19 April, 2008

GoyFire Listener Email as of April 19, 2008

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 3:09 pm | Permanent Link

The iconic White Free Speech radio program, GoyFire continues to inspire comment from around the world. Here are a few examples…

“I am doing research on Zionism and the Jewish mindset. I am disturbed on how corrupt and distorted certain Jews who regard Gentiles as Goyim and as their personal slaves used for their entertainment and profit without regard to human decency whatsoever. As a Christian, I was shocked to learn about the lies, sexual and pedophile perversions of the Rabbis of Talmudic beliefs, and the “Jew-Wish Fables” preached as “gospel” of Jews being God’s chosen People! If Christians knew that these Jews scoff at Jesus as a bastard, and of his mother as a whore! Is this how God’s chosen people speak of the only begotten Son of God and the blessed virgin Mary?”

“Do you have any downloads you would recommend that have documentation that you would recommend that I could use in my research and for publication? Than you for your help.”

Ken – Wisconsin


Sub:Photo from Russia, please share it with others

“This is from Russia. This picture is an example of Pan-Aryanism. The photo shows German and Russian cultures uniting for the sake of Pan-Aryanism”

Lina Smith



just wanted to draw your attention to the Free Speech in Germany petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/hammer72
Please read. If you agree, please sign and pass the link to others – perhaps promote it on your radio show.




Then of course you have your whackos…

March 7th, 2008

“What Nationality will you be when your body’s buried in the ground? The maggots wont care, they dont discriminate between black, white, yellow, purple or brown. They’ll happily feast on your rotten, stinking, decaying flesh just as they will on a blackmans or any other human.
And what Nationality will you be when you stand before the Judgement Throne of the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,-as all humans will have to do?
The Supreme God wont care or give a thought about your ‘precious white flesh’ or anyones precious black or brown flesh. He will throw your sorry sad arse into Hell regardless of whether your arse is white, black or blue! Skin pigmentation means nothing to Him! The things that you sad humans hold precious and dear – are like
rotting menstrual rags to God ! God hates racists of any color because God is the ‘Creator of all colors’ . What Nationality will you be when you are thrown into
the fires of Hell with your Father the devil? IT really wont matter will it? Your ALL GOING TO LOOK LIKE BLACK BURNT TOAST !!!! Even you sorry, sad, unfortunate white boys. Yes! Isn’t it Ironic that your eventually going to end up BLACK ANYWAY !!!!! Enjoy as much as you can in this life because it’s going to be hell
for you good old boys in the next!!!!!

[email protected]

Keep the mail coming to [email protected] and an ear pealed for the next GoyFire!

  • 14 Responses to “GoyFire Listener Email as of April 19, 2008”

    1. Mark Says:

      The wacko hasn’t taken much time to think about his philosophy. First of all, why does God hate racists or racism? There is no such commandment or indication he dislikes those who preserve their race. In fact he admits that God created the races, so God himself created divisions of man. I think that makes God “racist”. If he created something, wouldn’t he want us to preserve his creation? Obviously he would. Thus we are doing God’s work. Anti-racists and multi-culturalists who wish to destroy what God has created are doing Satan’s work.

    2. Feuerundflamme Says:

      I wish shithead’s like this Kiwi sheepfucker would withhold his tree-hugging, nigger/maori-loving, Jew-grubbing and so-called humanitarian activism (that will tear even more at the fibre that holds this world together for the true man) away from our site. Why make your flat headed comments on a site which is dedicated to the preservation of the true man’s values and his way of life?

      It is apparent to myself ,and I suppose to my Aryan brethren, that you have too much time on your hands whilst you try and attain the next self-induced spiritual high leftist wankers like you are constantly looking for, this may be mainly because your father didn’t pay any attention to you (you may be the true deffinition of a “Kiwifruit”) and/or your just a dork who got his ass kicked by other white guy’s (im assuming your white in appearance, not at hart) because you’ve got a “punch-me-face”. It may also be because you constantly felt outdone by other whites in the many aspects of life, therefore holding a grudge and subsequently siding with other weaklings.

      Dear Sheepshagger, please don’t make your childish comments where adults discuss serious matters! It is best to leave issues of race, religion and politics to those who understand them. I’m sure a fuckwit such as yourself has better things to do like banging your head against a wall or licking bus windows. O, and another thing, when a sheep goes BAAHHH, he’s not enjoying it, IT MEANS NO!

      black is black, White is White
      you are left, I am Right
      you are wrong, I am Right

    3. Chris Says:

      God loves racists. “Thou shalt not commit adultery means thou shalt not race mix. Adulterate means to mix with inferior or foreign substance. There is already a commandment “Thou shall no covet you neighbour’s wife” which covers infidelity. thou shalt not commit adultery means do not race mix. When this definition came to mean infidelity and by who shouldn’t be a great mystery should it.

