earth’ reminds them of our innate superiority at creating and sustaining civilization given the wealth and standard of living that We have produced for Ourselves.

      Its called ENVY and no amount of reasoned argumentation will persuade them nor the white-hating whites who embrace the death-cult known as

      The white-hating whites will simply excuse these facts as a result of white induced “injustice” and”discrimination.” For these “sins,” the present and future generation of whites must accordingly be sacrificed for their
      “wickedness” until all biped are reduced to the squalor of universal “equality”!

      Scipio Americanus

    9. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Envy: A Theory of Social Behaviour

      Helmut Schoeck
      Liberty Fund, 1987
      464 pp. Hardcover: $16.00

      Schoeck defines envy as “a drive which lies at the core of man’s life as a social being…[an] urge to compare oneself invidiously with others.” Denying the egalitarian dogma that envy is spawned by circumstance and can be cured by removing socioeconomic inequalities, he maintains, less flatteringly but far more believably, that envy is inherent in our nature, citing such compelling evidence as sibling rivalry among small children.

      Envy is not wholly negative; Schoeck plausibly argues that social forces could not operate without it. Awareness of the potential envy of others, and fear of arousing it, comprise a mighty force for social control. For example, envy of possible gains from receiving inequitable treatment deters most people from seeking favors from government and thus helps preserve equality under the law. Excessive envy, however, exacts serious economic penalties. Fear of other people’s envy discourages innovation, effort, and achievement. Measures inspired by envy or a desire to appease it, such as progressive taxation, do likewise.

      Schoeck’s study of envy in primitive societies yields surprising insights powerfully supportive of both capitalism and Christianity. Private property emerges not as the cause of envy, as egalitarians assert, but as a defense against it–”a necessary protective screen between people,” deflecting envy that would otherwise be directed at people onto material goods.

      After showing that envy’s dominion in primitive cultures, including superstitious fear of arousing the envy of their gods, is a crippling barrier to progress in developing countries, Schoeck rightly argues that one of Christianity’s greatest achievements lay in freeing people to innovate; it “provided man for the first time with supernatural beings who, he knew, could neither envy nor ridicule him” and offered strong moral condemnation of human envy. The New Testament’s achievement in liberating people from envy and an inherent guilty fear of being unequal “alone made the modern world emotionally and socially possible.” This theme of Christianity’s role in advancing civilization by opposing envy makes Schoeck’s work especially valuable for religious scholars and clergy.

      Schoeck rejects the damnation of luxury popular in some religious and political circles as an envy-minded anachronism. While “it is still possible in cases of pathological greed and avarice to speak of acquisitiveness as a social sin … as a general concept it no longer makes sense. … As soon as there is real economic growth, and the technology to produce any item in as many copies as there is a demand for it, covetousness and acquisitiveness, as terms of social criticism, lack any real meaning.”

      Because envy is ever-present, unappeasable, powerful when aroused, and highly destructive, a society’s “civilizing power of achievement” depends on how well it controls envy. Unfortunately, several forces in modern life are turning envy loose. Politicians find pandering to envy a tempting path to power. Egalitarian and socialist theories appeal to envy and give it intellectual legitimacy. And since World War II, social sanctions against envy have crumbled. “This public self-justification of envy is something entirely new. In this sense it is possible to speak of an age of envy.”

      Most attempts at constructing a socialist or egalitarian utopia, Schoeck argues, seek to remove envy’s evil effects by removing its targets, so that the envious have nothing to envy. But because envy creates its own targets regardless of how equal people are, these efforts are doomed to fail. Moreover, they neglect envy’s positive social role.

      “We are thus confronted by an antimony, an irreconcilable contradiction: Envy is an extremely anti-social and destructive emotional state, but it is, at the same time, the most completely socially oriented. And without universal consideration of at least a potential or imaginary envy in others, there could not be the automatic social controls upon which all association is based. We need envy for our existence, though no society that hopes to endure can afford to raise it to a value principle or to an institution.

      Now, the twentieth century has gone further toward the liberation of the envious man, and toward raising envy to an abstract social principle, than any previous society since the primitive level, because it has taken seriously several ideologies of which envy is the source and which it feeds in precisely the degree to which those ideologies raise false hopes of an ultimate envy-free society. And in the twentieth century, too, for the first time, certain societies have grown rich enough to nourish the illusion that they can afford the luxury of buying the good will of the envious at ever steeper prices.”

