13 April, 2008

Website: If Americans Knew

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Zionism at 6:02 pm | Permanent Link

Find out about Israel/Palestine: [Here].

An interview with If Americans Knew founder Alison Weir: [Here].

  • 4 Responses to “Website: If Americans Knew

    1. Whitepride Says:

      If all White Americans could just get an up and close look at that hideous jewish beak I think half the battle would be won.

    2. Wolf Says:

      1. I don’t really much care about the Palestinian issue other than how it reflects badly on Israel.

      2. “If Americans Knew” i.e. If the average Kwan was told the truth as we know it I doubt they would give a shit. Americans love the Jews: (TV, Negro Ball, Hollywood, porn, bling, violence, drugs, war, diversity..) or so it seems.

    3. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:

      Wolf, I have to disagree that,” If the average Kwan was told the
      truth as we know it I doubt they would give a shit”.

      Back when I watched televitz-circa 1999, CBS reported stories of Israeli soldiers in menacing tanks aggressing innocent children. I saw more than one scene of young, enraged, Palestinian boys throwing rocks at Izzy tanks. I am certain that jew-owned CBS never intended to open eyes to Izzy- aggression, however the stories had a great impact on me. This was just one more baby step which led me to David Duke’s, “My Awakening”, and I am convinced that if truth-telling Whites controlled the msm, we would change the world overnight, so I have emailed this article to all in my address book.

    4. Hoosier Says:


      The graphs are very powerful – it’s the presentation of complex information in an easy to grasp visual presentation. It reminds me of that pie chart comparing black-on-white and white-on-black crime. The whole “pie” is almost all black on white crime, with a tiny sliver representing white-on-black crime. I can’t remember where I saw it, sorry for not putting it up.

      A person cannot NOT grasp what’s being presented, unless they are a complete imbecile. A picture paints a thousand words, eh? Even the Jews are going to have trouble “deconstructing” something of such clarity – no matter how loud they shriek in their 10,000 word essays.