24 June, 2008

Israeli Cop Commits Suicide Near Sarkozy

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, Socrates at 9:18 pm | Permanent Link

(Update: some news outlets are reporting that this late Israeli cop was Druze. Regardless of his background, the text in this post – i.e., about the Jewish mentality – remains accurate). It isn’t a good idea to allow Jews to possess weapons of any kind, since they are given to emotional overreactions (indeed, Israel nearly used nukes in a conventional war in 1973):


  • One Response to “Israeli Cop Commits Suicide Near Sarkozy”

    1. jebus as swammi Says:

      Yes, Druze is the Turkish pronunciation, DREWS is the western…..both have the SAME genetic ROOTS, ie, DRUZE which later moved WEST !!!