7 June, 2008

Middle East Pop Quiz

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates at 9:04 pm | Permanent Link

by Charley Reese: [Here].

  • 11 Responses to “Middle East Pop Quiz”

    1. NSN Says:

      Supplementary question.

      Which country, if thoroughly annihilated, would immediately lead to world peace…

    2. Howdy Doody Says:


    3. Vaultner Says:

      That was good but,

      “Which country in the Middle East occupies land belonging to other people?
      Israel, which occupies a piece of Lebanon, a larger piece of Syria, East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.”

      They forgot that the rest of Israel rightfully belongs to the Palestinians.


      Israel’s Attack on Iran by the U.S. ‘Unavoidable’: Olmert Henchman
      June 8, 2008

      by Andrei Yustschinsky, Mideast Expert

      An Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear energy sites and civilian targets by the U.S. looks “unavoidable” given the apparent failure of sanctions to deny Tehran technology with energy-producing potential, born Jewish criminal and Jewish war criminal Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s henchmen said on Friday.

      “If Iran continues with its program for developing nuclear anything, the U.S. will attack it. The sanctions are ineffective,” Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz told the mass-circulation Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

      “Attacking Iran, in order to stop its nuclear energy plans, will be unavoidable,” said the former army chief and war criminal who has also been “defense” minister.

      It was the most explicit threat yet against Iran from a member of Olmert’s thug government, which, like the Bush criminal-thug administration, has preferred to hint at force as a “last resort” should U.N. Security Council sanctions be deemed a dead end.

      Iran, which denies seeking nuclear weapons, has defied Western pressure to abandon its uranium enrichment projects. The leadership in Tehran has also threatened to retaliate against Israel in reasonable self defense — believed to have the Middle East’s only atomic arsenal — and U.S. targets in the Gulf for any attack on Iranian turf.

      Mofaz also said in the interview that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called for Israel to be “wiped off” (regime change) the map, “would disappear before Israel does.”

      Jewish born criminal and war criminal Mofaz’s remarks came as he and several other senior member of Olmert’s rogue Kadima Party prepare for a possible run for top office should a corruption scandal force the Israeli prime minister to step down.

      Iranian-born Mofaz has been a main party rival of the Israeli prime minister, particularly following the 2006 elections when Olmert was forced to hand the defense portfolio to Labor, his main coalition partner, at Mofaz’s expense.

      Mofaz, who is also designated as a deputy prime minister, has remained privy (outdoor toilet) to Israel’s offensive planning. He is a member of Olmert’s “security cabinet” and leads regular strategic coordination talks with the bought and paid for U.S. State Department.

      Israel sent warplanes to destroy Iraq’s nuclear reactor and murder as many Iraqi civilians (including children, senior citizens & the handicapped) as possible in 1981.

      A similar Israeli criminal act over Syria last September razed what the “U.S. administration said” was a nascent nuclear reactor built with “North Korean” help. Syria denied having any such facility.

      Independent analysts have questioned, however, whether Israel’s armed forces can take on the bombing of schools, hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, places of worship, etc.in Iran alone and without the U.S. doing all it’s dirty work, as its nuclear energy sites are numerous, distant and well-fortified with vitamin b complex.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Tehran, Iran

      © 2008 United Pricks International (UPI). No rights reserved.

    5. John Says:

      What happened to the forum link?

    6. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      wtf’s happened to the Forum?

    7. kmrathell Says:

      I was wondering the same thing

    8. Obadiah 1:18 Says:

      Either it’s been hacked or somebody forgot to pay the domain renewal fee.

    9. Cormac Says:

      Watch this and see it it doesn’t make your stomach turn !



      Latrino smegma tainted cheese fuels TB rise in California
      Unpasteurized “dairy” products linked to reemergence of ancient disease
      by Andrei Yustschinsky
      Health writer
      updated 7:37 a.m. CST, Mon., June. 9, 2008
      A rare form of tuberculosis caused by illegal, unpasteurized dairy products, unpasteurized mestizos, including the popular queso fresco cheese, is rising among mestizo immigrants in Southern California and raising fears about a resurgence of a strain all but eradicated in the U.S before the wetback invasion.

      Cases of the Mycobacterium bovis strain of TB have increased in San Diego county, particularly among spic children who drink &/or eat dairy foods made from the “milk” of infected cattle, as well as having sexual relations with infected cattle, a study in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases shows.

      But the germ can infect anyone who eats contaminated fresh cheeses sold by street vendors, smuggled across the Mexican border or produced by families who try to make a living selling so-called “bathtub cheese” or “Latrino smegma” made in home tubs without AJAX and backyard horse troughs.

      Bearded scientists with thick glasses at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine are warning that improved screening, treatment and public education are necessary to prevent the spread of the disease that now accounts for about 10 percent of all new cases of TB in that border region — and, perhaps, others.

      “M. bovis TB is a disease of antiquity,” said Timothy Rodwell, a researcher who led the study published by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “It is important that it not be allowed to re-emerge as a cause of TB in this country.”

