14 April, 2008

Takimag 2.0: Stuff Paleocons Like

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 4:40 pm | Permanent Link

Stuff Paleocons Like: Calling Jews Nazis

Nothing fills a paleocoward’s heart with joy like calling a neocon a Nazi. Particularly if the neocon in question is a jew, which is about 97% of the time. The practice is universal among the paleocons. It began, most likely, with Paul Craig Roberts, who is infamous for calling jews brownshirts and equating the Republican Party with the German national socialist worker’s party. Today, April 14, Taki Theodoracoplos picks up the thread. But it could be vitually any paleocon. Cur see, cur do. There probably isn’t a single non-neocon conservative out there who hasn’t played this threadbare trick on his readers.


  • 16 Responses to “Takimag 2.0: Stuff Paleocons Like”

    1. Terrorsaurus Says:

      Is that you over there writing Alex? Or have you cloned yourself for the sake of the cause? ;)

      So you’ve started a blog with the express purpose of terrorizing Taki and his paleocoward readers? Good.

      Don’t those cowardly fools realize how short life is and how insignificant they are?

      They don’t call it “The Eternal Jew” for nothing.

    2. Anglo-Celt Says:

      Never trust a conservative. They will sell you out just to receive a little ‘bakshish’ from the enemies of their nation and race.

    3. New America Says:

      The demonic Jews live to place us in the world of the Inversion – Inverted Values, Inverted Meanings of Words, all to serve their Dark Pleasures.

      Always assume the hook-nosed demons are lying to you, one way or another.

      The best way is to invert the clear meaning of words and paraphrases, and thus, to pervert – and invert – the Mind of the people who trust them.

      In reviewing a lot of my past experiences, I realize this is one advantage the demons-who-walk-the-Earth known as Jews have – they have ALWAYS entered into ALL conversations with a Goal for YOU – something they want YOU to do.


      Never was it the easy camaraderie of dealing with common problems, and common concerns.

      ALWAYS – “Here’s why needs to be done, and here’s what YOU must do.”

      I do see this so clearly, now.

      And the only way to deal with them is straight on, from the front.

      The pathetic track record of CONservatism is simply proof of its effectiveness as a tool for the White RACE to actually accomplish something – Hell, ANYTHING!

      We also see the Taki/AmRen/Nat Review/et. al. crowd trying to formulate a new, kinder, gentler, CONservatism.

      Their recent attempt to use Wilhelm Roepke’s economic theories as an alternative to the failed, plutocratic political and economic theories of Milton Friedman, is proves an inconvenient truth:

      They need to put some lipstick on the pigs used by Race Traitors to keep the working people of the White RACE distracted from focusing on their real enemies.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    4. Heather Blue Says:

      I wondered why Jews were being called Nazis. Jews? Since when? I am so tired of the eternal crap that has to do with Jews. Everything is about the Jews. If it is not this, it is that and if it is not that, it is this. On and on and on. We need to be rid of the Jews. Period. We need to set about developing plans to get rid of them, then do it.

    5. John Says:

      These Paleocons are so pathetic, calling the very same people that the Nazis tried to eliminate Nazis. Its like those morons on the left calling the anti white Jew puppet Bush a Nazi and racist. America is full of morons, retards, cowards and collaborators.

      We need men like Alex Linder running for President!

    6. Alex Linder Says:

      Yes, I’m attacking these pathetic land squid.

      A typical paleocon move, covered in Takimag 2.0. They say I’m a coward for not posting under my real name, which I did at the start. Then when I respond with my name, location and phone number, they delete the post, leaving theirs!

      Stupid people at least have their stupidity as an excuse. Paleoconservatives are, in Joseph Wambaugh’s term eternal, scrotes.

    7. Alex Linder Says:

      The reason I attack them, is dammit, I like attacking. And these squid need their tentacles trod in the worst way. Plenty of their readers are intelligent folks who need a tip to the truth. We were, many of us, in their same place once. As always, it’s not the readers who have problems with those who are posting-while-White, it’s the douchebag Semitically Correct rentakwaps running the kikenjoint.

    8. New America Says:

      in reply to Heather Blue:

      you wrote:

      I wondered why Jews were being called Nazis. Jews? Since when? I am so tired of the eternal crap that has to do with Jews. Everything is about the Jews. If it is not this, it is that and if it is not that, it is this. On and on and on. We need to be rid of the Jews. Period. We need to set about developing plans to get rid of them, then do it.

      in reply:
      The Jewish Question, to the hook-nosed demons, has always been, “What does it mean to be a Jew, within the Jewish RACE, and in the nations in which the Jew finds themselves?”

