19 June, 2008

Iowa: No Looting or Whining. Why Not?

Posted by Socrates in race, Socrates, White solutions, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 7:16 pm | Permanent Link

Iowa now vs. New Orleans 2005: race is the difference:


  • 7 Responses to “Iowa: No Looting or Whining. Why Not?”

    1. confederate Says:

      it’s white. that’s why not.

    2. Stronza Says:

      35,000 evacuated and 24 dead so far. Yet when they bother mentioning it at all on the news, it’s item #10. Anybody remember the media coverage of Hurricana Katrina? F*****g 24/7 for 6 months at least.

    3. Randolf Facto Says:

      I’m surprised they haven’t managed to dig up at least one act of Iowan looting or criminality and throw it up in our faces as if “see, everybody acts the same!” Even though it would have been the rare exception in Iowa and the rule in New Orleans, the media would report it as if both situations were the same.




      PART # 1


      PART # 2



      Immigration & Illegal Alien Is SHOCKING NEWS: *Jack Foote Interviews with racists.
      Tom Tancredo 2004
      01-04-2004, 11:59 PM
      To all GOPUSA readers:

      I already informed in other messageboards and sent emails to other Immigration Reform groups about this shocking relevations about this man. I have troubling news to tell to you. Jack Foote, the leader of Ranch Rescue, has interviewed with the leader of a White Supremacist group, National Alliance.

      If you don’t believe me, then visit http://www.natall.com and find how Jack Foote interview with extremists on the 27th of December and the 20th of December. Also, Jack Foote was interviewed with racist Hal Turner on his radio show, The Hal Turner Show.

      WARNING: *I advise to all of you the website contains language very inappopriate for anybody, but please see about this news about this idiot Jack Foote interviewing with the leader of NA. This is unbelievable!

      The United States is a country where every citizens, regardless of ethnicity, is welcome with open arms and is equal under the law. Anyone who supports theories that we hoped had died with Hitler and the KKK should not – and will not take over Immigration Reform groups.

      This is not a very good sign for all patriots and immigration reformers. We have to voice out against this hypocrisy of Jack Foote and Jared Taylor. They’re dangerous to all Immigration reform groups, including FAIR.

      Hal Turner, called Black Americans as "Savage Negro Beast" so many times and supported racist groups like the KKK, Aryan Nations, National Alliance and many others. This is outrageous! They’re worse as Communists!

      Still don’t believe me, then visit his website at http://www.halturnershow.co m

      It’s horriffic to see bigots spewing racism, ignorance and anti-semitism towards our fellow Americans and other people in general. This cannot be allowed in all Immigration Reform groups.

      Not to mention,Jared Taylor of American Renaissance was the guest of the racist Hal Turner Show. What ever happened to uniting all patriotic Americans of all races to stop this illegal alien invasion?

      I think it’s alright for European Americans to love her own heritage and same goes for other ethnic or racial groups, but the thing is we have work together as AMERICANS to bring this immigration reform message across.

      If American Patrol and other websites, including Social Contract, don’t remove these two websites, then our goals and progress of immigration reform will be destroyed permanantely. I mean what I say it!

      Could you please help me convince American Patrol, Social Contract and other websites to de-linked these two websites that I’ve mentioned? This is for our own good!

      American Patrol is a great organization and it must steer away from egotistical and extremist groups like AR and Ranch Rescue. It’s a not a matter of PC, it is a matter of our image and maintaining our message without being heavily criticized by the opposition. We must prove open-border crowds that we despise racists and people harboring them to join in all Immigration Reform organizations.

      Look at the progress between AR, Ranch Rescue and mainstream Immigration Reform organizations like ProjectUSA, NumbersUSA, and FAIR. All three of these groups are mainstream and made major progress in terms of increasing membership, donations and the most importantly the message to American people of all races. AR and Ranch Rescue are wasting too much time coddling with bigots, making noise and they’re not sending the message out.

      What happens if all open-border groups and racist La Raza found this shocking revelation of this? All hell will break loose and it will be the downfall of all Americans.

