19 July, 2008

Britain: TV is Too White

Posted by Socrates in black pols, Britain, Diversity, egalitarianism, England, multiculturalism, Socrates, tv at 7:48 pm | Permanent Link

So says the Black “equality chief,” Trevor Phillips. Why does a White country like England have a Black “equality” official? And, what an odd comment: “hideously white” – you can imagine the outcry if someone said “hideously black“:


  • 7 Responses to “Britain: TV is Too White”

    1. Mike in NYC Says:

      Good to see that most responses were decidedly negative.

      Several posters referred to TP as a “quango.” Anyone know what that is? It didn’t sound too complimentary. Pretty “hateful,” in fact.

    2. LoveWhite Says:

      To answer your question Mike: a quango is an organisation that although is financed by the government, operates independently of it. Trevor Phillips is head of Equality and Human Rights Commission, the successor to the previous Commission for Racial Equality which he also heaed and was paid £80,000 per annum for a 4 day week. I suppose a quango could be used to describe an individual rather than a group, and Phillips clearly is advancing his own agenda which is more anti-white and Marxist than the tyrannical Labour government in power.

      Phillips claim that British TV is too white is ludicrous. If anything, ethnic minorities are over represented on television given that they don’t comprise more than 15% of the population – though the figure is rising.

    3. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Almost every program on the jewtube has some nigger or mud telling White people what to do; just view ‘The Bill’ for 5 minutes. Looking at such programs for longer than 5 minutes can seriously damage your health. Don’t do it!

      The jewtube is an insidious pest that can be found in most homes, mostly lurking dangerously in a corner. The safest action is to give it a full clip, though you may need to reload when dealing with the larger flat screen varieties. While at it check out your children’s bedrooms, there may be a small 14 inch model sitting in a bookshelf.
      Don’t be fooled by the small size, it is highly dangerous. Give it the same treatment as you did the lounge model.

      Having completed tis essential bit of house cleaning, pour yourself a well deserved beer.

    4. Sgt. Skull Says:

      If British TV is “hideously white” then does that make Telemundo hideously brown or Chinese TV hideously yellow? While we’re at it since BET is disgustingly black perhaps they should diversify their casting to include more whites.

      It’s time whites react forcefully to this kind of bullshit. Every other racial and religious group resorts to violence when they are slighted, so it’s time whites do the same. Otherwise, it won’t be long before “our” own governments begin contemplating the necessity of our existence on this planet.

    5. sgruber Says:

      Tip off on who’s a jew: use of the term “whitebread” or similars. Esp. if mouthed angrily. Could be a kike-alike, but mostly it’s a jew.

      “Hideously white” – only jews really, really hate Whites in this way. The originators of that term just have to be jews. The repeaters are kike-alikes and other mere morons.

    6. ein Says:

      Every other racial and religious group resorts to violence when they are slighted, so it’s time that whites do the same. Otherwise, it won’t be long before “our” own governments begin contemplating the necessity of our existence on this planet.

      It looks like they have contemplated that already.

      Though I’m not advocating it, I do have to observe that it (violence) seems to be the ONLY kind of action that gets any real attention. Face it: our wimpy authorities and our effete elite are simply TERRIFIED of any kind of violence. That always sends them scurrying for cover and looking for ways of appeasement. We’ve seen this many times over recent decades. Nothing else fazes them. You can write learned letters, or protest politely all you want; they simply don’t give a damn. You’ll be ignored. But threaten to riot, and you’ll have them eating out of your hand (and showering you with pay-off money, concessions, and programs.) Blacks (and now Moslems) learned this trick long ago. Whites have been slow to learn — or just too orderly and polite. That’s why we’re taken for granted.

    7. ein Says:

      “Hideously white” – only jews really, really hate Whites in this way. The originators of that term just have to be jews.

      sgruber makes a good point. I wouldn’t doubt for a moment that behind this front-window “black” there is a manipulating Jew who’s really pulling the unseen strings. Isn’t it ALWAYS the case?