10 April, 2008

BNP Opposes Islamification, Not Jewification

Posted by Socrates in BNP, Britain, Islam, jewed culture, Socrates at 6:54 pm | Permanent Link

How can you save the West by appealing to the tribe that’s wrecking it?


  • 37 Responses to “BNP Opposes Islamification, Not Jewification”

    1. Anon Says:

      This very much needs to be pointed out, Socrates. The guys over at Stormfront don’t seem to get it.

      They ain’t fooling me. A BNP War on Islam isn’t going to serve anyone but the Jews, just as has been in the case in AmeriKwa. Once you start see that sort of thing becoming a party’s raison d’etre you know you’re dealing with a crock. I don’t know if this view has infiltrated the party as a whole; they do not seem to be totally jewed or wimped-out. They do however have one Jewish candidate going up for election and anti-Whites within the party are probably trying to reform the party gradually, weeding out certain “politically incorrect” memes, while retaining others that benefit the Jew (e.g. anti-Islam).

      Muslims want their own Nations. They do not want to go to Western countries such as the UK or Sweden. It is because their own Governments are so heavily influenced by the West (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan) or just plain bombed by the West (Iraq, Afghanistan) that they feel they must.

      Jews, on the other hand, already have their own Nation but they are not content with that. They want control worldwide – most importantly, in Aryan Nations. They want to judaise the world through Marxism, feminism and Communism, whereas Muslims want to restore the Caliphate in their own lands for their own people.

      Of course all this synthesized antagonism between the West and Muslims benefits the Jew, as it demoralises both. It creates instability and instils fear into native peoples. It sets the scene for the creation of the New World Order.

      It looks as if the UK now has its very own judeo neo-con party. Not a good thing.

    2. Anon Says:

      Having said all that, in the context of the Lib/Lab/Con parties being totally jewed and anti-White, if I had a vote to spare in the UK in any upcoming elections, I would most definitely direct it towards the BNP.

      Better than not voting at all, and better than voting for any of those three 100% race-traitor parties.

      After all, if you don’t vote BNP and no breakthrough is made, you’re still left with the absolutely impenetrable political correctness of Lib/Lab/Con.

    3. Jahan Says:

      Muslims aren’t capable of manipulating the West, and using its own institutions against it.

      The BNP has degenerated, like the rest of “Great” Britain’s institutions.

      Alas, that John Tyndall is gone.

      He was truly a brilliant and brave man.

    4. MHK Says:

      How can you save the West by appealing to the tribe that’s wrecking it?

      You can’t.

      The BNP has succumbed to the old jewish strategy of infiltration and subversion from within.

    5. MHK Says:

      The guys over at Stormfront don’t seem to get it.

      Stormfront has been Amrenized.

    6. sgruber Says:

      What else can one expect of Stromfart after its having been warped and ruined by the fabulous KAS (pedophile extraordinaire) for years?

      To hell with appeasers and collaborators. These faggots are traitors of the lowest shelf.

      The time has come to get rid of the jews.

    7. Celtic Warrior Says:

      When jews control all the bases voting becomes little more than a ritualistic exercise in futility. However, I intend to vote in the May elections if only to stuff a ’14 Words’ leaflet in the ballot box along with the ballot paper. Someone will read it and may get them thinking.

    8. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      Voting is a waste of time UNTIL our message has media that speaks as loudly and authoritatively as the jews. And even then, the outcome of an election might simply result in indignation and a “civil” war confirming the need for white revolution.

      If you want to “protest vote”, don’t vote, go to a real protest or demonstration. The last time I was at one, I was physically attacked by — not the police — but some jews. Yet here I am. Still active and naming the kikes and their mud hordes who are killing our people.

      The situation in the UK is sad: the jews made the invasion of non-white muslims into formerly white Europe possible in the first place, yet NO ONE calls them on it. Again, do to the fear, the demoralization, and the judeo-communist system they helped create.

