5 April, 2008

The Canada-Israel Agreement

Posted by Socrates in Canada, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link

Since the self-chosen have already Jewed the U.S., they are focusing more and more on Canada [1]:


[1] Canada promoted the Zionist agenda in 2001: [Here]

  • 3 Responses to “The Canada-Israel Agreement”

    1. Stronza Says:

      Years ago, Canada’s Minister of Public Safety “Stockboy” Day taught Sunday School to evangelical kiddies part-time, before he got involved in politics. It was brought to light a couple years ago that he told his young charges that “the dzhus are of their father the devil”. This was in the news and everything. A minor fuss was made, but as you see he reinvented himself! All’s well that ends well!

    2. Jahan Says:

      You gotta love that photo of Michael Chertoff and Avi Dicter.

      What could they be saying?

      Perhaps they’re comparing notes about the weather in Tel Aviv and Washington D.C….

    3. Rescue Slavic Women Says:


      Stop sex slavery in Israel. Spread the world.