      Envy’s combination of thorough scholarship and dispassionate, readable style lends its arguments compelling weight and makes it the best treatment of envy available. A smashing refutation of egalitarianism’s view of human nature and its utopian delusions, Envy is a must for all friends of liberty and civilization. His care in arguing envy’s positive aspects renders Schoeck impervious to charges of polemicism. Hence his criticisms of envy and his foreboding observations about modern times are all the more powerful. Widespread study of Envy would do much to combat the evils of its subject, and hopefully lead many to concur in its conclusion: “The time has surely come when we should stop behaving as though the envious man was the main criterion for economic and social policy.”

      John Attarian holds a Ph. D. in economics and works as a freelance writer from his home in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

    10. jim donaldson Says:

      In terms of moral arguements: The arguments Liberals (Whites and jews) direct at Whites are moral ones. Accepting the “moral standpoint” of the liberal, counterarguments are:
      1 Whites are the only race to free their slaves. For the most part, they did this voluntarily. They fought amongst themselves to effect it. They forced everyone else to conform to it. The white rece removed slavery form the world. Only in those areas where Whites have left has slavery returned.
      2 Whites (males) are the only race in the history of the world to voluntarily give up power to others. First they gave it to their own “lower class” men, then to their women, then to everyone else over whom they ruled.
      3 Whites are the only race to assume the universalism of their values, and to hold as a belief that anyone else is as good as they are.
      4 Whites are the only race to do anything for any people other than their own.

      Now, sgruber, before you jump on me, I’m taking this in the context of arguing with a liberal White, using his own moral viewpoint, soley in order to counteract his brainwashing–to shake him out of his self-righteous complacency. I agree with you that moral arguments are not tenable, in the long term. At best you get someone questioning what he’s been taught.
      The only thing for us to do is to begin to follow a different way than we have been. Not to “return to” any past ways, but to find and follow a new one which forces our focus on our future, our offspring, our kinsmen. We need to ditch the mindset which focuses on our “personal salvation” , a cultural belief which, even in an atheist, creates a desire to do “moral good” in order to be “saved”–even if that salvation is to whisper to oneself, “I’m a good boy”

    11. Scipio Americanus Says:

      What the Liberals have accepted is an inversion of morality. What we need to do is expose it as such and replace it with a proper moral code which conforms to our race’s nature and which ultimately advances our own interests.

      It is not wrong for non-whites, including Jews, to use at their disposal every means to advance their own interests just as it is not wrong for us to use our own innate abilities to dominate them as we successfully did in the past.

      At the root of the liberal notion of ‘morality’ is self-hatred combined with a universal code which is applicable to all accept their own kind. Thus, “Liberalism” is nothing more than a death cult and needs to be eradicated if we are to have a future.

      It is wrong to say that we cannot attack them at the moral level. We absolutely can and must Their morality is death! It’s that simple and something we can easily demonstrate.

      In generic terms, the problem is universalism; that is the notion there exists a universal moral code that is applicable to all races. This is false because the races of mankind are not all derived from the same Adam (please excuse the Biblical pun) but differ profoundly in mentality and abilities.

      All races understand this fact of nature except one: whites. However, nature to be commanded must be obeyed and our people will eventually wake up to this fact whether they like it or not if they want to survive.

      S. Gruber is correct regarding the struggle for existence but a proper moral code accepts this fact of reality. Thus, there is no conflict between the two.

      Accepting our enemy’s moral terms leads us to the conclusion that there is no place for morality as such. To the contrary, the white-hating white liberals have accepted an inverted moral code. Something that ultimately destroys our race cannot be ‘moral’ as such.

      That is why we lose if we accept our enemy’s basic premises and attempt to combat them on their terms.

      Scipio Americanus

    12. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Shabbos Shabbazz:

      I use the word ‘envy’ not in the basic sense which simply denotes a longing to possess something that has been earned by the efforts of another but in a less seldom used manner which Joseph Sobran spelled out explicitly:

      Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997):

      The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary … The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. … Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.