      Also, we have better plans and far more important things to work on than to waste a lot of valuable time supporting a so-called Immigration Reform group like Ranch Rescue to have stronger ties with White Supremacists group.

      White Supremacism and Mexican Supremacism are no different to each other. They simply equally evil in my own two eyes.

      We should stop all supremacist groups in all colors: *white, black, brown and asian.

      In conclusion, while we should – and will fight against massive immigration, both legal and illegal, the last thing we all want to see is extremists taking over our movement and letting Liberals viewing all patriots as racists. Racism has no place in our fight against illegal aliens.

      P.S: *Just to let you guys know I sent to Joe Guzzardi, American Patrol, Terry Anderson, Hal Netkin and many others about this. Again, I’m doing this for the image of Immigration Reform Movement and for all concerned Americans.


      01-05-2004, 12:58 PM
      I think everyone already knows this but just for the record, we here at GOPUSA are against illegal immigration based on the fact that it is illegal and not based on race.

      Thanks for sharing that information, Tom. I had never heard of National Alliance or Jack Foote but it’s best to know about them.


      midnight patriots
      01-05-2004, 02:19 PM
      Me either. Every cause gets hijacked by extremists it seems and that is the problem when groups and/or causes get big. I don’t care what color you are or where you came from, illegal is illegal. Whether you walked across our borders north or south, you were smuggled in here, or you "mistakenly" overstayed your visa. You are illegal and need to leave. It is a slap at those who take the time, money and effort to jump through the hoops to get over here, learn our culture and language, integrate into it, and finally become an American citizen. http://www.gopusa.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/usflag22.gif


      Tom Tancredo 2004
      01-05-2004, 03:11 PM
      Quote[/b] (Terri @ Jan. 06, 2004 — 5:58 am)]I think everyone already knows this but just for the record, we here at GOPUSA are against illegal immigration based on the fact that it is illegal and not based on race.

      Thanks for sharing that information, Tom. *I had never heard of National Alliance or Jack Foote but it’s best to know about them.
      Not a problem, I believe it is better for us to speak out against extremists and at the same time trying to make America still the country we grew up in.

      We have to vigorously support Immigration Reform organizations like FAIR, NumbersUSA, ProjectUSA and others. At the same time, we have to denounce all bigots and extremists trying to use this issue to divide our country.

      This is going to backfire on the entire movement and will further Bush’s plan for a general amnesty,and give fuel to those that label opponents of illegal immigration as racists.

      There is one race and that is the American race. United we stand, divided we fall! *http://www.gopusa.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/flag17.gif


      Tom Tancredo 2004
      01-05-2004, 03:43 PM
      Quote[/b] (midnight patriots @ Jan. 06, 2004 — 7:19 am)]Me either. Every cause gets hijacked by extremists it seems and that is the problem when groups and/or causes get big. I don’t care what color you are or where you came from, illegal is illegal. Whether you walked across our borders north or south, you were smuggled in here, or you "mistakenly" overstayed your visa. You are illegal and need to leave. It is a slap at those who take the time, money and effort to jump through the hoops to get over here, learn our culture and language, integrate into it, and finally become an American citizen. *http://www.gopusa.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/usflag22.gif
      Me too. Illegal aliens in all colors should and will be deported from this country immediately – not next year – not even next month – but NOW! This is United States of America, not some third world countries far, far away. Excuse my language, but this how I feel about this country’s current situation.

      It looks like the longer we wait, the harder it is for us to stop this invasion of lawbreakers. The very last thing we wanted is seeing our cause get hijacked by some crazy extremists.

      I wanted all legal immigrants to be encouraged to learn our Western culture, learn our US history and English and become fully assimilated into our American family. That will happen if enough citizens from all walks of life, both old and young, to speak out and take action to make sure our voice be heard.


      midnight patriots
      01-06-2004, 12:56 PM
      I find it puzzling that many countries teach English also in school so the students are bilingual, even in the Phillipines for instance. Thus when they come here they already know the language. Why is this not the case in Mexico, for instance?

