1 May, 2008

PIKE: Christian Teen Arrested for “Hate Crime”

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, Socrates, Ted Pike at 11:15 pm | Permanent Link

by Rev. Ted Pike: [Here].

  • 17 Responses to “PIKE: Christian Teen Arrested for “Hate Crime””

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      We should be concerned with race, and race alone. I personally could care less if some Christian got charged with a “hate crime” for an altercation with a queer. What the hell does this have to do with White racial survival?

      Right wing Christian nutjobs worried about peripheral issues…

    2. Socrates Says:

      Yes, but “hate crime” laws came almost entirely from Jews.

    3. Armanen Says:

      homosexual perversion is defientley against survival of the white race. and no right wing christians are ‘NBUT JOBS” IT’S THE JEWS AND QUEERS WHO ARE NOT JOBS.

    4. Mike Quigley Says:

      We should care because every group on the planet can scream HATE or RACISM or SEXISM except the White Male.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      “no right wing christians are ‘NBUT JOBS””

      Really? How do you explain the MILLIONS of Christians who worship a jew god and willingly send their sons and daughters to die in the Middle East to preserve the bandit state of Israel? The “right wing” is not racist, all they care about is their stupid bible and making money. A true racist is a revolutionary, not a reactionary.

    6. Anon Says:

      What, so you think relativistic, indo-European, Matriarchal paganism is a better idea? (Lots of short thinking idiots do.)

      Looking beyond its Judeo roots, which it seemed to fork away from as time went on, Christianity sounds like a good alternative moral system. Jew hating was once an integral part of its teaching until Jews perverted it enough to make the average guy think dying for Israel and feminism are good. It wasn’t always that way.

    7. Blackshirt Says:

      “What, so you think relativistic, indo-European, Matriarchal paganism is a better idea? (Lots of short thinking idiots do.)”

      Did I say I was a pagan, dickhead? For the record I’m agnostic and I think religion is for weak constitutions generally.

      “Jew hating was once an integral part of its teaching until Jews perverted it enough to make the average guy think dying for Israel and feminism are good. It wasn’t always that way.”

      Jews perverted it (Christianity)? Jews INVENTED it, and we (White racists) need to jettison this alien mindset and religion before it completely destroys us.

    8. Anon Says:

      Right and what follows it, that is my question? Culture does not work in a vacuum. Secular liberalism (another Jewish invention)? Communism (Jewish)? Feminism (Jewish)? Paganism (not Jewish but equally destructive)?

      I think this question needs to be confronted in its own right… Apart from your complaints about Christianity. At its height, Christianity has served the white race better than any of the other moral/cultural systems listed above.

    9. Blackshirt Says:

      I don’t care what Christianity did in the past, or whether it wasn’t as destructive at one time. If it weren’t for Christianity the White race probably would’ve had colonies on other planets by now. Christianity has been a drag on the White race and it has prevented us from reaching our potential at ALL times, not just now. Christianity has just become more destructive and detrimental within the last century, so all the kosher conservatives dream about the ‘golden’ age of Christianity and want to bring back those times. This is reactionary thinking. And who cares what replaces Christianity in the mindset of White people, why do we need any preexisting ‘moral/cultural’ system? We can make a new system or how about a form of National Socialism, but this time a world-wide racial version. The White race doesn’t need Christianity …

    10. MHK Says:

      What, so you think relativistic, indo-European, Matriarchal paganism is a better idea?

      Relativistic? Maybe.

      Indo-European? Proudly.

      Matriarchal? I don’t think so.

      The Vikings were pagans but they certainly weren’t matriarchal.

    11. Thoughtcrime Says:

      Is it me or are homosexuals everywhere these days? Seems like they’ve sprung up like weeds within the last couple years.

      To me, queers represent an evolutionary dead end. Just like the feminazis who won’t have children. I say good riddance. The only thing bad is that they are a lot more ‘showy’ in public and that’s nauseating as well as what they ‘teach’ their adopted children or artificially inseminated children.

    12. Howdy Doody Says:

      Blackshirt Says:

      2 May, 2008 at 5:16 pm

      I don’t care what Christianity did in the past, or whether it wasn’t as destructive at one time. If it weren’t for Christianity the White race probably would’ve had colonies on other planets by now. Christianity has been a drag on the White race and it has prevented us from reaching our potential at ALL times, not just now. Christianity has just become more destructive and detrimental within the last century, so all the kosher conservatives dream about the ‘golden’ age of Christianity and want to bring back those times. This is reactionary thinking. And who cares what replaces Christianity in the mindset of White people, why do we need any preexisting ‘moral/cultural’ system? We can make a new system or how about a form of National Socialism, but this time a world-wide racial version. The White race doesn’t need Christianity

      Black, your posts are knock reality punches!

      As for 90% plus of the so called practicing Christians they do not stand for Whites as group, and that is fact. These Christians or a Jim Jones type of cult, and the jooos love it!

      These 90% of Christians work with the joos, and the regime including the taking of TAX money to foster and take in REFUGEES to every PART of ALLLLLL THE ENGLISH SPEAKING EX NATIONS.


    13. Pagan Says:

      Maybe tell that to Steve McNallen of the Asatru Folk Assembly or many other branches of modern Paganism/Heathenism.

      Do you know ANYTHING about history? Were the ancient Romans, greeks, Germanics, Celts matriarchical? How about the Sumerians, Egyptians, Assyrians and Babylonians? Any of them.

      You gotta quit smoking your crak pipe before you respnd, dipshit! And don’t back with feminist man-hating Wiccans. As far as I’m concerned they get Vikingized when that day comes.

      “What, so you think relativistic, indo-European, Matriarchal paganism is a better idea? (Lots of short thinking idiots do.)”

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      As far as I’m concerned they get Vikingized when that day comes.

      Mr. Pagan, yeap.

      Right now non White Pretorian guards and White Pretorian guard will call in a B-52 strike it that is what it would take to respound to ANY complaint against a White man by ANY nut case woman at large no matter how insane she is or her claim.

    15. Lyn Says:

      Unfreaking real. I’m proud of that young Christian, Brett, standing up for himself.

      If the Illinois authorities want to make their “quota” on hate crime arrests then I want to direct them to the Chicago church of Barack Hussein Obama and the “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright. Those 2 black jihadists and their thousands of followers should be arrested immediately or at least put on some kind of government watchlist.

    16. tennyson Says:

      A bulldike with a strap on is not a dad.

      In Gulag Archipelago by A. Solzhenitsyn, arrest quotas are given some treatment. I reccomend this book to all WN people, it gives a chilling view into how a tyrannical socialist government works. It’s 1200 pages or more but i could not put it down. It has helped me make some sense in this current time. So many similarities between us and Soviet Russia. Stylistically we are different in many ways, but the core of socialist control is almost identical. It is only a matter of degrees between our legal system and theirs. It is only a matter of opportunity for the Feds to open up our own Gulag labor camps, or “corrective labor camps” as the Rooskies called their death mills.

    17. ein Says:

      Any “news” coming from this nutty source (National Prayer Network) leaves me completely skeptical. There has to be a lot more to this story. I don’t believe a word of it. It is totally contradictory to the newspaper account. Let’s have facts, not hysteria.

      These are the same people who print:
      “Only by returning to the Biblical balance between love for Jewish souls, yet wariness of their sins, can the church escape moral blame and the kind of geo-political backlash from the Arab world that occurred on September 11, 2001.”