Yes you’re paying attention now just keep saying that to yourself over & over Imbecile, Imbecile, Imbecile, Imbecile. You’ll get the truth eventually.
Vaultner, I don’t know who this other “melt down” guy is, so don’t go blaming his posts on me… although he does seem to be onto something in his satire of your posts, I fear he’s taken what started out as a good joke and turned it into a farce. Too much of a good thing, as it were.
Randolf Facto,
Well if it is truly not you than I would in that case apologize for the mistaken identity. But I’m in no mood for apologies. After all his posts & initials seem to run along with yours “ROFL” so I have to wonder at that.
I’m Spunk Monkey, that’s what I’ve painted my copy of Covington with.
I’m Vaultner, when I’m not George Washington. I’m in no mood for apologies. and if you say ROFL again, I’ll blame Randolf Facto.
I’m Lord Vaultner King of the Avatars, Lord of the High Realm. The Lord helps them that helps themselves, but I’m surrounded by buffoons. What a wasted trip.
How’s that for some fantastical nonsense with a hairline of truth to it you imbecile?
MY OWN IDEA whose a time is here.
Fucto head.
Listen up, Spunk Monkey. ROLF means “rolling on the floor laughing,” you ridiculous moron.
You actually said:
“Distracting the topic was never my intent or for humor. It was however an incredibly easy thing to happen. That such learned serious fellows could be so easily distracted, is more like schoolboys being called to recess. Apparently some here question their own genetics, or there wouldn’t be such uproar over a jestful jibe.”
I’m holding up a mirror so you can see yourself. Now look at you go on and on just cause someone pulls your chain. This is after you said to other people that they were jewish, talmud reading, piss ants, jerk offs, muddling the point, money wasting, fucking moronic, illiterate, had no sense of humor, can’t admit theyre wrong, fucking pussies, simple cocksucking assholes, who have questionable genetics, has no analytical abilities of written words, can’t understand the english language, and are ridiculous moronic pedophile cultists. Thats before I started making mincemeat of you.
Then you whine about no one considering “other viewpoints” while you act innocent and refuse to give others the same courtesy.
I’d ask you to think about it but I doubt if your capable of it. You’re ruined yourself in the eyes of others anyway. That will go right over your head “to.” I must go, my preeecious. But I may be back, in a minute, in an hour, in a day, but I’ll know you’ll be sitting here waiting for me. It’s what you do.
Now go fuck off and die. oh no, are you feeling threatened by that?
I’m Lord Vaultner King of the Avatars, Lord of the High Realm. The Lord helps them that helps themselves, but I’m surrounded by buffoons. What a wasted trip.
How’s that for some fantastical nonsense with a hairline of truth to it you imbecile?
MY OWN IDEA whose a time is here.
Fucto head. ”
HA! That PROVES I’m not having a meltdown. I win! I win!
“Movement Past” is a subject that I am using as a reference for what NOT to do.
Some people get it, and deserve a world of comment, and some constructive criticism, as, I suspect, a nation is making plans to come out of the rubble of what America will soon become. is the site of Frank Roman and John Young. They get it, and do commentaries that prove it.
In his latest, “Thank You, ‘Father’ Marx,” Roman discusses an idea broached here, and on bob whitaker’s blog, that Obama’s Presidency is just about the best thing that could happen to us, in so many ways.
They do their mp3’s at 64, when 24 is just fine for all of us, and a lot better for those of us with dial-up.
This is also true for the Voice of Reason crowd. God bless them for doing an amazing job under horrific circumstances.
Metzger wastes time with music that could be better spent with him hitting them with his little koans from “Might Is Right.” When you click on, and Terrible Tommy goes, “You have no rights. You only have privileges, and those to the extent you can defend them,” you really get a little zen shock treatment, which adds up over time.
As well, Metzger understands that we let this happen to us, and what is happening – the work of the parasites – is simply Nature taking its natural course.
I think this accounts for a lot of where “Movement Past” failed: they fell for the Words defined for them by their Racial Enemies, and did not move in the direction of Racial Positivitism in thought, words, and deed.
As I noted elsewhere, for all of those who mourn the Confederacy, let me assure you that, if Lee and Jackson returned, they would be wearing Hart, Schafner and Marx three-piece suits, and would do what Forrest wanted to do with the ending of Reconstruction – build a nation where a country once stood…
They both understood something we can not admit – Democracy Requires Discipline.
That’s why our Founding Fathers limited the franchise to property-owning White men.
THEY had no illusions about human nature, and yet, thanks to Wordism, we let those illusions run our lives, to the detriment of our Families, our Nation, and our RACE.
We shall have to pay a horrific price before this is all over…
“Thus, Christ worked in the family into which you were born – for reasons of spiritual development, and to face past karmic issues – and opened the path to a new, spiritual family – one in which the only criterion was acceptance of, and love of, Christ – above mother, father, sister, brother.”
NA, the above is extracted from one of your posts. Is this just a description of the reason for the development of Christianity, or is this your opinion?
This is my opinion, which describes a major reason for the development of Christianity.
That having been said, your source, while quite insightful in the Hindu tradition, misses what Christianity is – in effect, Swami Krishnananda is a speaker for Krishna Consciousness – which can be achieved by several means.
His focus is on the development of the Philosopher Mind – and Christianity goes a good deal beyond that.
Remember the Bhagavad Gita; Arjuna, having overcome fear, and doubt, became One with God IN PURPOSE. He thus, to his Mind, entered the field of combat on the Plains of Kurushetra, and fought – joyously – against his belo9ved blood relatives.
Everyone knows this.
What they are NOT taught is that his WILLFUL entry into the field of combat EXACTLY provided the amount of force needed to negate the Opposition Force, which ended in the total destruction of both sides, which ended the Age of the Warrior, and laid the perfect groundwork for the Age of the Philosopher.
The problem is, from our perspective, is that Hindu religious development STOPPED, and so, by and large, did Indian society. They looked at the Earth as a Realm to be incarnated in lightly, if at all.
The West has, as it unique religious challenge, to incarnate into the earth, incarnate DEEPLY into their Earth, and to ultimately TRANSFORM the Earth into what it COULD be, and, in doing so, transform themselves into what they SHOULD Become.
Thus, India, absent the West, would still look like it did in the 1400’s, stagnant, and mired in a past that had seen its day centuries ago.
Look at the West, for instance, and see, in Rome, the Idea – for the first time in the history of the world – of controlling things in this world from beyond the grave, with wills.
THAT is part of the outcome of choosing to incarnate deeply.
The foremost exponent of Hindu thought today is unquestionably the Avatar of the Yuga Age, Sathya Sai Baba. His people have a bookstore in Tustin, California, where his books, “Sathya Sai Speaks,” are avialable for a nominal price. His devotees describe “Sathya Sai Speaks” as the Vedas, rewritten, and suffused with prema.
I respect Sai Baba; as for discussing him, he said, “I have no need of an advocate. Those who wish to know me need only ask, and I will reply.”
The Duty of the West, spiritually, is seen in the Christian Model – not the misunderstood, and mistranslated, “Resist Not Evil,” which allows Evil to rule, but, instead, “Resent Not Evil.”
See it what what it is – a Learning Opportunity for you to see WHY it is Evil, and how your Life can be developed from learning about it, because, after all, it is an Aspect of your Consciousness that must be accepted, so it can then be transformed, and the demons of oppression can be transformed into angels of service.
That is where “Movement Past” failed.
They blamed the Jew, without looking at Judaism, and seeing Jews as the Racial Nodes through which the process of Judaism operates.
They then failed to ask, “What have they done, so that we may do better?” This, after all, is an Earth Consciousness RACE, and we must be IN the Earth, but not OF it, whereas they are IN the Earth, as well as being OF it.
Thanks for replying. I don’t understand it all. But the name Sathya Sai Baba sure stuck out for me. Years ago, more than 25, I ran into a fellow with whom I got talking about these matters. He mentioned S.S.B. and said he had a reputation for sexual abuse of children, but did not go into detail. I looked on Google and there it is. I can’t say anything either way, but it brings up the question: can we have a real big brain and understand all this spiritual stuff, yet be unable to act according to ordinary standards of morality?
I heard the same rumors and stories about Sai Baba, and, as I was not there, simply look at the record of his deeds, his works and his words.
He said, “I need no advocate. If anyone has questions about me, have them ask me.”
I’ll take him at his word on that.
No one can remotely claim to “understand it all.”
We DO have the duty to try to understand what we can, and to do our best.
What I like about Christianity is this:
It offers an explanation for Evil.
It offers a way to Do Something about it.
It ties all of this in with the Story of Mankind writ large, and…
It explains the spiritual foundation of Western Civilization.
“Movement Past” blamed the Jews, and then did nothing about it, which is fine.
They also did nothing about themselves, which is unforgivable – from a RACIAL perspective.
I think that is why they are so horrified at the Idea that we might actually begin to make a little bit of headway here, with Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model.
They are so horrified because they saw the obstacles, and we saw the opportunities concealed in the obstalces.
Is there any proof that we shall prevail? I feel bad for sometimes having socalled negative thoughts, yet I also have an urge to tell somebody about them. I did once on the VNN forum and nobody said anything.
