Congressman Sponsors Slavery Apology
Posted by Socrates in historical factualism, History for newbies, jewed Congress, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish role in slavery, jews in America, slavery, Socrates at 10:18 pm | 
Jewish congressman Steve Cohen represents a heavily-Black district. (By the way, will America’s Jewish community ever apologize for its disproportionate role in the slave trade?):
29 July, 2008 at 11:17 pm
I think Metzger has this right – and I have the large Obama sign in my front yard to prove it.
We have wasted far too much time and energy trying to be rational with the irrational, people who wish to see the RACE that made their lifestyle possible wiped from the face of the Earth.
And, when the leading movement – the Vanguard, if you will – of that RACE decides to do a John Galt, one way or another, we will see changes – big damn CHANGES – one way or another.
Metzger is right on this.
Simple as that.
I think we will have to go through what the CSA did during Reconstruction to Get Our Minds Right around the primacy of RACE as a social organizing principle.
All we have to do, then, is make the best of what follows…
By ANY Means Necessary.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
30 July, 2008 at 4:15 pm
OT – Forum seems down. — 5:15 PM EST.
30 July, 2008 at 4:54 pm
I can’t stand looking at that nigger’s ugly mug for 4 years. What makes you think his jewish advisers will let him fail? Look at Clinton, he completely failed to run the small state of Arkansas for 10 years, but it was one of the most corrupt states under his regime. They were 49th or 50th in everything – except murders per capita in Little Rock, and a river as polluted as he made the Mississippi. Yet even some whiggers in WN say what a “good job” he did as “President.’ with the way the kikes rig the stock market however they see fit for their greater schemes.
He may be a better choice than McCain, but enough to make whites rise up and do something? Hillary, with her terrible personality, and her obnoxious arrogant friends on TV everyday would have been a far better choice in letting everyone see just how bad the system is, and those who run it. It is amazing how little about basic human psychology those in the “movement” understand or are willing to investigate, when the kike propgandists investigate full time in this – and still rarely get the forumla right.
30 July, 2008 at 6:42 pm
I also agree that a Obama Presidency would promote the worse is better concept and actually advance the White cause in the long run.
But I can’t stand the thought of voting for that nigger and having a nigger President! It actually makes me physically nauseous. That is why I am holding my nose and voting for Old Man McCain.
30 July, 2008 at 8:29 pm
in reply to Tyson Chicken Guts:
you wrote:
in reply:
The dramatic collapse of the US dollar in value to raw materials guarantees a lowered standard of living which can no longer be masked by cheaper
creditdebt, artificial increased housing values as a mask for lowered real incomes/standard of living, all lead to a generation that must pay the piper – who is speaking Mandarin.There is no place left for them to run to, and the demons-known-as-Jews know it.
The legalization of the illegals – the de facto merger of Mexico, now a failed narcostate, with America, will drive home just how bad their future will be.
An awful lot can go wrong economically, and politically, in four years.
Just watch.
If, at the end, they don’t see RACE as the foundation for social organization, fine.
Just remember – these are the people that currently can not afford an extra two hundred dollars a month extra for gasoline.
They are BROKE, on the way to destitution.
Their economy has failed them, their political system has failed them.
Family – the foundation of RACE – will be all they have left.
That’s where we come in.
Families, united, form a RACE, and, uniting further, form a Nation.
Give them a copy of Covington’s “A Distant thunder,” available for free download on his website.
They’ll have a lot of time to read it, think about it, and DO SOMETHING.
They could send some money to Linder, each and every month, address at the top and bottom of this page.
That would be an excellent start.
you wrote:
in reply:
There is no difference, in practice, between the Democrats and the Republicans, on national policies.
McCain has voted for Affirmative Action, and strongly favors making the illegals, legal.
The Democrats are just more honest about what they intend; the Republicans support them at all possible opportunities.
I’m tired of being Charlie Brown, and having Lucy pull the football away – at the last minute – all of the time.
I’m tired of being played for a Fool – for BEING a Fool – by trusting the word of the Republicans to match their deeds.
If you vote for McCain, you’ll get just what you’ve had for the last forty years – Republican promises to you, and total funding and support for Democratic policies…
By the Republicans.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
30 July, 2008 at 8:39 pm
in reply to Luek:
you wrote:
in reply:
you wrote:
in reply:
A senile fool who supports Democratic policies versus an in-your-face nigger who would FORCE one and all to see that when the nigger is allowed to be in charge, THAT is the moment that Real Power has given up on the System.
And that wind becomes the harvest of the whirlwind.
Look at EVERY American city run by a non-White.
They are, literally, Third World Hell-Holes.
That’s what a LOT of the former United States of America will be, much sooner than many would dare think.
Bob Whitaker talks about Wordism – the power of Words to shape false realities while blinding you to the Truth before you – and I think it’s going to take the functional equivalent of hitting rock bottom for us to find the balls to rebuild, and rebuild in OUR Image.
“Physically nauseous?”
Take some Rolaids, and vote for Obama.
“Nauseous” is nothing compared to how you feel when your Family is reduced to poverty, and the horror of being Second Class Citizens, in a Second World Country, with Third World Regions, and First World Enclaves.
“Anger” is a very useful emotion, and we can work with that.
NOW, rent the dvd of “Fight Club,” and ask yourself what he is talking about.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
30 July, 2008 at 9:45 pm
First off, I know how patronizing it is to give advice, it is like intestinal gas, everyone has an almost endless supply but only they supplier generally appreciates it.