    4. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “Thou shalt not commit adultery means thou shalt not race mix. Adulterate means to mix with inferior or foreign substance. There is already a commandment “Thou shall no covet you neighbour’s wife” which covers infidelity. thou shalt not commit adultery means do not race mix. “( – Chris)

      Specifically, it is the 10th Commandment that states: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.” The 7th Commandment states: “Thou shalt not commit adultery [race-mixing].” (Both verses taken from The King James Bible.)

      Clearly, “Christians” who espouse race-mixing and the genocide of their own race are not Christians at all but rather heretics of the faith who have been hoodwinked by their apostate priests and pastors to embrace not the word of God but the word of Marx.

      When this definition came to mean infidelity and by who shouldn’t be a great mystery should it?

      Indeed, it’s no mystery at all. The first official tampering of The Holy Bible began with the publication of the Scofield Bible in 1917.

      The author, Cyrus Scofield, was a swindler, con-man and convicted felon who abandoned his wife and children and later was actively promoted by his behind-the-scenes Jewish handlers as a “biblical authority” to sabotage the teachings of traditional Western Christianity via the publication of his annotated “study” Bible.

      It was through the publication of this fraud that Christian Zionism and Dispensationalist theology was spawned.

      Of course, literally hundreds of liberal “new age” translations have also been published since then which have either excised large portions of the original text of the King James Bible or have simply reworded phrases in Orwellian fashion to change the meaning of verse under the guise of “modernity.”

      The result has been the systematic sabotaging of Western Christian doctrine with heresies which now have become the accepted norm throughout the West.

      Alas, the Church finds itself these days in a complete state of Apostasy! Since the close of World War Two, Christianity has been supplanted by Judeo-Christianity and the old faith of Europe is no more.

      Scipio Americanus

    5. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “The Supreme God wont care or give a thought about your ‘precious white flesh’ or anyones precious black or brown flesh. Skin pigmentation means nothing to Him! The things that you sad humans hold precious and dear – are like rotting menstrual rags to God ! God hates racists of any color because God is the ‘Creator of all colors’.” — anti-racist heretical “Christian”: [email protected]

      Translation: There’s no race but one — the human race; Race is an artificial construct; Race is only skin deep; We’re all God’s children…ad infinitum nauseam!

      The Supreme God? This term implies the existence of lesser gods. Clearly, what we have here is a heretic deserving of at least one hundred lashes before being introduced to the flames of the stake. It is also clear that he has mistaken Heaven for Hell given that the deity in his feverish imagination embraces coffee-colored vermin as his own brood.

      No doubt, the place he describes certainly suffers from serious bouts of “white flight.”

      Hell is where one finds large concentrations of darkies. One needn’t transcend the heavens to find Hell. Examples of it can be found here on earth: Mexico, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh and India are but a few that come to mind. Negro-infested, inner-city ghettoes in The KWA also qualify.

      That is why the half-breed presidential candidate Barrack Hussain Obama’s spiritual mentor and self-professed “Christian” — Jeremiah Wright (now retired) — currently resides in an exclusive, privately gated, white community and actively distances himself from the flock that he once fleeced.

      I’m sure he is enjoying his spacious 10,000 sq. ft. mansion and his 10,000,000.00 dollar line of credit, courtesy of the thousands of black “Christians” who attended his Trinity United “Church” of the [anti]Christ and who benefited spiritually from his exhortations against the hated honkies: “God Damn [White] America!”

      However, despite the overt hatred of his betters, even a colored man of the cloth understands the importance of avoiding niggers. After all, they are hazardous to one’s health.

      Surely, if one of the Almighty’s underlings understands this fact, no doubt God himself understands it too.

      Scipio Americanus

    6. lawrence dennis Says:

      Whenever you encounter such self-righteous opinions like:

      … The Supreme God wont care or give a thought about your ‘precious white flesh’ or anyones precious black or brown flesh. He will throw your sorry sad arse into Hell regardless of whether your arse is white, black or blue! Skin pigmentation means nothing to Him! …

      where the writer purports to interpret divine Providence, you need only substitute the words “I” and “me” for the words “God” and “Lord” (and the like) to accurately interpret the passage. Hence, the writer has mistaken his own political opinions for the will of God, and pushes God aside so that he himself may judge others according, usually, to the “popular” standards inculcated in him since youth. In this case, as we know, the source of “popular” “moral” standards are the jews and their jewsmedia.

      For an overview of the situation in which this poor misguided fellow finds himself, see Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”:


      Imagine prisoners, who have been chained since their childhood deep inside a cave: not only are their limbs immobilized by the chains; their heads are chained in one direction as well so that their gaze is fixed on a wall.