      To the BNP -> Name the jew or GTH. Remember John Tyndall.

      On an unrelated note, a former captain in US Special Forces has a website “mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com” and here’s a piece of his writing:

      As a former Special Operations Airborne Commander during the 60s – I was trained to know FIRST AND FOREMOST – just WHO my enemies were. At the time there was a book by a famous ancient Chinese warlord that was required reading at the US Special Warfare School at Ft Bragg NC. It is titled ‘The Art OF War’ by Sun Tzu. Knowing whom to fight was lesson #1

      I learned my lessons well – and can tell you without ANY reservation – that the #1 mortal enemy of the United States Of America is the JEW – PERIOD!

      The #1 country which is the base of operations for these traitors is the criminal State of IsraHELL – a nation of porn-peddlers, murderers – thieves – white slavers – racists – infant killers – terrorists – deceivers – cheats frauds – liars – Christ haters, and generally the most despicable pernicious scum on earth. I spent time there years ago and the people there (IF you can these creatures ‘people’) made me sick to my stomach!

      This letter is to ALL Jews whether in IsraHELL or my beloved America. It is a notice that the decent citizens of this country will no longer tolerate your criminal conduct. Your filthy nature that is emblematic of you Jews has not changed in over two thousand years.

      2 millennia ago – our Lord Jesus – whom your filthy smut filled Talmud mocked with the title of “ bastard” – and whose blessed mother – Mary- you slandered as “whore” – identified you as the scum that you were then and are now to this day – “ THE SONS OF THE DEVIL!”

      You filthy pigs have turned my beloved country into a morally rotted corpse. EVERYTHING that is decent – wholesome – pure – clean and innocent, you feel compelled to destroy and turn into sordid filth. There is NOTHING to sacred for your bloody hands to soil.

      You steal the innocence of our youth with drugs – sex – pornography – violence – blasphemy and general putrid fecal conduct. You have destroyed the sanctity and beauty of our Christian tradition by mockery lies and insult. You have substituted the God of our fathers with material garbage and the lust for money – ALWAYS more and more greed and money.

      You defile the beauty of the female body of our mothers with your sordid preoccupation and voracious appetite for animistic sex and the incessant dehumanization of women by portraying them as playthings and mere objects of sexual gratification. I will never forget a Jew roommate in my college years whose typical Jew attitude was the boasting of having taken the virginity of a yet another his victim gentile ‘shiskas’ – as if it were a trophy to brag to all his Jew peers.

      You Jews mock the Christian teachings of our most sacred book in every way imaginable – from teaching on your Jew owned TV that creation is a myth for gullible idiots – to GLORIFYING homosexual perversion – normalizing the murder of the innocent unborn child – to mockery of the holy sacrament of marriage – to in your face pornography and beyond!

      There is not ONE moral outrage that has become commonplace in America that has not profited you Jews. You are peddlers of filth – death – misery and destruction. Only God and Satan know the number of innocent souls – sold for thirty pieces of silver – OR LESS – to mammon – the TRUE ‘god’ of you Jews.

    9. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      that “do to the fear…” should obviously be “due to the fear…”

    10. StuGavin Says:

      Stormfront is the new Rush Limbaugh Avenue

    11. truthteller Says:

      BNP leader Griffin made mention of this…

      …..there are a fair few sincere people who are quite convinced that we shouldn’t be nasty to Islam and that “the real enemy is the Jew.”

      That a significant number of US-based white nationalists look set to make precisely this catastrophic blunder is, as a matter of fact, no surprise: The USA is, after all, the country whose ‘far-right’ leadership has consistently failed even to establish a viable national organisation. They have freedoms, opportunities and resources that we European nationalists can only dream of, yet the USA shares with Ireland alone in the white world the dishonour of not having a proper nationalist political party.

      By what monumental arrogance do such pathetic failures claim the right to criticise others, while their own people are doomed to perish not just for want of a realistic vision, but even of an organisation that will even try to save them?