My opinion is that, being human, we don’t know what “God’s plan” for us is. (I’m not a godly sort, so it is embarrassing to have to use that expression, but you know what I mean.) It is not outside the realm of possibility that our Time is done; we have fulfilled our purpose here and have to go, as a people, into whatever place our group consciousness is ready for. No one has any choice in the matter, you know. It could be seen as arrogant when we are totally sure that we have some Great Purpose in the evolutionary scheme of things, a Purpose not given to any other race.
I mean, really! If anything, we are more ready than ratlike or parasitic groups for our group reward. Maybe we should thank these groups for helping to speed us on our way because I don’t know about you, but most of us aren’t having any real fun on this earth anymore.
I like your posts but except for mention of Northwest Republic it is heavy on theory, ideology, etc. Women are so constituted as to want to know in practical terms what we can look forward to – if not us as individuals, then at least our children.
Is there any proof that we shall prevail? I feel bad for sometimes having socalled negative thoughts, yet I also have an urge to tell somebody about them. I did once on the VNN forum and nobody said anything.
in reply:
I have said in the past, and I say now, Linder should have shut down the Forums.
The only reason to catch them is to see what a precious few have to say, and they are all saying it elsewhere.
I had negative thoughts quite a bit for the future of our RACE, until my nephews, fresh out of high school back in the hills came to move in with me a few months back.
I’ve described my issues with them in bits and pieces, but they are with me – the family Nazi, who has been disinvited from family reunions for more than a decade – because there is no “Home” for them to go back to. The last employer is gone, and it is a microcosm of an America I will talk about more at length.
Let me sum up my philosophy in a short paragraph:
The heritage of greatness that is the past, present, and future of our RACE, has been stolen from us – and we allowed it to happen.
By rights, we should have had men on Mars fifty years ago, and we should have had a virtually nonpolluting source of power for our cars, and the mass transportation system the world would envy.
Somehow, a circuit breaker was placed on the Mind of our RACE, and we crawl where we should walk, and walk where we should run.
The present social order is not remotely sustainable, and its Collapse will require its replacement by something better – much better.
My nephews are relearning everything they were supposed to have been taught in the public indoctrination system, and my hope for them allows me to look at the Future with Goddamn confidence.
If you read any good history of the First Great Depression, and any good economic analysis of the First Great Depression, like Martin Anderson’s, you will see an America that accepted lies, paid a horrific price, transformed itself, and prevailed, IN A DIFFERENT FORM THAN BEFORE.
My nephews are being groomed 24/7 to be an integral part of that New America, even if it starts in a small church outside Kalispell, Montana, or Nowhere, Ecotopia.
People on VNN Forum, for the most part, are trapped where they are, and can not face the dramatic need for personal change to deal with the new situations that are developing before them.
My own thinking on this started when I started an alternative biography of Dr. Sam Francis, and Bob Whitaker helped me to truly accept that the mistakes of the past do not bind us to the future; we, as the Creative RACE, Create a Present that every other country on Earth sends its people to, and whose people want to stay here.
THAT is the power of Wordism, and THAT is the power we have allowed the Goddamned JEWS to have over us.
All of this power others have over us is power we gave to them, and we can shift that power back, a day at a time, and a dollar at a time.
If you DON’T have “negative thoughts,” you are not Awake.
What matters is what we CHOOSE TO DO ABOUT THEM.
you wrote:
My opinion is that, being human, we don’t know what “God’s plan” for us is. (I’m not a godly sort, so it is embarrassing to have to use that expression, but you know what I mean.) It is not outside the realm of possibility that our Time is done; we have fulfilled our purpose here and have to go, as a people, into whatever place our group consciousness is ready for. No one has any choice in the matter, you know. It could be seen as arrogant when we are totally sure that we have some Great Purpose in the evolutionary scheme of things, a Purpose not given to any other race.
in reply:
What our opponents call “arrogance” is simply the price that MUST be paid for survival, and growth.
I favor my nephews over all other White people, and I favor most other White people over most everyone else on the planet.
The foundation of RACE is Family, and the Bible is quite explicit about your duties to your Family, and your Nation – your RACE.
I do what I can, and I let God handle the details.
And, as a a purpose not given to any other RACE, well, that’s because the historical record is clear – the Other RACES are the LESSER RACES.
Who must do the difficult things?
They who can.
And we can.
Remember, we are the only RACE that thought about Man walking on the surface of the Moon, and made that happen, and brought them BACK!
And THAT was with 1960’s technology!
The LEAST of my concerns is Other RACES, save as they pose threats to my RACE, or even my nephews.
What some would call “arrogant,” I would call “a reflection of their envy that they can not do, what we CAN do.”
you wrote:
I mean, really! If anything, we are more ready than ratlike or parasitic groups for our group reward. Maybe we should thank these groups for helping to speed us on our way because I don’t know about you, but most of us aren’t having any real fun on this earth anymore.
in reply:
We aren’t having any “fun” because we have accepted the Terms and Definitions of our RACIAL Enemies, to the exclusion of simple faith that Our Children are better than the Children of anyone else on Earth.
We have surrendered, and the parasites, as Metzger so brilliantly described it, are just doing what parasites do – they are cleaning the carcass of the dead.
When we left, the life left with us.
It was ever so, and it will always BE so.
And, thoughts of depression are simply feelings of anger turned inward; in turn, these feelings of anger come from a (learned) sense of helplessness.
I have unLearned that sense of helplessness, and I started it when one of my nephews, a high school graduate from a “good school,” read with his lips moving trying to form the words in the book I gave him to read. (The books was Covington’s “A Distant Thunder.”)
I felt such a sense of anger, of pure rage, at the betrayal they had faced at the hands of The System, that I resolved that all of my remaining days shall be spent seeing that they succeed in the America that will arise like a Phoenix from the ashes, even as THEIR relatives are trapped in the ashes.
you wrote:
I like your posts but except for mention of Northwest Republic it is heavy on theory, ideology, etc. Women are so constituted as to want to know in practical terms what we can look forward to – if not us as individuals, then at least our children.
in reply:
We all want to know what we can look forward to, and we all have to do what we can, starting where we are, to make a safe place for our children, knowing that, in time, they shall live in a much harsher world than they do now.
In my piece on the alternative autobiography of Dr. Sam Francis, I have families moving back together under the same roof for a generation, working together – and I mean WORKING – and supporting one another, and especially the children.
Might I make a suggestion?
My nephews have moved in with me – forever, so far as I can tell – because there is no “THERE” for them to go back to, and I gladly accept this opportunity.
You MIGHT want to start polling your grandparents – those with paid off houses, in fairly remote (safe, White) places, and see if you could move back with them for the sake of their grandchildren, their Posterity.
It was a stunning blow to the pride of the parents of my nephews – particularly their mother – that moving in with me was their best choice.
Pride is a luxury they can not longer afford, save the pride at seeing their children succeed where they couldn’t.
That’s good for them, good for the Family, and good for the RACE.
All, starting where they are.
This is an excellent point you have raised, and is worthy of more discussion.
“That Bible Believers article was just a silly exercise in verbal sleight of hand.”
Ah, you must need to have this canard for your feeble little mind, or to self-justify your own racial counterfeitedness….
“The guy who wrote it must be ignorant about Jesus’s mom Miriam, because he never mentioned her once.”
Hardly. Biblical, Hebraic thought finds the lineage from the FATHER.
Talmudic, demonic Babylonian, counterfeit apostate ‘Jew-daism’ is the one that considers the matrilineal line. IF you were a Christian, instead of a Jew worshiper, you’d know that, and would not have shown your stupidity.
“And speaking of his mom, why did she have her son ritually circumcised if she wasn’t a jew herself, hmmm?”
Jesus was a Hebrew. But modern ‘Jews’ are not. Jesus was a Biblical Israelite, but modern ‘jews’ are not. Jesus was born of a virgin, sent from God, to save “His people from their sins.’ [Matt. 1:21] Modern ‘Jews’ are a false tribe, who never- at any time in the first 500 years of the Common Era (i.e., Anno Domini) were ‘Jewish’ OR “Talmudic’.
They only ‘converted en masse’ as Khazaria in the 8th Century!! They are imposters, blood deniers, racial charlatans, inshort, NOT ONE PROMISE IN THE BIBLE REFERS TO THEM AS A RACE
New America, you’re a remarkable individual. I salute you.
I get it Spunk Monkeys in love with Vaultner. But Spunk Monkey is Vaultner. I’m getting confused again, i, i, need, my, meds.
Now you can get married & start your own Kabal, then the hornets can keep tossing my salad. I’m Vaultner, when I’m not George Washington. did I mention that Obama gives me a boner?
No, Killer Bee… you most certainly don’t “get it”.
Ordinarily I’d recommend therapy for some of you non compos mentis types that seem to enjoy posting your vulgarities here, but one needs to have a head first in order to have it examined.
in reply to Randolf Facto, AND further reply to Stronza:
Mr. Facto – thanks for the kind words.
The only thing that is “remarkable” is the willingness to accept that yesterday IS GONE – forever – and a cold, ruthless eye is needed to see what stands before us without fear, and then seeing the opportunities in what we choose – CHOOSE – to Do about it.
