23 April, 2008

Nordic Fest 2008

Posted by Socrates in Klan, Socrates, White events, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 9:57 pm | Permanent Link

May 23-26 in Dawson Springs, Kentucky:


  • 18 Responses to “Nordic Fest 2008”

    1. Anon Says:

      Modern day Nordic countries are nothing to be proud of.

    2. Howdy Doody Says:

      Anon Says:

      24 April, 2008 at 3:31 am

      Modern day Nordic countries are nothing to be proud of.

      True, but are you aware that when a Women rose up to resist as Sweden’s PM, she was stabbed to death in broad daylight ?

    3. Fr. John Says:

      Oh yeah! Looking at the White Trash on the picture accompanying this ad, I realized it was NOT the “NordicFest” I know of, which celebrates Scandinavian culture in Decorah, Iowa.

      Like this NF is going to bring disaffected Whites with Master’s and PhD’s who hold regular jobs, with a six-figure income into the movement…….

      No creo yo!

    4. Anchorage Activist Says:

      Fr John: How do you know the people pictured are “white trash”? Have you met them personally? Do you know where they work, or what they do?

      Your intellectual snobbery and “teacup tomfoolery” is what Jared Taylor engages in, and how far does it really go? His Amren Conference generated very little mainstream publicity. In contrast, Bill White throws a Hitler anniversary dinner, invites a Congressional candidate, Tony Zirkle, and it gets major regional and even NATIONAL publicity (via CBS). Same with Hal Turner – and Turner and White both say publicly and unapologetically what millions of Whites say privately.

      We need White workers as well as White intellectuals in the Cause. Who repairs the intellectuals’ cars? Workers. Who produces the petrol which powers the intellectuals’ cars? Workers. We need to replicate the alliance of brain and brawn which catapulted the German National Socialist Revolution to power, albeit with a uniquely American component.

    5. Olde_Dutch Says:

      Censoring comments about tattoos & shaved heads—what Nordic/Germanic country has ever had a fashion of shaved heads & tattoos???

    6. Socrates Says:

      Let me ask you, Olde: why do 60% of your posts sound “anti”? We have enough antis.

    7. Olde_Dutch Says:

      For the same reason Linder doesn’t like Wagner. I call ’em like I see ’em. Also, I’m not recycling failed blight wing propganda like you often do. Only crazy people repeat their mistakes & failures…LOL.

    8. Socrates Says:

      Oh, yeah, sure, “LOL.” What “failed blight wing” propaganda do you refer to?

      By the way, I’m not the only one who has noticed your posts. Read this April 12th post by Howdy Doody:

      Olde_Dutch Says: Part history. Part fairytale.

      “Since first time I read you, IMO you have showed you self as anti to me.”

    9. Olde_Dutch Says:

      Socs, you must have one of those Mexican neck tattoos…LOL. Does it glow in the dark?

      Seriously, what Nordic/Germanic people shaved their heads or tattooed their bodies in the last few thousand years.

    10. Anon Says:

      Howdy Doody: was she Nationalist and (more crucially) was she pro-White? Because that’s all that matters.

      If it was the case that she fulfilled those criteria, perhaps it was jews that ordered her execution? (Highly likely.) But my opinion is Nordic society and ethnicity is broken to the core, even without jewish involvement.

    11. Anon Says:

      Feminism and multiculturism have taken root there as no where else.

    12. Blackshirt Says:

      Tom Metzger is right about these kinds of events, they are counterproductive. Full of informants and great photo ops for the FBI. Not only that, but you have people paying alot of money to travel to these events when that money can be spent in much more productive ways for the race. And once you get all of these “comrades” together it turns into a social scene with a shitload of drinking, fights, etc. How is this productive?

      Before I am accused of not knowing what I’m talking about, I went to one of these “fests” in the early ’90s when I was doing the skinhead thing. I am much more mature and wiser now (I hope).

    13. Steve Says:

      If we’re going to succeed in taking back America, it will have to be done through appealing to the masses by demonstrating a HIGHER standard of living, not a corrupted variant of white culture with tattoos. REALITY is on our side. All we have to do is leverage it.

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      Steve, you are right about demonstrating a “higher standard of living”. but I think you are wrong about appealing to the masses. The masses are idiots and they have never started a revolution or continued it. It is always a dedicated few who have started/guided a revolution or massive change in society, the masses just go along for the ride. I’ve heard that Lenin said revolution was a “spectator sport”.

    15. Fr. John Says:

      Anchorage Activist- White trash is a euphemism for those who see the lowest common denominator, in race, as well as in culture, as a thing to be avoided at all costs.

