17 June, 2008

PIKE: U.S. Government Condemns ‘Unintentional’ Anti-Semitism

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', Socrates, Ted Pike at 5:08 pm | Permanent Link

by Rev. Ted Pike: [Here].

  • 7 Responses to “PIKE: U.S. Government Condemns ‘Unintentional’ Anti-Semitism”

    1. Vaultner Says:

      Israel puts itself in a bad light. This is just a furtherance of their poor diction, i.e. “undocumented workers” actually means illegal aliens, “same sex partners” again real definition homos / faggots / dykes / queers etc.
      Israel can do no wrong because they’re Israel?, = pure insanity. No nation or civilization has ever lasted long with the acceptance of homos. Every nation has expelled jews many times, for the crimes & manipulations they commit. As history repeats itself & on it’s own merit it will not continue.
      All of their prophecies of God, chosen people, the end of the world, are their own. They’ve created the cloud of doomsday in the Middle East, the world over for that matter. Then I think they suppose that means something. Perhaps we’re all supposed to believe they are Gods chosen. When in reality it’s merely their own dementia we’re supposed to accept. No different than Homos being mentally disturbed, or the rest of the new reality we’re expected to accept.

    2. apollonian Says:

      Truth, Exposure Leads To Hatred For Murderers, Criminals, Naturally
      (Apollonian, 18 Jun 08)

      “Vaultner,” u make it more complicated than it really is. Jews are simply topmost criminals–COUNTERFEITERS (see RealityZone.com for expo/ref. on Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) fraud), and this COUNTERFEIT scam has to be protected by means of further lying, and preventing of truth, even if it takes mass-murder.

      CONCLUSION: Criminals hate the truth, obviously. Exposure of criminals promotes hatred of criminals, naturally; thus anti-semitism is itself made out to being a crime. Thus Jews naturally make TRUTH to being a crime. Note logic and reason are made to being crimes too. Thus humanity itself is monstrous crime to criminals and Jews. Thus we see again, life sucks within Greek Tragedy. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    3. zoomcopter Says:

      A very good analogy, Apollonian. Criminals/Jews hate the Truth as it leads to exposure, which promotes hatred of criminals and Jews. Thus, anti-semitism is a crime much like being a snitch is in the underworld. Telling the Truth, even unintentionally, becomes a crime. With this mentality, logic and reason become dangerous as they may lead one to the Truth, which is, of cource, anti-semitic. My, what a tangled web, we weave!

    4. Fr. John Says:

      “But if the Jews were to say, that the word, “In Isaac shall thy seed be called,” means this, that those born of Isaac should be reckoned to him for a seed,
      then the Edomites, too, and all those people, ought to be denominated his sons, since their forefather Esau was a son of his. But now so far are they from being called sons, that they are the greatest possible aliens…”
      – St. John Chrysostom, Commentary on Romans, Homily XVI

      “The Jew will live under the yoke of slavery without end. God hates the Jews.”

      Saint John Chrysostom: Six Homilies Against the Jews

      No more needs to be said. No less needs to be believed.
      Anathema sit.

    5. Vaultner Says:

      I wasn’t making it more complicated, you’re right about the FED. As we both said they are criminals, while they chip away at the Constitution & our value system it will take time & a complete awakening of the populace before American Nuremberg laws can be established.
      The point I’m trying to make is that jews like the minorities they defend are mentally inferior/deficient to the White races natural ability to comprehend reality. judaisms dementia that they are Gods chosen is no different than homo sexuality being a mental disorder & not a sane life style.
      I hate to open an old wound here but God as we know him is the God of the jews. Hitler said, “Christianity is the worst trick the jews ever played on the world.” Has anyone ever seen or talked to God, with an actual response from him? Not in several hundred years has the Church claimed a miracle. It was then as it is now people control. If you think prayer answered with life’s tiny miracles is a response, consider mans own ability to will life’s fate in his direction.
      The jews invented one God because every population around them had many Gods. All of which embodied good or sometimes bad human traits. Not merely a higher power to prostrate ourselves to, not real Gods but role models to emulate or fear. To make ourselves better humans & strive to be God like ourselves as opposed to eternal devotion to a being we can never be as good as. It creates a natural inferiority complex. Not a real God but a manipulation of reality. Now the larger part of Christianity has become a religion of the pacifist that preaches eternal devotion to an invention of the jew, insanity.

