7 July, 2008

Kaminski’s New Website

Posted by Socrates in John Kaminski, Socrates at 3:53 pm | Permanent Link

John Kaminski has a new column – titled “A Tale of Two Lies” – and a new website.

  • 8 Responses to “Kaminski’s New Website”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      Yikes! It sounds like the Jews are some vampire, with the strength of twenty men! The gentiles are the hapless victim, who cannot resist the sensual allure of the vampire!

      I don’t buy it.

      Turn of your freakin’ TV, stop reading the freakin’ paper, look into the origins of Judaism and even Christianity, break your attachment to the love of affluence—and the Jews are revealed not as some mighty, irresistable vampire, but simply as a cardboard image of the Impaler.

      What are we–children, afraid of nightshades?

      Based on our numbers alone, we can produce FIVE TIMES the number of genius IQ’s as the Jews. There are some powerful IQ’s who post on this very website.

      Get back to reality! The Jew rules in the world of fantasy, double-talk, empty words, outrageous promises, false history, sensual titillation, pornography, financial scheming, etc.

      Reality IS, and cannot be changed.

      And I must say it, that the first step to freedom is to critically examine the Old Testament, then the New Testament. Even the Jewish scholar Amy-Jill Levine readily admits than the “Exodus” is historically questionable (to put it mildly), the “Conquest of the promised land” is bunk, and “King David” is a fiction.

      I have studied these things for many years, and I did not stop at the Old Testament. I went on to the New Testament, and, in my opinion, it is highly suspect. HIGHLY suspect. Just read “The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man” by Robert M. Price, who used to be an evangelical. This book pretty much says it all.

      The New Testament is also the key to the power of the Jews over us. The Jewish camel nose inside the Aryan tent. It always has been, even if it was not acted upon. And now that Levantine camel is all the way inside the tent, thanks to Schofield, and I do not see how it can be evicted.

      So what do we do? I don’t know. I don’t want to go the way of the Gay Greeks, or the Butch-fag Nazis (I say this with a healthy degree of scepticism about the “butch-fag”ness of the Nazis).

      Whatever way I go, I hope to base it on truth.

      It is just too bad that European religions were not left alone. It is too bad that the adherents of the old ways were slain by Christians. Not that I agree with them, or want to live like them, but they were not any worse than the HISTORICAL Israelites.

      For what it’s worth.

    2. Sandor Says:

      The sobering reminder, summed up well by Kaminski, is how they terrorized and wrecked two other host countries – Russia and Germany – that showed them kindness. They are in the process of doing it here. Jews jewing jewily as Alex has said. What will stop them? In Russia, it was the trojan horse Putin, combined with the right economic climate. We need a coup. It’s too much for scattered, unorganized resistance at the bottom.

    3. David Baker Says:

      I read just a portion of Mr. Kaminski’s article (“…Two lies”) and I agree the Holocaust cannot be proven with the ‘evidence’ furnished by Jewish survivors, or the Jewish Holocaust Promotion organizations. It is probably true that 9/11 was an ‘inside job’, performed by Israel and the U.S. Government to provide justification to enact the PNAC Protocol. However, God is NOT an invention of the Jews. Perhaps Jesus is the Jewish version of religion, but the concept of religion does not lend itself to forensic exhibits.

      Mr. Kaminski does not know how humans were introduced onto this planet. I don’t know for sure, except that God is mentioned as our maker. Most certainly scientists cannot delve into the matter of human evolution without betraying their agendas (Self-Justification being one of them). To tell people “there is No God”, or that their trusted maker was a figment of Jewish imagination usurps a very fundamental belief that those folks hold dear. I truly believe in God, no matter how the term is uttered among the vast cultures and individuals who seek His mercy, and redemption.

      Though this may seem trite to one who denies such a human concept, it isn’t up to you to decide if God exists, it is MY belief that counts. Perhaps one day you’ll be in a position to need intervention in your life. When it seems no one will help, and the world turns a cold shoulder to your plight, you’ll need that intervention.


      David Baker

    4. Celtic Warrior Says:

      If traditionalist Christians had any sense they’d kick the Old Testament into touch.

      What is pretty clear from only a casual reading of the New Testament is; JC was NOT a jew, and right from the start Christianity faced extreme hostility from jews. Something today’s Christians seem to have forgotten.

      What pisses me off is all this Moses, David and Josua crap. We don’t need it, we have our own rich sustaining history and folk memory. Why should we Western men be the least bit interested in the febrile scribblings of a bunch of desert cut throats.

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      Though this may seem trite to one who denies such a human concept, it isn’t up to you to decide if God exists, it is MY belief that counts. Perhaps one day you’ll be in a position to need intervention in your life. When it seems no one will help, and the world turns a cold shoulder to your plight, you’ll need that intervention.


      David Baker

      Sometimes all one has when in a corner is to turn to the spirit of what ever the power in the cosmos is to hears us, faith is powerful enough some times.

    6. Fr. John Says:

      “And I must say it, that the first step to freedom is to critically examine the Old Testament, then the New Testament. Even the Jewish scholar Amy-Jill Levine readily admits than the “Exodus” is historically questionable (to put it mildly), the “Conquest of the promised land” is bunk, and “King David” is a fiction. ”

      Antagonistes, aren’t you glad that YHWH GOd does not consider you a ‘fiction’ yet mercifully keeps you alive from micro-second to micro-second?

      For ‘it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.”

    7. Antagonistes Says:

      Yes, Father, I am glad!

      I have the greatest respect for Christian character and morality (in the old-fashioned sense of Christianity) but some of the events in the Bible, in which there SHOULD BE mountains of evidence . . . well, none has been found.

      For example, it has been pretty well established that Jericho “fell” two hundred or so years before Joshua.

      Maybe it doesn’t matter that the Bible is not historically accurate? I know that the denomination that I belong to puts very little emphasis on defending the historicity of the Old Testament (and has had this policy for more than one hundred years) because of its historical unreliability.

      I also know that the thought in evangelical circles is not that the Bible is word-for-word true, but that the concepts that it puts forth are true.

      It is just that for decades, if not centuries, the Christian faith has rested on the historicity of the events described. That was its strength—that the things really happened, just as described.

      Sadly, ’tis not so.

      It seems that Christianity has been pushed back, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, ever since the Enlightenment (and before).

      PS–I hope it is “a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.”
      I want that to be true. I want there to be justice in the Universe.

      PPS–the Catholic Church cheerfully admits to all the things I just mentioned, but they still keep the faith. I will probably look into some of the books written by Pope Benedict, which are several. He is supposed to be an intelligent, conservative defender of the faith.

    8. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      Christianity used to boast that it was founded on actual, concrete events, which were recorded in both the old and new testaments.

      The last several centuries have exposed this belief as foolish.

      So what’s left?

      Apparently, from the way its modern adherents are acting, what is left is “we are the world” and “all you need is love.”

      Actually, the New Testament is very anti-family (therefore anti-nation and anti-race), and it always puzzles me that it is portrayed as being pro-family.

      The YHWH entity is a fiction which is kept alive by certain people believing in him. The events recorded about him, and his devotees, are also fiction.