Believe me when I tell you from the bottom of my heart, I have seen what happens to men when their jobs – their careers – just disappear, AND their promised pensions are virtually wiped out in bankruptcy court.
I am speaking from VERY personal experience.
They ALL hit the functional equivalent of rock bottom – and some of them just keep going.
Some decide that so much of their personal identity was essentially derivative, and the foundation of that dereivation is GONE.
They then – and God, but this is painful, because it involves the shedding of illusions they adopted without thinking – start from Ground Zero, and literally rebuild themselves.
In the case of my nephews, they have nothing – and nothing to lose.
So, I have them taking a wall of career assessment and personality assessment tests, not so much to tell them what to do, but to rule out the false paths their guidance counselor pointed them to in high school.
I will do whatever it takes for them to be able to build the bridge between where they are, and where they should be.
I am also a singularly determined, singularly ruthless, taskmaster.
However, given they now have Goals, and a Purpose, they take to it like cats to cream!
The last time they went Home, it was a painful reminder to them that the world of their Childhood was gone; the last employer was shutting down, and there was NO economic future available. The busiest stores were the ABC Store (liquor), the welfare/unemployment office, and the drug store (tranquilizers, and a very busy lottery terminal).
I won’t go into much detail about them; I am very protective.
I will say this:
The Family Reunion will take place this Christmas, and I WILL be invited.
I will not be invited back ever again, because I will tell one and all this:
It’s ALL about their Children, and their Grandchildren.
If what we are doing doesn’t build a better world for them, than we should just hang our heads in shame.
If I still have anyone’s attention, I will tell the alcoholics that they can like in the back room and get drunk all damn day, and all damn night.
They simply will not be allowed to interfere with the Future.
I am sacrificing the rest of my life to see my Nephews walk into the world as Conquerors.
I will not tolerate interference.
Incidentally, Stronza, note this:
Other members of the Family have asked me if I could “make a little room” for THEIR Children, both over the summer, and, in at least two more case, perhaps well beyond the summer.
I have Three Rules, before I say “Yes”:
One, My Word Is Law.
I am very lenient, and only give orders when things are going off the tracks, This is followed by a discussion, to see that they learned from what I saw, that they either missed, or ignored.
Two, No Visitors.
This includes ALL of their relatives. All they do is drag them down, and try to divert their efforts from moving forward.
First you say you are a “singularly ruthless taskmaster”.
Then you say that you are “very lenient” with the boys you are trying to be a father to.
OK – which is it?
Nice to be able to take somebody else’s supposedly f*****d-up kids and perfect them, I guess. I’ve got news: this society judges us by the children we produce, and I don’t agree with that at all, but that’s the way it is.
Parents give themselves way too much credit for their children’s good qualities, and none of the blame for their bad ones. But it’s almost all in the genes. Otherwise, you could take some black boys from the ghetto and transform them, too.
As a parent of three myself, I can’t really gainsay that statement… although at a conscious level it goes against everything we’d like to believe.
That’s the most humbling thing about parenthood… it shows you firsthand how much control you DON’T have over things.
My personal experience leans towards 80%/20% on the nature/nurture side of things. I could even see if someone wanted to argue 90% genes/10% environment.
First you say you are a “singularly ruthless taskmaster”.
Then you say that you are “very lenient” with the boys you are trying to be a father to.
OK – which is it?
in reply:
Singularly ruthless in the insurance that any of their “failures” can not be blamed on me, and “very lenient” in terms of taking all of the time needed, while sparing no reasonable expense, to help them make something of themselves.
Singularly ruthless in insuring their relatives do not get the opportunity to drag them back to what will soon be a second world country in all but name.
you wrote:
Nice to be able to take somebody else’s supposedly f*****d-up kids and perfect them, I guess. I’ve got news: this society judges us by the children we produce, and I don’t agree with that at all, but that’s the way it is.
Parents give themselves way too much credit for their children’s good qualities, and none of the blame for their bad ones. But it’s almost all in the genes. Otherwise, you could take some black boys from the ghetto and transform them, too.
in reply:
They have relatives who literally personify White Trash.
Genetics provides a starting point, and culture is needed to insure the vertical component of RACE is given a chance to manifest.
I am not “perfecting them.”
I am removing the obstacles to their making of their lives what they choose, and am always reminding them that RACE is a far more important consideration than they were told.
And, in light of the realization among many Family members – particularly back in the hills – that Yesterday Is GONE, I, the Family Nazi, who has been uninvited from Family reunions for more than a decade, am asked to consider providing a place of Refuge for SOME of my Nephew’s peer group.
It is a place of Refuge, in the fulfillment of Transformation.
“Refuge,” in the pursuit of the illusions of pleasure?
The ABC Store offers that.
I am offering a Path of Achievement.
The Worthwhile Ones will see the opportunity for what it is, and take it.
The Doomed are Damned, and can stay back there, for all I care.
Thanks for input, Randolf Facto. Seems to me it is the way Nature & Nurture intertwine. I’d be happy to go along with the 90/10 argument.
Why, some physicists say, and some spiritual masters also, that all events have already occurred, and we are merely walking through it all. I am coming to support this viewpoint. We like to believe in free will but, boy, the older you get the more you can see what a crock that is! We take certain action believing that it is in response to something else – but only because we can’t bear the thought of being locked into this rather awful world.
That we are “given” certain kinds of children in order that WE may develop along a certain path is also another way of looking at the matter of reproduction. Jung (I think) suggested that children bring out your hidden or shadow side because it is not good for this to be kept in the dark forever.
“Why, some physicists say, and some spiritual masters also, that all events have already occurred, and we are merely walking through it all. I am coming to support this viewpoint.”
I used to be a firm believer in predestination and how, if there was an all-knowing God, then everything has already happened on some plane of existence and/or time… hence, that’s why He could “know everything and see everything”.
But as I grew older, it dawned on me that, if there is a God, there has to be free will, and our conventional wisdom about what all-knowing and ‘perfect’ mean, when it applies to God, are not the cut-and-dried view of His so-called omnipotence.
First of all, automatons wouldn’t interest a true God, and without free will, that is, if everything has already been scripted for us, and we’re merely walking through the play that’s been written, then we would in truth be merely robots.
Then, in reading more about God in the Bible, I came to realize that He isn’t truly absolutely sure how everything will turn out in a given situation, and does indeed change His mind about things (like destroying cities or withdrawing His protection from peoples) based upon circumstances determined by how Man decides to behave.
We are made in His image, and like us, He can be surprised, angry, sad, overjoyed, etc.
And then it all made sense on various issues, like why does a ‘perfect’ God (who supposedly loves us) allow pain and suffering, and such things that plague the mind of every thinking person.
God is indeed omnipotent and can create or destroy at His will… but as far as “seeing everything that will happen”, even He does not have that alleged ‘power’ that many deem necessary for what we men declare as a requisite for a god to be God.
But that’s a flaw in our definitions and perspective of what God is, not a flaw in God Himself.
And thus, free will explains what keeps Him interested in the outcome of the great question of the ages, the battle for the earth and Mankind between Him and Satan.
A God so awesome as to create creatures with free will so that even He can’t know for certain how events will turn out is a God indeed.
A loving God creates angels and men as His sons, but doesn’t purposely create a rebellious Satan or evil men… He knows that, due to free will, there is a chance that some of his sons will rebel, but He doesn’t intent that to happen… but if free will is a reality, the chance has to be taken… and some things can and will go wrong, especially when the Creator’s creations challenge Him and state that they can live without His influence and guidance… that they are smart enough to do it on their own… that indeed, they are like God.
So, at that point He can just destroy the whole thing and start over, or… as a true God of love, let the events play out until that time when no man and no angel can ever dispute again that they need God and a relationship with Him.
Yes, it’s painful to Him that suffering occurs, just like it’s painful to a parent when his child insists upon doing something dumb and has to learn the hard way about the right and wrong ways of the world.
But in the end, His plan for atonement and reconciliation between God and Man will not be denied, and much of our travail in the current system of things will become a distant memory of a childhood disease… painful and all-too-real at the time, but once past, all but forgotten by the adult…. who is now all-the-stronger for having survived.
Nicely expressed views. I don’t know what is the truth of the matter. However, I do know that we are talking about The CreatorDesigner of the Universe here – so what could you or I possibly do that would make him indebted to us? And only if you support the idea of free will could his indebtedness be an issue! You know, little ol’ me does something “pleasing to God” so God throws me a bone.
Your phrase “system of things” is from the Jehovah’s Witness Bible, I kid you not. I do not think that other translations use that phrase. But maybe I dis-remember. Sorry in advance, in that case!
Oh yah, it looks like you think that Earth is the whole picture. We are a speck.
“You know, little ol’ me does something “pleasing to God” so God throws me a bone.”
It’s quite simple, actually, and very just. Obey His commands and have faith in His Plan which entails our salvation through Jesus Christ, His son, and the reward is everlasting life… on a new earth.
“Your phrase “system of things” is from the Jehovah’s Witness…”
It is indeed an expression from their literature, which I find apt and don’t mind repeating.
