9 May, 2008

Kentucky Adopts Holocaust Education Law

Posted by Socrates in holocaust racket, Socrates at 9:46 pm | Permanent Link

Five U.S. states have mandatory holocaust education laws, but this law makes studying it optional:


  • 16 Responses to “Kentucky Adopts Holocaust Education Law”

    1. sgruber Says:

      Goyim roll over in the face of emotion. Tears and shrieks, if persistent, win the day for the kike. What about facts? Never mind: “This was the most emotional day of my life. I never, ever imagined that I would have a day like this.” Not even the day you were “rescued” from Auschwitz? The story notes “eighth-graders” lobbied for three years (what kind of students remain eighth-graders for three years?) to get this law passed. Such experts in history!

      Teachers and professional kikes pushed this shit through.

      The time has come to get rid of the jew.

    2. Wolf Says:

      Keep it up kikes. Fully awake people know the genocide story is a historic myth and slander against Germans and Whites in general, but on the other hand, engraining the idea that at least one advanced and modern civilization in recent history thought it appropriate and necessary to systematically exterminate Jews in homicidal gas chambers may not be such a good idea in the long run. We’ll see.

    3. Steve Says:

      It often gets people thinking when you ask them why the hell should Houston, Los Angeles, Richmond or Tampa Bay have a holocaust museum, when it happened in Europe. There’s rarely a good response.

    4. Mark Says:

      ““We’re not waiting for the world to change,” she said. “We’re changing it now.””

      And so they are…

      It’s less public education and more public indoctrination. It’s fast becoming a requirement to home school.

    5. Mike Quigley Says:

      Who will study us after our genocide?



    7. Feuerundflamme Says:

      This law will only poison the minds of the Aryan youth and justify the meaningless existence of Jews and other mongrels. It is nothing but propaganda and indotrination that will apeal to those harbouring massive inadequacy and rejection.

      The same is being done here in South Africa with the Afrikaaner children (mainly Dutch and German descendants) but in the “Horror of Apartheid” context. When I went to school we were tought these lies (allthough white teachers hint to their white stundents that it is bullshit) and it has grown more persistent from what I hear from my little brother.

      He and his friends rightfully see through these lies and kaffir mumbo-jumbo and are proud Aryans. This is mainly due to their role models at home but also to good white common sence.

    8. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Clips from Mike Judge’s IDIOCRACY here- see the dumb world of 500 years from now:



      Missouri town embraces Holocaust survivor’s story
      StoryDiscussionFont Size: Default font size Larger font size | Sunday, May 11, 2008 |

      CHILLICOTHE, Mo. | Erika Mandler couldn’t believe her eyes.

      For 14 years, ever since her husband George died, she had devoted her life to sharing the painful memories of surviving a Nazi concentration camp in Slovakia. Of seeing her first true love and husband of less than one year sent to die at Auschwitz. Of giving birth to a child who died after just two days because of malnourishment from spending months hiding in mountain bunkers.

      Now those stories had come to life, captured with heartfelt accuracy by dozens of teenagers in the rural Missouri town she calls home. Teens who for the most part had never even met a Jew, and some of whose closest relatives insist the Holocaust is pure fiction.

      Tears of joy filled Mandler’s eyes as she sat center stage after the first performance of the play “Courage and Love: The George and Erika Mandler Story.” More than 50 student performers from Chillicothe High School surrounded the frail, 85-year-old woman. In the audience, nearly 800 students and teachers offered a standing ovation.

      “It was an unbelievable experience,” she said.

      The play was written and directed by Lisa Rule, a Chillicothe High English and drama teacher and evangelical Christian who first met Erika Mandler a decade ago when Rule was invited to her home to light Hanukkah candles. From there, a friendship was born.

      The teacher asked Mandler several years ago to share her World War II story with at-risk middle school students in Carrollton. The students were mesmerized.

      “I had 100 eighth-graders who never met a Jewish lady before,” Rule said. “They sat entranced.”

      “They thought that their lives are so awful. And when they finally see somebody who has had genuine deprivation, it strikes them as something very real.”

      After joining the high school faculty last year, Rule was tasked with reviving a moribund drama program. She quickly decided to honor Mandler with an original play.

