19 June, 2008

Zimbabwe: ‘Jews to Be Airlifted Out’

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 4:17 pm | Permanent Link

A MISSION to airlift some members of the Zimbabwean Jewish community to Israel is alleged to have been launched by the Jewish Agency, according to a report published in the Jewish Chronicle.

“Staff have spoken individually to every member of the 350-strong community and are believed to be making arrangements for their removal at short notice,” reports the paper.

The details of the airlift are said to be a closely guarded secret. Zimbabwe and Israel have close diplomatic ties although there is no Jewish embassy in the country.

“This weekend a rabbi will fly to Britain from South-Africa to raise funds to support the operation, the cost of which could run into hundreds of thousands of dollars,” reports the weekly newspaper.

Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, the spiritual leader of African communities outside South Africa, said some of the older members of the Zimbabwe community were reluctant to leave, as they feel safe in the country.

He is reported as saying: “It is important to understand that this is the remnant of a once very strong community that numbered 7,500 people in its prime. Those who chose to stay feel loyal to their staff who depend on them, afraid of the struggle to adjust in a new place and really don’t want to leave.”

Ofer Dahan, the Jewish Agency’s senior envoy to southern Africa, said members of the Jewish Community were scheduled to “leave Zimbabwe soon” but did not elaborate elaborate.

According to the paper, “One prominent member of the community there, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that despite the food shortage, people feel safe.

He is reported as saying, “In terms of personal security, they feel protected. So I can understand why they are not in a rush to leave.”

Jews arrived in Rhodesia in 1894, growing to a peak of 7,500 in the 1960s

Sir Roy Welensky, Rhodesia’s (now Zimbabwe) Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963 was a Jew. Former Chief Justice, Sir Anthony Gubbay was also Jewish.

Ron Sandler, the man named by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to chair the newly nationalized Northern Rock bank is a Jewish brought up in Zimbabwe’s second largest city, Bulawayo.

Zimbabwe currently boasts three synagogues: two in Harare and one in Bulawayo with one remaining Jewish school in Harare also has one remaining Jewish school.


  • 5 Responses to “Zimbabwe: ‘Jews to Be Airlifted Out’”

    1. Voir Dire Says:

      I think I fully appreciate for the first time why the Jews, in light of their historic criminality for which they’ve always ultimately been exposed and rightfully PROSECUTED, were determined to steal the territory from the indigenous Palestinians, establish a “homeland” and to acquire nuclear weapons.

      Just as they’re bailing out of Zimbabwe (after being responsible for foisting Marxist black rule there and the genocide of Whites) so aptly demonstrates, when the Western, White world takes it last gasp and finally acknowleges the collective Jewish scourge, they will all be poised for flight to sunnier climes. Israel was their back-up plan all along for them to scurry to like the vermin they are when the Day of Reckoning finally arrives. It’s an incredible revelation of Jewish self-introspection and recognition of their timeless, infinite capacity for evil.

    2. Voir Dire Says:

      Zimbabwe: ‘Jews to Be Airlifted Out’

      If there was any White racial solidarity and justice in this world to be had, we should be AIRLIFTING THEM INTO Zimbabwe to live harmoniously with the blacks with whom they share SO MANY traits and are so DESERVING of each other.

    3. Stan Says:

      They better be heading to izrael. I don’t want them here in the Kwa.



    5. Randolf Facto Says:

      Good point about having a place to run to and it protected by a nuclear arsenal. White nationalists would do well to learn by their example.

      Israel being small enough in territory, it won’t save them if an enemy decides to nuke them and accept whatever damage they could inflict (and hopefully their arsenal isn’t big enough to take out the whole damn world! Or is it? Do that have Dr. Strangelove’s Doomsday machine, heh, heh?)

      Even if it did eventually get to the point where the world wised up and all of God’s Chosen were camped out in Israel, no nation would need to attack them… merely keep them bottled up in their own land and let them self-implode after a generation or two.

      The stalwart Jews would could sustain themselves by their own hard work would be the only ones left, and then the world would indeed dawn on a New Millennium.