      It marks The Coming of Age for a Jewish philosopher/commentator to address this question, which is really always going on in the conversations between these goddamned demons.

      It reinforces RACIAL Consciousness, above all.

      The Solution was provided for us in the last century, by the greatest leader a Western nation had.

      He simply removed the parasitic forces of the hook-nosed demons from positions of influence and control.

      By simply neutralizing them at the national level, he allowed the powers and abilities of the Creative RACE to have free reign, unimpeded by the evil that is the very nature of the parasitic Asiatic Hive Consciousness.

      The results were breathtaking.

      German workers built cruise lines for German workers to take their annual vacations on, which were paid for by the increased – and increasing – economic and social productivity of the Western Soul in the German people.

      These ships were forbidden from docking in British ports.

      The example of the National Socialist economic system – from FIFTY PERCENT unemployment to ZERO unemployment under the NSDAP regime – was too overpowering a reminder of the horrific state of the working class in Britain.

      All we have to do is the same thing, in microcosm, until we can do so, together, in macrocosm.

      Developing alternative systems – debt-free living, homeschooling, home gardens – are the first step from freeing ourselves from a system that serves our hereditary RACIAL Enemies, the demonic Jews, and their tools, the crackhead niggers.

      THAT is a first step.

      Wen we get to FIFTY PERCENT unemployment, the rest will be easy…

      Heh heh heh…

      In the meantime, we speak of the hook-nosed Satanists, who “are of their Father, the Devil,” because they have so permeated our social order that we MUST be vigilant in our Awareness of the depth of their policy of RACIAL warfare on us, and our Posterity.

      Remember, the only groups they always attack are Western Man – the White RACE – and Christians.

      Only we are their superior, and they look upon us with the hatred born of an envy that can not be redeemed.

      By Any Means Necessary…

      This is a good bookmark for those who need a reminder that Better IS Possible:


      Harold Covington’s First Northwest Trilogy is also useful, particularly “A Distant Thunder.”

      I read from that nightly, with my nephews, and we discuss What It Means…

      Among other things, it means this:

      You will NEVER win a Game if you are always on Defense.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    9. Der Arbeiter Says:

      Alex, you should post the material on VNN’s frontpage. Socrates is o.k. as filler but it’s pretty so-so stuff.

    10. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      Thanks, Alex! The return of written Linder rants reminds me of the spintros of the VNN pages of old. And I see Herr Arch Stanton is still around, great!

      Good on you for defending the true heroes of the white race: the National Socialists. One day they will get their just recognition and respect and we’ll build appropriate monuments and memorials. Of course, National Socialism itself is still alive and well.

      We have fools around who call the Israelis “Nazis” as well. The comparison is flawed and obviously incorrect, but let’s not go there because I don’t have time. The simple fact is that the jews are not nazis and can never be nazis: they are jews. Period.

      This lady “Wendy Campbell” wants us to write Jimmy Carter to express our support for him reaching out to Palestinians and Hamas, even though she’s one of the many who believed (maybe still does?) that the reason the kikes are acting like kikes — treating the Palestinians like dogs — is because of “racism”, and that the Israeli jews are not jews but “nazis”. Absurd. Jews are jews, and the control over the Palestinians is similar to the tyranny jews put in place to control the Russians under jewish Communism.

      I also encourage you try write Carter and give him your support. Here’s the email address: [email protected]. ALL so-called neo-Nazi organizations have opposed the oppression of the Palestinians, just like we opposed the invasion of Iraq and the upcoming invasion of Iran.

      If anything I feel like emailing Mr Carter (actually I believe it’s Dr Carter) is instead of the line from the movie THE WITNESS “Be careful out there among them English,” it should be “Be careful out there among them Jewish”.

    11. Hoosier Says:

      New America Says:
      14 April, 2008 at 8:26 pm

      In reviewing a lot of my past experiences, I realize this is one advantage the demons-who-walk-the-Earth known as Jews have – they have ALWAYS entered into ALL conversations with a Goal for YOU – something they want YOU to do.


      Never was it the easy camaraderie of dealing with common problems, and common concerns.

      ALWAYS – “Here’s why needs to be done, and here’s what YOU must do.”

      I do see this so clearly, now.