      On a side note, I don’t like it when stars from other countries are allowed to purchase property here when they are not citizens and are not going for citizenship. Why is that ok?


      01-06-2004, 08:41 PM
      Why stop at stars? I don’t think any non-citizens should be allowed to purchase personal property, only foreign businesses with a valid American division or branch, not individuals….


      http://www.gopusa.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/flag19.gif *http://www.gopusa.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/flag17.gif


      midnight patriots
      01-07-2004, 10:30 AM
      I wasn’t stopping at stars, just using them as a glaring example. I don’t know that I like foreign corporations buying up land here either. http://www.gopusa.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/rock.gif


      01-07-2004, 02:57 PM
      Quote[/b] (midnight patriots @ Jan. 06, 2004 — 12:56 pm)]I find it puzzling that many countries teach English also in school so the students are bilingual, even in the Phillipines for instance. Thus when they come here they already know the language. Why is this not the case in Mexico, for instance?
      Mexico does teach English in their schools, their schools for the children of the elite class. However, the English speaking Mexicans are not the ones the Mexican government is forcing over the border for us to take care of. Just ask Allan Wall who writes for vdare.com on immigration issues. Allan is an American citizen working legally in Mexico teaching English to the children of the privilaged in Mexico.


      midnight patriots
      01-07-2004, 03:21 PM
      Exactly. Of course only the elite get an education. What also is irritating is when the non elites come here for opportunity and choose to get on federal aid and refuse to assimilate, don’t even take the opportunities to better themselves. Why should we have to foot the bill for Mexico’s downtrodden. Many poor people from other countries find a way to legally get here and become citizens, illegals should not be given a pass.


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      August 19, 2005
      2 Illegal Immigrants Win Arizona Ranch in Court
      Correction Appended

      DOUGLAS, Ariz., Aug. 18 – Spent shells litter the ground at what is left of the firing range, and camouflage outfits still hang in a storeroom. Just a few months ago, this ranch was known as Camp Thunderbird, the headquarters of a paramilitary group that promised to use force to keep illegal immigrants from sneaking across the border with Mexico.

      Now, in a turnabout, the 70-acre property about two miles from the border is being given to two immigrants whom the group caught trying to enter the United States illegally.

      The land transfer is being made to satisfy judgments in a lawsuit in which the immigrants had said that Casey Nethercott, the owner of the ranch and a former leader of the vigilante group Ranch Rescue, had harmed them.

      “Certainly it’s poetic justice that these undocumented workers own this land,” said Morris S. Dees Jr., co-founder and chief trial counsel of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., which represented the immigrants in their lawsuit.

      Mr. Dees said the loss of the ranch would “send a pretty important message to those who come to the border to use violence.”

      The surrender of the ranch comes as the governors of Arizona and New Mexico have declared a state of emergency because of the influx of illegal immigrants and related crime along the border.

      Bill Dore, a Douglas resident briefly affiliated with Ranch Rescue who is still active in the border-patrolling Minuteman Project, called the land transfer “ridiculous.”

      “The illegals are coming over here,” Mr. Dore said. “They are getting the American property. Hell, I’d come over, too. Get some American property, make some money from the gringos.”

      The immigrants getting the ranch, Edwin Alfredo Mancía Gonzáles and Fátima del Socorro Leiva Medina, could not be reached for comment. Kelley Bruner, a lawyer at the law center, said they did not want to speak to the news media but were happy with the outcome.

      Ms. Bruner said that Mr. Mancía and Ms. Leiva, who are from El Salvador but are not related, would not live at the ranch and would probably sell it. Mr. Nethercott bought the ranch in 2003 for $120,000.

      Mr. Mancía, who lives in Los Angeles, and Ms. Leiva, who lives in the Dallas area, have applied for visas that are available to immigrants who are the victims of certain crimes and who cooperate with the authorities, Ms. Bruner said. She said that until a decision was made on their applications, they could stay and work in the United States on a year-to-year basis.