I would like to take that back. I think WN’s generally have a much better perspective on human psychology than any other group I have been around. It takes an exceptional intellect to be a White Nationalist to begin with, and be able to reconize so much. For one you need to reconise human behavioral patterns and differences. To understand the jew, takes a greater grasp on human behavior (since their skin is generally the same color)
without a good leader we have every idiot coming on and attempting to lead the way. This is why Pierce, who believed in the leadership principle, did not believe in internet forums, but blogs such as this. That is the same sort of Republicanism this nation was founded on, and why citizens did not used to get to chose Senators, but they were voted in by Congress. The Founding Fathers reconized most people were not qualified, and too easily misled.
WN’s generallyYou just need to put it in a larger perspective, and think big. Focus on conquering the world, or at least preventing the kikes from doing it.
Re: New America
You are being reactionary.
This is the same baseless argument I have heard time and time again from this camp.
What guarentee do you have that the kikes would let Homama collapse their economy. Do you really think the President has that much power? If they let a shithead Clinton appear he can do economic wonders, what makes you think they won’t do the same for Homama? As well as giving him credit for balancing the budget, reforming welfare etc… when those were Republican submissions.
Meanwhile, the Republcan voters can stand by and say “well you see if we just vote in more Republicans this time, we shall get some real “conservative” reform, without someone like Clinton vetoing it all.’ Blocking any real White resistance, with the hope they can vote their way out of it. While the Democrats do not feel so stupid, and like such leftist enablers for voting for someone Democrat. That is another reason Bush is in there, he is just as leftist – except on some social issues. It is how the kikes infiltrate and play both sides.
Luckily Bush has shown them it doesn’t really matter if a Republican is or isn’t in the Whitehouse, because he works for someone elses interests. SOmeone who conflicts with the interests of his parties voting base as much he, has probably made many more people suspicious of whom really pulls the strings in the outhouse. He is probably the best WN president we have had this century for the arrogant stupidity of the kikes.
Clinton is the orginal 90’s neocon, all the kikes could rally around. Someone who can claim to be conservative, while not being or doing anything “conservative” at all. Someone not having any character (like that is not important in a leader – this is what they said when he was running) or (conservative) principles whatsoever, as long as he tells the people what they want, he can do whatever the fuck he wants. [Does anyone have any evidence of him being a crypto kike? I have never seen someone with so many bad kike-a-like qualities in my life, as that big nosed POS]
All the president does is approve or veto laws, he does not make them. And he can submit an economic plan to Congress, but they always have the power of rejecting it.
All 8 years they rejected Reagan’s proposed budjets. Clinton did not have the brains to submit any kind of workable budget himself, and did not for his first 3 or so years in Congress. Left to his own devices, or sort only his wifes, Clinton surely would have crashed the economy. His wife surely would have,
What makes you think Homama will be so leftist or aggressively stupid, and not just dumb and crackheaded enough to crash the economy? All you can hope for his that the niggers become so annoying, and things become so bad with a nigger in there, that the whites get fed up and there is a upheaval.
Don’t count on the kikes letting that nigger crash the economy, he does not have that kind of power. And that dumb nigger would not attempt to exercise that much, lest he anger his kike masters who would be responsible for putting him in there. But having a nigger in there may be bad enough in other ways, just not to the extreme leap of crashing the economy. He is not the mayor of America.
Don’t come on here with half baked schemes, like every other keyboard commando, and expect everyone else to go along with it, and then expect to lead the way. Take your suggestion, as just that, a suggestion. You need to come up with more compelling reasons, on a WN forum, why we should vote for a worthless nigger, the most despicable creature on the planet. This is a discussion group, not the operation station. Unless you are attempting to recruit real activism and inspire it. This is not a Democratic society.
The purpose of this forum is to inform whites of the real threat facing them so they will feel compelled to take action themselves. Then an organizer can step forward.
As Blackadder said to Baldrick; Try having a thought of your own- thinking is so important.
30 July, 2008 at 9:47 pm
Your taking about the outcome we should expect with no proof to show how we will arrive at it.
30 July, 2008 at 10:03 pm
[i]A senile fool who supports Democratic policies versus an in-your-face nigger who would FORCE one and all to see that when the nigger is allowed to be in charge, THAT is the moment that Real Power has given up on the System.
And that wind becomes the harvest of the whirlwind.
Look at EVERY American city run by a non-White.
They are, literally, Third World Hell-Holes.
That’s what a LOT of the former United States of America will be, much sooner than many would dare think.
Bob Whitaker talks about Wordism – the power of Words to shape false realities while blinding you to the Truth before you – and I think it’s going to take the functional equivalent of hitting rock bottom for us to find the balls to rebuild, and rebuild in OUR Image.
“Physically nauseous?”
Take some Rolaids, and vote for Obama.
“Nauseous” is nothing compared to how you feel when your Family is reduced to poverty, and the horror of being Second Class Citizens, in a Second World Country, with Third World Regions, and First World Enclaves.
“Anger” is a very useful emotion, and we can work with that.
NOW, rent the dvd of “Fight Club,” and ask yourself what he is talking about.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE![/i]
That movie is crap, wigger.
A nigger face on bad jewish ideas is much better than an old white “Presidential” looking one, yes. And he would be a worse domestic leader than McConged. And the kikes and liberal idiots may not be able to keep him on a short enough leash to stop him from fucking up to much. But what they give the no impulse control coon enough slack in order to turn this into Rhodesia or Detroit? And you said the nigger would crash the economy outright, what evidence do you have to support this? How do you know they won’t keep him on a very tight leash?
31 July, 2008 at 1:46 am
in reply to TCGggg:
I will deal with your second reply, which is much more succint than your first, and ties more directly into my statements.
You wrote:
Referring to my endorsement of the movie “Fight Club,” you wrote:
31 July, 2008 at 1:56 am
in further reply to TCGggg:
I believe the larger issue is one that Metzger has also addressed, in terms that insure we shall be judged harshly by our Posterity.
Here is Metzger’s Formulation:
We Let This Happen to Us.
