8 May, 2008

Germany Fights Thought-Crime

Posted by Socrates in holo-factualists, holocaust racket, jewed culture, Socrates at 10:29 pm | Permanent Link

Thirty locations were raided in an effort to stop people from thinking unapproved thoughts [1]:


[1] “Holocaust” nonsense: [Here]

  • 9 Responses to “Germany Fights Thought-Crime”

    1. Marwinsing Says:

      Here comes Schäuble, Big Sister-Nanny Wolfgang Schäuble. Just look at the punk don’t the face say it all?

      “Since November 2005, Big Sister-Nanny Wolfgang Schaeuble has been serving a second term as Minister of the Interior in Angela Merkel’s government.

      “Schäuble’s political career began in 1961 with him joining the Junge Union (“Young Union”), the youth division of the CDU. During his studies he served as chairman of the Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten (Association of Christian-Democrat Students, RCDS), in Hamburg and…

      “…also of the view that Europe’s problem is not the European Union, but rather certain national governments…

      “…target of an assassination attempt… (don’t surprise us)

      “The assassin later stated, his shots would have been “self defence” because Germany “is a terror state” (agreed) but he was declared “mentally ill” by the judges and committed to a clinic because of psychoneurosis.” (don’t surprise us)

      (Source: jewpedia)


    2. Terrorsaurus Says:

      Shut down for denying the Nothingcaust.

      What times we live in.

      It is highly amusing, and admittedly, somewhat infuriating, watching the world’s biggest race of swindling scum, keep up their charades in the age of the internet.

      It’s like watching a disease that has no clue it’s being watched. Jews are the disease, and the internet is the microscope.

      And remember kiddies, don’t deny the Nothingcaust or the forces of Intellectual Suppression and Censorship may come along and shut you down. Because the Nothingcaust is big bucks, and you should never come between a kike and his big swindle.

      $$$ = The Nothingcaust x (foreseeable future) – deniers getting publicity.

      Death to the Jews.

    3. Terrorsaurus Says:

      Hey Shauble is a Big Christian. In other words, he serves Jewry first, second, and last. He’s a foot soldier for the $Lord$. Amen brother! What does it say on all the dollars? “In ZOG we trust”?

      Yeah, that accursed religion of curs and swine masquerading as men has truly made a mess of Western Man’s mind and soul. Amen.

      A worship of a bleeding kike on a wooden cross. Pathetic mice worship such things.

      Foot soldiers for the $Lord$.

    4. ein Says:

      Terrorsaurus said: “It’s like watching a disease that has no clue it’s being watched. Jews are the disease, and the internet is the microscope. ”

      Very well put! Except at first glance I thought you said the disease had no cure. Now I see you wrote “no clue”. FGinding a “cure” is no problem. Applying it is the problem.

    5. Blightblingdoucheinrancho Says:

      The Internet is little more than a video game.

    6. Wolf Says:

      Something really must be done about the dreaded paleo-nazi moral-arsonist reservoirs of organized Holocaust denial.

    7. Feuerundflamme Says:

      It is an outrage that proud Germans are harassed by these Leftist Jew-servants. If all goes according to our intentions and plans these swine and their Jewish masters will have even more to complain about in the future. I forsee the completion of the F?hrer’s plans. It is inevitable, we will confront these weaklings on our own terms. Their “banning” and “evidence collecting” will seem quite dull when we deal with them SS/Gestapo style.

      Sieg hail!

    8. Fucktards'R'US Says:

      “# Blightblingdoucheinrancho Says:
      9 May, 2008 at 4:50 pm

      The Internet is little more than a video game.”

      I’m sure that’s true – for you, Phora Fag. That’s why the Jews you grovel to are desperate to shut down “Internet hate sites” – because no one takes it seriously. Great “thinking.” ROTFLMAO

    9. sgruber Says:

      Anyone who dares to raid your home and arrest you because of what you think should get his fucking head shot off.

      Revolutions have been made over less, much less.

      We’re free adults, not slaves. Even children are treated better.

      The time has come to get rid of the jews.