“Oh yah, it looks like you think that Earth is the whole picture. We are a speck.”
As part of the universe, true enough, the planet is a speck. But God’s interest in it and us (as well as Satan’s) is very momentous indeed. Life of this planet is all I know, at the present time, so that’s all I can address. It could very well be that other dramas are playing out with other Christs and other Satans on other worlds.
“Obey his commands”? Including the commandment to love my enemies and do good to them that hurt me? And if someone whacks me on one side of my face, let him do the same on the other side, too? I think this set of commands may work in a uniform, monoracial, monocultural society, where we understand each other deeply and are all going in the same direction, so it’d be good business to be understanding.
Everlasting life on a new earth? That’s tougher. What becomes of our kin who have passed on, then?
“Obey his commands”? Including the commandment to love my enemies and do good to them that hurt me? And if someone whacks me on one side of my face, let him do the same on the other side, too? I think this set of commands may work in a uniform, monoracial, monocultural society, where we understand each other deeply and are all going in the same direction, so it’d be good business to be understanding.
in reply:
My interpretation is that your enemies are your Shadow manifesting before you, and you deal with them accordingly.
Above all, YOU GET THE LESSON that they are demonstrating to you.
Thus, classic White Nationalists have been angry at the demonic Jews, without Getting The Lesson – LEARN from them, do what works, and do not be a victim – Be BETTER! – and organize along Racial lines, in a proper manner.
AS for turning the cheek, that has commonly been misunderstood.
You see, under Roman law, a Master could strike the RIGHT cheek of his servant/slave, as this was done with the left hand – the softer of the two hands.
So, you turn that cheek, and they, TRAPPED IN THEIR ANGER, overreach, and strike the LEFT cheek, which is done with the RIGHT hand.
Now, under Roman law, the slave can respond as a equal…
Heh heh heh…
you wrote:
Everlasting life on a new earth? That’s tougher. What becomes of our kin who have passed on, then?
in reply:
They go to whatever sphere they need to for their learning.
Swedenborg dealt with this, up to a point.
His ideas were adopted and adapted by Joseph Smith to the Mormon Church.
And, if our spiritual learning with our kin has been completed, then we see them only if we or they need to – a positive, Christian focus, instead of the negative, materialistic version of karma – the spiritual law of cause and effect.
The Mormon Church used to run the advertisements, “Families ARE Forever.”
Suppose, say, Charles Manson is your cousin?
The Mormon Church modified the advertisement to “Families CAN BE Forever.”
However, the Rule is they are together to meet for spiritual learning, having a common series of lessons to learn together.
The issue is reincarnation; while it is in the New Testament, it was not to be considered common knowledge, as – and this is my guess – everyone would put off to the “next lifetime” what could, and should, be done in this lifetime.
“Including the commandment to love my enemies and do good to them that hurt me?”
That was not one of the ten commandments. And as New America already covered, that particular advice from Jesus was in relation to petty insults and minor squabbles that are not life-threatening. The Bible allows in many instances for self-defense when true matters of survival are at hand. The rules Jesus laid down for Himself and his Elect are of a more spiritual “not of this world” variety. Yet even Jesus did not forbid his disciples from carrying swords… merely from using them against the authorities that came to arrest Him, because His death was a necessary part of God’s plan for Jesus’ ultimate glorification as the true obedient one of God and therefore worthy of all the authority of God in showing the Devil and his followers that it was possible, even as a man, to be obedient even unto death, and to live among God and his kingdom without attempting to usurp His authority.
“Everlasting life on a new earth? That’s tougher. What becomes of our kin who have passed on, then?”
Refer to numerous passages concerning resurrection, as demonstrated by Christ Himself with Lazarus, as a foreshadowing. Not forgetting that there are hierarchies in God’s organization, and the Elect that rule with Jesus have a different kind of resurrections than the great multitude that will live on the new earth.
Hardly. And here your BS hits the fan, you accursed son of Satan. [John 8:44]
“He is NOT a Jew who is one outwardly , niether is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh; But he is a “Jew”…
(actually, the Greek word here in both instances is ‘Judean;’ which shows that religion, race, and geography are tied in the Biblical writer’s minds- AND that the imposter Edomites who ruled Israel at the time of Christ- and from whom ALL rabbinism trace their perverted mulatto DNA heritage!- (cf. Josephus) were NOT tied to the land, and were not- even back then- ‘real’ Jews!!!)
‘…which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in the lettere, whose praise os not of men, but of God.” Romans 2:22 – St. Paul, rabbi of Tarsus.
“…And I know the BLASPHEMY of them which say they are Jews, and ARE NOTof SATAN. St. John [Revelation 2:8,9]
“Not as though the Word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are [spuriously] of Israel.”-Saint Paul Letter to the Romans 9:6
“But if the Jews were to say, that the word, “In Isaac shall thy seed be called,” means this, that those born of Isaac should be reckoned to him for a seed,
then the Edomites, too, and all those people, ought to be denominated his sons, since their forefather Esau was a son of his. But now so far are they from being called sons, that THEY ARE THE GREATEST POSSIBLE ALIENS…” – St. John Chrysostom, Commentary on Romans, Homily XVI
I DENY ANY CLAIM of ISRAEL, therefore, as a modern ‘state’,
to have ANY right to Exist.
I DENY ANY CLAIM of Jews, therefore, to be guiltless of the Crucifixion of Christ, as their racial imposters, the Edomite/Amalekite overlords turned the nation of Israel to the pagan Romans, and were in the forefront of the Jerusalem massacre in AD 70, and have been in the forefront of the massacre of other nations where they have usurped rule since then!
I DENY ANY CLAIM of Jews, therefore, to ANY SHRED OF innocence, for the billions they have killed, since 1848, and especially since 1917.
I proclaim the Church is Israel Now.
I proclaim the Caucasoid Nations of Magna Europa to be the ONLY “Chosen People’ of YHWH God, as they were the only members of the Church Catholic in her first millennium of existence.
I proclaim the right of Christians, at any time, to wage a just war on the Deicides, and any other enemy of God- as they are no more than the tools of Satan; (which nations, who have done so in the past, and may do so in the future, did so, within the permissive will of YHWH GOD)
…and their continual expulsion throughout history, from any (and all) Chrisitan land(s) is/are a RIGHTEOUS ACT OF ‘WHOLE BURNT OFFERING,’ FOR THE REDEMPTION OF NATIONS, PEOPLES, and STATES, pleasing to God, and commanded of His ONLY People, the CHURCH.
A curse on the Jews. May their name perish from off the face of the Earth.
Anathema sit.
“FYI, a large percentage of today’s jews are sephardic.”
Yes a whole whopping 5-10% of jews! Moreover Sephardic Jews are at the bottom of the caste system of Israel. (Read “Life of an American Jew is Racist Marxist Israel.”) All of the Judeo Fascist war criminal leaders of Israel have been of the Khazar troll race.
However, Israelite, Judahite, Edumite, Khazar, honestly what differet does it make? They are all equally parasitic. Parasites by any other name, if you will. Parasites of many names, like the devil, that non Jews can never, ever, afford to trust. Parasites that will always put the rest of humanity and civilization as we know it in peril.
And while Christianity so destroyed European culture and robbed it of its heritage, it is, yes, diffictult to admit, but Christianity is a Jewish trojan horse. Hell, its suicidal, Sermon on the Mount teachings brought down the Roman Empire and plunged Europe into the dark ages. Some of the maddeningly passive sound and fury signifying nothing teachings of Jesus remind me of the lobotomizing nonsense of today’s new age movement, which I surmise most likely must have a Jewish hand.
So weird, so strange, otherwise reasonable smart people here that are fed up with Jewish manipulation, yet follow this Jewish Trojan Horse.
Send letters, packages, review copies and donations to:
3 June, 2008 at 10:15 am
Oh but you’ll always be a pussy won’t you. At my beck & call negating reality for your own self indulgence.
3 June, 2008 at 10:17 am
Oh but you’ll always be a pussy won’t you. At my beck & call negating reality for your own self indulgence.
3 June, 2008 at 10:20 am
3 June, 2008 at 10:24 am
3 June, 2008 at 10:26 am
Just because I think ROFL means Randolf Facto doesn’t mean I’m having a meltdown. really.
3 June, 2008 at 10:27 am
Yes you’re paying attention now just keep saying that to yourself over & over Imbecile, Imbecile, Imbecile, Imbecile. You’ll get the truth eventually.
3 June, 2008 at 10:30 am
Yes you’re paying attention now just keep saying that to yourself over & over Imbecile, Imbecile, Imbecile, Imbecile. You’ll get the truth eventually.
3 June, 2008 at 10:32 am
Over & over Fucto head, keep it up.
3 June, 2008 at 10:34 am
Over & over Spunk Monkey, keep it up.
3 June, 2008 at 10:34 am
I must go, my preeecious. But I may be back, in a minute, in an hour, in a day, but I’ll know you’ll be sitting here waiting for me. It’s what you do.
3 June, 2008 at 10:35 am
Spunk Monkey, is that what you’ve painted your copy of Covington with?