      …No! If you seek the reason for the organisational void in American nationalism, blame several generations of self-appointed leaders and self-publicists who have consistently let down their dedicated, loyal, generous, good-hearted followers by one shatteringly bad judgement call after another.

      Here is the whole article.

      ‘By their fruits (or lack of them) shall you know them’


    12. David Noone Says:

      The BNP is counter-revolutionary and a threat to the development of real White nationalism.

    13. Timothy Mcveigh Says:

      BNP has been assimilated. Any white nationalist organization with some degree of popularity is no damn good. Our only way is via the lone wolf method, we must act individually like a nietzschean ubermensch, a solitary carving a path all his own, leading no one, following no one. In the past our strength has been organization and association, in this age it would be our weakness. Dont look for support white man, create your new reality, today…….alone!

    14. MHK Says:

      …the USA shares with Ireland alone in the white world the dishonour of not having a proper nationalist political party.

      The reason the USA doesn’t have a “proper” (race-based) nationalist party is because we’ve been flooded with more non-white immigrants than any other country in the white world, you little zionist toad.

      And lest we forget…..the first inundation occurred during the early slave trade years WHEN WE WERE STILL A BRITISH COLONY AND BRITAIN HAD FULL CONTROL OVER OUR BORDERS.

    15. New America Says:

      truthteller cited some fascinating comments by the BNP’s Nick Griffith, and these comments deserve commentary.

      Nick Griffith of the BNP said:

      …..there are a fair few sincere people who are quite convinced that we shouldn’t be nasty to Islam and that “the real enemy is the Jew.”

      in reply:
      This (1) assumes the enemies are mutually exclusive, and (2) don’t, in fact, have strong common purpose against the Christian West.

      Ironically, we unite them, by being the spiritual opposite of them, in all possible ways.

      Nick Griffith of the BNP said:

      That a significant number of US-based white nationalists look set to make precisely this catastrophic blunder is, as a matter of fact, no surprise: The USA is, after all, the country whose ‘far-right’ leadership has consistently failed even to establish a viable national organisation. They have freedoms, opportunities and resources that we European nationalists can only dream of, yet the USA shares with Ireland alone in the white world the dishonour of not having a proper nationalist political party.

      in reply:
      This conflates two issues that may overlap, but more as a matter of coincidence than purpose.

      The “far right leadership” in this country has, so far as I can tell, been simply one false flag operation after another, all designed to ensure that the Enemy of the Week – the Civil Rights Movement, the United Nations, the New World Order – kept their followers attention away from the common thread running through ALL of the Enemies of the Week – they were ALL Jew-inspired and Jew-controlled.

      Nick Griffith of the BNP said:

      By what monumental arrogance do such pathetic failures claim the right to criticise others, while their own people are doomed to perish not just for want of a realistic vision, but even of an organisation that will even try to save them?

      in reply:
      Nick has an excellent point here; no one in their right might should follow failures, or even take their advice.

      WE ARE RIGHT about the issue that matters – the paramount issue of RACE as the Primary Organizing Principle of a society.

      This certainly seems to work well for the Jews, but even AmRen forbids discussion of this perfect example of Positive Racism.

      Wonder why?

      I don’t.

      AmRen is an excellent example of what Griffith complains of; all manner of complaining, all of which refuses to strike at the root, or even identify the root, much less look to what we can learn from the demonic Jews in terms of developing a proper social order.

      Nick Griffith of the BNP said:

      …No! If you seek the reason for the organisational void in American nationalism, blame several generations of self-appointed leaders and self-publicists who have consistently let down their dedicated, loyal, generous, good-hearted followers by one shatteringly bad judgement call after another.

      in reply:
      It would be useful to discuss these “shattering bad judgement call(s)…”

      And what we can learn from them.

      My solution BEGINS with what the BNP – AND the ANSWP – does right, and that is financially support those who best carry the fight forward for us.