      Mr. Mancía and Ms. Leiva were caught on a ranch in Hebbronville, Tex., in March 2003 by Mr. Nethercott and other members of Ranch Rescue. The two immigrants later accused Mr. Nethercott of threatening them and of hitting Mr. Mancía with a pistol, charges that Mr. Nethercott denied. The immigrants also said the group gave them cookies, water and a blanket and let them go after an hour or so.

      The Salvadorans testified against Mr. Nethercott when he was tried by Texas prosecutors. The jury deadlocked on a charge of pistol-whipping but convicted Mr. Nethercott, who had previously served time in California for assault, of gun possession, which is illegal for a felon. He is now serving a five-year sentence in a Texas prison.

      Mr. Mancía and Ms. Leiva also filed a lawsuit against Mr. Nethercott; Jack Foote, the founder of Ranch Rescue; and the owner of the Hebbronville ranch, Joe Sutton. The immigrants said the ordeal, in which they feared that they would be killed by the men they thought were soldiers, had left them with post-traumatic stress.

      Mr. Sutton settled for $100,000. Mr. Nethercott and Mr. Foote did not defend themselves, so the judge issued default judgments of $850,000 against Mr. Nethercott and $500,000 against Mr. Foote.

      Mr. Dees said Mr. Foote appeared to have no substantial assets, but Mr. Nethercott had the ranch. Shortly after the judgment, Mr. Nethercott gave the land to his sister, Robin Albitz, of Prescott, Ariz. The Southern Poverty Law Center sued the siblings, saying the transfer was fraudulent and was meant to avoid the judgment.

      Ms. Albitz, a nursing assistant, signed over the land to the two immigrants last week.

      “It scared the hell out of her,” Margaret Pauline Nethercott, the mother of Mr. Nethercott and Ms. Albitz, said of the lawsuit. “She didn’t know she had done anything illegal. We didn’t know they had a judgment against my son.”

      This was not the first time the law center had taken property from a group on behalf of a client. In 1987, the headquarters of a Ku Klux Klan group in Alabama was given to the mother of a boy whose murder was tied to Klansmen. Property has also been taken from the Aryan Nations and the White Aryan Resistance, Mr. Dees said.

      Joseph Jacobson, a lawyer in Austin who represented Mr. Nethercott in the criminal case, said the award was “a vast sum of money for a very small indignity.” Mr. Jacobson said the two immigrants were trespassing on Mr. Sutton’s ranch and would have been deported had the criminal charges not been filed against Mr. Nethercott.

      He criticized the law center for trying to get $60,000 in bail money transferred to the immigrants. While the center said the money was Mr. Nethercott’s, Mr. Jacobson said it was actually Ms. Nethercott’s, who mortgaged her home to post bail for her son.

      Mr. Nethercott and Mr. Foote had a falling out in 2004, and Mr. Foote left Camp Thunderbird, taking Ranch Rescue with him. Mr. Nethercott then formed the Arizona Guard, also based on his ranch.

      In April, Mr. Nethercott told an Arizona television station, “We’re going to come out here and close the border with machine guns.” But by the end of the month, he had started his prison sentence.

      Now, only remnants of Camp Thunderbird remain on his ranch, a vast expanse of hard red soil, mesquite and tumbleweed with a house and two bunkhouses. One bunkhouse has a storeroom containing some camouflage suits, sleeping bags, tarps, emergency rations, empty ammunition crates, gun parts and a chemical warfare protection suit.

      In one part of the ranch, dirt is piled up to form the backdrop of a firing range. An old water tank, riddled with bullet holes, is on its side. A platform was built as an observation post on the tower that once held the water tank.

      Charles Jones, who was hired as a ranch hand about a month before Mr. Nethercott went to prison, put up fences and brought in cattle to graze. He has continued to live on the property with some family members.

      But now the cattle are gone, and Mr. Jones has been told that he should prepare to leave. “It makes me sick I did all this work,” he said.