3 June, 2008 at 10:41 am
Vaultner, I don’t know who this other “melt down” guy is, so don’t go blaming his posts on me… although he does seem to be onto something in his satire of your posts, I fear he’s taken what started out as a good joke and turned it into a farce. Too much of a good thing, as it were.
3 June, 2008 at 10:48 am
Randolf Facto,
Well if it is truly not you than I would in that case apologize for the mistaken identity. But I’m in no mood for apologies. After all his posts & initials seem to run along with yours “ROFL” so I have to wonder at that.
3 June, 2008 at 11:04 am
I’m Spunk Monkey, that’s what I’ve painted my copy of Covington with.
I’m Vaultner, when I’m not George Washington. I’m in no mood for apologies. and if you say ROFL again, I’ll blame Randolf Facto.
3 June, 2008 at 11:15 am
ROFL is an internet/text-message acronym for “Roll On The Floor Laughing” and has nothing to do with my name.
3 June, 2008 at 11:17 am
I’m Lord Vaultner King of the Avatars, Lord of the High Realm. The Lord helps them that helps themselves, but I’m surrounded by buffoons. What a wasted trip.
How’s that for some fantastical nonsense with a hairline of truth to it you imbecile?
MY OWN IDEA whose a time is here.
Fucto head.
3 June, 2008 at 11:19 am
Listen up, Spunk Monkey. ROLF means “rolling on the floor laughing,” you ridiculous moron.
You actually said:
“Distracting the topic was never my intent or for humor. It was however an incredibly easy thing to happen. That such learned serious fellows could be so easily distracted, is more like schoolboys being called to recess. Apparently some here question their own genetics, or there wouldn’t be such uproar over a jestful jibe.”
I’m holding up a mirror so you can see yourself. Now look at you go on and on just cause someone pulls your chain. This is after you said to other people that they were jewish, talmud reading, piss ants, jerk offs, muddling the point, money wasting, fucking moronic, illiterate, had no sense of humor, can’t admit theyre wrong, fucking pussies, simple cocksucking assholes, who have questionable genetics, has no analytical abilities of written words, can’t understand the english language, and are ridiculous moronic pedophile cultists. Thats before I started making mincemeat of you.
Then you whine about no one considering “other viewpoints” while you act innocent and refuse to give others the same courtesy.
I’d ask you to think about it but I doubt if your capable of it. You’re ruined yourself in the eyes of others anyway. That will go right over your head “to.” I must go, my preeecious. But I may be back, in a minute, in an hour, in a day, but I’ll know you’ll be sitting here waiting for me. It’s what you do.
Now go fuck off and die. oh no, are you feeling threatened by that?
3 June, 2008 at 11:23 am
“Vaultner Says:
3 June, 2008 at 11:17 am
I’m Lord Vaultner King of the Avatars, Lord of the High Realm. The Lord helps them that helps themselves, but I’m surrounded by buffoons. What a wasted trip.
How’s that for some fantastical nonsense with a hairline of truth to it you imbecile?
MY OWN IDEA whose a time is here.
Fucto head. ”
HA! That PROVES I’m not having a meltdown. I win! I win!
3 June, 2008 at 3:43 pm
in reply to Randolf Facto, again:
“Movement Past” is a subject that I am using as a reference for what NOT to do.
Some people get it, and deserve a world of comment, and some constructive criticism, as, I suspect, a nation is making plans to come out of the rubble of what America will soon become. is the site of Frank Roman and John Young. They get it, and do commentaries that prove it.
In his latest, “Thank You, ‘Father’ Marx,” Roman discusses an idea broached here, and on bob whitaker’s blog, that Obama’s Presidency is just about the best thing that could happen to us, in so many ways.
They do their mp3’s at 64, when 24 is just fine for all of us, and a lot better for those of us with dial-up.
This is also true for the Voice of Reason crowd. God bless them for doing an amazing job under horrific circumstances.
Metzger wastes time with music that could be better spent with him hitting them with his little koans from “Might Is Right.” When you click on, and Terrible Tommy goes, “You have no rights. You only have privileges, and those to the extent you can defend them,” you really get a little zen shock treatment, which adds up over time.
As well, Metzger understands that we let this happen to us, and what is happening – the work of the parasites – is simply Nature taking its natural course.
I think this accounts for a lot of where “Movement Past” failed: they fell for the Words defined for them by their Racial Enemies, and did not move in the direction of Racial Positivitism in thought, words, and deed.
As I noted elsewhere, for all of those who mourn the Confederacy, let me assure you that, if Lee and Jackson returned, they would be wearing Hart, Schafner and Marx three-piece suits, and would do what Forrest wanted to do with the ending of Reconstruction – build a nation where a country once stood…
Starting where he was…
3 June, 2008 at 3:46 pm
They both understood something we can not admit – Democracy Requires Discipline.
That’s why our Founding Fathers limited the franchise to property-owning White men.
THEY had no illusions about human nature, and yet, thanks to Wordism, we let those illusions run our lives, to the detriment of our Families, our Nation, and our RACE.
We shall have to pay a horrific price before this is all over…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
3 June, 2008 at 4:24 pm
“Thus, Christ worked in the family into which you were born – for reasons of spiritual development, and to face past karmic issues – and opened the path to a new, spiritual family – one in which the only criterion was acceptance of, and love of, Christ – above mother, father, sister, brother.”
NA, the above is extracted from one of your posts. Is this just a description of the reason for the development of Christianity, or is this your opinion?
3 June, 2008 at 5:12 pm
in reply to Stronza:
This is my opinion, which describes a major reason for the development of Christianity.
That having been said, your source, while quite insightful in the Hindu tradition, misses what Christianity is – in effect, Swami Krishnananda is a speaker for Krishna Consciousness – which can be achieved by several means.
His focus is on the development of the Philosopher Mind – and Christianity goes a good deal beyond that.
Remember the Bhagavad Gita; Arjuna, having overcome fear, and doubt, became One with God IN PURPOSE. He thus, to his Mind, entered the field of combat on the Plains of Kurushetra, and fought – joyously – against his belo9ved blood relatives.
Everyone knows this.
What they are NOT taught is that his WILLFUL entry into the field of combat EXACTLY provided the amount of force needed to negate the Opposition Force, which ended in the total destruction of both sides, which ended the Age of the Warrior, and laid the perfect groundwork for the Age of the Philosopher.
The problem is, from our perspective, is that Hindu religious development STOPPED, and so, by and large, did Indian society. They looked at the Earth as a Realm to be incarnated in lightly, if at all.
The West has, as it unique religious challenge, to incarnate into the earth, incarnate DEEPLY into their Earth, and to ultimately TRANSFORM the Earth into what it COULD be, and, in doing so, transform themselves into what they SHOULD Become.
Thus, India, absent the West, would still look like it did in the 1400’s, stagnant, and mired in a past that had seen its day centuries ago.
Look at the West, for instance, and see, in Rome, the Idea – for the first time in the history of the world – of controlling things in this world from beyond the grave, with wills.
THAT is part of the outcome of choosing to incarnate deeply.
The foremost exponent of Hindu thought today is unquestionably the Avatar of the Yuga Age, Sathya Sai Baba. His people have a bookstore in Tustin, California, where his books, “Sathya Sai Speaks,” are avialable for a nominal price. His devotees describe “Sathya Sai Speaks” as the Vedas, rewritten, and suffused with prema.
I respect Sai Baba; as for discussing him, he said, “I have no need of an advocate. Those who wish to know me need only ask, and I will reply.”
The Duty of the West, spiritually, is seen in the Christian Model – not the misunderstood, and mistranslated, “Resist Not Evil,” which allows Evil to rule, but, instead, “Resent Not Evil.”
See it what what it is – a Learning Opportunity for you to see WHY it is Evil, and how your Life can be developed from learning about it, because, after all, it is an Aspect of your Consciousness that must be accepted, so it can then be transformed, and the demons of oppression can be transformed into angels of service.
That is where “Movement Past” failed.
They blamed the Jew, without looking at Judaism, and seeing Jews as the Racial Nodes through which the process of Judaism operates.
They then failed to ask, “What have they done, so that we may do better?” This, after all, is an Earth Consciousness RACE, and we must be IN the Earth, but not OF it, whereas they are IN the Earth, as well as being OF it.
They manipulated us, because we allowed it.
What we choose to DO about it, is up to us.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
3 June, 2008 at 6:32 pm
Thanks for replying. I don’t understand it all. But the name Sathya Sai Baba sure stuck out for me. Years ago, more than 25, I ran into a fellow with whom I got talking about these matters. He mentioned S.S.B. and said he had a reputation for sexual abuse of children, but did not go into detail. I looked on Google and there it is. I can’t say anything either way, but it brings up the question: can we have a real big brain and understand all this spiritual stuff, yet be unable to act according to ordinary standards of morality?
3 June, 2008 at 7:03 pm
in (thoughtful) reply to Stronza:
I heard the same rumors and stories about Sai Baba, and, as I was not there, simply look at the record of his deeds, his works and his words.
He said, “I need no advocate. If anyone has questions about me, have them ask me.”
I’ll take him at his word on that.
No one can remotely claim to “understand it all.”
We DO have the duty to try to understand what we can, and to do our best.
What I like about Christianity is this:
It offers an explanation for Evil.