      You state: “Your intellectual snobbery and “teacup tomfoolery” is what Jared Taylor engages in, and how far does it really go? His Amren Conference generated very little mainstream publicity. In contrast, Bill White throws a Hitler anniversary dinner, invites a Congressional candidate, Tony Zirkle, and it gets major regional and even NATIONAL publicity (via CBS). Same with Hal Turner -”

      But many have said that the vitriolic Mr. Turner (and the VULGAR, Blasphemous posters to his website offend all by their tastlessness -a tastelessness that has been ENGENDERED by the Jewsmedia, and the ‘dumbing down’ of America in the ‘multicultural classroom’!!!) is either a CIA operative, or a ‘marrano’ himself.

      When someone calls me an ‘intellectual snob’ I think, “what are YOU afraid of? ”

      My superior intellect, achieved by endless study and reading? I have arrivewd at an age, and an awareness that I AM intelligent, if not above the norm, for I seem to see things that no one else knows, or sees, but smart people! So, I now consider myself intelligent- not, by virtue of being an academic, but by living for four-plus decades, reading history, and trying (by the Grace of God) to be a model of rectitude for my family and children. If you consider me a ‘snob’ – so, then, get off your duff, stop drinking your beer and looking at monster truck rallies on the JEWISH-owned TV, and improve your mind!!! YOu, too, can become what other white trash would call a snob… and perhaps, just perhaps, you MIGHT become an asset to Christendom, instead of a liability!

      You state you want ‘mechanics’ as well as ‘Master’s’ for a White Racialist movement. FINE. So do I. But I see the model of the American Colonies as normative, (when even the village smithy would read literature and poetry, and be conversant in the arguments in the “Federalist Papers”- or the shopkeepers and merchants in ancient Constantinople, when the Arian controversy took place, and the Church fathers said, ‘The baker says the son is begotten, while the grocer says he is unbegotten, and proceeds from the Father, etc.”)

      NOT the dumbed down, gutter-rhetoric, ANTI-Intellectualism that suffuses so MUCH of protestant baptistic backwater assemblies. The fact that the Obamanation dared to point this out was DEATH for his campaign in PA, not becuase it was not true, but because the IDIOTS of the LEFT consider ALL Liberals to be ‘too enlightened’ to say such things! That the Obamanation considers himself an ‘intellectual’ is his own problem, but he is more the ‘type’ you should direct your venom against, not self-conscious whites who ABHOR the descent into barbarism the White Race has ALLOWED itself to become, because of the Jews’ and their foisting jungle music, bestial sex, and a ‘party hardy’ mentality on Whites who USED TO KNOW BETTER!

      The pictures of shaved bald heads and leather bespeak of hedonism and Harley rallies in South Dakota, NOT a force of intellectual rigor or principled morality, that is the ONLY way we are going to win ANY ground from the Deicides- or the ‘pseudo-liberals’.

      Good day.

    16. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      “Like this NF is going to bring disaffected Whites with Master’s and PhD’s who hold regular jobs, with a six-figure income into the movement…….”

      WN has everything to offer- Civilization, freedom, rights, technology. It should be the most attractive (to Whites) view of all. . .

      I was taken aback a while ago by some poster who claimed Alex to be highly educated for having a bachelors degree.

      Anti-intellectualism will freeze the movement. We must start with philosophy- metaphysics, epistemology, junk like that. This “anything posted” idea- like allowing fart jokes- makes the movement look primitive, mirroring the present “culture.”

    17. Steve Says:

      Blackshirt, yes I do know that the masses are idiots. What I mean really is to minimize the social baggage involved in having such beliefs. This means dressing normally, blending in, but being unshakeable in our opinions, and fully confident in voicing them, and above all being able to demonstrate that our perspective is in line with reality, and that we’ve used that perspective to create a higher standard of living, and if they don’t like it, it’s THEIR loss. I’d like for respectably dressed, intelligent groups of guys to discuss these ideas at restaurants and at social outings, and be a clear presence of higher standards. We at least need to attract sympathy for our views, among the masses. Revolution is indeed a spectator sport, and the fewer people who can be riled up to throw eggs at us, the better.

    18. k Says:

      Who gives a shit what you antis say. It’s called “Nordic FEST!” What part of “Festival” don’t you get?
      Take your sorry ass to an old hippy jamboree & nudist colony, I will be with like minded folk this weekend, having a good time at ‘OUR’ Nordic Fest.

      White Power