2 May, 2008

BNP Wins at Least 16 Council Seats

Posted by Socrates in BNP, Britain, jews, Socrates at 1:45 pm | Permanent Link

Looks like the British National Party is moving up in the world. Now, if it can ban non-Whites – i.e., Jews – from membership, it will be ready for even more victories [1]:


[1] the BNP’s stance on Jews: [Here]

  • 8 Responses to “BNP Wins at Least 16 Council Seats”

    1. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      “Looks like the British National Party is moving up in the world.”

      Yes. Shall we sing a song?


    2. truthteller Says:

      Crawlling to the jews did them no good at all.

    3. truthteller Says:

      BNP celebrate after securing Assembly seat

      The British National Party scored its most significant electoral victory to date last night, as it won a seat on the London Assembly.

      The far-Right party secured enough London-wide votes to pass threshold of around the five per cent of votes needed for a seat on the authority, which holds the mayor accountable for his £11 billion budget.

      The BNP mounted a significant campaign in its attempt to penetrate he capital and will chalk up a seat as a major victory and a sign of support from the electorate at large.

      Simon Darby, the party’s deputy leader, said a seat on the London Assembly was “the icing on the cake”, and the BNP’s “equivalent of getting into the Premiership”.

      BNP’s man in the Assembly defends the party

      Anti-facist and gay rights groups have called for protests in the capital in light of the win.

      There was a glimpse of the divisions to come in scenes last night at City Hall as BNP supporters and protesters confronted each other in the aftermath of the result announcement.

      The BNP can attribute its success to strong results in several areas, including more than 12 per cent of the vote in Havering and Redbridge, almost 10 per cent of the vote in City & East, and six per cent in Ealing & Hillingdon.

      It ran in third place overall in Havering & Redbridge and placed fourth and fifth in several other constituencies.

      However the party failed to live up to initial hype, as it had been expected to easily clear the threshold for a seat.

      Outside London, the BNP had a mixed night, gaining ten seats overall and breaking new ground in some parts of the country but generally performing less well on councils where it has enjoyed past success.

      The party won its first two seats in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, and a further two on Derbyshire’s Amber Valley council, also picking up single victories in Thurrock, Essex, and Three Rivers, Hertfordshire.

      It gained its first foothold in South Yorkshire, where the BNP contested five seats on Rotherham council and won two of them, ousting the sitting Labour mayor, Allan Jackson.

      Denis MacShane, the Labour MP for Rotherham, said the seats had fallen to a party that to could offer no solution to the town’s needs, “only hate and division”.

      The BNP’s average share of the vote in the five Rotherham wards was 28.7 per cent, but it failed to make an anticipated breakthrough in neighbouring Barnsley, fielding 20 unsuccessful candidates whose average vote was 18.3 per cent. Six of them came in second.

      In West Yorkshire, the party made no progress in Leeds, Bradford or Kirklees, where it lost the only seat it was defending and suffered a dip in support across most areas.

      Calderdale elected one BNP candidate, in a ward where the party has done well in the past, and it picked up another seat across the border in Pendle, Lancashire. It also held the seat it was defending in Burnley.

      The BNP’s biggest advance came in Stoke-on-Trent, with three victorious candidates bringing to nine the party’s representation on the troubled Labour-run council.

      Its most damaging loss came in Epping Forest, where BNP councillors were unseated in two of the three seats where the party was seeking re-election.

      In total, the BNP fielded 614 local election candidates, 585 in England and 29 in Wales, where it failed to make any impact.

      Mr Darby claimed that a gain of 10 seats was “not a bad haul” but admitted that the BNP’s focus – and much of its resources – during the campaign had been targeted on London.


    4. Osama bin Laden Says:

      As much as I despite Griffin’s philosemitism and rabid anti-Arab stance (he should be equally opposed to both groups on principle of “British Nationalism”), I still am delighted at this news.

      At least the BNP is out there doing real political action. Americans aren’t doing squat except playing dress-up in costumes and commanding their keyboards.

    5. Osama bin Laden Says:

      I think the philosophy of actually doing something that advances White interests makes a whole lot of sense. We’ve talked the Jew issue to death. Badmouthing Jews doesn’t achieve political goals.

      Going out and appealing to our common interests does which, indirectly, is oppositional to Jews anyway and achieves what we want and is what Griffin, more or less, has done successfully. The few Jews that are clinging to the BNP are probably harmless and well-loathed by the majority of Jewry.

    6. Blightblingdoucheinrancho Says:

      “Badmouthing Jews doesn’t achieve political goals. Going out and appealing to our common interests does which, indirectly, is oppositional to Jews anyway and achieves what we want and is what Griffin, more or less, has done successfully.”

      Here, here, Mr. bin Laden!

      Behavior and environment are an important part of the exclusionary process necessary to maximize free association: Niggers avoid Mozart, jews and sycophantic, easy-money gentiles avoid physical work.

    7. LoveWhite Says:

      British nationalism is not ideologically perfect but the BNP leadership know that the party would not make any progress if it was critical of Jews.

    8. Arminius Says:

      But the (BNP) party WILL NEVER make any progress if it has the jew within.