Damn, but we must do all in our power to insure that those words are not inscribed on our tombstone.
While we can…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
31 July, 2008 at 11:43 am
“It is amazing how little about basic human psychology those in the “movement” understand”
“I think WN’s generally have a much better perspective on human psychology than any other group I have been around.”
31 July, 2008 at 9:52 pm
Brother shabbos s. shabazz makes an excellent point.
I have thought and thought about the proper metaphor for the political choices we have had, historically, and the only one that makes sense is this:
Charlie Brown, going to kick the football, just as Lucy pulls it away, and then calls him a “BLOCKHEAD!”
Seems damn near perfect.
Well, it because we organized on the basis of everything but RACE – the one thing that always works – and even the Repuboicans have done this.
Nixon ran on RACE – pure and simple.
We can call it what we want – “Southern Strategy” is just fine – but it always WORKED.
We were too damn busy
watchingplaying football,watchingplaying basketball (“Hon! It’s my college team!”),watchingplaying baseball, all while our implacable RACIAL Enemy, the goddamn JEWS, kept moving the ball down the field in the only real game that mattered – Power Politics.The Republicans have been totally coopted by the Goddamn JEWS, and we all know it; the (Goddamn Jewish) “neocons” have totally coopted all elements of foreign policy, to the point that foreign policy is now discussed in the debates as one question: “What will you for for Israel?”
At the very least, Obama removes all of the excuses, and puts it out there, clear as daylight.
Affirmative Action?
Both parties are identical – in practice.
Making the illegals legal?
Both parties are identical – in practice.
“Hate crimes” legislation?
Both parties are identical – in practice.
Note that I have just defined the issues in terms of the only issue that ultimately matters – RACE – and the two parties are identical – in practice.
Why vote for the Republican – Obama in Whiteface make-up – when we can have the Real Thing?
DAMN RIGHT I’m voting for Obama.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
1 August, 2008 at 3:28 am
Kevin V. writes:
I’ve been following your latest series of posts on this topic with great interest, because, as with much of what you write about, this particular issue is one that transformed me from a leftist to a traditionalist who believes strongly that race does matter.
I remember when I was in college hearing of a Stanford student named Amy Biehl who had been killed by a black crowd in one of the townships in South Africa. She had gone there to help. Since my roommate at the time was a South African graduate student, I had been receiving a great education about current events there. Even though he was a liberal, he explained to me why Biehl’s activities were near suicidal in nature.
It was the television reports that got to me. I remember very clearly watching the ABC News reports on the trial of the men who had stoned and stabbed Biehl to death as she begged for her life. The courtroom was packed with the relatives and friends of the accused, who had to be admonished by the judge over and over to maintain order during the proceedings. The ABC newsman focused on one dramatic event during that day’s testimony. As a witness for the prosecution described in detail Biehl’s begging while a knife was being driven into her chest down to the hilt, the black women in the crowd began to laugh and perform a mocking ululating while a few performed mock begging motions. The black men yowled in glee and the entire courtroom broke out into hysterics as the black crowd mocked this white girl’s final moments.
Sitting in the courtroom, fresh from lily-white and very wealthy Newport Beach, California, were Biehl’s parents, Linda and Peter Biehl. The news report then cut to an interview of the parents after the day’s testimony, in which they declared that understood the anger of the crowd and that their fondest hope was that their daughter’s murder trial would lead to an opportunity for reconciliation and forgiveness. It was seeing this despicable reaction that made me realize that what I was seeing around me in Berkeley was, in fact, true: there is no black depravity against whites that white liberals will not excuse or forgive. We have it coming. Even our own daughters have it coming.
In case you think that this was an instance of shell-shocked parents not thinking clearly, I should note that the Biehls have gone on to form a charity, the Amy Biehl Foundation, which “continues Amy’s work in South Africa.” The website of Beyond Intractability, which describes itself as a site dedicated to finding “more constructive approaches to destructive conflict,” has this report on Linda Biehl from December, 2005:
Eventually, Peter and Linda quit their jobs in California and started a South African organization, running after-school programs and small businesses in the townships.
“We had already determined that Amy was killed during a very violent time, but there was still violence. It was mostly economic-based, there were no schools. We wanted to help make functional young people,” says Linda.
In 1997, Desmond Tutu created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Created to deal with the horrors of apartheid, the TRC allowed perpetrators of racial crimes to receive amnesty for a full confession. Victims could also receive reparations for the pain they had suffered. The four men convicted of Amy’s murder applied.
The Biehls wanted to be respectful of the TRC process because they knew that Amy would have supported it. They granted all four men amnesty. At the hearing, Peter addressed the Commission saying, “The most important vehicle of reconciliation is open and honest dialogue … we are here to reconcile a human life which was taken without an opportunity for dialogue. When we are finished with this process we must move forward with linked arms.” However, despite what Peter had said at the hearing, probably nobody expected what happened next.
After they were released from prison, Easy Nofemela and Ntobeko Peni, two of the men convicted of Amy’s murder had come to much the same conclusion the Biehls had about the townships.
“They were shocked to see things hadn’t changed. Things were worse. Their friends were not in school. There was a lot of drinking and drugs,” Linda remembers. The two men started a youth group in their township and they wanted to show the Biehls what they had done. An anthropologist who had been interviewing them offered to contact the Biehls. They agreed.
The Biehls took Nofemela and Peni out to dinner. That night was the beginning of a strong friendship between the four. The Biehls hired the two men to help out with their organization.
[end of excerpt]
She helps the murderers obtain amnesty, she dines out with them, and she hires them, the savages who murdered her own daughter.
Simply put, this is monstrously inhuman. This is liberalism.
If we, as a movement, are waiting for whites to “wake up,” we will fail. The Biehl experience shows that even under such circumstances, liberalism remains a terminal disease.