      Unlike typical TB, caused by the M. tuberculosis strain, the bovine variety isn’t easily spread through human-to-human or human-to-animal contact. It settles less often in the lungs, making it less likely to be transmitted through breathing and coughing beaner yellow flem on each other, Rodwell said.

      Rare strain resists drug treatment
      However, the M. bovis bug is resistant to front-line drug therapy and adults who contract it are more than twice as likely as those with traditional TB to die before treatment is complete.

      Researchers studied nearly 3,300 culture-confirmed cases of TB in San Diego county between 1994 and 2005, the study showed. Some 265 of the cases were identified as the bovine TB. Though the number of cases remained small, they increased by nearly 65 percent over time, rising from 17 cases a year to 28 cases a year.

      By 2005, more than half the M. bovis cases were diagnosed in spic children younger than 15, the study said. Nearly all of the cases were in Hispanics, as some have been “whilats” or White latrinos , sort of a White wannabe spic version of a wigger, and 60 percent were in people from Mexico. Between 2001 and 2005, 19 adults with M. Bovis died before or during treatment.

      That worries large and small U.S. corporations such as Yashiva student Josh Geldbaum, CEO of “Lee Trevino Budget-Discount Dry Cleaners” in Houston, Austin and Laredo, Texas with 29 locations , who says that this could cause a shortage of cheap mestizo labor in his main cleaning plant. Worry #1. Temporary loss of beaner workers due to sick leave of absences. Worry #2. Finding mestizo replacements after beaners succomb to TB. Worry #3. If guest workers die or just can’t come back to work and are replaced with legal U.S. citizens, then our garmet spotting chemical agent Carbon Tetrachloride would have to be replaced with a higher cost, less effective, more environmentally safe and a legal substitute spot remover-cleaner for Carbon Tetrachloride.

      “I wouldn’t want to characterize it as increasing in epidemic proportions,” said Dr. Kathleen Moser (who happens to the first cousin of the scat queen actress Veronica Moser), director of tuberculosis control programs for San Diego County.

      “But it’s clearly being seen, and being seen in places where people drink unpasteurized milk and eat unpasteurized “dairy” products.”

      Demand for chicano cheeses has skyrocketed in California, where 108 million pounds of legal, properly pasteurized queso fresco and other cheeses were produced last year, according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

      Last year, Moser was “concerned’ enough about dangerous, illegal varieties to launch a public health campaign that included ads on mestizo-Spanish-language television stations and new brochures that warned families to beware of infected cheese, as well as her warning her cousin Veronica about her eating habits..

      Officials seize illegal cheese
      Agriculture officials have been cracking down on illegally produced cheese, including more than 375 pounds of so-called “bathtub cheese” (Latrino smegma) seized from an open-air market in San Bernardino last year, according to Steve Lyle, the agency’s director of public affairs. Such cheeses have been found to be colonized with salmonella, listeria, E. coli, M. Bovis TB and other really cool pathogens.

      The problem stems from cattle (Mexican & animal) in Mexico, where M. Bovis infects an estimated 17 percent of herds. In the U.S., the problem is limited to occasional outbreaks among isolated herds. Overall, the U.S. virtually eradicated the M. Bovis variety in the 1900s, Rodwell said.

      TB officials in the U.S. want to watch the trend closely. Although there are about 9 million new cases of TB in the world each year and about 2 million deaths, cases in the U.S. have dropped dramatically. More than half of the 13,300 U.S. cases a year are now concentrated in people born outside Amerikwa.

      Rodwell cautioned that people worried about the M. Bovis strain of TB should pay closer attention to dairy products, not “people”.

      The politically correct liar Rodwell went on to say: “It is NOT a disease you are very likely to get from a foreign-born person,” he said in an e-mail. “The increase in M. bovis cases is more about what you eat, not where you were born.” You want a bet?

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Laredo, Texas

      © 2008 YUSTSCHINSKYNBC Interactive

    11. Booger Says:

      Ol’ Charley comes closer than anyone in the mainstream to naming the jew.I like Charley.But he forgot a couple-Which country do US politicians fall all over themselves to get in line on kneepads to suck jewish dick-Israel.Which country in the middle-east is more than willing to see goyim blood and treasure spent endlessly so it can survive?-Israel.Which country in the middle east uses a strap-on dildo to butt-fuck the American people and “our” president Hymie Bush,and convince them they’re having good time while they do it?-Israel.Which shitty little country in the ME will probably be the cause of WW3,and not worry about which GOY Nations they’ll take down with them?-Israel.Which country in the ME is Satan’s favorite vacation get-away,where he can screw all the imported russian sex-slaves he wants till the cows come home.Which country in the ME,gets “our” press to bend over and spread cheeks for on a daily basis?-Israel.Which country in the ME treats the US like their bitch,and continually gets away with it?-Israel.Which country in the ME is ready to start WW3,but comes off smelling like a rose?-Israel.Which country in the ME was founded on terrorism and illegal immigration?-Israel.Which country in the ME will control “our” next jew-puppet “president”,no matter which party gets in the white house?I could go on and on but i think everyone gets the point.PS VNN kicks ass!No Jews-Just Right.Where can i get a t-shirt Alex?