Posted by alex in Alex Linder, changes at 3:09 am | Permanent Link
Stormfront bans swastika, 4/15/08.
Google yanks the world’s best news source about South Africa. (4/08)
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
16 April, 2008 at 3:58 am
16 April, 2008 at 5:42 am
We’re back pronto and ready with a vengeance – stronger, more able and fighting fit, armed and ready to slay the swine-beast. New URL:
Why South Africa Sucks Blog
Bookmark it!
16 April, 2008 at 6:25 am
One more reason to use instead.
16 April, 2008 at 11:17 am
The guy who does South Africa Sucks has got to get his blog back up in some form. The muds and their jew handlers may triumph for a day but not forever. The Western powers under jew rule is the guarantor of mud rule in South Africa. Once that changes the White South Africans can be free.
16 April, 2008 at 12:19 pm
You’re welcome ;)
16 April, 2008 at 2:15 pm
LOL–Awesome, Eric. You can’t keep a good man down.
16 April, 2008 at 3:55 pm
Stormfront bans swastika, 4/15/08.
The Amrenization of Stormfront is nearly complete.
16 April, 2008 at 4:15 pm
the name “strongfart” seems fitting now more than ever.
16 April, 2008 at 4:44 pm
Great to hear that your blog is back up guys. The content is first rate.
16 April, 2008 at 4:49 pm
Why exactly would Stormfront ban the Swastika being a white pride community? It doesn’t make sense…
16 April, 2008 at 4:49 pm
the swastika is just a modified sun symbol exactly identical to the conventional cross that sits atop most ‘fantasy land’ churches. people wonder why the cross is placed so high on a very tall steeple….uh…that one is easy to figure out.
look at crucifixion depictions and more often than not, you see ‘rays’ around jeeboo’s head as he’s perched on his pedestal. wonder why that is?
16 April, 2008 at 5:12 pm
Fucking Stormfront.. Always knew they were close to getting flushed down the drain.
Shame on your Don Black… Your creation has turned to CRAP!
16 April, 2008 at 5:30 pm
in reply to Stormfront and the swastika:
Is it just me, or does anyone think it rather an odd coincidence that the BNP becomes officially gelded – pro-Jews, anti-Islam – at about the same time Stormfront rejects – what word serves best? – “extremist” symbols?
Perhaps, in light of their new, kinder, gentler facade, they can choose a new, more appropriate name.
“Stromfront” has a fitting ring to it.
Perhaps a new motto?
“Next Year In Jerusalem!”
I think the BNP just claimed that one.
How about, hmmmm…
“SOME Whites, Just Right!”
“Stromfront – Light, Bright, Not Quite White!”
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
16 April, 2008 at 9:50 pm
Just seemed weird a white nationalist community such as Stormfront would ban the swastika since most opinions voiced there are pro-Nazi from what I see.
17 April, 2008 at 12:16 am
F#@* Google.
17 April, 2008 at 2:05 am
Isn’t the swastika an image of love only for a few?
Doesn’t stormfront want to recruit all possible for the cause?
Some hear words like nigger and see Hitler and think I’m through
Everyone in if shedding the scum and giving their life not the clause
We must stand firm to the principles, they are bad and we are good
If said they are good and we are bad, the sayer is evil certainly
Whites, jews, and neither is all that has ever stood
Must the neither be against us as a monoply? (them!)
Germany and the swastika is narrow
The larger and more powerful is White Pride World Wide
The light of the sunwheel may need concealment to end sorrow
The White Pride World Wide symbol has no reason from us to hide
If you want forbidden and hardcore
Isn’t that what VNN is for?
17 April, 2008 at 1:13 pm
Google – spreading information world-wide? Or, spreading censored and doctored information world-wide?
The time has come to get rid of the jews.
17 April, 2008 at 5:20 pm
If you want forbidden and hardcore Isn’t that what VNN is for?
If you want lame and cowardly, isn’t that what Amren is for?