1 August, 2008 at 5:16 am
OK, so the majority of Whites are not going to wake up from the narcosis of liberalism. What course of action must we choose that will lead to our victory and survival?
That is the big question. By 2050 it will be “game over, man”.
1 August, 2008 at 10:12 am
Folks — We should ALL be posting at left wing, or similar, websites more often than we do here!
THAT is the most potent advice TT has given to us.
There we should discuss:
Predatory Capitalism
The Corporate State
… and then lead into:
The Environment
Peak Oil?
… the calculus will reveral itself to those of sound morals and mind!
Illegal aliens will be brought up by THEM — the LEFT!
… And Race will become the obvious unspoken perspective all too often obfuscatedf by our Jew Media.
14 Bob
1 August, 2008 at 2:04 pm
Maybe ten years ago, the Sierra Club was about to declare illegal aliens “a form of pollution” (!) (or words to that effect).
A payment of ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS from jewish humanitarian DAVID GELBAUM (Newport Beach CA) stifled the club’s resolve.
“However, as of 2004, at least, this has brought about conflict within the Sierra Club, a war driven by these immigration issues, and one which may determine the future of the Club (and of the United States), as activists from its right wing and left wing have sought to take control.
Activists from the right had been seeking to change the Club’s position on the immigration issue. However, those members opposing the current Sierra Club leadership have been subjected to the usual leftist name-calling, having been labeled (ironically enough) “extremists,”(1) as well as being those who advocated the “greening of hate,“(1) and were accused by Sierra Club leaders of being “hate mongers”(1) and “racists”(1) for supporting national sovereignty or the protection of our borders (or, apparently, the protection of our environment).
On the other hand, from the left, a person like Paul Watson, a co-founder of Greenpeace,(1) was endorsing increased violence. And, this same Watson was also the founder of the “Sea Shepherd Conservation Society,“(1) a group of ecologically-minded terrorists armed with AK-47s who have sailed the seas searching for fishing boats so that they could ram and sink them, and who has openly admitted to having sunk at least 10 ships(1) (which is quite a comment on the left’s claim to be for peace). And, also, it is this same Watson has said that “there’s nothing wrong with being a terrorist, as long as you win,“(1) and the very same Watson who has declared that he intends to take over the Sierra Club.
And, one may find it interesting that the Sierra Club leadership has not reacted with anything like the alarm at the possible takeover by such a person as Paul Watson as they have towards those who seek to keep illegal aliens out of our nation, and to maintain a Zero Population Growth agenda. This fact could well reveal much about what the Sierra Club truly is, and what it could do in the future.
And, in fact, since 1996, the leadership of the Sierra Club has refused to admit that massive U.S. population growth, brought about by immense immigration levels, is causing huge environmental problems. And they have also refused to admit that there is a need to reduce U.S. immigration levels if we are to stop this population growth, and protect our natural resources (which latter, at least, is the stated reason for this organization‘s existence). And, their refusal to admit these things has been a mystery for nearly a decade.
However, on Oct. 27, 2004, the “Los Angeles Times” finally gave us the answer: David Gelbaum, a extremely wealthy donor, had demanded that the Sierra Club take this position as to immigration as a payment for Gelbaum’s very large donations, and the “LA Times” article that broke the story, written by Kenneth Weiss, quotes David Gelbaum as saying to Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope: “I did tell Carl Pope in 1994 or 1995 that if they ever came out anti-immigration, they would never get a dollar from me.”(2)”
1 August, 2008 at 3:22 pm
My name “TCG” was in reference to how polluted the Clintons let Tyson Chicken leave the Arkansas river.
Anyways “New America.” You refute no points anyone makes, nor do you have offer any proof for any of your points, like when I agree it would be better to have a nigger in there, then an old white presidential (Republican) face attached to bad jewish ideas. You just continue to ramble on about what is going to happen because you hope it will happen…like Covington’s NW plan.
Yes it would be better if the economy crashed with a nigger in office. Do you have any kind of argument he will crash the economy, or do you just believe the dollar is going to fail and the economy is going to tank, or do you just believe he will make it? Will they let in even more illegals with him in office, NOTICIBLY more? We know humans find them unpleasnet.
Offer some substance for your arguements.
No, just shut up you stupid cunt.
1 August, 2008 at 5:45 pm
in reply to Robert Reis:
Your story demonstrates the magnitude of what we are up against among our “own” RACE, and why the “Charlie Brown and the football” metaphor works so well.
Pierce had it right – he was reaching for one to three percent of the population.
These self-hating White people could use their money to help kids in Appalachia – there are lots of useful programs they could do for their own children.
Yet, they have been so gelded that they have adopted the values of their implacable RACIAL Enemies.
It’s like the death of their daughter was the excuse they needed to do what they wanted to do all along, and that was seek the approval of their RACIAL Enemies.
Think their daughter was the functional equivalent of a human sacrifice?
Certainly, her murderers did.
Their daughters LIFE was solely a means to an end for them.
Simple as that.
And, remember this:
If this is how they treat the death of their daughter, how will they – and those like them – treat the death of OUR Children, OUR Posterity, OUR RACIAL Future?
That’s why we can’t be Charlie Brown any more.
And we can’t let the Republicans be Lucy, either.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
1 August, 2008 at 6:05 pm
in reply to Celtic Warrior:
you wrote:
in reply:
We must start where we are, and start with our selves.
Sky God Rockwell, Sky God Pierce, Sky God Uncle Adolph, all did just that – starting from humble situations, indeed.
Are you overweight?
Most of us are.
DO SOMETHING about that.
No skills in, say, martial arts?
DO SOMETHING about that.
In debt for buying worthless items?
DO SOMETHING about that, like working a second full-time job, and throwing all of the money at the bills. It will also stop you from spending money.