It offers a way to Do Something about it.
It ties all of this in with the Story of Mankind writ large, and…
It explains the spiritual foundation of Western Civilization.
“Movement Past” blamed the Jews, and then did nothing about it, which is fine.
They also did nothing about themselves, which is unforgivable – from a RACIAL perspective.
I think that is why they are so horrified at the Idea that we might actually begin to make a little bit of headway here, with Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model.
They are so horrified because they saw the obstacles, and we saw the opportunities concealed in the obstalces.
They saw the Matters of Form.
We see – and SEEK – the Matters of Substance.
We SHALL Prevail.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
3 June, 2008 at 7:36 pm
Is there any proof that we shall prevail? I feel bad for sometimes having socalled negative thoughts, yet I also have an urge to tell somebody about them. I did once on the VNN forum and nobody said anything.
My opinion is that, being human, we don’t know what “God’s plan” for us is. (I’m not a godly sort, so it is embarrassing to have to use that expression, but you know what I mean.) It is not outside the realm of possibility that our Time is done; we have fulfilled our purpose here and have to go, as a people, into whatever place our group consciousness is ready for. No one has any choice in the matter, you know. It could be seen as arrogant when we are totally sure that we have some Great Purpose in the evolutionary scheme of things, a Purpose not given to any other race.
I mean, really! If anything, we are more ready than ratlike or parasitic groups for our group reward. Maybe we should thank these groups for helping to speed us on our way because I don’t know about you, but most of us aren’t having any real fun on this earth anymore.
I like your posts but except for mention of Northwest Republic it is heavy on theory, ideology, etc. Women are so constituted as to want to know in practical terms what we can look forward to – if not us as individuals, then at least our children.
3 June, 2008 at 8:46 pm
in thoughtful reply to Stronza:
you wrote:
in reply:
I have said in the past, and I say now, Linder should have shut down the Forums.
The only reason to catch them is to see what a precious few have to say, and they are all saying it elsewhere.
I had negative thoughts quite a bit for the future of our RACE, until my nephews, fresh out of high school back in the hills came to move in with me a few months back.
I’ve described my issues with them in bits and pieces, but they are with me – the family Nazi, who has been disinvited from family reunions for more than a decade – because there is no “Home” for them to go back to. The last employer is gone, and it is a microcosm of an America I will talk about more at length.
Let me sum up my philosophy in a short paragraph:
The heritage of greatness that is the past, present, and future of our RACE, has been stolen from us – and we allowed it to happen.
By rights, we should have had men on Mars fifty years ago, and we should have had a virtually nonpolluting source of power for our cars, and the mass transportation system the world would envy.
Somehow, a circuit breaker was placed on the Mind of our RACE, and we crawl where we should walk, and walk where we should run.
The present social order is not remotely sustainable, and its Collapse will require its replacement by something better – much better.
My nephews are relearning everything they were supposed to have been taught in the public indoctrination system, and my hope for them allows me to look at the Future with Goddamn confidence.
If you read any good history of the First Great Depression, and any good economic analysis of the First Great Depression, like Martin Anderson’s, you will see an America that accepted lies, paid a horrific price, transformed itself, and prevailed, IN A DIFFERENT FORM THAN BEFORE.
My nephews are being groomed 24/7 to be an integral part of that New America, even if it starts in a small church outside Kalispell, Montana, or Nowhere, Ecotopia.
People on VNN Forum, for the most part, are trapped where they are, and can not face the dramatic need for personal change to deal with the new situations that are developing before them.
My own thinking on this started when I started an alternative biography of Dr. Sam Francis, and Bob Whitaker helped me to truly accept that the mistakes of the past do not bind us to the future; we, as the Creative RACE, Create a Present that every other country on Earth sends its people to, and whose people want to stay here.
THAT is the power of Wordism, and THAT is the power we have allowed the Goddamned JEWS to have over us.
All of this power others have over us is power we gave to them, and we can shift that power back, a day at a time, and a dollar at a time.
If you DON’T have “negative thoughts,” you are not Awake.
What matters is what we CHOOSE TO DO ABOUT THEM.
you wrote:
in reply:
What our opponents call “arrogance” is simply the price that MUST be paid for survival, and growth.
I favor my nephews over all other White people, and I favor most other White people over most everyone else on the planet.
The foundation of RACE is Family, and the Bible is quite explicit about your duties to your Family, and your Nation – your RACE.
I do what I can, and I let God handle the details.
And, as a a purpose not given to any other RACE, well, that’s because the historical record is clear – the Other RACES are the LESSER RACES.
Who must do the difficult things?
They who can.
And we can.
Remember, we are the only RACE that thought about Man walking on the surface of the Moon, and made that happen, and brought them BACK!
And THAT was with 1960’s technology!
The LEAST of my concerns is Other RACES, save as they pose threats to my RACE, or even my nephews.
What some would call “arrogant,” I would call “a reflection of their envy that they can not do, what we CAN do.”
you wrote:
in reply:
We aren’t having any “fun” because we have accepted the Terms and Definitions of our RACIAL Enemies, to the exclusion of simple faith that Our Children are better than the Children of anyone else on Earth.
We have surrendered, and the parasites, as Metzger so brilliantly described it, are just doing what parasites do – they are cleaning the carcass of the dead.
When we left, the life left with us.
It was ever so, and it will always BE so.
And, thoughts of depression are simply feelings of anger turned inward; in turn, these feelings of anger come from a (learned) sense of helplessness.
I have unLearned that sense of helplessness, and I started it when one of my nephews, a high school graduate from a “good school,” read with his lips moving trying to form the words in the book I gave him to read. (The books was Covington’s “A Distant Thunder.”)
I felt such a sense of anger, of pure rage, at the betrayal they had faced at the hands of The System, that I resolved that all of my remaining days shall be spent seeing that they succeed in the America that will arise like a Phoenix from the ashes, even as THEIR relatives are trapped in the ashes.
you wrote:
I like your posts but except for mention of Northwest Republic it is heavy on theory, ideology, etc. Women are so constituted as to want to know in practical terms what we can look forward to – if not us as individuals, then at least our children.
in reply:
We all want to know what we can look forward to, and we all have to do what we can, starting where we are, to make a safe place for our children, knowing that, in time, they shall live in a much harsher world than they do now.
In my piece on the alternative autobiography of Dr. Sam Francis, I have families moving back together under the same roof for a generation, working together – and I mean WORKING – and supporting one another, and especially the children.
Might I make a suggestion?
My nephews have moved in with me – forever, so far as I can tell – because there is no “THERE” for them to go back to, and I gladly accept this opportunity.
You MIGHT want to start polling your grandparents – those with paid off houses, in fairly remote (safe, White) places, and see if you could move back with them for the sake of their grandchildren, their Posterity.
It was a stunning blow to the pride of the parents of my nephews – particularly their mother – that moving in with me was their best choice.
Pride is a luxury they can not longer afford, save the pride at seeing their children succeed where they couldn’t.
That’s good for them, good for the Family, and good for the RACE.
All, starting where they are.
This is an excellent point you have raised, and is worthy of more discussion.
Thank you!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
3 June, 2008 at 10:05 pm
“That Bible Believers article was just a silly exercise in verbal sleight of hand.”
Ah, you must need to have this canard for your feeble little mind, or to self-justify your own racial counterfeitedness….
“The guy who wrote it must be ignorant about Jesus’s mom Miriam, because he never mentioned her once.”
Hardly. Biblical, Hebraic thought finds the lineage from the FATHER.
Talmudic, demonic Babylonian, counterfeit apostate ‘Jew-daism’ is the one that considers the matrilineal line. IF you were a Christian, instead of a Jew worshiper, you’d know that, and would not have shown your stupidity.
“And speaking of his mom, why did she have her son ritually circumcised if she wasn’t a jew herself, hmmm?”
Jesus was a Hebrew. But modern ‘Jews’ are not. Jesus was a Biblical Israelite, but modern ‘jews’ are not. Jesus was born of a virgin, sent from God, to save “His people from their sins.’ [Matt. 1:21] Modern ‘Jews’ are a false tribe, who never- at any time in the first 500 years of the Common Era (i.e., Anno Domini) were ‘Jewish’ OR “Talmudic’.
They only ‘converted en masse’ as Khazaria in the 8th Century!! They are imposters, blood deniers, racial charlatans, inshort, NOT ONE PROMISE IN THE BIBLE REFERS TO THEM AS A RACE
4 June, 2008 at 1:04 am
Khazar khazar khazar, blah blah blah, blah blah blah.
FYI, a large percentage of today’s jews are sephardic.
Sephardic jews didn’t come from khazaria and they’re not converts to the hebrew religion.
Not that it matters, because a jew is a jew.
4 June, 2008 at 7:28 am
New America, you’re a remarkable individual. I salute you.
4 June, 2008 at 11:06 am
Randolf Facto Says:
4 June, 2008 at 7:28 am
New America, you’re a remarkable individual. I salute you.
I get it Fucto heads in love with Fuck head.
Now you can get married & start your own Kabal.
