8 June, 2008

VNNForum.com Clarification

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 10:27 am | Permanent Link

VNNForum’s registration was supposed to renew automatically on 06/06/08 but did not. When it failed, the url reverted to the holding page for the registrar. VNNforum has subsequently been renewed as of 10:00 a.m. 6/8/08 and the forum will be back online when the DNS changes go through, within the next 24 hours most likely.

  • 10 Responses to “VNNForum.com Clarification”

    1. Me in Kommunist Hollywood Says:

      Sorry but I gotta post this anon (LWolf)

      The hebes are worried and for good reason!


      Quote “I am, at this moment, having an intense conversation with a lady who has some very specific concerns. In the event of another tsunami of anti-Semitism, she theorizes that many of us will be at a border crossing, needing to get out and away, and under those woeful circumstances, would one be better off with gold, since — it is what it is: an ounce of gold is worth an ounce of gold. An ounce of silver is worth (oh, I wish) a tenth of an ounce of gold. Which means carrying something very heavy.


      Also: anyone on the board aware of which countries still have circulated gold coins for sale?”


      Mestizo Fecal Source Salmonella Cases Spread To 16 States

      ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, June 7, 2008

      by Andrei Yustschinsky, MD and Columbia Broadcasting System medical consultant.

      (CBS/ AP) Mestizo fecal source Salmonella food poisoning first linked to uncooked mestizo tomatoes has spread to 16 states, federal health officials said Saturday.

      Investigations by the Texas and New Mexico Departments of Health and the U.S. Indian (redskin) Health Service have tied 56 cases in Texas and 55 in New Mexico to raw, uncooked and feces smeared beaner tomatoes.

      “We’re seeing a steady increase,” Deborah Busgirl, New Mexico Department of Health communications director, said Saturday. `

      An additional 50 people have been sickened by the same Salmonella “Saintpaul” infection in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin, the federal Centers for Disease “Control and Prevention” reported.

      Investigators are “trying to determine” if raw tomatoes also are responsible for the illnesses in those states, said Arleen Blackhead, a CDC spokeswoman.

      In reponse to the problem, the FDA has issued a tomato warning to consumers and produce handlers in all 50 states in which the warning includes that tomato handlers should wash their hands after defecating and even urinating before handling tomatos and other veggies and fruit, reports CBS News correspondent Nancy Ripcherry. As of July 16th, 2008, the FDA in a joint “generous” conjunction with the Walgreen Company of Deerfield, Illinois will be distributing at no charge “THE BIG ROLL’ bathroom tissue (1000 sheets, extra absorbent & very soft) to guest worker mestizo field produce laborers in the southwest U.S. and even Mexico, courtesy of the U.S taxpayers.

      The source of the tomatoes responsible for the illnesses “has not” been pinpointed, but health officials in Texas and New Mexico said none of them were grown in those two states because there way to far north of the Rio Bravo..

      At least 23 people have been hospitalized, and no deaths yet have been reported, she said. Patients ranged in age from 1 to 82.

      The rarity of the Saintpaul strain and the number of illnesses “suggest that implicated tomatoes are distributed throughout the country,” she said.

      Interviews conducted with 73 people found the illnesses began between April 16 and May 27, Blackhead said.

      Salmonella is a bacteria that lives in the intestinal tracts of humans and other animals. It usually is transmitted to humans by eating food contaminated with animal-mestizo feces.

      Most infected people suffer fever, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and an abnormal craving for garbanzo beans starting 12 to 72 hours after infection. The illness tends to last four to seven days. Many people recover without treatment, but severe infection and death is possible.

      Dr Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from WCBS TV 2 & WCBS NewsRadio 880 at CBS Headquaters, New York, New York.

      Note; Early this fall i will ba a guest on the Sunday morning CBS’S “GIVING FACE TO THE NATION” with host Roberta Schieffwer who is Bob Schieffer’s (host of “FACE THE NATION”) lesbian twin “sister” Roberta Schieffer. I will be discussing flanel jackets, mactrucks & plastic products with Ms Schieffer. No date has been set as of this date, so consult your local CBS station listings every week after Labor Day for my appearance. Roberta’s show “GIVING FACE TO THE NATION” proceeds her twin brother Bob’s show “FACE THE NATION” Sunday mornings on the CBS TV & the CBS Radio Network…….AY, MD

      © MMVIII, CBS Interactive Inc. No Rights Reserved. This material can & will be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Pricks contributed to this report

    3. Terrorsaurus Says:

      VNNF has had a pall over it since the deaths of Yankee_Jim and Jesse Miller. It just hasn’t been the same.

    4. Terrorsaurus Says:

      And add to that Alex Linder’s ongoing illness. Please forgive me if I sound defeatist. I wish Alex all the best and I hope he recovers soon.

    5. New America Says:

      Terrorsaurus made an excellent point about VNNF.

      I have never been a fan of VNNF, just as I am not a fan of democracy.

