3 April, 2008

Zimbabwe: Mugabe Won’t Quit

Posted by Socrates in black leaders, black pols, Socrates, Zimbabwe at 2:20 pm | Permanent Link

Black tyrant Robert Mugabe – who once served 10 years in prison – will fight to remain in office:


  • 12 Responses to “Zimbabwe: Mugabe Won’t Quit”

    1. Whitepride Says:

      Mugabe is a nigger; and so is Barack Obama.

    2. jim donaldson Says:

      Whitepride: I almost spit out my coffee! I actually hurt myself!

    3. Whitepride Says:

      It is our duty to name the jew; but we must never neglect to name the nigger aswell.

    4. Hengest Says:

      So the nigger won’t quit. Of what interest or consequece is that to us?
      Rhodesia is no more, it is dead and burried. Its White population actually handed it over to communist niggers, willingly. Now all that is left is just TNB, fighting over the the decayed corpse of a once great country.
      S.A. will will follow suit.
      Whitey just never seems to learn.

    5. Booger Says:

      Those niggers are reduced to eating rats,but they can rejoice now that whitey is gone.Mugabe has been in power too long to let it go peaceably.Poor SA is next for the shitcan.Coming in 3rd is the good ol JEW-S-A,hopefully the nig will get the presidency,then you can expect decline at an even faster rate.Just ask any city or town governed by a negro.Don’t you just love the Kwan?

    6. Whitepride Says:

      Booger: “…hopefully the nig will get the presidency, then you can expect decline at an even faster rate.”

      Exactly. Thats why I’m going to vote for nigger Obama. Once the suburbanites can no longer afford to tool around in their gas guzzling SUVs or avoid loitering gangs of mestizos and negroes they will be forced to wake up and ask questions.

      Worse is better.

    7. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:

      I suspect if Obama is elected, we will be fair game for the ferals. The niggers will be emboldened by his presidency to attack us in even greater numbers.

      Will this be the beginning of the great WHITE awakening, or will Whites continue to deny the criminality of niggers? Will Whites forgive the violent behaviour of simians as they watch their wives and daughters be raped and murdered by the beasts? Only time will tell.

    8. Robert Cardillo Says:

      I agree with Whitepride wholeheartedly. Vote for Obama. Let these stupid Soccer-mom Yuppie types get what they ask for. Just like every other black ruled nation, city etc…it turns into a scum hole. Once again the joys of black rule!!!! DEATH TO ZOG !!!ROHOWA!!!

    9. Voir Dire Says:


      The Whites did NOT willingly surrender Rhodesia to the black Marxists. It was imposed upon them by the international criminal cabal known as Jewry and their White patsies in our Western governments following economic sanctions. I just posted the following on AmRen today regarding this topic where you have to resort to veiled language to try and get the truth across regarding the vile Jews. Please do read the link from The New American which is the best account I’ve ever seen written on former Rhodesia and what was done to Ian Smith and his beloved country by organized Jewry (though true to form, names are named but never identified as Jews):

      I’m sure our Western governments and the usual criminal element that helped impose this Marxist regime on Rhodesia will provide refuge to this black psychopathic MONSTER even as they left the Whites to suffer and die by genocide/dispossession rather than offering them sanctuary.

      For those of you who’ve never seen Mugabe’s humble abode in the face of so much wretchedness, please do check out the provided link (thanks to the poster who emailed it to me):

      An excerpt from AmRen’s “Zimbabwe: 23 Years of Black Rule” (Jul. 2003)

      “Zimbabwe teaches several lessons. Two are all too familiar: blacks make a mess of Western institutions, and some will brutalize whites if they get the chance. South Africa will meet the same fate; it is only a matter of time. But losing southern Africa to savagery is far less important than the fact that Britain, the United States, and all other European countries are letting it happen. If the British cannot bring themselves to save their Zimbabwean cousins from white-hating barbarians, they cannot be counted on to save themselves either. If immigration continues, and dispossession comes to the home islands, there will be no mother country to ignore their pleas for help.”

      Until my Western/White countrymen awaken to WHO is running their governments, and WHO owns the MSM, there is no hope of reversing this disasterous course planned for us all. The tragic fates of White Zimbabweans and now unfurling for South Africaners was orchestrated by the usual culprits, is gradually (through mass immigration) being implemented and will be visited upon us as well.

      For the hands-down best article written about this once prosperous country, see The New Americans “From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe” (And please duly note the ubiquitous Kissinger’s role in this epic crime against White humanity – by their words and their deeds, ye shall know them)


    10. Hengest Says:

      Yes, Voir Dire, you’re right of course, but never the less, Whites allowed it all to happen; just like we are allowing it to happen to a lesser degree in our own homelands today.
      Sure, it is our treasonous/traitorous pols who are facilitating it on behalf of organized jewry and international financers, but the White herd continue to vote for them, do they not?
      And asside from the internet, how many White nationalists do you come across in daily life, compared with the number of anti-racist, orthodox partyliners?
      Just say the word “nigger” in White company and see what happens. Just say that the “holocaust” is a hoax and see the reaction.
      It’s a sad fact that most of our own people actually hate us and are going willingly to their destruction, believing that they are doing the morally right thing.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      Voir Dire Says:

      5 April, 2008 at 8:18 pm


      The Whites did NOT willingly surrender Rhodesia to the black Marxists. It was imposed upon them by the international criminal cabal known as Jewry and their White patsies in our Western governments following economic sanctions. I just posted the following on AmRen today regarding this topic where you have to resort to veiled language to try and get the truth across regarding the vile Jews. Please do read the link from The New American which is the best account I’ve ever seen written on former Rhodesia and what was done to Ian Smith and his beloved country by organized Jewry (though true to form, names are named but never identified as Jews):

      The US and London Forced Rhodesia to surrender and got to S.A. to stab this “NATION IN THE BACK.

      I am sick of so called W.N.’s in the last ten years flapping their pie holes about how Ian Smith gave up etc. Gad damit, reading some gad damed facts. Clowns.

      By the way CHINA IS IN RHODESIA planting corn for their pigs and mining. The surrender of Rhodesia, was a NATIONAL security issue amounting to treason as it was aginst our interests to have pushed on them to surrender in 1981, Jimmy Carter and Ronnie the dumb along with Margret Snatcher’s regime did this deed which was against Western sercurity..

      Let the moron’s yap, now.

    12. Howdy Doody Says:

      Hengest Says:

      6 April, 2008 at 9:36 pm

      Yes, Voir Dire, you’re right of course, but never the less, Whites allowed it all to happen; just like we are allowing it to happen to a lesser degree in our own homelands today

      Un quote

      Well in 1915 the ju’s went crazy trying to stop the movie Birth Of A Nation, by D.W. Griffith and when they failed as this Ex Nation at the time did not have roads to every town that the movie played except for Rail Roads and most towns did not even have power or telephone, but they realized the power of the movies, and went to work to buy the control of this new thing called motion pictures along with print and then by 1929 they had radio locked up, just in time to get FDR in the shit house.