8 May, 2008

Article About Kevin MacDonald

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 9:36 pm | Permanent Link

To the Jews, “academic anti-Semitism” is probably the second most worrisome type (the most worrisome is probably “government anti-Semitism”). Newbies, take note: “anti-Semitism” isn’t an action. It’s a reaction. Big difference:


  • 14 Responses to “Article About Kevin MacDonald”

    1. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Congratulations to Professor MacDonald on making it big time. I hope that if UCLB fires him, he takes them for $50 million. That will buy a lot of bagels and lox. If I can just convert him to Zionism! It looks like he is getting closer every day.

    2. Marwinsing Says:

      Phew! – that link made The Dead Sea Scrolls seem like a quick browse. When will they ever leave the Prof alone? Answer: NEVER – ‘cos he speaketh The Truth BUT I’m afraid Kev’s up to his neck in The Dialectic – ol’ Hegel – clever Teutonic philosopher he was…

      * * *

      “Good day Mrs Patel, one Big Sister Nanny-State mutton roti please…”

      “Sorry no roti today sah we’re out of dough but the bakery supplies said Monday next week.”

      “Uh, you got any Earl Grey tea-bags then? – the tagless type you know…”

      “I got one in stock – there, you can have it.”

      “No-no! – I’ll pay you tomorrow…”

      Tomorrow comes but you don’t wake up. Instead you’ve quietly drifted off into a ricin-laced Big sleep because what never occurred to you was that dear Mrs Patel is in fact a distant relative of Lord Jacob Rothschild plus she’s got a nephew who claims to be related to one Rupert Murdoch whose current wife’s third cousin Hi-wut Wong w’Mi married a Patel. Yeah, Mrs Patel was in fact a paid-off crypto-sayanim and that never dawned on you, you just thought she was just an innocent little old Muslim lady eking out a meagre living in her humble take-away deli oh-no they’re out to get us white man uh-huh. Yep.

      Question: what do John Hagee, Osama Bin Laden and Dov Zackheim all share in common? (a secret handshake)

      “Shh… don’t tell!”

      * * *

      Beware the bogeyman, he comes with a strange past, he always carries with him his gold, myrrh and frankincense.

    3. jim donaldson Says:

      One man and his ideas, causing all kinds of problems.

    4. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      Donald Pauly wrote: If I can just convert him to Zionism! It looks like he is getting closer every day.

      Zionism means kikes in Palestine. Anyone who wants that is an idiot. That would be like pouring gas on a fire. If the Jews were all there we’d eventually see nukes raining down on Europe.

      I’m for Extricationism. All jews everywhere should be extricated and placed in settlements in the Gobi Desert or the Sahara or maybe even Antarctica. Anywhere they can be by themselves.

    5. sgruber Says:

      AL’s idea is vertical expulsionism – six feet under. I concur.

      The Gobi desert is not like the sealed test tube containing the smallpox virus. Jews came from deserts and would do so again. (Plus, our Khristified Kwans would vote such manna drops to make the place bloom.)

      Anywhere outside of a coffin is no place for a jew. Even then, nail a stake through itz chest cavity (I didn’t say heart).

    6. Voir Dire Says:

      Professor MacDonald is one of the greatest heroes of our day, and it is deeply heart-wrenching and sorrowful the ostracization and punitive measures the shameless, spineless, academicians are subjecting him to.

      The Jews and their communist political correctness have triumphed in destroying all remaining vestiges of Western standards in the academy just as they’ve snuffed the life out of everything meaningful and extraordinary about the West they touch.

      I wrote to Professor MacDonald asking him what his many avid admirers in the blogosphere could do to help in his lonely plight, and I also suggested he get a copy of “The Shadow University; The Betrayal of Liberty on America’s Campuses” for inspiration from other professors who’ve fought back against politically correct witchhunts, sued and in virtually all cases, the assorted universities settled out of court. Little consolation for sure, but it may be his only recourse… Like the gentlemen that he is, he responded, but sounded achingly demoralized and not very hopeful. Professor
      MacDonald NEEDS to know how much support and admiration he has from ethnocentric Whites and to hear from us. E mail: [email protected]

      It makes me feel physically SICK what the Jewish academic/ SPLC terrorists and both silent and vocal COWARDOUS White traitors are doing to him. How tragically sad and ironic that he risks everything by defending Whites, and not a single White professor came to his defense.

      Amazingly, a lone, brave, Jewish professor stuck his neck on the line in the recent student newspaper article regarding the punitive measures taken against MacDonald. Where were the f**king, white intellectual frauds who as usual proved themselves spineless wimps? All’s it would have taken is a handful of professors to defend his right to academic freedom. Incredibly the Jewish professor stated he’d read and agreed with MacDonald’s assertions, and more importantly claimed that numerous professors had privately told him they’d been pressured into signing onto the statements rebuking MacDonald though never having laid eyes on his books. A DAMNING indictiment…(and compelling ammunition for a lawsuit).