4 June, 2008 at 12:35 pm
# Killer Bee Says:
4 June, 2008 at 11:06 am
Randolf Facto Says:
4 June, 2008 at 7:28 am
New America, you’re a remarkable individual. I salute you.
I get it Spunk Monkeys in love with Vaultner. But Spunk Monkey is Vaultner. I’m getting confused again, i, i, need, my, meds.
Now you can get married & start your own Kabal, then the hornets can keep tossing my salad. I’m Vaultner, when I’m not George Washington. did I mention that Obama gives me a boner?
4 June, 2008 at 1:12 pm
No, Killer Bee… you most certainly don’t “get it”.
Ordinarily I’d recommend therapy for some of you non compos mentis types that seem to enjoy posting your vulgarities here, but one needs to have a head first in order to have it examined.
4 June, 2008 at 2:03 pm
in reply to Randolf Facto, AND further reply to Stronza:
Mr. Facto – thanks for the kind words.
The only thing that is “remarkable” is the willingness to accept that yesterday IS GONE – forever – and a cold, ruthless eye is needed to see what stands before us without fear, and then seeing the opportunities in what we choose – CHOOSE – to Do about it.
Believe me when I tell you from the bottom of my heart, I have seen what happens to men when their jobs – their careers – just disappear, AND their promised pensions are virtually wiped out in bankruptcy court.
I am speaking from VERY personal experience.
They ALL hit the functional equivalent of rock bottom – and some of them just keep going.
Some decide that so much of their personal identity was essentially derivative, and the foundation of that dereivation is GONE.
They then – and God, but this is painful, because it involves the shedding of illusions they adopted without thinking – start from Ground Zero, and literally rebuild themselves.
In the case of my nephews, they have nothing – and nothing to lose.
So, I have them taking a wall of career assessment and personality assessment tests, not so much to tell them what to do, but to rule out the false paths their guidance counselor pointed them to in high school.
I will do whatever it takes for them to be able to build the bridge between where they are, and where they should be.
I am also a singularly determined, singularly ruthless, taskmaster.
However, given they now have Goals, and a Purpose, they take to it like cats to cream!
The last time they went Home, it was a painful reminder to them that the world of their Childhood was gone; the last employer was shutting down, and there was NO economic future available. The busiest stores were the ABC Store (liquor), the welfare/unemployment office, and the drug store (tranquilizers, and a very busy lottery terminal).
I won’t go into much detail about them; I am very protective.
I will say this:
The Family Reunion will take place this Christmas, and I WILL be invited.
I will not be invited back ever again, because I will tell one and all this:
It’s ALL about their Children, and their Grandchildren.
If what we are doing doesn’t build a better world for them, than we should just hang our heads in shame.
If I still have anyone’s attention, I will tell the alcoholics that they can like in the back room and get drunk all damn day, and all damn night.
They simply will not be allowed to interfere with the Future.
I am sacrificing the rest of my life to see my Nephews walk into the world as Conquerors.
I will not tolerate interference.
Incidentally, Stronza, note this:
Other members of the Family have asked me if I could “make a little room” for THEIR Children, both over the summer, and, in at least two more case, perhaps well beyond the summer.
I have Three Rules, before I say “Yes”:
One, My Word Is Law.
I am very lenient, and only give orders when things are going off the tracks, This is followed by a discussion, to see that they learned from what I saw, that they either missed, or ignored.
Two, No Visitors.
This includes ALL of their relatives. All they do is drag them down, and try to divert their efforts from moving forward.
Three, Intolerance Is Back In Fashion.
I’ll discuss this in time!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
4 June, 2008 at 2:15 pm
First you say you are a “singularly ruthless taskmaster”.
Then you say that you are “very lenient” with the boys you are trying to be a father to.
OK – which is it?
Nice to be able to take somebody else’s supposedly f*****d-up kids and perfect them, I guess. I’ve got news: this society judges us by the children we produce, and I don’t agree with that at all, but that’s the way it is.
Parents give themselves way too much credit for their children’s good qualities, and none of the blame for their bad ones. But it’s almost all in the genes. Otherwise, you could take some black boys from the ghetto and transform them, too.
4 June, 2008 at 2:56 pm
“But it’s almost all in the genes.”
As a parent of three myself, I can’t really gainsay that statement… although at a conscious level it goes against everything we’d like to believe.
That’s the most humbling thing about parenthood… it shows you firsthand how much control you DON’T have over things.
My personal experience leans towards 80%/20% on the nature/nurture side of things. I could even see if someone wanted to argue 90% genes/10% environment.
4 June, 2008 at 3:04 pm
in reply to Stronza:
Good points!
Discussing them in turn:
you wrote:
in reply:
Singularly ruthless in the insurance that any of their “failures” can not be blamed on me, and “very lenient” in terms of taking all of the time needed, while sparing no reasonable expense, to help them make something of themselves.
Singularly ruthless in insuring their relatives do not get the opportunity to drag them back to what will soon be a second world country in all but name.
you wrote:
in reply:
They have relatives who literally personify White Trash.
Genetics provides a starting point, and culture is needed to insure the vertical component of RACE is given a chance to manifest.
I am not “perfecting them.”
I am removing the obstacles to their making of their lives what they choose, and am always reminding them that RACE is a far more important consideration than they were told.
And, in light of the realization among many Family members – particularly back in the hills – that Yesterday Is GONE, I, the Family Nazi, who has been uninvited from Family reunions for more than a decade, am asked to consider providing a place of Refuge for SOME of my Nephew’s peer group.
It is a place of Refuge, in the fulfillment of Transformation.
“Refuge,” in the pursuit of the illusions of pleasure?
The ABC Store offers that.
I am offering a Path of Achievement.
The Worthwhile Ones will see the opportunity for what it is, and take it.
The Doomed are Damned, and can stay back there, for all I care.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
4 June, 2008 at 3:06 pm
Stronza, there is one point I didn’t make that I should have.
That is this:
I am more ruthless on dealing with myself than I ever am with them.
I have SEEN how quickly lives are destroyed when Work Goes Away.
I trusted in the competence – and kindness – of strangers.
I pulled through, but many of the people I worked with didn’t.
My Nephews shall not join them.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
4 June, 2008 at 3:07 pm
Thanks for input, Randolf Facto. Seems to me it is the way Nature & Nurture intertwine. I’d be happy to go along with the 90/10 argument.
Why, some physicists say, and some spiritual masters also, that all events have already occurred, and we are merely walking through it all. I am coming to support this viewpoint. We like to believe in free will but, boy, the older you get the more you can see what a crock that is! We take certain action believing that it is in response to something else – but only because we can’t bear the thought of being locked into this rather awful world.
That we are “given” certain kinds of children in order that WE may develop along a certain path is also another way of looking at the matter of reproduction. Jung (I think) suggested that children bring out your hidden or shadow side because it is not good for this to be kept in the dark forever.
4 June, 2008 at 3:52 pm
“Why, some physicists say, and some spiritual masters also, that all events have already occurred, and we are merely walking through it all. I am coming to support this viewpoint.”
I used to be a firm believer in predestination and how, if there was an all-knowing God, then everything has already happened on some plane of existence and/or time… hence, that’s why He could “know everything and see everything”.
But as I grew older, it dawned on me that, if there is a God, there has to be free will, and our conventional wisdom about what all-knowing and ‘perfect’ mean, when it applies to God, are not the cut-and-dried view of His so-called omnipotence.
First of all, automatons wouldn’t interest a true God, and without free will, that is, if everything has already been scripted for us, and we’re merely walking through the play that’s been written, then we would in truth be merely robots.
Then, in reading more about God in the Bible, I came to realize that He isn’t truly absolutely sure how everything will turn out in a given situation, and does indeed change His mind about things (like destroying cities or withdrawing His protection from peoples) based upon circumstances determined by how Man decides to behave.
We are made in His image, and like us, He can be surprised, angry, sad, overjoyed, etc.
And then it all made sense on various issues, like why does a ‘perfect’ God (who supposedly loves us) allow pain and suffering, and such things that plague the mind of every thinking person.
God is indeed omnipotent and can create or destroy at His will… but as far as “seeing everything that will happen”, even He does not have that alleged ‘power’ that many deem necessary for what we men declare as a requisite for a god to be God.
But that’s a flaw in our definitions and perspective of what God is, not a flaw in God Himself.
And thus, free will explains what keeps Him interested in the outcome of the great question of the ages, the battle for the earth and Mankind between Him and Satan.
A God so awesome as to create creatures with free will so that even He can’t know for certain how events will turn out is a God indeed.
A loving God creates angels and men as His sons, but doesn’t purposely create a rebellious Satan or evil men… He knows that, due to free will, there is a chance that some of his sons will rebel, but He doesn’t intent that to happen… but if free will is a reality, the chance has to be taken… and some things can and will go wrong, especially when the Creator’s creations challenge Him and state that they can live without His influence and guidance… that they are smart enough to do it on their own… that indeed, they are like God.
So, at that point He can just destroy the whole thing and start over, or… as a true God of love, let the events play out until that time when no man and no angel can ever dispute again that they need God and a relationship with Him.
Yes, it’s painful to Him that suffering occurs, just like it’s painful to a parent when his child insists upon doing something dumb and has to learn the hard way about the right and wrong ways of the world.