17 April, 2008 at 10:22 pm
Although the stated explanation in the Sustaining Members forum is to reduce the shock factor for new views in order to increase membership, there’s no plan to remove any other symbols that are shocking to the brainwashed public.
Underlying this, is the lust for more cashola, not the improvement of the WN community. Luckily, Stormfront will remain the place to talk for people that need an excuse not to act.
18 April, 2008 at 1:13 am
One further thought:
The idea seems to be that Stromfront – my spelling is no accident – looks to be setting itself up as the central point for any and all things White Nationalist.
Nothing wrong with that.
However, I THINK – and this is a remote possibility – that the coming economic calamity will be MUCH worse than we have been told, and such occasions have been times where, suddenly, there has been a crystallization of economic dislocation into dramatic new political forms.
Think of the original militia groups – they started because families were losing family farms, and the underlying economic structure had shifted such that there was no hope of rebuilding them as viable economic enterprises.
Hence, these poorly advised people declared US currency to be null and void, the tax code to be unenforceable, and themselves to be the functional equivalent of a “Constitutional” – greater than Federal, if you get down to it – super law enforcement agency – “Sheriffs On Steroids,” if you will.
In short, they had developed – in an inchoate manner, to be sure – an alternative national system that directly competed with the extant national system, all under the rubric of a “Patriot Movement.”
In truth, it WAS a real “Movement,” and the Feds moved to shut it down fairly quickly – we might guess – because (1) it challenged the Foundation of the Authority, and thus The Authority – of the Federal Government, and (2) it was gaining moral legitimacy, in the face of a government that seemed indifferent, at best, and willing co-conspirators, at worse, with the Forces of Darkness that was at the heart of all of their ills.
Let’s call these “Forces of Darkness,” oh, say, “The New World Order.”
Now, take the Militia’s (inchoate) NATION Formation Model, and extrapolate it to our situation. Then, assume a lot of bad things will happen soon after the November Election.
If a shrewd and cunning man saw this developing, they would establish a firewall – like, say, Stromfront – to lead people down a certain path where, at best, they would pose no threat to the status quo, and, at worst, they could be neutralized by following ineffective leaders, in an ineffective organization.
Think of the history of False Flags, from Buckley, and his “National Review” magazine, to the Birchers, and the way they treated Dr. Revilo Oliver, when he realized The Truth.
Of course, maybe I’m wrong, and this is happening at THIS PARTICULAR TIME, as a matter of course, and all of this is mere coincidence.
Of course, I might be wrong; after all, this is all merely speculation on barely formed hypotheses.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
18 April, 2008 at 3:59 pm
Did you know Don Black lives in the heavily Jewish enclave of West Palm Beach, Florida?
Why would he choose to live in an area where he’s surrounded by throngs of hateful Talmudists?
And why does he allow morally corrupt individuals to become moderators at SF with the power to censor others?
Does he simply suffer from poor judgment or is there something else going on?
18 April, 2008 at 10:02 pm
in reply to Is Stormfront a front?:
I think a central problem is, no matter what facades Stormfront may put forth, all issues come down to one issue, and that issue is RACE.
Why an organization that will always be associated with a man whose de facto name is “Former Klansman David Duke” would try to limit the portrayal of one symbol is beyond me, particularly when all of Stormfront is archived on the Internet.
I think the issue is this: either Stormfront 2.0 is being developed as a kinder, gentler Stormfront, ostensibly to support the creation and development of a BNP-like organization in America, or someone is simply going through the motions of trying to stop a declining membership.
Either way, Stormfront – if they were serious about either option – should simply split off into Stormfront “A” – the “We Will Allow Everyone to Speak, Including Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom” Stormfront, and Stormfront “B” – sort of, say, Pat Buchanan’s vision for the Reform Party on steroids.
THAT would be one way to do this.
the problem is, censorship, in the age of the Internet, is a challenging task that says the worst of all possible messages to potential supporters – “WE WILL LIE TO YOU!,” and “WE WILL CENSOR YOU!”