      Twenty dollars a month to Alex Linder – address at the top and bottom of this page – is an excellent place to start.

      Getting involved in the local Ron Paul Meet-Ups is an excellent place to begin developing political skills, for the best of all prices.

      Remember this – Pierce got this EXACTLY right – we are preaching to a Vanguard, less than three percent of the population, at most.

      Let’s do what we can, while we can.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    16. Osama bin Laden Says:

      We don’t have a proper nationalist party because we don’t have a common culture background, unlike the Brits. We’re just descendants of various Europeans who never really assimilated any values besides ‘individualism’.

      Nick Griffin, on one hand, likes to play down the overwhelming significance of Jewish dominance of politics and creation of policies that he is opposed to while exaggerating the threat Islam poses (in realty, Islam isn’t the problem, it is globalism and loosely restricted immigration that is).

      Another famous British Nationalist, Oswald Mosley, accepted Jews into his party (British Union of Fascists). His position was unique, however. He did not try to gloss over Jewish treachery; he simply said that anyone who pledges their loyalty to the party is welcome and that anyone, including Jews, who engaged in activities contrary to the party’s platform would be expelled (and expelled from the Nation, if the BUF came into power).

      The funny thing was that, despite Mosley banning anti-Semitism within his party and accepting Jews, a rather large and disproportionate amount of Jews were responsible for the violent attacks against his followers. Mosley eventually throws his hands in the air and says Jews need to be resettled in a new homeland because of their inherent cultural/ethnic differences.

      The Nick Griffins and Jared Taylors are pathetic cowards. I wouldn’t be so offended (perhaps only a little guarded) if Taylor and Griffin simply were honest in their dealings with Jews and telling of their history. Not all Jews are fond of what other Jews are doing, as Mosley himself knew.

      Again, Islam isn’t the problem. Its the damned immigration policy! Who is behind the immigration policy? ITS THE JEWS!

      How can you be so dense, Nick?

    17. Osama bin Laden Says:


      Turn to Chapter 6 – The Jewish Question

      If Nick Griffin is too stupid to know and understand the history of Jewish political movements, then he deserves the failures he will endure down the road.

    18. New America Says:

      in reply to Osama bin Laden:

      you wrote:

      If Nick Griffin is too stupid to know and understand the history of Jewish political movements, then he deserves the failures he will endure down the road.

      in reply:
      Do we see a pattern here, with Griffin accusing the American nationalists of exactly what is the instant case of the BNP?

      Has it ever occurred to anyone that the BNP is not even mentioned on BBC election specials because they simply do not matter?

      A handful of councillors in smaller constituencies who exist only until the mud races vote “Labor,” and displace them permanently?

      Have we seen anything like this track record of small successes, and then, when it appears something substantial might happen, the Powers That Be come in and crush us?

      Think of David Duke.

      Think of Ross Perot – who did not understand what it took to win a campaigns, despite the fact that he had the prairie fire issues on his side.

      Think of Pat Buchanan.

      Most of the White Nationalists screamed and hollered at his choice for VP, not realizing that if he could just carry enough smart people who recognized what she was – the tool he needed to block racial criticism while doing well enough in ONE campaign cycle to qualify for Federal matching funds in the NEXT campaign cycle, with a national organization that has been battle-tested and was ready to GO.

      Not us, though.

      Not the chance to actually develop a cohesive, comprehensive, Third Party in America.

      We seem to be incapable of thinking strategically; yet, the most successful people think in little but the guide stars of strategy.

      A telling observation was made by Harold Covington, when he defined Covington’s Conundrum:

      “The system is designed to PREVENT the very thing we are trying to accomplish. Why, then, do we persist in attempting to work within the system?”

      Good point.

      If was a younger man, I would learn the skills and get the education I needed, and head out for the Northwest Republic.

