21 April, 2008

War on Terror Dangerously Counterproductive

Posted by Socrates in "war on terror", Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies at 1:30 pm | Permanent Link

by Ivan Eland: [Here].

  • 8 Responses to “War on Terror Dangerously Counterproductive”

    1. saltriver Says:

      The war on terror is thinly veiled bullshit. It is really a war against the White Man. Expose the jew,name the jew and never relent in the fight against these vile pieces of shit.

    2. Terrorsaurus Says:

      Yawn. No shit huh?

      Jesus H. Christ even the bright Americans are dumb as hell. No offense, American dumb fucks.

      And none of them care to mention Israel and the fucking kikes who are directly responsible for the entire fiasco in the middle east.

      The economy is fubar and the dollar is travelling on a downward spiral and gas is 4 bucks a gallon and Amerisrael is despised the world over these tea-drinking anti-war faggots are telling us things any 15 year old should have figured out two weeks after 9-11.

      I am so sick of hearing Americans complain about being attacked by “terrorists” on 9-11 when there hasn’t been a country on earth which the CIA and other American powers hasn’t been meddling in and/or attacking somehow for the last fucking century.

      Fuck America. America sucks.

    3. Rudolf the Red Nosed German Says:

      I am not an American dumbfuck.

    4. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      A quick survey of some headlines today:

      Report Murdoch Firm Hired Hackers To Sabotage Rival, Lawsuit Alleges


      The article admits “On the hot spot is NDS Group, a UK-Israeli firm that makes smartcards for pay-TV systems like DirecTV.”

      Don’t read “UK-Israeli,” read “Jews.”

      Computer Ad Propels Yael Naim into American stardom


      Hebrews who were surprised that they were “propelled” to stardom… why? The kikes control the “entertainment” industry.

      Pop Tarts: Heidi Klum’s ‘Naughty’ First Date with Seal


      Disgusting story of how a brainwashed nigger loving German babe fawns after a coon. This is the behavior the jews want all white women to adopt.

      Is it a kike world? It’s obvious.

    5. ein Says:

      Interesting stories above. But alas, they’re just a few out of hundreds. The news and so-called “entertaiment” sections are chock-full of them. They’re everywhere you look, feeding the populace an incessant diet of decadence and miscegenation, and making it look cutesy and trendy.

      Regarding Heidi Klum, the story says:
      “the “Project Runway” princess pretty much gives her hubby full credit for her career and the fact that just last week she was named Us Weekly magazine’s Style Icon of the Year.

      Well, there it is! She certainly is getting a lot of attention lately. It’s noteable. So I guess the marriage has been a boost for her career. She’s certainly not the only good-looking model around. who could use the publicity. Does every fashion model get to appear on Oprah’s show? I have to wonder just how much of the media adulation is actually due to that marriage (and to her half-breed kid which the media think is adorable). Well, I don’t really have to wonder too hard.

    6. ein Says:

      In line with the above, have a look at what I came across on AOL. Just look at what they’re pushing! Aol is, of course, Jew-owned, a part of Time-Warner.

    7. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      Jesus, ein. Interracial couples. The Ice T/Coco one is my favorite. Barf.



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