The problem is, You can only censor The Truth.
Now, a shrewd and cunning man would form Stormfront “B,” and place Kevin Alfred Strom in charge of content management, while allowing Kevin Alfred Strom to speak openly on Stormfront “A.”
Say what you will, Kevin Alfred Strom did the best PR piece our RACE ever had for National Vanguard – nice music, upscale White family, GREAT announcer reading the script.
Given the chance to operate in a supportive, MASCULINE environment, unburdened by responsibilities that, it seems, he was not truly suited for, Stormfront has the opportunity to move forward into something resembling a politically useful – even effective – organization.
Without Kevin Alfred Strom’s gifts, talents, and abilities, then it is easy to see how Stormfront “B” could be, simply, another JEW-controlled False Flag.
Which returns us to our theme!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
19 April, 2008 at 5:29 pm
New America – this is a serious question.
I don’t want bullshit, I want a one-word answer.
Are you a pedophile?
19 April, 2008 at 5:41 pm
One word?
More words available, along with useful discussions.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
20 April, 2008 at 12:32 am
in (thoughtful) reply to Alex Linder:
Stormfront “B” – the possible foundation of an organization that could lead to the development of a true White Nationalist alternative political party – and there are a lot of qualifications in that formulation – is of more importance to another TITLE – Name White Nationalist.
I take exception to your question about my being a pedophile – the issues that are developing around Kevin Alfred Strom are more complex than his newfound reputation as an “admitted” pedophile – and I would like to, partially, address some of these concerns.
Too many of us have picked up a title, and the title remains – “Former Klansman” David Duke, for example – and limits us in so many ways thereafter.
So, titles become part of our name, so far as the Jew-controlled media is concerned – “Neo-Nazi Leader” Bill White, for example, and now, I suspect, “White Supremacist and Self-Admitted Pedophile Kevin Alfred Strom.”
Too many of us have also engaged in relationships that have not withstood the test of Time, and did not work out well for us.
Yankee Jim is one, and, I can assure you, the undertaking of ANY commitment, no matter how minor, on behalf of White Nationalism is enough to make all but the strongest of women – and most men, come to think of it – head for the hills, cursing your name as they do so.
Indeed, remember OTPTT’s Questions to Elisha Strom, and how she said she would not respond to them at all? I think she responded in less than Five Words…
Why do you suppose that was?
(DAMN, but I am so looking forward to all of the filings around the Strom divorce proceedings…)
It has become far too easy to effectively neutralize any of us, for any number of reasons – and that is the cause of my concern.
In my comments above, I noted that, quite inadvertently, the “Patriot ‘Movement'” developed in response to substantial economic suffering, which occurred with greatest intensity to White FAMILIES – Robert Mathews saw this, and addressed the issue, up to a point, in one manner.
I think certain people saw a pattern – that, in effect, the “Patriot” element was more of an intellectual overlay, and the motivation was the betrayal of a lifetime of trust, and the destruction of family farms – which had been in the families for generations – and, more important, the sacrifice of the families on the altar of corporate financial manipulation.
Something much worse is on the cusp of happening, and I think certain people are determined to establish firewalls to contain it, one way or another.
Look at the Prairie Fire of that time, and see how decisively it was stopped, grounded, and neutralized.
How many Leaders has White Nationalism developed since then?
You won’t need the fingers of one hand to count them.
And, DAMN, but every time it seems we get a new one, something happens to short-circuit him…
Think of Yankee Jim, for example.
Now, there are implications to l’affaire Kevin Alfred Strom that I will not deal with at this time, except to say this:
I no longer believe in coincidence concerning the White Nationalist organizations.
And, I so look forward to reading the court filings, interrogatories, and transcripts of the depositions, of the possible divorce proceedings of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom…
We need a new model of White Nationalism/Western Nationalism, and it will probably come from the Christian communities that are slowly developing…
You don’t think all of this around FLDS is part of some kind of PLAN, do you?