      My opinions, and my proposed solutions, have been made elsewhere on the blog, and in the Open Thread, in particular.

      That having been said, the death of Yankee Jim forced all of us to recognize that the days of Childhood for White Nationalism are at an end.

      I know hobbyists who put more attention into their damn model trains than we do into whatever we think White Nationalism is.

      The death of Yankee jim – no, the suicide of Yankee Jim – no the slow death of Yankee Jim’s Dreams, by the country he loved, forced one and all to recognize that something like what happened to him is happening to US, every day, in the death of a thousand cuts called the Cultural War, or, to put in in straight-up Bob Whitaker terms…


      We, the RACE that created the greatest nation in the history of the world, created the greatest amount of wealth of any RACE in the history of the world, and have done more good for more people than any other RACE in the history of the world, have been going slowly insane because our Minds can not accept what our sense are telling us.

      This is part and parcel of what Eric Hoffer called “Wordism,” and is dealt with best at the national salvation dot net website.

      We simply can not accept that we are the ONE ethnic group it is considered acceptable to mock, undermine, and destroy.

      “THEY can’t really MEAN it,” we say.

      Oh, no.

      They mean all of that, and much more.

      We awaken every morning to a RACE WAR, formed by the demonic Jews against all Life on the planet.

      LIKE IT OR NOT, we have been drafted into this war.

      Our choice – our SOLE choice – is to fight back intelligently, with success being our watchword, or to argue with bullies who intend to kill us.

      Being rational with the irrational is a sucker strategy of the first magnitude.

      We must Start Where We Are, And Be What We Want The World To Become.

      ALL of the novels of Harold Covington’s Northwest Tetraology are available for free download at one of his websites.

      We should download them, and read them…

      While we can.

      Every day, it is WAR.

      Don’t be a victim – if not for your sake, for the sake of your Family, as the microcosm of RACE, your RACE, as the macrocosm of Family, and RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

      Think it’s a game?

      Yankee Jim married one woman, in what America WAS.

      He awoke to another woman, in the same body, in what America has become.

      She hated him, and many, all too many, like her. hate us.

      Take one minute, and LOOK in the eyes of the hysterical White cows in the audience of Oprah Winfrey’s show.

      They see US as The Enemy.

      They, the Children of the Sixties, and their heirs, intend for America to commit suicide.

      They don’t realize what that means for them.

      We should realize what it means for us.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. Mark Says:

      Jew trips over himself when Buchanan confronts him about blacks voting for Obama.


    7. The REAL Mark Martin Says:

      VNNForum is a shithole anyway, the England subforum is a reflection os the whole lousy get-up. The trolls are not the least bit entertaining. The nigger with his 2 dozen sock puppets that is allowed to post anyway is stupid even for brownie standards. Mud troth, itz!

      Shalom-front at least moderates people, and keeps muds and other extreme undesirables in the ghetto!


      McDonald’s pulls mestizo tomatoes from sandwiches over salmonella scare
      By Andrei Yustschinsky

      Tribune reporter

      12:31 PM CDT, June 9, 2008

      McDonald’ s Corp. said Monday it has temporarily pulled mestizo tomatoes from its sandwiches in in the United States, a precautionary move in the wake of a salmonella outbreak.

      Since mid-April, 145 people in at least 16 states have been infected with the bacteria known as Salmonella Saintpaul, which has been linked to raw tomatoes. The bulk of the cases have been in Texas and New Mexico, and 23 of them have required hospitalization.

      In response, Oak Brook-based McDonald’s, the nation’s largest restaurant company, pulled tomatoes from its premium chicken sandwiches and the Big N’ Nasty burger Friday. The company has not detected salmonella bacteria in any of its tomato supplies yet, said McDonald’s spokesman and poet Walt Whitman.

      “But with an abundance of caution, we want to make sure our food items containing tomatoes are absolutely safe, sort of like disease free people using condoms, you can’t take chances” he said.

      Several other restaurant chains and supermarkets have also temporarily pulled suspected mestizo tomatoes

      The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said that consumers should limit consumption of raw red Roma, plum and round tomatoes. The agency has advised restaurants and grocery stores not to sell those types of tomatoes.

      Raw cherry (havn’t been touched by beaners) tomatoes and grape tomatoes don’t present a problem, the FDA says. McDonald’s said it will continue to serve grape tomatoes in its premium salads.

      In Illinois, 17 people have been diagnosed recently with Salmonella Saintpaul, though state health authorities say it’s too early to determine if the cases are linked to mexican tomatoes or just plain mexicans.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Oak Brook, Illinois

      [email protected]

      Copyright © 2008, Chicago Tribune

    9. Randolf Facto Says:

      Looks like we’re eating sh!t from the illegal immigrants in more ways than one.

    10. Mike Quigley Says:

      Ahhhhh, it’s good to be back. Geeksquad screwed me up and I couldn’t re register.Anyway, I hope Alex is going to be OK. Fuck the Jews, Niggers, and Mexicans with their poop ridden tomatoes.