      Scipio Americanus

    13. Scipio Americanus Says:

      The arguments Liberals (Whites and jews) direct at Whites are moral ones…I’m taking this in the context of arguing with a liberal White, using his own moral viewpoint, soley in order to counteract his brainwashing–to shake him out of his self-righteous complacency. I agree with you that moral arguments are not tenable, in the long term. (Jim Donaldson)

      You lose if you attempt to counteract his brainwashing in this manner. This is the mistake “Conservatives” have made in politics and why they have been losing ground to the “Liberals” ever since the days of the French Revolution. (I put the term ‘conservative’ in quotes because by accepting the liberal premise of morality, they themselves become liberals; I put the word ‘liberal’ in quotes because most of them have degenerated into white-hating cultural Marxists and hate-crazed Jacobins motivated by a “righteousness” to extirpate Satan incarnate: “racists” and “white supremicists.”) You must attack this liberal “morality” for what it is: an inverted moral code that inculcates self-hatred while placing other races’ interests above our own. In short, it constitutes nothing more than the immoral code of a death cult!

      Scipio Americanus

    14. Scipio Americanus Says:


      Slavery as an institution existed in all cultures throughout recorded history and simply reflected nature’s law: the strong dominating the weak. Ultimately, it was the white man’s industrial revolution that put an end to this distasteful practice as slaves could not compete with machines. However, despite the white man’s gift of the machine, an amended form of slavery can still be found throughout much of the non-white Third World to this very day. Prior to the industrial revolution, the only proper arguments made against it from a white standpoint within the United States were:

      1] The importation of numerous and prolific Congoids constituted a threat to the racial integrity of our nation which was created for the benefit of free white men and women and to the exclusion of other races.

      2] The presence of millions of culturally inferior and innately savage anthropoids would, as Thomas Jefferson stated bluntly, “stain the blood” of our race via miscegenation and would not only produce unnatural hybrid offspring but would also eventually destroy our genetic heritage. Hence Jefferson’s position that “When [a negro] is freed, he is to be removed beyond the reach of mixture.”

      3] The existence of an inferior race which had demonstrated no innate ability to contribute to civilization on its own would eventually destroy our political system of government if emancipated and given equal rights. Thus Jefferson’s immortal dictum: “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.”

      4] Slavery was deleterious in that it depressed the wage rates of working class whites and small farmers and thus constituted a potential political fissure within society that could eventually destabilize national cohesion.

      It is important to note that all of these arguments were made in the context which demonstrated concern for our race and its interests. Only sniveling sentimentalists and religious fanatics, who were viewed by most with scorn, demanded “equality” for the beasts. Sadly, the Abolitionists’ delusional ranting, political power and poisonous propaganda reached a crescendo that culminated in the insane, fratricidal conflict that came to be known as “The Civil War” which destroyed the Republic of our Founding Fathers. The posterity of these creatures live amongst us to this very day in the form of “Conservatives” and “Liberals,” both of whom accept an inverted moral code that calls for the eventual destruction of our race.

      Scipio Americanus

    15. sgruber Says:

      Why argue with White liberals? At best, giving them these moral arguments is just spoon-feeding them (and you) more of the same poison that rotted everyone’s brains in the first place. “”We’re morally superior because we sacrifice for the Other.”

      Any political value that these liberals possess is inherent in them and will be revealed by subjecting them to a strong dose of Goyfire and a smack upside the noggin (delivered by either you or a nigger). The rest – are turds.

    16. New America Says:

      in reply to Celtic Warrior:

      I would like to take an issue you addressed – the dramatic lack of Positive Masculinity in our young (and not so young!) men, and address the issue at a bit more length.

      After all, the Foundation of Nation is Family; the Foundation of Family is a Man and a Woman, committed to a purpose much, much greater than themselves – building a Family, raising Children, and forming a Nation from this foundation.

      On an earlier VNN Free Talk Live, Briseis spoke of the lack of economic value – in effect, a reflection of the Purposelessness – of our young men, and wondered what the solution might be.

      I addressed this, in part, in one of my threads involving Kevin Alfred Strom – which is here http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/?p=2852#comments – and I was surprised to there was so little subsequent comment on this issue, even in the Strom thread.

      I think a larger part of the Answer involves dealing constructively with the sense of purposelessness in their lives – they have no Great Purpose to allow the Knight Archetype to manifest in their soul, and so, they are, effectively, Eternal Adolescents.

      The problem is, their Ancestors created the Forms that so many Others are using successfully to transform their lives, and, in time, the Culture around them.