I mean, the way the commentators keep blurring words together, like “Fundamentalist” and “Compound,” and “Christian” and “Extremist,” and, well, the basic tone has been set, hasn’t it?
Do you STILL believe in coincidence?
I don’t.
And, I look forward to Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom’s answers to OTPTT’s Questions, given under oath, as part of the divorce process.
Because I don’t believe in coincidence.
Not anymore.
Neither should you.
Oh, by the way.
Any WINDOWS computer is inherently insecure, and, to paraphrase a credit card company’s slogan…
“What’s on YOUR computer?”
Are you sure?
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
20 April, 2008 at 8:37 pm
Dear sir: What is your obsession with Kevin Alfred Strom?
Granted, he did produce some fine work in the past but the man is now a convicted pedophile and therefore is persona non grata from this point forward.
KAS needs to retire from the scene for the good of everyone, including himself. He clearly suffers from a crippling psychological affliction and desperately needs to seek treatment — if such therapy even exists.
Please keep in mind that I say this as an admirer of his past efforts on behalf of our hapless race so I cannot be accused of having an axe to grind. But facts are facts, A is A, what is, is. KAS is a convicted pedophile.
Besides, the man hardly personifies the masculine, dynamic and charismatic characteristics that are needed by a point man or spokesman to advance our race’s interests.
PS: Don’t hold your breath with regard to finding exculpatory evidence that clears KAS’s name when court transcripts and other documents are finally released to the public.
Scipio Americanus
20 April, 2008 at 9:34 pm
in reply to Scipio Americanus:
you wrote, quoting my post above:
you then replied:
in reply:
No obsession, but simply an interest in seeing a bit more deeply behind the scenes of how White Nationalists are softly, neutralized, one way or another.
As well, I think we need all of the help we can get, from any quarter whatsoever.
Ergo, if the Federal Judiciary – with their consultants, psychologists, and analysts – see fit to return Kevin Alfred Strom to society, with all manner of checks and balances in place to insure he only does right, then we should seek all assistance we can, from any quarter we can.
Further, there are times when it seems that VNN allows all manner of attacks on him, while, it seems, with few exceptions, his Life Partner, Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom, seems to get something of a free ride – with the exception of OTPTT’s fascinating Questions.
My concern, in tun, is that Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom held extraordinary power over the VNN Forum for a short time, and the Forum is no better for her having been an Administrator with, if memory serves, the power to harvest IP addresses from posters on the Forum.
you wrote:
in reply:
He might be persona non grata, from an organizational perspective, to those who choose to declare him so.
My concern is not the man, per se.
My concern is his work, both past, and future, and I hope his talents will be at the service of the RACE, for the good of all of us.
God only knows, we need all of the help we can get, and Kevin Alfred Strom, with Macintosh technology at his hands, could do an awful lot of good, in a very little time.
Remember, THIS time, he will be unburdened by relationships that are inappropriate for his Persona, and will be pretty much freed up to do a lot of good, for all of us.
you wrote:
in reply:
I suspect he has been getting such therapy and treatment as has been available to persons who are residing in his current residence.
I suspect he has been wrestling with his demons, and might well have been able to turn some of them into angels.
I certainly hope so.
Besides, what could he “retire” to, with his new title preceding him on every possible employment application?
He needs work to keep him busy, and we need him working for us.
you wrote:
in reply:
And, he will pose no threat to anyone around him for the rest of his life, as he will be under Federal supervision, for the rest of his life.
Look at our “Movement,” and you will find all manner of “users and abusers,” of everything from gambling to cocaine, to alcohol, and horrific failed marriages.
Yet, they wrestled with their demons, and succeeded, to one degree or another – even, it is rumored, Pierce.
you wrote:
in reply:
I am not asking Kevin Alfred Strom to be the Richard Marcinko of “our RACE’s interests.”
I am asking him to do what he can, where he is; to start where he is, and be what he wants the world to become.