      Even while I was here, however, I would take advantage of the opportunities to learn political organization on The System’s dime.

      That means Ron Paul Meet-Ups, and Democratic (or Republican) political organization schools – as a hobby, if you will.

      I would kick in at least twenty bucks a month to Linder, because only solutions based on a Positive Theory of RACE will have any staying power whatsoever in the times to come.

      And, damn, but they look like hard times are coming to one and all, one way or another.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    19. Arminius Says:

      Any nationalist party/ movement anywhere in the world is an obstacle to jewish supremacy and therefore fought with all means at the jews’ disposal. With politicians, media, police, courts, terror or mob rule. Regardless, whether such a party/movement and its leaders name the Jew as the root of all political evils or not.
      Please remember the international mass demonstrations against the success of Haider’s Freedom Party in Austria, the vilification of the Nationaldemocrats in Germany, Le Pen in France, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation in Australia, Ba’ath, Hamas and Hezbollah and so on.
      The jews will see to it, that such a party/movement never
      comes to power democratically, take my word for it. Thus voting is a useless exercise. That nationalist parties didn’t make any progess this way in the last 40 years speaks for itself.
      Forget them!
      “Power comes out of the barrel of the gun”, Chairman Mao once said. It could have been said by a jew.

    20. MHK Says:

      The US has been used as a dumping ground for third-world scum right from the beginning.

      And you can “thank” the Brits for that.

      They were the ones who permitted and encouraged the first wave of this destructive deluge during the colonial era.

      We never had the opportunity to develop any real sense of racial identity because we’ve never been a racially homogenous nation.

    21. Anon Says:

      MHK, I don’t really buy your analysis I am afraid. Even when there were less much imported workers in American (e.g. in the 60s and 70s) there was no real Nationalist party in the US. My explanation for it is that too many white people – whites inclined to be anti-immigration, right-wing or conservative – put too much faith in the Republican Party over the years. They thought by voting GOP, the USA would be safe. Not the case, and now we have total open-borders nut John McCain ready to sell the party out wholesale.

      They put their faith in these Establishment conservatives and therein lies the problem.

      Your disdain for colonialism really does not serve any good at this stage. Your need to get beyond it and address head on the problem of massive immigration to the US TODAY… Sitting around blaming the British isn’t going to lock up the Mexican border.

    22. Anon Says:

      At the same time, the funny thing is racialism is alot more socially acceptable in the US and I think this has always tended to be the case. I imagine today there are things you can say in America – as a politician or a citizen – which you would not dare in Europe, due to the cultural norms and “hate speech” laws there. Also there are practically no Nationalist websites or webradio programmes hosted in Europe.

      Nevertheless, America’s increased consciousness and outspokeness hasn’t translated into a powerful Nationalist political party.

    23. New America Says:

      in reply to Arminius:

      you wrote:

      Any nationalist party/ movement anywhere in the world is an obstacle to jewish supremacy and therefore fought with all means at the jews’ disposal. With politicians, media, police, courts, terror or mob rule. Regardless, whether such a party/movement and its leaders name the Jew as the root of all political evils or not.

      in reply:
      One of the best tools the demonic Jews has is subversion from within, which does seem to be the case for the BNP, and other organizations.

      This is why the VNN Motto is particularly useful as the Guiding Star for all nationalist organizations – “NO JEWS, JUST RIGHT.”

      you wrote:

      Please remember the international mass demonstrations against the success of Haider’s Freedom Party in Austria, the vilification of the Nationaldemocrats in Germany, Le Pen in France, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation in Australia, Ba’ath, Hamas and Hezbollah and so on.

      in reply:
      Funny how “international mass demonstrations” take place, isn’t it?

      Almost as if a transnational organizing force was in charge.

      you wrote:

      The jews will see to it, that such a party/movement never comes to power democratically, take my word for it. Thus voting is a useless exercise. That nationalist parties didn’t make any progess this way in the last 40 years speaks for itself.
      Forget them!

      in reply:
      Voting is not always a “useless exercise.”