    10. Varina Says:

      Some years ago I used to go up to Baltimore on business at Johns Hopkins. I would always stay at a nice little hotel in the middle of downtown and take a taxi to the hospital which is over the river. One time on the way back from the hospital the taxi driver took a slightly different route and what did we pass, but a holocaust memorial!

      Now, what the hell did Baltimore have to do with the “holocaust?” Oh, I know. A nurse at Johns Hopkins told me about one of the doctors who went out into the parking lot at night, was getting into his car, and got carjacked and put into the trunk. The only reason he was able to escape is that the stupid niggers stopped at a gas station or something and he banged on the trunk and made a lot of noise and was rescued.

      Yep, “holocaust” = Jews = feral niggers. Now it makes sense.

    11. ein Says:

      “Now, what the hell did Baltimore have to do with the “holocaust?”

      Can’t imagine! There’s one on Boston too. What did Boston have to do with their Holy Cause?

      At first (it seems only a few years ago) they were building a National Holycause Museum in Washington. (I wonder who’s paying to maintain it?) Then New York. But now, I guess every major city is getting one.

    12. sgruber Says:

      Every major city and a few minor ones. With more on the way.

      Everywhere there’s a significant nigger population – out of control crime, a deballed police force, White flight. Everywhere there’s a significant jewish population (which could be three pushy kikes) = Holocaust museum at taxpayer expense, endless Holy Hoax stories in the local media, kids at the school forced to do Holy Hoax projects.

      As Wolf said, ingraining “the idea that at least one advanced and modern civilization in recent history thought it appropriate and necessary to systematically exterminate Jews in homicidal gas chambers may not be such a good idea in the long run.” Jews flirt with destruction constantly; let’s give it to them.

      The time has come to get rid of the jew.

    13. white_zionist Says:

      I don’t get those laws.
      Is it to make white people less anti-Semitic?
      What’s the point of Israel if Jews live in the USA in a pro-Semitic environment?
      Isn’t it better for Zionism if white people get more anti-Semitic, so that those monstrous Jews F___ off to Israel instead of sucking blood in Amerikwa?

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      A stone mason I knew for 20 years and who attended The ass-semlies of Gawd Church, had an I.Q. he stated of 135, and I believed it, and he was great mason, and smart business man 6-4, and with top genes physically I tell you.

      He was gleeful on the NYC crime of murder and insurance fraud, and ask me on the phone that morning to pray etc.

      He and his wife told me that anything the joos do to Whites is okay “BECAUSE” Whites murdered Gawds people, and we are commanded to serve them etc.

      So intelligence does not kept you from being insane or brainwashed. These types of ignroant fools I have met have always been raised in an all White town. His college grad son married a short squat Messytizo from South America, the met at his church.

      joos have in the last 20 years moved in to every small Western town that there is and network state wide with fellow enemy aliens.

      Now on top of this, there are allot of Con-servative non Christian tradesman, who don’t want to read or here a word about the deeds of the enemy aliens.

      Mikey Winnie Savage, Art Bell, Joe Farra, are all connected to a one Roy Masters. Have you ever heard of Roy Masters, who is on XM talk Radio and 50,000 Watt radio station like 720 AM KDWN Las Vegas NV. KDWN 720 carries these radio shows, and this is the station Where Art Bell got his start locally.

      KDWN for the last 30 years plus had a Saturday night show till 5 AM Sunday morning that had NO screeners, and was rarely the victim of prank calls till the last year of the old host who did this show.

      Old timer stories from all over the Western states were told that were very interesting. The host was alway coy on the Joo callers who talked about national policy, war, and Kevin MacDonald.

      The host of this one night a week show always behaved as a gentleman, but the show is gone now for over a year.

      My guess is the anti Enemy Alien calls in Oy Vehgas, had to be stopped perhaps.

    15. Howdy Doody Says:

      All of the Above Is My Opinion.

    16. Howdy Doody Says:

      ein Says:

      11 May, 2008 at 11:56 pm

      “Now, what the hell did Baltimore have to do with the “holocaust?”

      Can’t imagine! There’s one on Boston too. What did Boston have to do with their Holy Cause?

      At first (it seems only a few years ago) they were building a National Holycause Museum in Washington. (I wonder who’s paying to maintain it?) Then New York. But now, I guess every major city is getting one.

      Boise Idaho has had one now for several years and so does Jackson MS.