25 May, 2008

Pro-White Political Candidate: John Ubele

Posted by Socrates in politics, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 10:47 pm | Permanent Link

He’s the Nationalist Coalition’s candidate in Florida’s District 46: [Article].

  • 3 Responses to “Pro-White Political Candidate: John Ubele”

    1. Olde_Dutch Says:

      I’m sure this Ubele fellow is a nice guy and all. But, does he share the same photographer with former white nationalist guru Kevin Strom?

      On a more serious note, doesn’t Alex need the money more?

      A. Linder
      POB 101
      Kirksville MO 63501

    2. JesusFuckingChrist Says:

      I’ll bet VNN’s resident pensioner, Olde_Fudge, has lots of self-pics available for public critique.

    3. Hoosier Says:
