5 July, 2008

N.H. Newspaper Editorial on White Pride Group

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', racism accusations, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 3:30 pm | Permanent Link

Re: the newspaper’s executive editor: note that the surname “Solomon” is often a Jewish name:


  • 11 Responses to “N.H. Newspaper Editorial on White Pride Group”

    1. MB Says:

      Often? I’ve never known it to be otherwise.

    2. jim donaldson Says:

      My, my, all those comments, and all SO positive toward the column! How nice!

    3. Stan Says:

      I wrote 2 comments. Bet you won’t see them.

    4. Old White Male Says:


      In the 1950’s I remember the last of the Civil War vets dying. Many of my Grand Fathers friends who were all born in the 1800’s were getting older but still very wise and teaching us about the evils of the darker races and the Jews. My Grandfather helped build a country club where JEWS and all non whites were forbidden to enter. The Jews were beginning to stir the Civil Rights cesspool and the Klan was very active in my small town. They killed many dark and Jewish communists in those days. Yes that was still a time when Men were still Men.

      In the 1960’s the 1800’s crowd had all retired for the most part and the reins were in the hands of the WW2 crowd who were still pretty tough and real Men. The Jew begins turning the levers of communist change with the Civil rights movement. Jewish porn began polluting our cities along with their filthy music and hippies. Niggers moved into white neighbor hoods for the first times with the assistance of JEWISH bosses in government and on the benches. The White man was beginning to lose his grip. The JEWISH inspired Me generation was fracturing White society to the joy of the Jew.

      In the 1970’s working Men were still Men in the early part of that decade even though the counter culture was in full swing. By the middle jobs were being lost in the manufacturing sector as word was getting out that the USA was going to be dismantled and turned into a Service Orientated Country AKA communist JEW RUN! Read “none dare call it conspiracy.” By the end of the 70’s things were changing for the worse as diversity was being crammed down our throats and men were being feminized. The 1800’s crowd was beginning to die at a faster pace. The environmental movement led by communists was taking shape during the last quarter of the 70’s and it had a great influence on the youth of that period. Many were planning SMALLER WHITE families to leave a smaller footprint upon the earth BIG MISTAKE DAMMIT!!! Disco aka Black music was popular as was more free sex. Faggots were being pushed into our daily lives and a new virus was beginning to kill.

      In the 1980’s GREED was the in thing. Making as much money as possible was the game and families came second. The JEW was in full control and pumping out music that involved feminizing the males then onto pre RAP to put NIGGERS into every home and into your daughter’s minds as cool to date. The 1800’s crowd was dying at a fast pace now and their wisdom was GONE as most of the WW2 crowd and their baby boomer children had lost touch with the 1800’s crowd’s teachings. SO SAD. Multiculturalism was being forced upon us by the end of the decade. Many more terrible gun laws were passed in the late 80’s that began to wake the people into forming militias.

      In the 1990’s Greed was still the name of the game. The government was beginning to force more control upon the people. Militias were the in thing among many people until the Ok city bombing which scared the hell out of people in the Militia movement. Niggers were being put up as heroes and white women were dating them in alarming numbers. Hate crime laws began forming and the frog in the pot of water was beginning to feel quite warm.
      In the 2000’s WHITES began to lose ground at an alarming rate. The Jewish communist plan to destroy the White race was in full swing and now there is really no where we can run to. All of the 1800’s crowd is gone and the WW2 crowd is dying like flies. Gone is the wisdom passed down from our old and we are very fragmented now. We the baby boomers have witnessed the destruction of the White USA and feel powerless. We have become Keyboard Commandos who grow fat and lazy. So DAM SAD!!!!!

    5. lawrence dennis Says:

      It is true that the “Solomon” is an almost exclusively jewish surname. However, when trying to figure out from a surname whether or not a person is jewish, it helps to look for other clues. So if the first name is Christopher, then probably not jewish. But if the first name is Irving or Moishe or Israel, then probably jewish. Also, where you find that person in society provides additional information. In this case the name is Dave Solomon, and he is an executive editor of a newspaper. Hence, almost certainly jewish. Now if his occupation was as a night janitor or carpet cleaner, then maybe not jewish.

    6. ED! Says:

      I grew up in the fifties and can relate to everything Old White Male said in his post! What a difference between now and then, why you could actually go out and ride your motorcycle with getting pulled over by a god-damn fucking nigger with a gun and a badge! I am ready to fight, I just wish everybody else would come up to speed! I am waiting!


    7. Hoosier Says:

      # jim donaldson Says:
      5 July, 2008 at 4:37 pm

      My, my, all those comments, and all SO positive toward the column! How nice!

      Not for long, Jew-boy. That is, provided your newspaper allows comments that aren’t pre-scripted from members of the tribe and their various pets.

    8. Hoosier Says:

      VNNers, please post a comment to this so-called “newspaper,” and send them a little love.

    9. jim donaldson Says:

      Uhh..Hoosier. I’m not a “jew-boy”. I’m commenting on the fact that ALL the comments posted in the newspaper about the editorial are positive toward it. There are NO negative (ie, WN-supportive) comments allowed.

    10. jim donaldson Says:

      Whoops–forgot: sarcasm doesn’t “post” well. Sorry if I came off as “jewey”. And apologies to Hoosier for taking issue with his statement. It is, of course, the proper response to a JEW.

    11. Hoosier Says:

      I think I see, Jim. I took you to be a Jew or crypto Jew who backtracked to the VNN link from the article and comments in question. Then, I thought you were gushing about how “wonderful” the response of the “community” to “white supremacist hate groups.”

      But I see I missed that you were being sarcastic, and not serious. My mistake. Thanks for analysing and responding in an adult manner and not going off on me!