    6. apollonian Says:

      [Vaultner: ur prose is still far too prolix–and complicated. Further, u need to break up ur text into smaller paragraphs. Below-copied is taken fm OverThrow.com/blog, “Christianity in Service of Communism, 18 Jun, slightly edited.]

      * * * * *

      apollonian Says:
      June 18th, 2008 at 5:25 pm

      Christian Philosophy Not Difficult To Analyze/Confirm From Literature
      (Apollonian, 18 Jun 08)

      Note basic story of Christ is contained in New Testament (NT) literature and, esp. in Gosp. JOHN, commemorates Truth versus Jew (Pharisaic) conspiracy and lies.

      Thus Christ preached word of God (the Father) fm Old Testament–against Jew lies (Gosp. MARK 7:1-13), etc., emphasizing TRUTH (as Gosp. JOHN 8:32), and important thing to note then is such truth couldn’t exist, don’t forget, without objective reality serving as criterion.

      So anyway, to cut it short, observe most extremely important philosophic pt. is Christian story of NT is aesthetic, allegorical DRAMATIZATION for the same objectivistic reality/philosophy of Greeks and esp. Aristotle–AGAINST the programmatic lies of Jew, these lies then founded, necessarily in SUBJECTIVISM.

      For note next strategic step for Jew subjectivism is hubristic and perfectly “free” human will by which one achieves typical Pharisaist “good,” over-coming “evil,” thence Pelagian heresy.

      It’s this hereticalist (Pelagianist) “good” nowadays by which gentiles are encouraged to be non- or anti-racist–which is gross abomination, don’t forget or doubt, especially inasmuch as racism is virtue and loyalty, obviously.

      After subjectivism and “good,” perfectly free will, the only next step then is to achieve that magic but nonetheless practical instrument for such “good,” that fractional-reserve money and banking instrument, like the Federal Rerserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEITING instrument/mechanism–see RealityZone.com for expo/ref. on Fed counterfeiting.

      Thus Christ has always been revered for his forthrightness and honesty in his prosecution of truth against the Pharisees, hence Christ’s OBJECTIVITY. So it shouldn’t be and really isn’t too difficult to appreciate full and eminently philosophic implications and meanings of Christianity–for note how it has to be so thoroughgoingly consistent and integral IN ORDER TO OPPOSE fully and entirely the absolute lying of Jews, founded in subjectivity, again.

      Regarding race, note then Jews get gentiles to fight against their own people by means of moralism-Phairsaism, again founded upon pretended perfect “free” will (Pelagian heresy, again), a special conceit of subjectivism. Thus Jews push the “goodness” of being traitor to one’s race–against common-sense 5th of original Ten Commandments, no less, “Honor thy Race (parentage).”

      And once Jews have that COUNTERFEIT mechanism working, it’s easy thing then to PAY and bribe their way to getting so-called “Christians” to lie about Christianity itself–as in “Judeo-Christian” (JC–see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo/ref.) heresy.

      CONCLUSION: So it’s imperative Bill White (OverThrow.com)–and others (like Hal Turner at HalTurnerShow.com)–then are able to utilize Christian aesthetic and understanding already implanted within minds of the people, replete with potential and evermore difficult-to-suppress anti-semitism. Philosophy isn’t and shouldn’t be that difficult, esp. as one is anti-semitic which is easier to be as Jews progressively take-over and destroy gentile culture now in “Decline of the West,” by Oswald Spengler. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    7. Vaultner Says:

      Talk about complicating things.
      Overall I’d say we agree, however my hope is to free the White race from it’s bonds to jews & jew like influences. Not simply use the parts of it that work. As long as the parent connection exists there will always be a weak link.