19 April, 2008

Grant: Judaizing the U.S. Church

Posted by alex in Christians abetting jews, Christians who abet jews, Ted Pike at 7:59 pm | Permanent Link


By Harmony Grant
16 Apr 08

The Jewish Forward’s recent “most read” article worries that evangelicals might be stealing from the Jews. But it is Christians who should really be worried.

The article describes a Passover banquet in Alabama where 1,300 Christians gathered for unleavened bread and bitter herbs and donated more than $10,000 to the Jewish Federation. A local rabbi complains, “It is a total taking over and arrogation to themselves of the entire concept of the Seder. It’s totally Christological.”

Evangelical Christians’ support of Israel is essential to the Jewish state. The powerful Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations even publicly supports Rev. John Hagee—Israel-firster extraordinaire; they recently wrote the NY Times to defend him as Israel’s “true friend”. Binyamin Netanyahu—Israel’s ninth prime minister, an extremist who resigned as finance minister in 2005 to protest withdrawal from Gaza—said Christian Zionists are Israel’s best friends in the world! In a recent poll, a whopping 82 percent of evangelicals agreed that Christians are morally obligated to support the Jewish state. In his New Testament letters, the apostle Paul repelled attempts by Jews to impose on the early church the rites and legalisms of Old Testament law. He furiously rebuked the apostle Peter for bending to Judaizing influences; he said Peter “stood condemned.” (Gal. 2:11) As evangelicals today fall even deeper into this unbiblical love affair, they are increasingly eager to participate in Jewish rites, own Jewish trinkets, and learn about Jewish culture.


  • 2 Responses to “Grant: Judaizing the U.S. Church”

    1. Howdy Doody Says:

      Peter for bending to Judaizing influences; he said Peter “stood condemned.” (Gal. 2:11) As evangelicals today fall even deeper into this unbiblical love affair, they are increasingly eager to participate in Jewish rites, own Jewish trinkets, and learn about Jewish culture.


      Rapture cultist that I have listed too, first they believe ever thing on the MEDIA concerning the War ,and HOW evil White are. Two that I spoke to last week believed the worst lies harbored contempt and hatred for the Mormon in Texas.

      The most ignorant and willfully childlike and extremely anti are these nutz.

      Oh, and they are not all stupid or low is what is amazing. They are quilty though IMO for Treason, and being a collaborater to the enemy aliens, and not understanding nor supporting the Founders of the USA

    2. N.B. Forrest Says:

      A very good & necessary article. Yeah, the kikes openly kvetch that even though the Pew Jumpers would gladly flush America to preserve the Shitty Li’l Cuntry; even though they shower them with tons o’ shekels and lovingly suck their hairy asses generally, they still don’t like the MOTIVES of the retards whose blood they suck. Still, there’s a grim amusement in watching Bahble-bashin’ scrotes like Hagee get bitch-slapped by their beloved “Elder Brothers in the Faith” then come back again & again for more.