24 April, 2008

Petraeus Promotion Frees Cheney to Threaten Iran

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Iran, Socrates, Zionism at 9:30 pm | Permanent Link

by Gareth Porter: [Here].

  • 3 Responses to “Petraeus Promotion Frees Cheney to Threaten Iran”

    1. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      This Gareth Porter guy can’t write for shit.

      Has PC Roberts turned a corner?


    2. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      The final paragraph of Roberts’ article was removed from the jew crockwell site:


      The more likely explanation for the US invasion of Iraq is the neoconservative Bush Regime’s commitment to the defense of Israeli territorial expansion. There is no such thing as a neoconservative who is not allied with Israel. Israel hopes to steal all of the West Bank and southern Lebanon for its territorial expansion. An American colonial regime in Iraq not only buttresses Israel from attack, but also can pressure Syria and Iran from giving support to the Palestinians and Lebanese. The Iraqi war is a war for Israeli territorial expansion. Americans are dying and bleeding to death financially for Israel. Bush’s “war on terror” is a hoax that serves to cover US intervention in the Middle East in behalf of “greater Israel.”

    3. Wolf Says:

      I wonder what arrangement Lew Rockwell has with Roberts. Does he have liberty to splice and dice and leave out whole sections of Roberts’ articles?