2 May, 2008

Iran: Regime Change Instead?

Posted by Socrates in Iran, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 9:27 pm | Permanent Link

America engineered a coup in Iran in 1953. Will history repeat itself? Further, does this mean that America won’t bomb Iran? Or is this just one prong of a multi-prong effort?


  • 3 Responses to “Iran: Regime Change Instead?”

    1. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      On a related topic… PC Roberts has apparently stopped taking his medication again. In his latest article “The Iraq War Morphs Into the Iran War” his writing is sloppy and he’s back spreading the old lies that Germany and Italy wanted to take over the world.


      If this ignorant man would open his mind for a minute he’ll realize that Hitler was right about the Jews just like he was right about everything else. Further, if he REALLY wants to learn something he should attend the upcoming May 24th meeting and listen to a lecture by Mark Weber in southern California.

      The ’Good War’ Myth of World War II, and Why It’s Dangerous
      More than sixty years after the end of World War II, our schools, motion pictures and politicians still present a systematically distorted and hate-filled view of that conflict. In his address, Weber will pull apart the myth that World War II was a morally clear-cut fight between “good” Allies and an “evil” enemy. He’ll explain why this myth is not just bad history, it’s also very harmful — for America and the world.


      At which I believe Weber will touch on the real reasons the war started including Poland that Roberts refuses to acknowledge and continues the lie that Bush and our current government is behaving like Hitler. As I have said and many others have too: Bush is no Nazi, he is pro-Jewish which automatically makes him anti-Nazi. But you, Mr Roberts, think you can be anti-Jewish and anti-Nazi. Get a clue and learn something. This is like saying you love go swimming but you hate to get wet. You can’t do it unless you’re living lies.

    2. Olde_Dutch Says:

      Roberts and other pundits think they can shame the jew into doing the right thing by comparing the jew with its nemesis the nazi. That ain’t gonna happen—the jew has no shame!

    3. Z.O.G. Says:

      Yep. Well said, OD.