      For those who didn’t see the post, I’ll reprint it:

      Prof. Max Rusky
      posted 4/15/08 @ 11:37 PM PST
      “As a Jewish professor I am appalled at the treatment of Dr.Kevin MacDonald. I have carefully read his three main works and find that his only crime is that he as a Gentile dares to put down what mainstream Jewish historians routinely write about, the fact that no people on earth are organized for their perceived agenda, than are Jews.
      In America, they wield enormous power in the press, in politics and in academia. As Walt and Mearsheimer have shown, they are the most powerful lobby in America, bar none. They have been the biggest single reason why we are in Iraq catastrophe right now. This is not anti-Semitism, this is simple fact that major Jewish organizations boast about to their own constituecies.Look at the subservience of Clinton, McCain and Obama to this lobby.

      Also look at the actions against Dr. MacDonald. The pro-Israel Jewish contingent has closed ranks on him. I have already spoken to non-Jewish professors who tell me they have been pressured to condemn the man even without reading his work! Is that academic freedom or openmindedness?

      Dr. MacDonald has even been compared to David Duke, yet even Dr. Duke is presented by media far differently than he actually expresses himself.

      What has happened to MacDonald is strong evidence that what he said is absolutely correct. The Jewish group is closely knit (with some dissent like my own) and closes ranks on anyone who threatens its agenda or who simply dares to criticize its own ethnocentrism. Jewish intellectuals are the quickest group to condemn other people’s racism or ethnocentrism, but can stand one quiet, intellectual professor who dares to point out the world’s most powerful ethnic will to power.”

    7. MB Says:

      See Arthur Butz, two years ago:


    8. ein Says:

      “Professor MacDonald is one of the greatest heroes of our day, and it is deeply heart-wrenching and sorrowful [to witness] the ostracization and punitive measures to which the shameless, spineless, academicians are subjecting him.”

      “How sad and ironic” [BUT TYPICAL!] “that he risks everything by defending Whites, and not a single White professor came to his defense.”
      That is absolutely true. MacDonald is a great and very brave man. But frankly, I am surprised that he was even allowed to say all that he did before they tried to silence him.

      The next step would be to smear him, slander him, and utterly ruin his reputation and his career. They will not be satisfied until they have destroyed him. He (of all people) should have known and been prepared for this. (Not that I’m indicating any lack of sympathy.)

      Anyone who has been involved with other whites in the workplace knows that very rarely do they (any longer) feel any sense of racial solidarity (while blacks, Jews and other minorities do) and hardly ever will they support another white. Especially in a racial issue! They put their careers and their paychecks first, while they toss you to the wolves. They know who their masters are, just like the dog knows the hand that feeds it.

      You’re to be commended for writing to him and offering assistance. That was very kind of you. Did he say what, if anything, we could do to help? I too would like to do something.

    9. ein Says:

      ‘Amazingly, a lone, brave, Jewish professor stuck his neck on the line”

      Probably he was the only one who COULD say anything. Just as only blacks are allowed to criticize blacks.

    10. Voir Dire Says:

      “Did he say what, if anything, we could do to help? I too would like to do something.”

      No “ein” he didn’t recommend a single thing. He just said that he should know what was going to happen to him in a week or so, and asked (half-way joking as I took it) if I knew a good lawyer, and said maybe he should get a copy of the book I’d recommended, and that he was grateful for the supportive emails.

      Just write to him to offer moral support. If he needs money to file a lawsuit, we need to do everything we can to help him acquire a war chest.

      I think it couldn’t hurt either to buy his latest book.

      As for the Jewish professor who put himself out there in the student newspaper, he definitely face repercussions of some kind…He truly was brave to do it. More than we can say for any of Prof. MacDonald’s brethren…

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      Yes, Kevin MacDonald DESERVES White respect! He should only have to ask ONCE to get 40 grand for an attorney in a Weeks time!

      I would send him money over night express if he would put out a call!

    12. Mary Kay Baker Says:

      Kevin MacDonald is one of these men who pull the world forward with one hand tied behind his back. Drawing attention to the The big Jewish organizations in this nation is not kid stuff, these groups now are seeing to it that the American tax payers not only foot the bill for their war on the Arab world, do sordid hangings of their enemies, torture and provoke discord.. but they see to it that we pay to rebuild Gaza which they have destroyed. Jewish nationalism is just as nasty as any that has come along, it is just more orderly, more clever, more practiced , which is why the USA is left taking the rap.

    13. Mary Kay Baker Says:

      let’s talk about the firing of Phil Donahue. Donahue was so naive he thought the Jews were against the Vietnam War because it was wrong, when in fact they were just against Jews being drafted into it. Donahue must know by now that the reason there are no dissent on this war against the Arabs is::::::::its a war for the Jews . But the Jews are safe from the draft. All figured out long ago when they were using Phil to promote dissent like having the Chicago Seven all over his show. Live and Learn , Phil.

    14. Louise Krause Says:

      Does anyone but myself see how the Jews have copied Hitler’s plans for world domination? Look at Homeland Security (the Jewish militia, Jewish SS) and its take over of the USA government for security? Security? If the Jews cared about American security would they not drop this cruel war with the Arab world, a war in which no brutality to children disgusts them? A war that has brought hate for us to every heart….and if American made bombs blew the arms and legs off your kid, would the airplanes against the towers be enough revenge? Of course there is much about 911 that is still a mystery. No one really knows who pulled it off, or why? The nazi inspired Homeland Security came right on the heels of 911.