      Those of us who believe “Worse Is Better” are voting for Obama – I have his signs in my front yard, and his bumper sticker on my vehicles.

      Obama’s Presidency will bring so many issues to a head, so quickly, so dramatically, that only solutions that have the solid foundation of RACE will prove stable over the Interregenum we will face.

      When Hitler took power, Germany had an unemployment rate of better than FIFTY PERCENT.

      When Obama leaves office, we might be at half of that…

      If we are lucky.

      This is being masked, incidentally, by a slow decline in the Standard of Living…

      So, he’s not “unemployed” – he is “underemployed,” in terms of Earning Power/Real Purchasing Power, compared to his parents in 1973, and has to work more than one job to make it…

      The word is “Silent Depression.”

      Did you know tent cities are coming back?

      you wrote:

      “Power comes out of the barrel of the gun”, Chairman Mao once said. It could have been said by a jew.

      in reply:
      Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun, for a season.

      The far more power dynamics and demographics of RACE and Culture win out, over time.

      Thus, every nation that was conquered in the Twentieth Century became free, and the smartest one – Russia – organized their political and economic system along RACIAL lines.

      It works for them.

      It will work for us.

      Incidentally, speaking of the barrel of a gun, only the absolute certainty that Russia will reply with FORCE, if necessary, guarantees them, the safety they need to develop in relative peace.

      Remarkably, few in the WN Community look at the positive example of the Scandinavian nations, which continue to develop their own weapon systems, and their own armed forces, and force doctrines.

      Take THAT, and apply it to Covington’s Northwest Republic model.

      And, “Start Where You Are.”

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    24. Anon Says:

      Are most Stormfronters Jew-lovers or what?

      “Top Iranian Cleric: Unveiled Women Transform Men Into Beasts”

      What follows for the first 6 replies is idiotic Rush Limbaugh-esque claiming that Muslims are brutes who can’t control themselves. Of course here in the West we have unveiled women – unveiled harlots of the highest degree – and what has happened? Men have turned into beasts who do not care about their race or culture. Have their logic-circuits completely shorted out? Harlot culture goes hand in hand with the Multicult, ZOG and the Death of the White Race.

      Thankfully some sanity prevails with first substantial, WN-compatible post of the lot:

      [b]”It is Iran’s business what it does with its women. If you’ve got a problem with it, you can sign your happy ass up to go fight and die against them.

      It wasn’t long ago that our women didn’t let their ass cheeks hang out of their shorts; their breasts, their shirts.

      We all know the danger of incrementalism, especially when presented to us by Zionist scum, as is always the case.

      Soon, half-naked girls will have no affect on those around them. Welcome to the multicult, where we laugh at nature and its effects.”[/b]

    25. New America Says:

      in reply to Anon:

      One quick thought about the latest from Stromfront:

      So many in the WN2/M spoke of the indiscriminate use of force to achieve their nominal political ends – Gramps’s old squirrel rifle vs the most powerful military force in the history of the world – all of the while ignoring a tremendous Peter Shank Insight:

      The Jews conquered most of America without firing a shot, by controlling the words you hear, and the pictures you see.

      The importance of this Insight can not be underestimated.

      Why, of all groups, and why now, of all times, have the Stromfront team – AND the BNP – come out in favor of hitting Islam hard?

      There is NOTHING is such a strategy for America – nothing at all.

      Indeed, these would be the enemies of our hereditary racial enemies, the demonic Jews, and attacking them – needlessly – would be the same as fighting…FOR…the…Jews…and…uh…uh…uh.

      Let’s think about this for a moment, and let us realize “it is not by accident” that these things happen in this manner.

      Linder wrote about the (literally) mindless pursuit of the “paste-glass jewel of middle-class respectability.”

      I think that’s what the leadership of Stromfront AND the BNP – perhaps especially, the BNP – really want.