      Behind the prisoners is an enormous fire, and between the fire and the prisoners is a raised walkway, along which puppets of various animals, plants, and other things are moved along. The puppets cast shadows on the wall, and the prisoners watch these shadows. When one of the puppet-carriers speaks, an echo against the wall causes the prisoners to believe that the words come from the shadows.

      The prisoners engage in what appears to us to be a game: naming the shapes as they come by. This, however, is the only reality that they know, even though they are seeing merely shadows of objects. They are thus conditioned to judge the quality of one another by their skill in quickly naming the shapes and dislike those who play poorly….

    7. An Unrepentant, White Racist Atheist Says:

      Superstitious, threatening horseshit like the Kiwi moron wrote makes me want to barf. God’s judgement? WHAT GOD? WHERE? Further, what kind of ASSHOLE god would be stupid enough to make niggers, gooks, jews, liberals and other brain-dead anthropoids?

      Like Nietzsche said, god is dead, in fact, GOD NEVER EXISTED. It is high time to put away childish religious superstition, and assume our responsibility as white racists to assure that our unique kind survives and multiplies. If we wait for some impotent, non-existent god to “save” us from our folly, we will surely perish from this earth.

    8. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      but from the Latin ad-ulterare (to commit adultery, adulterate/falsify, a combination of ad, “at”, and ulter, “above”, “beyond”, “opposite”, meaning “on the other side of the bond of marriage”

      adulter N 2 3 NOM S M
      adulter N 2 3 VOC S M
      adulter, adulteri N M [XXXCO]
      adulterer; illicit lover, paramour; offspring of unlawful love, bastard (eccl.)

      adulter ADJ 1 2 NOM S M POS
      adulter ADJ 1 2 VOC S M POS
      adulter, adultera, adulterum ADJ [XXXCO]
      impure/adulterated; mixed/crossbred (plant); adulterous, unchaste; of adulterer
      forged/counterfeit; debased (coinage); [~ clavis => skeleton/false key];

      I presume ULTER is the root of ULTERIOR.

      Who specializes forging/counterfeiting/debasing?

    9. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “Whenever you encounter such self-righteous opinions where the writer purports to interpret divine Providence, you need only substitute the words “I” and “me” for the words
      “God” and “Lord” (and the like) to accurately interpret the passage.
      Hence, the writer has mistaken his own political opinions for the will of God, and pushes God aside so that he himself may judge others according, usually, to the “popular” standards inculcated in him since youth. In this case, as we know, the source of “popular”
      “moral” standards are the jews and their jewsmedia.” ( – lawrence dennis )

      That’s an excellent point, Lawrence. I’ve discovered long ago that no amount of argumentation, no matter how purposeful and well constructed, will convince these anti-racist types that the sky is blue when they think it to be otherwise. They simply will not respond to rational argumentation, regardless how professional and well-worded the endeavor.

      To these folks, we are nothing more than knuckle-dragging cave dwellers who are blind because we have eyes, deaf because we have ears and mentally unhinged because we have a cerebral cortex and a functioning rational faculty that has not been rotted-out by Judeo-Liberal dogma.

      Regardless, facts are facts, A is A, what is, is. In the immortal words of Francis Beacon: “Nature to be commanded, must be obeyed.” Natural law is still in effect. What is healthy is still healthy and what is unhealthy is still unhealthy, despite the incessant propaganda to the contrary.

      Ultimately, the facts of reality are on our side.

      Scipio Americanus

    10. sgruber Says:

      Scipio, a Randian blast redolent of Her (un)Holy Jewish Flatulence, but I take your point. You are right.

      A is A? A jew is a jew. That works just as well.

      The time has come to get rid of the jews.

    11. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Scipio, a Randian blast redolent of Her (un)Holy Jewish Flatulence, but I take your point. You are right.A is A? A jew is a jew. That works just as well.

      Actually, “A is A” refers to Aristotle’s Law of Identity and was coined by the great Greek philosopher himself. Ms. Alisa Rosenbaum re-worded it as “What is, is.” Frankly, I like your reformulation better: “A Jew is a Jew.” I’ll be sure to add that one to my repertoire. LOL!

      Scipio Americanus

    12. Ecosse Says:

      In the early sixties ther were about 10,000 Maori’s in New Zealand, today their population is about 600,000. It’s only a matter of time until they democratically kick out the by then minority white population. And a few years after that many of them will be trying to emigate to white countries if any still exist.

    13. Celtic Warrior Says:

      That ‘looney-tune’ from NZ shouldn’t surprise us; the once fine country of New Zealand is now practically a ‘People’s Republik’.

    14. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Relations between Maoris and Europeans in NZ is generally quite good. Soon there will be more Chinese, Koreans, Viets, Cambodians et. al. than Maoris. THAT is something the Maoris do fear. Also, at the rate Somalis and Sudanese are being brought into NZ it won’t be long before the White population is down to about 35%

      A globalist jew’s wet dream!