3 July, 2008

Monetary Reform

Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve system, jewed finance, money, Socrates at 7:42 pm | Permanent Link

Under the “Neocons Stay on Message” post, a commenter mentioned something that might be worth discussing at length, especially for the benefit of newbies who may be unaware of the pitfalls of America’s current money system. If our money system is ever reformed – granted, that’s a big “if” – what type of system would be best? One idea that has been tossed around is: state banks using U.S. Treasury dollars, i.e., real dollars issued by the U.S. government, not Federal Reserve Notes issued by the Federal Reserve. According to this idea, the state banks would not operate for profit. Instead, they would operate simply as a public service, and would be funded by tax dollars. (A similar idea would be state banks using state money). Privately-owned, for-profit banks would be illegal. Readers surely have some ideas about this.

  • 12 Responses to “Monetary Reform”

    1. Heather Blue Says:

      State owned banks? No-profit banks? No Jews in charge?

      Sounds great to me. Just the thought of possibly having that kind of freedom is like music to my ears.

    2. Dental Plan Says:

      Unless I’m overestimating, it will literally take a war to topple the current system and replace it with something better, knowing the unspeakable gang that has been ruling us for the greater part of a century now.

    3. Blightblingywingydoo Says:

      But, but, but…What will happen to Old Fudge’ pension benefits?

    4. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      Olde Douche will probably have a heart attack when he reads this.


      I hope he dies.

    5. Blightblingdoorag Says:

      I don’t want to see Old Fudge die. I want to see him make an asinine ‘smart money’ comment followed by a cyber-LOL. Humor, you know! Hey Fudge, how’s life in the book club? Diverticulitis ain’t slowing you down, is it? More money is needed to support the club’s “important work” of persuading yuppies in suburbia to join the risk-free, easy online racialist “movement” and talk “revolution” in cyberspace.

    6. Dental Plan Says:

      Blightblingdoorag said:

      “More money is needed to support the club’s “important work” of persuading yuppies in suburbia to join the risk-free, easy online racialist “movement” and talk “revolution” in cyberspace.”

      I’d like to know what “hard” racialists such as yourself are currently doing to effectively undermine and ultimately ruin the ZOG.

    7. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      I don’t want to see Old Fudge die. I want to see him make an asinine ‘smart money’ comment followed by a cyber-LOL. Humor, you know!

      I’ve had enough of Olde Douche’s “humor”.

    8. Blightblingdoorag Says:

      “I’d like to know what “hard” racialists such as yourself are currently doing to effectively undermine and ultimately ruin the ZOG.”

      Changing the White nationalist zeitgeist from book clubbing and “Dental Plans” to positive and productive local action with boots on the street. If you wanna know more, then read something other than VNN Forum.

    9. Dental Plan Says:

      Forums basically constitute an overdeveloped comments section as it is, so to hell with them. What I, as a more or less sympathetic but obviously undedicated (sue me) observer am seeing a lack of is the kind of selfless dedication exhibited by individuals, lone wolves though they may be, such as Viktor Ilyin, who made an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Leonid Brezhnev. What I find really amusing though is that American Left-Wing radicals are content to continue posting countless Hate Bush videos on YouTube, many of them done in Two Minutes Hate style, and taking part in shitty protests just so that they can say they’re “doing something” without having dedicate themselves to their convictions to the same extent that Tim McVeigh did.

      Not that I’m going to abide by my own suggestions, of course. I’m not a fucking moron who has learned so little from our tragic yet comedic history that he would take a bullet for another or embrace anything so foolish and immature as “ideals.” Good day and thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    10. ED! Says:

      It is their money system, and not our money system! Anything the Jews do for us is actually being done to us!

      I am working on a one page google word sheet I can copy and hand out in public that will lead people to the sites where they can learn about our handlers! Woodrow Wilson, Samuel Untermeyer, Balfour, Rothschild, Jacob Schiff etc., names or events.

      I have a tenth grade education and a GED so I am not considered well educated by most. I have learned in my 56 years on this earth that nothing gets done unless I give it an honest effort!

      In the past I have throughly angered people and have had some come back and admit that I was right.

      I do not know of anything else to do except to make an honest effort to inform people, and keep Thor’s Hammer ready to go!

      When the time comes I am ready to die to release our race from this bondage we now live under! We need millions of White Nationalist to get this done. There will always be those who will conspire to take away our freedom if they think they can get away with it. If we are not willing to risk death in defense of our liberty, then we do not to deserve to have it, and the same goes for our property and our Nation! I tell my self that every day!

      We could go back to Europe, but we are under attack there also, and no matter WHERE we go we will be challenged!

      At some point, WE MUST FIGHT, I don’t like it, but that is reality!

      Let them start the fight and then let’s finish it!


      P.S. Look at this shit below!


    11. -jc Says:

      Wars are banking transactions. We’re involved in several now because we are beholden to neocon Jews in charge of the private central bank system. If we want to throw it over it will take more war but it will require a larger percentage than understand the true cost of the system presently.

      Those little green checks so very many American’s receive and government schools have a tremendous hold over people. It took a very small but motivated percentage in the 1770’s to wage war for independence but it is quite a different world today and the enemy’s supply lines are much shorter.

    12. Olde_Dutch Says:

      To you blight wing sock puppets: You can’t have it both ways kiddies, either you have higher interest rates, a stronger dollar, and lower inflation. Or you have low interest rates, a weak dollar, and higher inflation. Big jew has you children confused by too much jew TV finance. Kramer & Bernacke are both jew assholes. LOL.