20 June, 2008

Hunter-Gatherers and Agriculture – Family versus Government

Posted by Socrates in Jerry Abbott, Socrates at 11:04 pm | Permanent Link

by Jerry Abbott: [Here].

  • 7 Responses to “Hunter-Gatherers and Agriculture – Family versus Government”

    1. Arch Stanton Says:

      If you can find a copy, “Blood and Soil – Walther Darre & Hitler’s Green Party.” By Anna Bramwell. 1985, The Kensal Press, ISBN 0-946041-33-4. This is non-jewish view of the foundation of National Socialism. As far as I could tell there was no evidence of Jewish Influence in Ms. Bramwell’s work. Perhaps that is why it is a difficult book to find. I last saw a copy of this book list for over $200. Truth never comes cheaply.

    2. Olde_Dutch Says:

      Nah! It was the invention of the alarm clock. A great arayn achievement.

      Btw, where has “Elite Aryan Crack Smoker” been…???

    3. Antagonistes Says:

      There is a book called “Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn which puts forth the same thesis that the agricultural revolution was bad for us.

      This is an intriquing book. The protagonist is a talking gorilla who says that organized religion, government and a host of evils all stem from the agricultural revolultion.

      He also says that the do-gooders’ efforts to alleviate world hunger are a waste of time–once you feed them, they reproduce and you have to feed more of them.

      The article by Abbott actually gave me some new insights into the controversial book by Quinn, who has a cult following, and writes in a different style from Abbott. But I might disagree with Abbott about people being freed by the ag-rev to do art. The art of the hunter-gatherer societies was indeed art, and was probably more meaningful to them than much of the “civilized” art that we have today.


    4. Blightblingywingydoo Says:

      There’s a place for conservative pensioners like Old Fudge. It’s called “American Renaissance.” He could try “Original Dissent,” but they are a tad smarter and Fudge might feel out of place.

    5. Mike in NYC Says:

      It has been noted that Paleolithic art (e.g., Lascaux) was more alive and expressive than Neolithic art, having preceded the estrangement from nature resulting from the agricultural revolution.

      Some anthropologists contend that agriculture began with the raising of animals for religious ceremonies, to function as bearers of sacred implements or as sacrifices.

      Whatever organizational innovations the ag-rev might have brought, it definitely “dialed down” the overall vitality of the human experience.

      Ref: John Zerzan, “Agriculture — Demon Engine of Civilization” (Apocalypse Culture, 1990)

    6. Olde_Dutch Says:

      Blightwinger—The Olde_Dutch refers to my ancestors who were among the original Germanic pioneers to the then British American colonies. Get it? The Olde_Dutch.

      Also, I have a job, and work more hours a week than I want or should.

      Btw, is this Abbott cat currently in jail or otherwise institutionalizesd?

    7. john Says:

      Check out the guys archives. He’s an astrophysicist and knows what’s going on in the media etc.