But in the end, His plan for atonement and reconciliation between God and Man will not be denied, and much of our travail in the current system of things will become a distant memory of a childhood disease… painful and all-too-real at the time, but once past, all but forgotten by the adult…. who is now all-the-stronger for having survived.
4 June, 2008 at 4:08 pm
Nicely expressed views. I don’t know what is the truth of the matter. However, I do know that we are talking about The CreatorDesigner of the Universe here – so what could you or I possibly do that would make him indebted to us? And only if you support the idea of free will could his indebtedness be an issue! You know, little ol’ me does something “pleasing to God” so God throws me a bone.
Your phrase “system of things” is from the Jehovah’s Witness Bible, I kid you not. I do not think that other translations use that phrase. But maybe I dis-remember. Sorry in advance, in that case!
Oh yah, it looks like you think that Earth is the whole picture. We are a speck.
4 June, 2008 at 5:10 pm
“You know, little ol’ me does something “pleasing to God” so God throws me a bone.”
It’s quite simple, actually, and very just. Obey His commands and have faith in His Plan which entails our salvation through Jesus Christ, His son, and the reward is everlasting life… on a new earth.
“Your phrase “system of things” is from the Jehovah’s Witness…”
It is indeed an expression from their literature, which I find apt and don’t mind repeating.
“Oh yah, it looks like you think that Earth is the whole picture. We are a speck.”
As part of the universe, true enough, the planet is a speck. But God’s interest in it and us (as well as Satan’s) is very momentous indeed. Life of this planet is all I know, at the present time, so that’s all I can address. It could very well be that other dramas are playing out with other Christs and other Satans on other worlds.
4 June, 2008 at 5:41 pm
“Obey his commands”? Including the commandment to love my enemies and do good to them that hurt me? And if someone whacks me on one side of my face, let him do the same on the other side, too? I think this set of commands may work in a uniform, monoracial, monocultural society, where we understand each other deeply and are all going in the same direction, so it’d be good business to be understanding.
Everlasting life on a new earth? That’s tougher. What becomes of our kin who have passed on, then?
4 June, 2008 at 6:02 pm
in reply to Stronza:
you wrote:
in reply:
My interpretation is that your enemies are your Shadow manifesting before you, and you deal with them accordingly.
Above all, YOU GET THE LESSON that they are demonstrating to you.
Thus, classic White Nationalists have been angry at the demonic Jews, without Getting The Lesson – LEARN from them, do what works, and do not be a victim – Be BETTER! – and organize along Racial lines, in a proper manner.
AS for turning the cheek, that has commonly been misunderstood.
You see, under Roman law, a Master could strike the RIGHT cheek of his servant/slave, as this was done with the left hand – the softer of the two hands.
So, you turn that cheek, and they, TRAPPED IN THEIR ANGER, overreach, and strike the LEFT cheek, which is done with the RIGHT hand.
Now, under Roman law, the slave can respond as a equal…
Heh heh heh…
you wrote:
in reply:
They go to whatever sphere they need to for their learning.
Swedenborg dealt with this, up to a point.
His ideas were adopted and adapted by Joseph Smith to the Mormon Church.
And, if our spiritual learning with our kin has been completed, then we see them only if we or they need to – a positive, Christian focus, instead of the negative, materialistic version of karma – the spiritual law of cause and effect.
The Mormon Church used to run the advertisements, “Families ARE Forever.”
Suppose, say, Charles Manson is your cousin?
The Mormon Church modified the advertisement to “Families CAN BE Forever.”
However, the Rule is they are together to meet for spiritual learning, having a common series of lessons to learn together.
The issue is reincarnation; while it is in the New Testament, it was not to be considered common knowledge, as – and this is my guess – everyone would put off to the “next lifetime” what could, and should, be done in this lifetime.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
5 June, 2008 at 8:12 am
“Including the commandment to love my enemies and do good to them that hurt me?”
That was not one of the ten commandments. And as New America already covered, that particular advice from Jesus was in relation to petty insults and minor squabbles that are not life-threatening. The Bible allows in many instances for self-defense when true matters of survival are at hand. The rules Jesus laid down for Himself and his Elect are of a more spiritual “not of this world” variety. Yet even Jesus did not forbid his disciples from carrying swords… merely from using them against the authorities that came to arrest Him, because His death was a necessary part of God’s plan for Jesus’ ultimate glorification as the true obedient one of God and therefore worthy of all the authority of God in showing the Devil and his followers that it was possible, even as a man, to be obedient even unto death, and to live among God and his kingdom without attempting to usurp His authority.
“Everlasting life on a new earth? That’s tougher. What becomes of our kin who have passed on, then?”
Refer to numerous passages concerning resurrection, as demonstrated by Christ Himself with Lazarus, as a foreshadowing. Not forgetting that there are hierarchies in God’s organization, and the Elect that rule with Jesus have a different kind of resurrections than the great multitude that will live on the new earth.
5 June, 2008 at 9:50 am
“Not that it matters, because a jew is a jew.”
Hardly. And here your BS hits the fan, you accursed son of Satan. [John 8:44]
“He is NOT a Jew who is one outwardly , niether is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh; But he is a “Jew”…
(actually, the Greek word here in both instances is ‘Judean;’ which shows that religion, race, and geography are tied in the Biblical writer’s minds- AND that the imposter Edomites who ruled Israel at the time of Christ- and from whom ALL rabbinism trace their perverted mulatto DNA heritage!- (cf. Josephus) were NOT tied to the land, and were not- even back then- ‘real’ Jews!!!)
‘…which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in the lettere, whose praise os not of men, but of God.” Romans 2:22 – St. Paul, rabbi of Tarsus.
“…And I know the BLASPHEMY of them which say they are Jews, and ARE NOTof SATAN. St. John [Revelation 2:8,9]
“Not as though the Word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are [spuriously] of Israel.”-Saint Paul Letter to the Romans 9:6
“But if the Jews were to say, that the word, “In Isaac shall thy seed be called,” means this, that those born of Isaac should be reckoned to him for a seed,
then the Edomites, too, and all those people, ought to be denominated his sons, since their forefather Esau was a son of his. But now so far are they from being called sons, that THEY ARE THE GREATEST POSSIBLE ALIENS…” – St. John Chrysostom, Commentary on Romans, Homily XVI
I DENY ANY CLAIM of ISRAEL, therefore, as a modern ‘state’,
to have ANY right to Exist.
I DENY ANY CLAIM of Jews, therefore, to be guiltless of the Crucifixion of Christ, as their racial imposters, the Edomite/Amalekite overlords turned the nation of Israel to the pagan Romans, and were in the forefront of the Jerusalem massacre in AD 70, and have been in the forefront of the massacre of other nations where they have usurped rule since then!
I DENY ANY CLAIM of Jews, therefore, to ANY SHRED OF innocence, for the billions they have killed, since 1848, and especially since 1917.
I proclaim the Church is Israel Now.
I proclaim the Caucasoid Nations of Magna Europa to be the ONLY “Chosen People’ of YHWH God, as they were the only members of the Church Catholic in her first millennium of existence.
I proclaim the right of Christians, at any time, to wage a just war on the Deicides, and any other enemy of God- as they are no more than the tools of Satan; (which nations, who have done so in the past, and may do so in the future, did so, within the permissive will of YHWH GOD)
…and their continual expulsion throughout history, from any (and all) Chrisitan land(s) is/are a RIGHTEOUS ACT OF ‘WHOLE BURNT OFFERING,’ FOR THE REDEMPTION OF NATIONS, PEOPLES, and STATES, pleasing to God, and commanded of His ONLY People, the CHURCH.
A curse on the Jews. May their name perish from off the face of the Earth.
Anathema sit.
5 June, 2008 at 5:57 pm
7 June, 2008 at 10:34 pm
in reply to Fr. John:
Thank you for clearly stating the MODERATE position.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
12 June, 2008 at 6:55 pm
Jesus is the jewish messiah.
14 February, 2009 at 8:04 pm
“FYI, a large percentage of today’s jews are sephardic.”
Yes a whole whopping 5-10% of jews! Moreover Sephardic Jews are at the bottom of the caste system of Israel. (Read “Life of an American Jew is Racist Marxist Israel.”) All of the Judeo Fascist war criminal leaders of Israel have been of the Khazar troll race.
However, Israelite, Judahite, Edumite, Khazar, honestly what differet does it make? They are all equally parasitic. Parasites by any other name, if you will. Parasites of many names, like the devil, that non Jews can never, ever, afford to trust. Parasites that will always put the rest of humanity and civilization as we know it in peril.
And while Christianity so destroyed European culture and robbed it of its heritage, it is, yes, diffictult to admit, but Christianity is a Jewish trojan horse. Hell, its suicidal, Sermon on the Mount teachings brought down the Roman Empire and plunged Europe into the dark ages. Some of the maddeningly passive sound and fury signifying nothing teachings of Jesus remind me of the lobotomizing nonsense of today’s new age movement, which I surmise most likely must have a Jewish hand.
So weird, so strange, otherwise reasonable smart people here that are fed up with Jewish manipulation, yet follow this Jewish Trojan Horse.