We have wise, skilled, intelligent spokesmen, like Alex Linder, who could not appear in the Lamestream Media if they bough advertising time.
So, we will go around The System, and build a better System, one day at a time, one minute at a time, one dollar at a time, and one life at a time.
you wrote:
in reply:
My concern is not “finding exculpatory evidence” to clear the name of Kevin Alfred Strom.
Making that name into what he wants it to be, is his duty, and his responsibility.
I must confess, when OTPTT reminded us that Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom visited Alex Linder in Knoxville, for a routine hearing, OTPTT also noted – and please correct me if I am wrong – that Linder himself was somewhat astonished that Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom appeared in Knoxville for a routine hearing.
Suddenly, well, I am not at all surprised….
After all, I no longer believe in coincidences for White Nationalists.
Harold Covington, who is the wisest analyst of our RACIAL situation, in general, and the “Movement,” in particular, noted that there was someone – he never mentioned the name – who came around to various WN organizations, back in the day. This person always disappeared for a few weeks, never really telling anyone where he could be reached.
Soon after this person joined, the nascent WN organization fell apart, amidst bickerings and quarrellings.
And, this person – never named by Covington – left, and quietly went to join another beginning WN organization, which soon failed…
You DO see The Pattern, don’t you?
Now, not for a minute am I saying that Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom is ANYTHING other than what she claims to be, and what she seems to be.
But, DAMN, the true life story of Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom, told under oath, could certainly be, well, educational.
For all of us.
OTPTT’s Questions have never been answered, much less answered under oath, and I, for one, would be very much interested in the answers – given under oath.
And, to return to our theme, WHY is Stormfront doing away with the swastika, of all symbols, NOW, of all times?
Perhaps they see Kevin Alfred Strom’s considerable talents being used for a RACIAL Purpose that will be effective in ways that seem beyond Stormfront’s Leadership to comprehend, in the fulfillment of a Purpose to which Stormfront’s Leadership could only aspire.
And, if Kevin Alfred Strom can succeed where so many of us have failed, and transform his Demonic Masters into his Angelic Servants, for the good of the RACE…
So much the better!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
20 April, 2008 at 11:42 pm
Fair enough. But at times you appear to be lionizing the man as some indispensable movement giant. Clearly he’s an intelligent man who has published and produced some very fine work in the past.
Indeed, I am personally grateful for his efforts regarding the Revilo Oliver website which greatly energized my own interest in this struggle.
However, he’s not irreplaceable. Relying on a man whose reputation is as badly tarnished as his is a huge mistake, not only for moral reasons but for tactical reasons as well.
Please understand, I am not here to demonize the man as so many here at VNN have done, but simply to raise the point that once a man’s character has been marred with a pedophilic conviction, he becomes persona non grata. by default.
That does not disqualify KAS from persuing other activities that would be indirectly beneficial to our cause, such as publishing and promoting works on his own. But he should not be affiliated with “WN” organizations in any way.
No denying this, although I am proud to say that I am not one who jumped on the bandwagon demanding his head on a platter before his day in court nor was I one who pampered Ms. Cupcake.
In fact, I ripped into her pretty damn good on several discussion boards where this topic arose while stating that KAS should receive his day in court. It’s known in jurisprudence as “innocent until proven guilty.” (Please see link below.)
If KAS is going to write and publish work on behalf of our race’s cause, then he must do so using a pseudonym and his identity must be kept to himself. Whether you want to admit it or not, KAS’s name is now radioactive and will contaminate any organization that openly or even covertly employs his talents.
This question could be posed for anyone who is active in the white nationalist movement. After all, what can be more damning to one’s reputation than being guilty of “racism” in the late, great JewSA? Well, perhaps one: pedophilia.
Indeed, that is one of our problems — disreputable types who are involved in the cause. But why exacerbate this by adding yet another, especially one who has been outed as a pedophile? I regard this as far more problematic than substance abuse, gambling addictions and failed marriages.