      Yes. I’ve had the same experience. But they have a major weakness – an inability to manage people. Everything with them is a manipulative power play – in addition to their dirty and sneaky ethics. Anyone working for a Jew will rebel. sooner or later. That’s not just white people, it’s anyone. Dilbert’s boss HAD TO be based on a Jew:


    12. truthteller Says:

      I agree Der Arbeiter – we need Alex doing his Spintro’s and kikenvermin attack-dog style on the front page more often.

    13. Socrates Says:

      Der Arbeiter Says: “Alex, you should post the material on VNN’s frontpage. Socrates is o.k. as filler but it’s pretty so-so stuff.”

      I agree with you. I hope that Alex posts more at VNN main. (Several things have kept him away in recent months, including focusing more on the VNN forum).

    14. alex Says:

      He simply removed the parasitic forces of the hook-nosed demons from positions of influence and control.

      That’s the problem. Detaching the hookies isn’t enough. They need to be crushed, or they will simply regroup and find new hosts. Hitler allowed jews to emigrated, rather than killing them. That he is accused of killing them doesn’t change the fact. Killing them is what he should have done, but he was too ‘moral’ to do that, just as he allowed the British who would later kill millions of German citizens from the air to escape from Dunkirk through some misperception of British character.

    15. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      alex, (I’m guessing not Linder) wrote:

      “That’s the problem. Detaching the hookies isn’t enough. They need to be crushed, or they will simply regroup and find new hosts. Hitler allowed jews to emigrated, rather than killing them. That he is accused of killing them doesn’t change the fact. Killing them is what he should have done, but he was too ‘moral’ to…”

      Yeah, and you’re so goddamn smart that at the time you would’ve known what to do? Uh huh, I believe that like I believe Einstein was a genius.

      “…as he allowed the British who would later kill millions of German citizens from the air to escape from Dunkirk through some misperception of British character.”

      Every few years we have to explain the story once again to the ignorant newbies… if Hitler massacred the British at Dunkirk it would’ve been called the “Dunkirk Massacre” and there would have been NO CHANCE FOR PEACE. Recall this happened VERY EARLY in the war. 1940. And Hitler DID NOT want to fight the Brits.

      The issue now is that it’s the LAST time for the Jews to pull over the wool over ANYBODY on the planet because when (hopefully) White America finally strikes back, it will be broadcast WORLDWIDE over satellite television to explain in ALL languages why the jews are being treated as they will be, which means, badly.

      Keep in mind that mass communications as we have today was not around prior to the 19th Century and that’s why the kikes were able to pull the same trick over and over again. It CAN NOT happen again due to the state of technology. Well, unless they go to bumfuck and screw with the Mek or something, LMAO.

    16. New America Says:

      in reply to FeralWhiteMale:

      I agree with the essence of your position, but consider that He – and WE – have alternatives.

      For example, how about simply capturing the invasion force at Dunkirk, stripping them of their weapons, and having them stay with the German people on the home front, and offering them jobs where they would not pose a threat to the war effort, like, say, dealing with the garbage and assisting on farms?

      THAT is how you could turn them from Enemies to Allies in a very few months.

      As well, each night, Deutsche Welle would run “Calls To Home From The Home Front,” a series where the British soldiers would have a chance to “say a few words to Mum and Pops back in Lancashire.”

      Ask the BBC to help simulcast them!

      Hell, they could help build Visitor’s Centers for the family to come over and meet them, and stay with them for a day or so; Mum, Pops, and the kiddos would come back very impressed with how well their sons were being treated, and how busy the German people were fighting our common Asiatic Enemy…

      The parents could each be given a copy of Hitler’s latest peace proposals, and they would support them with great enthusiasm.

      THAT would turn swords into very productive plowshares…

      Hitler’s problem, then, is our problem, today – he simply could not conceptualize that the demonic Jews are ALWAYS in a total and absolute, perpetual RACE WAR against ALL of Humanity, which they see as literally being trainable animals, at best.

      It is, literally, a battle that is biological at its foundation; THAT is why the Jew-controlled French sent soldiers from Africa to deal with the Germans after one war, and, as I understand it, we did the same – with Africans In America – after another.

      Ever wonder why so many of these Negro veterans spent time in Germany after WWII, while there was, as I understand it, very little Negro representation in, say, Korea?

      RACE WAR – period.

      Have I mentioned tonight how much I hate these people?

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!