      They have lost the ability to, and think they do not have the right to, practice assertiveness, much less harness aggressiveness with the Wisdom of the Warrior.

      In effect, the demonic Jew-controlled social order- WHICH ONLY HAS THE POWER WE GIVE IT – encourages their Soft Gelding, turning them into Womanly Men…

      And the Young Women who are looking for Partners in the greatest Challenge of all, are also slowly going insane.

      We do have a historical parallel for this, and the Outlines of possible solutions.

      The German people, decimated by the consequences of World War I (yes, inflicted on them by the hook-nosed demons known as Jews) developed an outdoors ethic, with a marked interest in camping, and taking long hikes in the woodsy areas, and climbing mountains.

      I suspect this was because the cities had become so inhospitable to them, they returned to as close a relationship with the Eternal Power of Nature to recharge themselves, and to remind themselves that Life Will Prevail, as they renewed themselves spiritually during these times. Incidentally, note where and when Uncle Adolph chose to Initiate his young men into the Hitler Youth. He knew the Archetypal Forces he was working with.

      This is why I refer to “Fight Club.”

      At the level of survival, as a last resort, they will need the cleansing fire of Anger to clear away the fog of Illusions around which our young men have shaped so much of their lives, and their personae.

      Download Riefenstahl’s “Olympia,” and note how the unclothes bodies of the young athletes perfectly complemented the message she was trying to convey – that Natural Culture of the Volk, working with the Life Force (see Ludwig Klages), were conquering the current Forms of Civilization, in the degeneracy offered to them by the hook-nosed demons known as Jews in pre-NSDAP Germany.

      In short, when Civilization was too overtly hostile, they returned to Natural Culture as a source of Power.

      Worked for them, didn’t it?

      Now go to (WARNING: NSFW) http://www.stonenudes.com/ and look at the picture gallery.

      See the incredible strength and discipline being displayed?

      See how the WOMEN are doing this? Hanging upside down over ledges?

      See the sheer damn confidence, AND competence, they are demonstrating?

      Why do you think they chose this, of all possible activities?

      My GOD, this is like something out of “Olympia,” done in slow motion!

      Women are competing in Greco-Roman wrestling in the Beijing Olympics.

      Girls in American junior high school are enrolled in wrestling classes.

      I don’t know what Form the Solution will take, but we have to get off our fat, flabby asses and MAKE SOMETHING OF OUR SELVES.

      After all, “morality” – as defined by the hook-nosed demons known as Jews – is, of course, the EXACT opposite of true morality, for our RACE.

      So, look at the soft, flabby geldings in our schools, advocating “tolerance” over excellence, and settling comfortably to the collar of “bisexuality/homosexuality,” and ask yourself what will it take to transform them into the Men our young Women so desperately want as their Companions, their Husbands, and the Fathers of their Children?

      THIS is the necessary Foundation for the morality of White Nationalism.

      And, yes, I might be able to tie this back to Kevin Alfred Strom, if necessary.

      I hope we can tie this forward, to some Ideas about actually SOLVING the problem…

      While we can.

      Here’s one place to start, and they even start out quoting Burke!


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    17. New America Says:

      TWENTY-FOUR HOURS later, and no response.

      I recall there was virtually no response to this issue when I addressed it earlier, in the context of what Briseis said on VNN FTL Friday.

      Might I put forth a hypothesis as to why there has been NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER to what I believe to be a singularly important issue?

      Might it be that simply facing this issue, much less addressing it, reminds all too many of us of how the choices we made in the past – choices that were “suggested” to us by, and supported by, the media/mass indoctrination system controlled by our RACIAL Enemies?

      Simply facing the issue reminds us of how easily we have been played for fools, and yet, the INABILITY to face the issue in any Aspect whatsoever says nothing at all positive about us…

      Fortunately, this is not true for ALL of us.

      Just the vast, overwhelming majority.

      In my next piece dealing with this, I might just be able to tie together the experiences of Kevin Alfred Strom, and David Lane, in this discussion.


      It really is THAT simple.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    18. Celtic Warrior Says:

      New America; some excellent points for reflection and discussion raised by yourself and the previous posters Scipio et.al.

      Agreed, bogus moral arguments shouldn’t be our concern, we need to be true to ourselves. Sure, the majority of White people are “doing something fundamentally wrong”, but that’s not their fault. They have been programmed and processed by the media and education system. The importance of family, race, and continuance has been knocked out of their heads.

