12 April, 2008

New Miss USA is Black

Posted by Socrates in General Decline, genocide of White culture, Socrates at 9:36 pm | Permanent Link

Her predecessor was half-Black:


  • 14 Responses to “New Miss USA is Black”

    1. confederate Says:

      gee, what a surprize.

    2. confederate Says:

      next year it will, undoubtedly, be a mestizo. or, better yet, a half-breed courageous pregnant negro-mestizo transgender sex-worker.

    3. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Not nigger, no way hose A.


    4. Socrates Says:

      shabbos s. shabazz Says: “Not nigger, no way hose A.”

      In an older interview, the word she used to describe herself was “African-American.”

    5. Sgt. Skull Says:

      I’ll bet the white portion comes from her mother’s side. Her mother is probably your typical brainless white woman. I think there’s an unwritten rule whereby a black or half black or mestiza must be Miss America at least every 3rd year. In the not too distant future I’m sure all contestants will be required to discuss ways and means to further demonize and marginalize white people for the sake of the multiracial new world order.

    6. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      Sgt. Skull: “In the not too distant future I’m sure all contestants will be required to discuss ways and means to further demonize and marginalize white people for the sake of the multiracial new world order.”

      Speaking of that issue… I caught the MSNBC special “A Conversation on Race” hosted by the thoroughly idiotic and brainwashed Marxist Brian Williams the other night. OMFG what a sad joke. They had that kike Tim Wise on the “panel” of morons. (And if he’s not a kike then he’s an honorary one, IMHO) The whole agenda of the non-Whites and Tim unWise was blame whitey, blame whitey, blame whitey. Some half-breed or quarter-breed negress was on there and said that she told an Italian American mother (apparently, the African’s a “teacher” in public school) that MLK is the reason that our white and black kids are in school together. Yeah, I’m sure she teaches history with such “facts”. She doesn’t know to give the jew-devil his due.

      Her position was that the government, state, federal or both, need to provide more education for the little niglets. The problem in AmeriKwa today with the “black community” with its murderous violence, drug use, promiscuity and plain stupidity and lack of achievement is due to… wait for it… white supremacism, bigotry and prejudice and the lack of educating the niggers. Bullshit. As anyone knows, you CAN NOT increase IQ of jungle savages by teaching them Aristotle, chemistry, and geometry. Period.

      They also claimed that slavery was a “Holocaust” for the coons. Yet they never mention how their African nigger brethren enslaved them and sold them to the Jews who brought them to the Americas and that Jews were TWICE AS LIKELY to own negro slaves than whites were.

      And that reminds me… regarding the Holocaust and the Pope… so we’d all agree that there are “spiritual matters” such as Bible interpretations and translations and the supernatural, etc., that are debatable and unknowable, but we also agree that certain FACTS are indisputable and irrefutable. That the Pope is partaker in the Big Lie that is the “Holocaust” hoax makes all of his other edicts null and void. If you can LIE about something, then you can be lying about anything. Therefore, why should I believe you?

      So anywho… MSNBC’s “A Conversation on Race” didn’t include ANYONE WHO KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT RACIAL REALITIES. Muahahahahhaaaa. Fucking pathetic.

    7. Ceallachain Says:

      She looks more like Miss She-Male USA …

    8. Tim Harris Says:

      Ahm thinkin, why don’t we compromise and make the Miss USA for just Negresses and mestizas, and the Miss America for white girls only?

    9. Steve Says:

      Why don’t they just go ahead and get a full blown gorilla for Miss USA 2009. Doesn’t even have to be a FEmale gorilla, as long as the people are still in the mode of agreeing that the emperor’s clothes are nice. Does anyone make bets on these things? We could have won serious money betting that Greenspan’s successor would be jewish, or that the Miss America would be non-white. The average liberal idiot who believes there is no concerted effort to downsize whites would see his perspective proven wrong, and you get a few bucks from being right.

    10. lawrence dennis Says:

      You can see this mudskin ‘beauty’ princess up close with mexi-kike Jason Feinberg here:


    11. -jc Says:

      The previous Miss America was a mulatto, which they called half-Black. This “Black” is a mulatto. Blacks are black and do NOT have features like either of these women. A wag posted to a VNN thread some time ago: “What part of Hally Barry is attractive?” Answer” “The White part.”

      More and more television newscasters especially are such mixtures that you cannot figure-out WHAT they are. That is supposed to convince everyone that race mixing is good. The bible calls it “confusion of face.”

    12. -jc Says:

      Miss Black San Bernardino crowned last month (Imagine a Miss WHITE San Bernardino pageant).

      Her mother has headed the State University’s Move’n On Up program for 26 years.


    13. Mike Quigley Says:

      I don’t even know what to say anymore. Somebody freakin shoot me. Nice pic jc.

    14. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      As Henry Ford said- “You can have a Model T in any color you want, so long as it’z black.”

      In today’s context, the Ford Foundation sez- “You can have a black in any color you want, so long as it’z not black.”