If The Woman In Your Life objects to this, DO SOMETHING about that.
Need more skills, more schooling, more training?
DO SOMETHING about that.
You will be surprised at the variety of courses offered by your county’s office of Adult Education – my brother became a crack welder at the high school he dropped out of.
NOW, begin to answer all Questions in the light of One Question:
What do I want my obituary to say?
Mine has a paragraph like this:
At the age of (TOO DAMN OLD!), he realized hie might be able to help his Nephews make something of themselves, and, as the Old Order passed, they moved and Started Over in what became a regional capital of the Northwest Republic.
By defining your life in light of that much greater Purpose – specifically, one tied to your Duty to your RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture – you never have to ask, “I’m bored. What do I do now?”
Building a new nation offers no shortage of opportunities for work.
you wrote:
in reply:
The Game is always changing.
The last time I heard the phrase, “Game Over, Man,” it was from the second movie in the “Alien” series, “Aliens.”
White guys who had always been told what to do met an implacable RACIAL Enemy, whose sole purpose was to conquer them, and use them for FOOD!
They had to get smarter, tougher, and MUCH more ruthless – they had to develop a RACIAL Mindset of CONQUEST, damn nwar immediately.
THAT is why I want everyone to watch “Fight Club” – TWICE, to see who Tyler Durden WAS, and why that is so damn important.
We have built the greatest damn social order in the history of the world.
WE abandoned our Cities to the jungle savages, and the demonic Jew cultural programming turned our sons into geldings, and our daughters into whores, who surrender to the Conqueror – the crackheaded niggers – all too often.
Now, contrast us, with our “let’s sell everything and move ten miles up the highway” perspective, with Team Aztlan.
Understand this – this is species in conflict for nutrition, and resources.
Team Aztlan GOES AFTER the crackhead niggers – not only do they not run, Hell, they go AFTER the crackhead niggers, and do horrible things to them.
And, it works.
The jungle savages have been told, “New Orleans is now Nueva Orleans, man. Don’t come back here. Stay in Houston, or wherever, but don’t come back here. You KNOW what you’ll get if you do.”
Rest assured.
The last words you will hear from team Aztlan, in THEIR dealings with the crackhead niggers, is “Game Over. Man!”
Except when they are telling it TO the niggers.
Metzger has it right.
The only “rights” you have are the ones you enforce.
Everything else is merely a “privilege,” and can be revoked at will, not unlike a driver’s license, or your life, and anything you THINK you own in between those two.
If we do this even half-way right, 2050 will not be “Game Over.”
It will be “New Game.”
And, THIS time, we will not be the Victims.
No More Charlie Brown.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
1 August, 2008 at 6:19 pm
Mexicans are not at the top of the fed’s shit list like we are.
Niggers and spics are allowed to use force; we can’t even use reason without fear.
1 August, 2008 at 8:03 pm
Why do you keep going off on a tangent New America, why all the grand standing ? Are YOu running for office?
Perhaps with all your catch phrases you could make WN bump-stickers, and give some of the proceeds to Alex.
If a group of white men launched an attack on a bunch of nigs, each would get a minimum of 5 year in prison for a hate crime (unlike when 20 or so of them attack young white girls) The only purpose it would serve is if, say 6 or so beat up 20, just to show the world how easy it is for white men to beat up niggers. It may not be the “Revenge of the Nerds”ending the kikes are hoping for, but that is why they call Motion Picture making “PROJECTION.”
No, I suggest you take all those constructive suggestions of yours, take a heavy brief case and visit Bnai Brith or ADL head-quarters and let them know what you really think about all their hate crimes desinged to make unfearful white men act like freakish cowards, and what they are doing to Old America and the New World Order they are implementing on it.
They might not listen, but I’m sure everyone else will if you make just the right presentation. It could be quite inspirational. Remember, ideas can be EXPLOSIVE!
As for this place. Be considerate, remember, don’t make a speech here, that you don’t think at least 100 people would want to sit by the podium and hear.
1 August, 2008 at 8:09 pm
in reply to shabbos s. shabazz:
you wrote:
in reply:
Yet, they prevail.
We can learn from this.
you wrote:
in reply:
That is the larger issue.
We are being constructively neutralized at the level of conscious THOUGHT.
And, remember, as always, we only support the use of force within legitimate guidelines, for legitimate purposes.
“Aggressiveness” is simply the extreme case of assertiveness.
We seem to fail, all too often, at both.
That’s why I like the dvd of “Fight Club.”
It reminds us of how much of our identity is artificially created and developed, and how we can punch through the illusions, and take responsibility for Creating our Adult identities, by being what we want the world to become.
While we can…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
1 August, 2008 at 9:48 pm
in reply to Wilbert:
Let’s play “Wicker Man,” with your straw men, and watch the ashes fly away.
I have to take a minute and respond to your sadly immature combination of ignorance, projection, and ineptitude – all told, frankly, the hallmarks of the classical, self-proclaimed, White Nationalist leadership.
I do not advocate going on the attack – physically – against any one, or any group.
“The Movement” has had enough of such sad and pathetic ideas, all fed to them by agents provocateur.
The result is the same – some sad, pathetic loser ends up on the national evening news, on his way to Club Fed, all the while showing the world his rotted yellow teeth, all the while showing the world what it’s like to fit a size 60 waist into size 50 overalls, and all the while shouting “White Power.”
Such people have no idea how easily they were played for fools by men and women who have, and represent, Real Power.
My proposals are simple, basic, self improvement.
They require taking responsibility for yourself, and your situation, rather than blindly blaming intangible entities that do nothing to stop you from doing ONE push-up, ONE crunch, and stop drinking ONE less beer RIGHT NOW.
No one proposed anyone looking out the window, and saying to himself, “Damn! Let’s go out and attack the jungle savages!”