Neither do I. However, this is all the more reason for us to have squeaky clean personal lives. ZOG will use anything against us so the onus is on each individual to maintain an impeccable personal life to the extent that is humanly possible. High standards are most certainly lacking in today’s non-movement “movement,” and this needs to be rectified sooner rather than later.
Scipio Americanus
21 April, 2008 at 1:11 am
in reply to Scipio Americanus:
Your thoughtful reply deserves the same.
My issues with l’affaire Kevin Alfred Strom are this:
Anyone who has even been in a horrific divorce need not worry about Hell; they’ve BEEN there!
A friend, who at the time was a co-worker, lost EVERYTHING he had worked for in his life – HOUSE, CAR, PENSION – to a woman who had planned her divorce years in advance, with the fires of revenge being fueled by some sort of dream he was supposed to fulfill for her.
I spent nights on end talking him out of suicide.
Finally, after he had lost everything – job (her claims, entirely unsupported by evidence and repudiated by a polygraph exam her took for our employer, “just to clear this up,”), career – word gets around, assets – given to her by the bulldyke Judge – income (ditto), and, finally, the loss of his SON, as the new “family” left to start a new life in another state. His son told him, crying, that he had to start calling him “Roger,” as his mother’s new husband-to-be would now be called “Dad.”
So, yes, when it looked as if an entire roof fell on the head of Kevin Alfred Strom, I thought, “Damn! I’ll bet there’s more to this than meets the eye!”
I still do.
The situation of Kevin Alfred Strom crytallized one belief for me:
There are NO COINCIDENCES where bad things happening to White Nationalists are concerned.
I made reference to Harold Covington’s painfully gained experiences, and I hold to that model. The only person who has learned from this is Bill White, who I mightily respect, and who runs basic background checks on all members of his organization.
That is why, in part, I am SO looking forward to the depositions and interrogatories in the expected divorce of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom.
Let’s deal with your concerns.
(1) While I would like to agree that a conviction for pedophilia certainly marks one horrifically, I suspect that, in the eyes of the General Public, the label of “White Supremacist” is probably equally bad!
In a discussion at work, I defended the proposition – to someone who read the American Free Press! – that perhaps NSDAP Germany might have had a perspective worthy of consideration, in light of the tremendous transformation of the country from 1933 (FIFTY percent unemployment) to 1939 (ZERO percent unemployment, and a wide range of social and technical marvels in place).
The next day, I was summoned to Mahogany Row, and told that the Management KNEW that “I didn’t support Hitler, or anything like that, did I?” After all, the local operation was due for shutdown, and some would be allowed to maintain their corporate employment at Destiny City.
Let me repeat that – the merest hint of anything other than total condemnation for NSDAP Germany was enough to cost me a job, and the balance of my career at that employer.
In short, no matter what he does, for the rest of his life, Kevin Alfred Strom is a marked man, and has nothing to lose, save the balance of his freedom, which would be accomplished by going NEAR any sort of child, under any circumstances.
A man with nothing, has nothing to lose – not that he had much of a chance for getting a conventional job in the first place, given his work for our RACE.
And, WN organizations will not affiliate with him, save they, literally, can not find anyone half as good, for twice the price.
He won’t have to worry.
Hell, most of the WN organizations pose more of a threat to their membership, than they do to anyone else.
Worse, their memberships pose more of a threat to THEMSELVES, than they do anyone else!
As I like to point our concerning the respectable CONservatives, “Exactly WHAT have they accomplished, for half a century’s worth of labor, and millions of dollars – and many millions of man-hours – spent?”
They are little more than a tremendous, parasitical False Flag, and, as Dr. Oliver reminds us, “What do we owe our parasites?”
So, Kevin Alfred Strom will have little to concern himself with, from the perspective of White Nationalist organizations…
The good news – this frees him up from accepting responsibilities that were never really his, to begin with.
