17 April, 2008

Brigitte Bardot in Court…Again

Posted by Socrates in France, General Decline, genocide of White culture, immigration, Islam, Socrates at 9:06 pm | Permanent Link

In a sane West, the French would be giving Bardot an award for warning the public about the dangers of Muslim immigration:


  • 18 Responses to “Brigitte Bardot in Court…Again”

    1. Anon Says:

      “Muslim immigration”? No, that’s where you’re wrong mate. “Immigration” full fucking stop.

      “We’ll accept immigrants from China, India, South Africa, wherever, but no Muslim states” … Sounds Jewish to me.

    2. Stan Sikorski Says:

      She had something to say about kikes a while back too. Got drug into court over ‘anti-semetic’ remarks. More power to her. She was hot in her prime and she is an awesome grandma now.

    3. Anon Says:

      She named the Kike… She’s in the clear.


    4. Martin Says:

      Off topic I know, but when’s the next Radio Istina? It’s been a long time….

    5. White Blood Covenant Says:

      « Prosecutor Anne de Fontette told the court she was seeking a tougher sentence than usual, adding: “I am a little tired of prosecuting Mrs Bardot.” »

      Anne de Fontette is not so ‘French’ as she pretents to be…

      Quote: «At my trial, for good measure, the State prosecutrix happened to be a Jewess by the name of Anne de Fontette; in the closing words of her talk requesting conviction and sentencing, she, although supposedly speaking in the name of a secular State, called for the vengeance of “Yahweh, protector of his chosen people” against “the lying lips” of Faurisson »
      Source: http://www.rense.com/general74/revis.htm

      In fact, she as just as ‘French’ as mr. Sarkozy, the kike who came to power because of his harsh words against muslim immigrants. Brigitte Bardot sent Sarkozy that letter because she thought that he shared her views — but in stead of that, Sarkozy passed her letter through to his fellow kikess De Fontette of the ‘French’ thoughtpolice.

    6. John Says:

      She also spoke out against degenerate sodomite filth. A great woman indeed!

    7. Zoroastro Says:

      Poor woman I really feel strong empathy and admire her courage facing the corrupt legal system that does not represent neither France nor French people in the least but the jewed-out parody of legal system.

    8. Luek Says:

      Well, at least there is ONE sane French patriot left in France.

    9. ein Says:

      “Brigitte Bardot sent Sarkozy that letter because she thought that he shared her views — but instead of that, Sarkozy passed her letter through to his fellow kikess De Fontette of the ‘French’ thoughtpolice.”

      After one year – a year of predictable disappointment – many French voters are just beginning to realize how deceived they were when they were induced to elect tough-guy Sarko instead of LePen. All they got was talk and no action.

    10. ein Says:

      Anyone visiting Paris today, and looking around at the vast sea of dusky faces and kinky hair, will be impressed at how few Bardots there are left in France. Yes, there are still some, here and there, but they are growing rarer with each year. She is the last of a kind.

    11. abc Says:

      Brigitte Bardot fucked Jew singer Serge Gainsbourg. The first version of “Je t’aime moi non plus” was with Brigitte Bardot, climaxing in the microphone. She also was an icon of the Jewish degenerate movie industry.

    12. ein Says:

      “She also was an icon of the Jewish degenerate movie industry.”

      Yes. Well, that’s what you have to do to get a job in movies. Don’t they all? I suppose that’s where she learned. We all have to learn somewhere, sometime. And she was still young.

      Besides, nothing here said she spoke out against Jews, only against animal cruelty and against the Islamification of France. And only that she’s being persecuted by Jews, whether or not she fully realizes who they are. If she said anything about Jews, all Hell would break loose! She’d be ruined overnight.

    13. Anon Says:

      Yes. Well, that’s what you have to do to get a job in movies. Don’t they all? I suppose that’s where she learned. We all have to learn somewhere, sometime. And she was still young.

      Riiight.. And what’s the excuse for the pornographic vocal line she supplied for “Je t’aime moi non” with Jew Serge Gainsbourg?

      I do hope she’s not another one of these dime-a-dozen Muslim bashers, most of whom are bought and sold by the Jews to boot.

    14. Ein Says:

      ‘Riiight.. And what’s the excuse for the pornographic vocal line she supplied …”

      I don’t know anything about that, so I can’t comment on it. Her days of fame were long ago. I never heard of that song.

      Nobody claimed she was perfect. Who is? Perhaps she has her regrets for some things in her past. I would assume probably so. We all do.

      Btw, I’m not here to defend Bardot or put her on a saint’s pedestal. I’m only commending her on being one of the few French who have the courage to speak out. How many others are there like her? Very few! Their silence is deafening.

      Well, that”s my opinion, and I’ve said enough.

    15. susan Says:

      I’m sure Bardot regrets much in her life, especially in her youth. Many of us do, once we’re older and realize how fleeting youth really is. Most of us can’t see beyond the ends of our own noses at that point.

      Bardot has many suicide attempts in her past, and has spent much of her life battling depression. She probably does have many personal demons she fights daily just to exist. She led such a degenerate life when she was young, when she married and had a child, it was either taken away from her or she freely gave it to her mother to raise. I’m sure she probably has a lot of regret over that as well.

      None of us is perfect We all have regrets and deeds and words we wish we hadn’t spoken or done.

      But Bardot is stending up, for whatever reasons, against something that almost no one else has the courage to stand up against. She is a lone courageous voice in the wilderness of multiculturalism. For that, I admire the hell out of her.

      And as for her looks, she was once very beautiful. But she is a warning to everyone about the dangers of too much sun exposure. She spent much of her young life in the sun, like most of us did back in the sixties and early seventies. Let that be a lesson to everyone not to stay in the sun unless you are slathered in sunscreen. And even then, limit your sun exposure drastically. It catches up with you eventually.

    16. MHK Says:

      But she is a warning to everyone about the dangers of too much sun exposure.

      True. Very true.

      Every brainwashed white woman I know seems to think that sunbathing (or frying themselves in a tanning parlor) will make them look better.

      I don’t understand how they could believe that having brown leathery skin will make them look better, but that’s the way they are.

      And with the increased cancer risk and the permanent damage involved, they’re in for a real double whammy.

    17. Zorastro Says:

      Did French really elect Sarcoma? If they did, how many of them had actually oted for this invidious little kike with a strong Napolenic complex? 2.5 percent? 5 percent? 6 percent?
      He’s a complete jew-media invention, (and intervention!), just like the talking monkey in the jew-ess-aye of today.

    18. Francesca Says:

      I always thought tanning was a form of white self-loathing-seriously. I’m proud of my paleness.