Why should they?
All that gets them is Federal time.
All they have worked for all of their life is lost, as is most of the rest of their life.
Remember, I have always preached intelligent assertiveness, and not the unintelligent aggressiveness that has been the hallmark of so many White Nationalist “leaders.”
Perhaps, if they practiced what I preached, they might be better men for themselves, their Families, their Communities, and their Nation.
They might also be alive, and free, today.
If you don’t want to practice what I preach, go to edgar steele’s website and download the mp3 of “Let’s Get Small,” and practice what he preaches.
While you can…
Remember this great truth from VOR’s Peter Schaenk – the Jews gained damn near total control of this country without firing one shot, by controlling the pictures you see, and the words you hear.
THAT is the Deep War that we have all been engaged in, whether we like it or not.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
2 August, 2008 at 2:58 am
That was a superb response, New America. Extremely sensible, and very moving.
2 August, 2008 at 1:45 pm
in reply to ein:
I keep returning to the theme Briseis mentioned on a VNN FTL Friday some time back, of why so many of our young men seem to be so marginal in so many areas.
Setting aside the de facto gelding of the American “male” by the hook-nosed Satanists known as Jews…
No, we can’t do that.
They are TOO soft, TOO “nice,” TOO “tolerant.”
And they are pushed aside by those who are NOT soft, “nice,” or “tolerant.”
The deeper issue is, they have been taught that this self-gelding is due to their “moral superiority.”
“Morality,” of course, as taught by the RACIAL Enemies.
Hence, we have the de facto functional equivalent of slow suicide.
The first step is simply shutting down the Awareness that SOMETHING, on some fundamental level, is profoundly WRONG.
The second step is replacing positive treatment, with the soft anesthesia of music videos, and computer games.
The hard anesthesia is where the Jews triumphs – replacing positive models of excellence – the hallmark of the White RACE, and the triumph of the world only Western Man could Create – with their EXACT opposite, and having him identify with THEM to the exclusion of his own possibilities for greatness.
Simply put, the Creative forces within the Persona that could have, and should have, helped our young men to make something of themselves, have been neutralized, and perverted, by our RACIAL Enemies.
Not one person – absent Hoosier, in the discussion concerning Kevin Alfred Strom – has wanted to begin to discuss this critically important issue, which was raised by Briseis.
I think the reason for that, in part, is that no one wants to look too closely into the mirror, of – in Metzger’s Formulation – What We LET Happen To Us.
The pathetic fantasies of “Movement Past” – massive RACIAL Awakenings, use of force against the most powerful military the world has ever seen, Sky Gods returning to do for us what we should have done – are all the hallmarks of people who have lost touch with their ability to be effective, at the Adult Masculine level.
I think the hour is late, and we should start to DO SOMETHING about all of this…
While we can.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
2 August, 2008 at 6:14 pm
That is not what you said in the previous post. There you said we should be “assertive” like the Mexicunts and go beat up some niggers.
Yes, that is some good advice. Are you a personal motivationist? What makes you think some of us are not “assertive”? Jews are the most assertive race of all, does this make phsyically intimidating?
Mexicans at the store are quite humble, Mexicans behind a desk are quite “assertive”, especially the older ones but few are capable of real physical aggression unless they encounter a real pussy. Yes, you have to look at them like you are going to beat them up, or they will open their mouth. Some guys just have a look. Niggers are the same way, quite humble.
Assertiveness is a bluff. The coolest costomers never reveal their hand.
Only a freak fears another man. These subhumans just instinctively know their place.
I think if you beat up a big nigger you are far likiler to be charged with a hate crime than beating up a small one. The kikes would be much more eager to make an example out of you. But I could be wrong.
I really think you should go to the ADL headquarters and share some of your dynomite ideas with them, and do us all some real good. Remember ideas can be explosive, cunt.
2 August, 2008 at 7:35 pm
in reply to Wilbert:
Because so many people come here, I must correct you get again, if only for their sakes.
We’ve had far too many people who were manipulated by agents provocateur into using the one tool the System is fully prepared to neutralize – brute physical force – while assiduously avoiding the tools that were used to all but conquer us.
in reply:
“Assertive,” as the Mexicans surely are.
But not “aggressive,” to the point of the inappropriate use of force.
We have pretty much forgotten intelligent assertiveness.
Now, unintelligent aggressiveness; Hell, that’s Movement Past coming and going!
Just like the bull charging the red cape, and missing the matador – with his swords – entirely, Movement Past ran headlong into doing stupid things, and then, with a final wave of his cape, the matador drew his sword, and finished it off.
“All too easy,” for the matador, and “Game Over, Man!” for us.
Read all of my writings: i have never advocated, and will never advocate, the use of force to solve our problems, save as the last step, when it is a life or death situation. Even then, I advocate using just enough force to free yourself from the trap, and then LEARN the lesson, and LEARN to avoid the trap in the future.
you wrote:
in reply:
Jews are ruthlessly aggressive, but they are intelligent about it.
And, most of the “Whit Nationalists” I have seen fit Linder’s description perfectly: “The worst people, out there representing the best Idea.”
Occasionally, we get lucky – Rockwell, Pierce, Linder, and Bill White.
Usually, we don’t learn from them.
What Would Rockwell Do TODAY?
you wrote:
in reply:
Reports from the law enforcement community, in general, and the Bureaus of Prisons, in particular, state there is no shortage of physical aggression among the Mexican population; soon, under President Obama OR President McCain, to become the American population.
you wrote:
in reply:
Assertiveness comes form the certain confidence that aggressiveness is there, on demand, and under control.
you wrote:
in reply:
I think you are missing a big point here.
What you see as “fear(ing) another man,” I see more as fearing what the other man can DO, under certain circumstances.