    19. New America Says:

      in reply to Celtic Warrior:

      you wrote, in part:

      Sure, the majority of White people are “doing something fundamentally wrong”, but that’s not their fault. They have been programmed and processed by the media and education system. The importance of family, race, and continuance has been knocked out of their heads.

      in reply:
      Thanks for the courtesy of a reply, and I note, sadly, that no one else seems to be willing to address this issue.

      Think of it in a somewhat different light.

      I linked to the stonenudes website, as dramatic proof that women are moving forward NOW, and are developing the Masculine Aspect of their Persona in the absence of any real Masculine Counterparts, who have already developed their Masculine Personae. In short, they are becoming, in part, the Men all too many of us refuse to Become.

      In contrast, it seems, all too often, all too many of our young men are trapped in a dramatically extended childhood and adolescence, and live their lives of quiet desperation playing in an Inner World of online games, where they can (magically) BE powerful, without having earned the Right to Power through disciplined, purposeful activity.

      I also did it to point out that Klages was right, AND this is not the first time in the recent history of our RACE – using the example of the flowering of the Western Soul during the NSDAP regime – that people have developed themselves, and expressed their bodies without fear. The example of Reifenstahl’s Olympia was one, and the poster for Olympia – featuring a three-quarter view of an unclad Reifenthal – made my point.

      Look at most of the “Movement” types you know, and you will see what Bill White saw the last AmRen conference – tired, soft bodied, slack bellied, poor posture, poor carriage, essentially one and all – with very few exceptions – with the look in their eyes, and the walk, of beaten dogs.

      They are using intellectual displays as the only way they can positively express their Identities on the issue of RACE.

      I have argued that the “programming” MUST be undone, as soon as possible, and as dramatically as possible.

      The RACIAL Manifestation of the Life Force has been perverted – turned inward, in soft self-hatred, because, among other reasons, they have accepted their RACIAL Enemy’s definition of who and what they are.

      The Morality of White Nationalism – the Principle of RACIAL Organization past the Family level – stems from the fact that we have not only the RIGHT to survive, but the DUTY to follow the example of our Ancestors, and just Goddamn CONQUER, and RULE.

      We shall return to First Principles, and we shall follow them with ruthlessness against our RACIAL Enemies.

      The common theme involving Kevin Alfred Strom and David Lane?

      Glad you asked!

      Both tried to be something they weren’t, and accepted Values that were essentially antagonistic to the development of the personae as Servants of the RACE – a much higher Calling than selling real estate, or trying to fulfill the visions of Others as to their duties to the RACE in the context of Family, and Fatherhood.

      They SHOULD have dedicated their lives to this much higher Purpose.

      So should we.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    20. Steve Says:

      The increased survival of the species is paramount. A subset of this is increasing the survival of those most responsible for protecting the species, via technology and information accumulation.

    21. New America Says:

      in reply to Steve:

      you wrote:

      The increased survival of the species is paramount. A subset of this is increasing the survival of those most responsible for protecting the species, via technology and information accumulation.

      in reply:
      I like the term “increased survival of the species.”

      It reminds us of our duty to consciously create a better world for our Posterity to inherit.

      “…technology and information accumulation” is an excellent starting point, but it is a beginning – and I think we have lost track of a transcendent RACIAL Goal – a much Higher Purpose – to fulfill.

      This must be Something that requires Men and Women working together in the fulfillment of this Purpose.

      All of us have different ideas of what it should be.

      Kevin Alfred Strom wants our Posterity to walk “Among The Stars.”

      Harold Covington wants them to consciously Create a New Nation, a White Homeland, in a new Republic.

      I think there is more to Covington’s masterful analysis and commentary than most would give him credit for.

      In fact, if you will refer to Nock’s essay, “Isaiah’s Remnant,” as a model for what seems to be occurring beneath the radar, the basic components needed for Covington’s Northwest Republic are moving to the Northwest Republic’s Area of Influence – motivated White people who have had recent experience with the protected groups of Diversity.

      So, a safe place, a place where none may make afraid, is already actively being sought by the people of our RACE who follow the excellent example of their Ancestors – leave behind that which can not be saved, and is not remotely fruitful.

      All that is needed is to harness this into the fulfillment of a much greater RACIAL Purpose.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!