THAT, in turn, frees up an enormous amount of Creative Energy, to do Good Things for our RACE.
(2) “Innocent until proven Guilty” – a uniquely Western concept, that – is the Ideal to which we should all aspire.
In fact, and in practice, the mere charge of being a White Nationalist – which is synonymous with “White Supremacist,” which is synonymous with “Evil Racist” – is the functional equivalent of the Moralistic Inversion – the Asiatic Model – of “Guilty Until Proven Innocent.”
The larger issue is this: pursuit of what Linder called “the paste jewel of middle-class respectability” seems to have been the downfall of so many of us, in that we will NEVER be accepted, no matter how provisionally, in so many quarters, once the words “White Nationalist” have become identified with us.
Again, Kevin Alfred Strom KNOWS he has no place to go, but to The Truth.
(3) I suspect the “pedophile” events will become clear, and more understandable, as more is disclosed to us, in the fullness of time. I do not make an excuse for them; however, away from the marital status quo, in the company of solid, Masculine Men, Kevin Alfred Strom MIGHT be able to recapture his birthright, and fulfill his RACIAL Heritage.
Remember – in no way, shape, or form, will a Federal Judge allow someone who MIGHT be a threat to society – as a PEDOPHILE, no less – near the opportunity to live anything other than an immaculate life. Monitoring bracelets, I assure you, will be just the beginning. Incidentally, the monitoring bracelets are designed so, if any attempt it made to remove them, the central monitoring station is immediately notified. As well, if they go more than a set distance from the transmitter, and the hardline phone it is connected to, alarms go off, and The Authorities will respond immediately, and with great vigor.
(4) Your concern about adding Kevin Alfred Strom to “the Cause” deserves to be addressed; I can only reply that, in the words of David Lane, “WHAT ‘Cause?'”
As Linder noted, “It’s the damndest thing I have ever seen. We have the best Ideas, the best Ideals, and the damndest group of losers, flakes and nut jobs out there representing us I have ever seen.” (this is a loose, but pretty accurate, paraphrase of Linder’s sentiments)
Again, “WHAT CAUSE?”
Kevin Alfred Strom has been given a tremendous opportunity if disguise, if he has the courage to see it for what it is, and make it his own.
He has nothing, and – literally – nothing to lose.
The “Normal Life” – Ozzie and Harriet, white picket fence, etc. – is forever foreclosed to him.
He has nothing, and nothing to lose.
He can be what he wants the world to become, in the service to our RACE.
Again, perhaps Kevin Alfred Strom might want to take some time and ask himself, “WHAT CAUSE?” This might be followed by “HOW DO I SOLVE THE PROBLEM?”
For inspiration, he might to to use this as his home page:
And now, a heretical thought that has been bothering me for some time, following a comment by Briseis on a VNN FTL Friday back in – what – January? – on why so many of the men our “Cause” seems to attract are in such *ahem* “challenging” personal circumstances:
Kevin Alfred Strom’s life is, in microcosm, much like much of the “Movement” – trying to form a coherent, cohesive Solution to what seem to be insurmountable problems.
Reread that last part slowly, after your blood pressure has had a chance to come down.
All too many of us are simply in the wrong Place, trying to make oranges into lemonade, trying to fit into a world in which we are increasingly rejected, and a world which is slowly going insane.
We don’t belong “Here!” – not what “Here” has become, at any rate.
We DO have the responsibility to live “Here,” while developing our talents into capacities, in the framework of building a better World, for our RACE, and a better RACE, for our World.
I’ll have more to say about this in a follow-up post, but this is a critical issue that all of our political theory has failed to address:
I have placed the answer to all of those Questions in the Analytical Framework of Covington’s Northwest Republic, and the Framework of:
Family, as the microcosm of RACE;
RACE, as the macrocosm of Family, and;
RACE, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.”
But I hope to have a lot more to say – and some of it might be useful – in the context of Kevin Alfred Strom’s life – past, present, and future.
His, and ours…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!