Remember, fear comes from a feeling of helplessness in the face of a situation.
Keep your eye on the larger situation, and you will have no need to fear another man.
Miss the larger situation – like, say, going into a bar and getting into a fight with the wrong person, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, simply means you have surrendered control of the situation to someone else.
This rarely works out to your benefit.
you wrote:
in reply:
Best of all, be where the crackhead niggers aren’t.
That works out best for all of us.
you wrote:
in reply:
The ADL has their own ideas, and they certainly seem to be working for them.
That seems to be where the battle has been all but yielded by us.
Here’s an excellent Idea:
Assertiveness training might make a good start for many of us, before we act inappropriately aggressive…
And fall right into the trap that was set for us by the agents provocateur.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
2 August, 2008 at 8:31 pm
“That is not what you said in the previous post. There you said we should be “assertive” like the Mexicunts and go beat up some niggers.”
Absolutely correct.
2 August, 2008 at 8:56 pm
in reply to shabbos s. shabazz:
you wrote, quoting “Wilbert”:
you commented:
in reply:
Well, for one, not “correct,” and certainly not “absolutely correct.”
Reread what I said.
The Mexican form of “assertiveness” cited in your example – direct physical attacks on the crackhead niggers – is not what I advocated for us.
I’ve written about this topic rather often, and my philosophy – and practice – has always been that the people who are encouraging YOU to use direct physical violence are always either agents provocateur – either for an agency, or just people who enjoy seeing you go to jail, you life ruined, for their amusement.
Anybody seen Matt Hale lately?
Anyone listen to what Edgar Steele described as the “evidence” that put him in prison?
How about the National Alliance’s Shaun Walker?
What’s he doing these days?
Should we be as “assertive” as the Mexicans?
Should be practice the same acts of “aggression” as the Mexicans?
Of course not.
Should we be in much better shape than we are – physically, psychologically, financially, politically – than we are?
You bet.
And THAT should be our focus, where the Masculine power of aggression can be harnessed into productive purposes, with intelligent assertiveness.
Think of it this way:
Mexican aggressiveness has been channeled into political assertiveness, with great success in Los Angeles, today, and the first hundred miles of the formerly US section of the border, all too soon.
That’s today’s vocabulary lesson.
Now, go, and do likewise.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
2 August, 2008 at 9:48 pm
Wilbert says: “I think if you beat up a big nigger you are far [more likely] to be charged with a hate crime than beating up a small one. The kikes would be much more eager to make an example out of you.”
So what then? I think Wilbert is making a fundamental error in looking at the droplets instead of the ocean, at the leaves instead of the forest. Like New America’s excellent analogy of the maddened bull, he is rushing at the fluttering red cape and missing the matador (who is going to kill him). “Beat up a big nigger” (?) Where is the gain? Even if you get away with it, without being arrested, what have you accomplished? There will still be millions more. You can’t possibly beat up all of them. And eventually one of them is going to finish off YOU. Meantime, you have attacked one drop, but the ocean will still remain.
New America’s reply is wisest: “Be where the niggers aren’t.”
But don’t go looking for trouble. Don’t we have enough already? Why seek out more?
New America goes on to speak more good sense (and I couldn’t agree more!):
“no one wants to look too closely into the mirror of What We LET Happen To Us.
The pathetic fantasies of “Movement Past” – massive RACIAL Awakenings, use of force against the most powerful military the world has ever seen, Sky Gods returning to do for us what we should have done – are all the hallmarks of people who have lost touch with their ability to be effective, at the Adult Masculine level. ”
The inherent wisdom of this, I’m afraid, will be lost on hotheads who just want to go out and “beat up a big nigger”, and who can see nothing beyond that immediate gratification. What would it accomplish? Would the laws and conditions in place not continue to exist?
In fact, the fecklessness, the unrealism, the hopelessness of those “pathetic fantasies” that he mentions remind me a lot of the last days of the Sioux when they retreated, in their desperation, into mysticism and spiritism. A catastrophic mistake for them! Having hallucinations, self-torture and starvation, staring at the sun, getting drunk, eating mushrooms, dancing the Sun Dance, praying to the ancestors .. all in the hope that the spirits of their ancestors in the sky would come back and save them. They didn’t! Today, they are a defeated, demoralized people, living on reservations.
The Sioux were only an ignorant and barbaric tribe. They didn’t know any better. Would we repeat the same nonsense? Only to achieve the same result?
2 August, 2008 at 10:02 pm
“I’ve written about this topic rather often, and my philosophy – and practice – has always been that the people who are encouraging YOU to use direct physical violence are always either agents provocateurs – either for an agency, or just people who enjoy seeing you go to jail, you life ruined, for their amusement. “
For their amusement, indeed!
Words of wisdom. Here again, I cannot possibly agree more. The hotheads will say you’re a wimp; the provocateurs will say the same, or call you worse. Your prudence will be lost on them. But unlike some others, you will be here to fight another day. A heroic fool does no one any good. There is no glory in losing a battle.
2 August, 2008 at 10:06 pm
I’ve written about this topic rather often, and my philosophy – and practice – has always been that the people who are encouraging YOU to use direct physical violence are always either agents-provocateurs – either for an agency, or just people who enjoy seeing you go to jail, you life ruined, for their amusement.
For their amusement, indeed!
Words of wisdom. Here again, I cannot possibly agree more. The hotheads will say you’re a wimp; the provocateurs will say the same, or call you worse. Your prudence will be lost on them. But unlike some others, you will be here to fight another day. A heroic fool does no one any good. There is no glory in losing a battle.
3 August, 2008 at 12:15 am
in reply to ein:
Thanks for the analysis and commentary.
I keep returning to the two issues no one wants to discuss – the ineffectiveness of our young men, as mentioned by Briseis, and the failures of Movement Past.