      Ms. Nethercott said she was not sure whether her son knew that his ranch was being turned over to the immigrants, but that he would be crushed if he did.

      “That’s his whole life,” she said of the ranch. “He’d be heartbroken if he lost it in any way, but this is the worst way.”

      Correction: Aug. 26, 2005, Friday:

      A picture caption last Friday with an article about the awarding of an Arizona ranch to two illegal immigrants who said they had been harmed by members of a border patrol group, Ranch Rescue, misidentified a man in military gear. He was Jack Foote, founder of the group – not Casey Nethercott, the former ranch owner and a former leader of the group.


      War on the Border, part 2: An interview with Jack Foote by Kevin Alfred Strom
      Broadcast Date: 12-27-2003

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      The federal government will not protect our borders — and is often hostile to volunteer groups like Ranch Rescue who have stepped in to help American landowners. This week we continue our coverage of the war on our southern border as we speak to Ranch Rescue co-founder Jack Foote.

      War on the Border: An interview with Jack Foote by Kevin Alfred Strom
      Broadcast Date: 12-20-2003

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      On our program this week we interview Jack Foote, one of the founders of Ranch Rescue. Ranch Rescue volunteers patrol ranches along the Mexican border. Ranch Rescue is taking up the responsibility for fighting border criminals, a responsibility which the government in Washington has abdicated.

    6. Randolf Facto Says:

      The fact that Morris Dees and men of his ilk are still walking the planet is proof positive that the white man is finished in America. What a bunch of gutless wonders we’ve become.


      2 negro females charged in Dyer robbery of White woman
      [email protected]
      219.473-9149 | Saturday, June 21, 2008

      DYER | Charges were filed Friday against two 19-year-old criminally-crazy acting negresses who police say hit a White woman over the head with a large ripe stolen watermelon as they robbed her and then led police on a chase Wednesday night.

      The negress Latasha Latoya Barnslater, 210 W. 75th Place, Apt. A, Merrillville, was charged with one count of robbery, a Class A felony, and two counts of resisting law enforcement, a Class D felony.

      The negress Chante Latrice Stinson, 2854 E. 223rd St., Sauk Village, was charged with one count of robbery, seven (7) counts of shoplifting of poultry products (fried chicken) (1), four bottles of wine (Richard’s) (4) and two ripe watermelons (2) (total: 7 shoplifting charges), one count of resisting law enforcement and one count of neglect of a dependent (her colored boy), a Class D felony.

      Bond had not been set as of Friday afternoon. Both women are being held in the Lake County Animal Shelter, Dyer Detective Dave Hein said.

      A third suspect still has not been located, but police don’t believe that person played a major role in the incident, though one of the watermelons (not the assault weapon) has not yet been retrieved Hein said.

      Police said a 53-year-old St. John White woman was struck several times in the head with a large ripe watermelon while leaving the Jewel Osco at U.S. 30 and Calumet Avenue, just before 10 p.m.

      Witnesses gave detailed descriptions to police, who located the getaway car at U.S. 41 and Deer Creek Drive in Schererville. As the driver was being taken into custody, a passenger drove off in the vehicle, police said.

      A chase ensued, and when the car stopped in the front yard of a Schererville home, two occupants got out and ran, leaving Stinson’s 6-month-old out of wedlock mumbling colored boy in the back seat of the car, police said.

      Police believe Stinson was the person who struck the woman in the head with the watermelon. The victim was taken to the hospital and released after one day, Hein said.

      The 6-month-old colored male mumbler was taken to St. Margaret Mercy Healthcare Centers in Dyer as a precaution. Child services then took custody of the infant.

      During the scuffle, Dyer police, Schererville Police and Lake County Animal Control used an animal tranquilizer gun to subdue the Kong-like-a-like negress Barnslater because she was being combative and kicking, clawing, biting, hissing and using at least sixteen 12 letter profanities Hein said.

      Schererville police and Lake County Animal Control assisted in the captures.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting on-the-spot from Jewel Osco in Dyer, Indiana….

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