4 April, 2008

DUKE: Update on Vogue

Posted by Socrates in David Duke, jewed culture, media control, Socrates at 2:10 pm | Permanent Link

More about the Vogue magazine cover: [Article].

  • 7 Responses to “DUKE: Update on Vogue”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      Good article by Dr. Duke.

      I used to read body-building magazines, published by Joe Weider.

      He had an ad that had this black guy named Bo something or other, in a sprinting position, and there was this blonde, White female body builder who had her hand on his back, sort of leaning on him. It was suggestive, and offensive.

      Of course, Joe Weider is a Jew. Just like this Jew who did this picture. It all starts to add up. Another brick in the wall.

      This same Jew Weider had his wife pose naked with Arnold Schwarzenegger, in an ad in his magazine, back in the late sixties. I swear! She was naked, kneeling in front of Schwarzenegger, who was also naked, but with his package obscured by Betty Weider’s head. Her white ass was exposed to all the world, and it looked to all the world that she was giving Arnold a Lewinsky!

      “Joe Weider has hit a new low,” said my brother, when I showed him the ad.

      First they do it with Whites, then Whites with blacks . . . what’s next, Whites with animals?

    2. Peter W. Says:

      Well, I get endless unsolicited emails of women engaging in sex with animals. – horses, dogs and so on. There have been hundreds in the last couple of months. I delete them because honestly to look at them makes me ill. Is all this stuff coming out of Judea. I think probably so, Just one more sick turn of the screw. .

    3. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Sontag is (or was) indeed a specially loathsome Jewess. The late Ed Romney, who knew more about photography and cameras than any Jew, told me once how one of her books had left him physically ill, and it was a book of text only.


      1. Beastiality is not only sexual intercourse with animals, but with negro, mestizo animals, etc. Wikipedia does not mention the negro or non-white part.
      2. Funny nigger forum. What do niggers think of whites?
      3. Beast (mestizo) arrested for taking a blowjob from a dog.

    5. Mike Quigley Says:

      Are niggers animals, or people? I’ve given this some thought, and although I enjoy calling niggers “animals” to degrade and insult them, that word doesn’t quite fit. Without sounding soft, weak, or corny, let me say that I love and respect animals. With the exception of hunting,or harvesting animals to survive, I don’t want to see them hurt. Yea I know there are some toughguys out there laughing at me right now,but oh well I guess I’m not tough enough. My point is, I would have no reservations about giving a nigger a slow and painfull death. My only deterent is that damn legal system.

    6. Robert Cardillo Says:

      Annie HEBowitz like Susan Sontag not only is a rug muncher but a typical ugly horse/camel faced Khazar!!!I would’nt touch either one of those beasts!!! DEATH TO ZOG!!!ROHOWA!!!

    7. Z.O.G. Says:

      What?! How dare you say “Death to ZOG”! ZOG forever! LOL

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