I am amazed that people cite the example of Dr. Pierce, without trying to be Pierce, and be better than Pierce.
The same for Rockwell, and Oliver, and several others.
The idea that the current critics are trapped in the self-chosen impotence of living in A Past That Never Was makes me all the more appreciative of those on our side who can add two and two, and get an even number.
You made a comment I would really like to elaborate upon.
When I wrote:
you replied:
in reply:
I have wondered why they follow what those who came before did, rather than being a bit more Creative about how they saw the situation.
Thus, they engage in acts that simply highlight how marginal they are – people you would not want to be in a room with for long, under the best of circumstances.
They ask, “What Did Rockwell Do?’
Good question, but – with the exception of Bill White, they don’t ask the questions that fall into place from that:
“WHY Did Rockwell Do That, Then, and WHAT Would Rockwell Do TODAY?”
Instead, all too many of our marginal young men escape into Fantasies of Power – “Come On! Let’s go pick a fight with somebody!” – and do not focus on the purpose to which this Power would be placed.
Thus, they are essentially easily led – the flowing red cape of the matador – and easily neutralized – small cuts, larger cuts, and then, the sword.
Or, in the case of all too many of our Posterity, “Barbeque. Budweiser. Warnings. Arrest. Conviction. Incarceration. Probation. House Arrest. Barbeque. Budweiser….”
They are trapped in the functional equivalent of the Sioux Mythos – but theirs is the music of country music, of whiskey baravado, of raging against the functional impotence that their lives represent.
So, living in A Past That Never Was – you did NOT want to be a poor white laborer in the Confederacy, where the slaves had it better than you – they hide behind Symbols of Power, and eventually, adopt those symbols as the Substance they thought was there.
It wasn’t; it’s the picture they fell in love with, and not the Reality the picture partially portrays.
“What Would Rockwell Do – TODAY?”
I like to think he would become involved in conventional politics, as a tool for learning about practical politics – practical governance – for damn near free.
He would learn from both parties – both parties offer free courses to their people in the issues of how to raise and account for campaign funds, how to build political organizations and support for the political organizations.
He would learn how to develop and manage businesses, and people.
He would work in Church groups to build support for his Ideas, and Ideals.
Eventually, he would move forward, announcing his candidacy.
Having learned the hidden rules of leadership, he could move forward in politics, on many levels.
And, all of this would only cost him time that he wasn’t doing anything constructive with, any way!
Understand this – The System will teach you how The System works, damn near for FREE!
All you have to do is show up, and put in some effort.
This is beyond our critics, our men of feckless action, our Boys in the bodies of Men who seek to use the Forms of Power that are most easily neutralized.
“What Would Rockwell Do – TODAY?”
My guess?
Right about now, he would be getting ready to address the League of Women Voters on the importance, and effectiveness, of home schooling in a modern nation.
He would be developing true political support in this manner.
He would be EFFECTIVE.
DAMN, isn’t THAT a new idea for our side?
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
3 August, 2008 at 3:10 am
“Living in A Past That Never Was — you did NOT want to be a poor white laborer in the Confederacy, where the slaves had it better than you.”
“Country music and whiskey bravado, raging against the functional impotence that their lives represent”.
My God! That’s it exactly. You describe it so well.
And the practical suggestions you recommend to remedy this problem are excellent. I hope somebody’ out there is reading carefully and taking notes. Countless people love to criticize; but few, if any, offer practical solutions.
The System will teach you how The System works, damn near for FREE!
All you have to do is show up, and put in some effort.
3 August, 2008 at 5:39 pm
in reply to ein:
This is why I stand behind Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic model as strongly as I do.
It offers opportunities beyond imagining – IF you are willing to put forward the work.
Don’t kid yourself- at $5USD/gal, on its way to $10USD/gal, the demographic map of American-As-We-Know-It will disappear in twenty years, even if the situation with New Aztlan does not develop.
Bluntly, New Aztlan will only accelerate this trend.
Peter Schaenk, on VOR Radio, hit the Question perfectly:
“Let’s assume all of our RACIAL Enemies disappeared from the face of the Earth tomorrow. Just vanished – like that! What would you do then, and why aren’t you doing that today?”
Any artificial limits essentially disappear when you place this question in the context of a new nation within America’s borders.
Want to get involved in politics – intelligently?
The two major parties offer training workshops of all aspects of political organization for damn near FREE!
Want to be an electrician?
Courses available at your local adult education center – usually a high school, for the skilled trades. Costs are nominal – except for your time and effort.
All of these are transportable skills, which could be used in the founding of a new nation.
So, in Reality, NOTHING stops us from being who we want to be, and doing what we want to do, consistent with our Talents and Abilities.
That’s why I go with Metzger so often – he is right on the biggest issues, that (1) We LET this happen to us, and (2) We can DO SOMETHING about this, even at this late hour.
Metzger had it right.
We confuse cause and effect.
Our RACIAL Enemies are ONLY doing what parasites do.
You only see parasites in the presence of decay.
Where do you see the strongest presence of our RACIAL Enemies, the parasites – the demonic Jews, the degenerate illegals, the crackhead niggers?
Areas that the best of us abandoned – years ago.
It just took time for the cancer to come to the surface, where all could see it.
Peter Schanek had this right, too – look at “LIFE” or “LOOK” magazines from the Forties and Fifties, and look at what Los Angeles looked like then.
Look at Los Angeles NOW – Los Angeles, the capital of Alta California, the capital of New New Mexico.
When the Life left, the decay took over.
THAT is an example of what WE can do, when we choose to do it.
This is the Mindset I am developing for my younger relatives:
Do not see yourselves as Standard American Citizens.
See yourselves as Ambassadors from the Northwest Republic in twenty or thirty years.
Begin training yourself NOW for these wonderful opportunities.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!