      Praise, applause, and the approval of those whose lives are all but controlled by our RACIAL Enemies, the demonic Jews.

      So, softly, the Idea goes out, “Let’s not go after the Jews any more. It doesn’t seem to work. Let’s go after Islam! We might even be invited to be on Fox News!”

      They don’t realize something.

      Or, maybe they do, and simply don’t care.

      Maybe the White Nationalism model of political engagement has failed for them, and their goal remains what it truly was all along – political engagement, in the contemporary political framework.

      Political engagement, and the approval of Others – “the kindness of strangers,” as it were.

      Well, being “dependent upon the kindness of strangers” is NOT a model for successful RACIAL achievement….

      Quite the contrary.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    26. Anon Says:

      Why, of all groups, and why now, of all times, have the Stromfront team – AND the BNP – come out in favor of hitting Islam hard?

      There is NOTHING is such a strategy for America – nothing at all.

      Nothing except more land for Jews and ZOG.

      “So, softly, the Idea goes out, “Let’s not go after the Jews any more. It doesn’t seem to work. Let’s go after Islam! We might even be invited to be on Fox News!”

      They don’t realize something.”

      There are a lot of posters on Stormfront who genuinely don’t care about the survival of the White Race, its genes and its culture. So these guys go for the Jewish crusade – which is the neo-con War on Terror (Islam). Many such posters come to Stormfront for that reason alone, as they feel it’s ripe breeding ground to get support for Jewish crusade.

      So you’ll see it’s not actually a case of thinking they will get on Fox News; it is to intercept and get neo-con thinking into the minds of people who don’t watch Fox News.

      Then there are others who don’t put on their thinking caps because they don’t have one to being with. They don’t have what it takes, mentally or intellectually, to follow the ideas being presented to them through, and see if they all work with each other.

      Among anti-Islam posters in the WN sphere – especially on Stormfront – they can be divided into the disingenuous and the dumb, as described above. When I say anti-Islam, I mean those who are of that political view simply for the sake of being anti-Islam. Those who smite Muslims (or “Islamists” are they are fond of saying) even when they are in their own lands, fighting to preserve their own religion, land and culture when Israel is trying to take these away from them. Even when the Muslims fighting the same Jew we are!

      That accounts for Stormfront posters (and many of its moderators). I cannot say what has caused the leadership of that forum to become somewhat judeo-con. I do know however that David Duke expressed caution against hating what Jews and our own Governments instruct us to hate – i.e. Islam.

      There are more fundamental problems which me must address, and they all stem from the Jew: Democratic Communism, Feminism, Marxism, Mass Immigration and the Multicult. Get down to the fundamentals and don’t put on the neo-con glasses which will distort your perception of what’s really causing our problems!

    27. New America Says:

      in reply to anon:

      Good points, all, and I wonder if the problem, at least in part, isn’t from us having spent so many decades being against something – the United Nations, the New World Order, Soviet Communism – to the exclusion of being FOR something, and, in that case, is means the Eternal Values of the White RACE, which created, formed, and sustains Western Civilization?

      Indeed, as Peter Shank said, “Only Western Civilization IS Civilization.”

      He’s right about that, but precious few on Our Side seem to realize the importance of that.

      The WN2/M has spent half a century, and millions of dollars, attacking one False Flag after another, like puppies chasing our tails, while the Race of Demons Known as JEWS ran right down the center of the field.

      VNN is correct in always – ALWAYS – going straight at the Jew.

      There is a subtle Grace behind this; after all, JUDAISM IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF CHRISTIANITY.

      When people ask me for a definition of Christianity, I tell them, “It’s the exact opposite of what the Jews believe, preach, and practice.”

      This removes Christianity from being trapped in time two thousand years ago, and lets people see that it is a dynamic process that continues unto the present day, in spite of all of the attacks on it, particularly at the Institutional level. (This then opens the door for them to accept the Living Savior, but that’s for another time.)

