22 June, 2008

Letter to Dershowitz

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, Socrates at 4:57 pm | Permanent Link

Bradley R. Smith writes: [Here].

  • One Response to “Letter to Dershowitz”

    1. Voir Dire Says:

      “Could he provide me with the name of “one person, with proof …”

      No, you won’t hear back from any of them.

      Yet we have all the proof in the world of the very real genocide committed against Christian Ukrainians by the Jewish Bolsheviks and very real genocide and holocaust committed against the Germans both during and following WWII by the covert Jews Churchill and Eisenhower.

      As revisionist historian Michael Hoffman so apty puts it: “They keep their lies going forever while we seem unable to keep our truths going for longer than a week.”

      Bless you for your efforts, Bradley R. Smith, nonetheless.

      Didn’t know if you’d seen this expert dissection of DIRTshowitz’s lies and distortions regarding Finkelstein’s charges of plagiarism:

      The Case Against Alan Dershowitz

      Voir Dire