      Thus, Jewish success is entirely from organizing around RACE, First, Foremost, Forever, and succeeds as a parasite succeeds – with his host, at first, and then, at the expense of his host.

      In short, Jewish success is entirely a mechanistic process – it can be modeled, and replicated, in the world for which it was designed, the material world, the Kingdom “of Their Father, the Devil.”

      By rescuing Christianity from the Institutions – JEW-controlled Institutions, at that – we can relieve it from the impotence the Institutions have forced upon it.

      If we are to be involved in politics, we must remember the Second Rule of Politics: You Can’t Beat Something With Nothing.

      The only thing that beats the Jews – and, sadly, the demons know this better than we do – is Christianity, but a Living Christianity, which only the White RACE has made work, so far.

      Don’t worry about Islam.

      Hell, they just want to return to the Seventh Century.

      Let them.

      Let’s focus on developing the Civilization that will allow our grandchildren to walk on Mars, and their grandchildren will visit Alpha Centauri.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE

    28. MHK Says:

      My earlier comments were based on a possible misreading of Griffin’s remarks and, if that’s the case, I apologize.

      I got hung up on the word “proper” (and what I thought was a dark innuendo) and it threw me off.

      Instead of wasting time explaining what I believe he may have been trying to imply, I’m simply going to rewrite my original response to his remarks as follows:

      The reason the US doesn’t have a viable nationalist party (“proper” or otherwise) is because we lack a proportional representation system like the one that exists in Britain.

      All of the BNP’s victories have occurred at the local level and that’s not an accident.

      Britain’s proportional representation system only applies to local elections.

      If Griffin had to contend with a non-proportional representation system like the one here in the US, he wouldn’t be any more successful in getting his party’s candidates elected than us “pathetic failures”.

    29. Anon Says:

      “Hell, they just want to return to the Seventh Century.”

      The way we are going with the judeo-Communism found in the West, we’ll be tumbling back much further than the Seventh Century!

    30. Howdy Doody Says:

      Celtic Warrior Says:

      11 April, 2008 at 6:21 am

      When jews control all the bases voting becomes little more than a ritualistic exercise in futility. However, I intend to vote in the May elections if only to stuff a ‘14 Words’ leaflet in the ballot box along with the ballot paper. Someone will read it and may get them thinking.

      CW, you have a GREAT idea here!!!!!!!!!!!!1

      Many WN’s and just Pissed off White men who have not voted for years are ever should register and then take the ballot and write anything on it, to let US be heard from sea to shining sea of this EX Nation!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    31. Arminius Says:

      Sometimes even “New America” can slip up, which I much regret. He argued:
      “every nation that was conquered in the Twentieth Century became free, and the smartest one – Russia – organized their political and economic system along RACIAL lines.
      It works for them.”

      Really? Which nation in the world has become FREE in the 20th century? As far as I can see, they all have been conquered and enslaved. All of Europe, for example, even Britain and “liberated” (sic) France, Belgium, Netherlands, not to speak of conquered Germany, Austria, Poland, Baltic States and so on. May be the nigger states of Africa may have become free- in a doubtful way. The military power of the US and SU did that job for the jewish conspiracy: There was- and is- only one big winner from the 20.century’s troubles- Israel. Russia free-and race conscious? That must be a joke. The word race is never, never mentioned in Russian politics, Russians are not smart, being racially a crude mixture of Germanic, Asiatic and archaic stock. They were “freed” twice in the 20th century- by the jews.
      All the leading figures in the white world kowtow to the Jew, enslaved Germans the worst example. Take that polit-whore Merkel and her March 08 visit to Israel, under supervision of her jewish overseer Charlotte Knobloch- (means “garlic” in English- very fitting!) or Pope Ratzinger, another German, who will perform his arse-creeping ceremony on the 17th April in New York.
      You can be quite certain, that Griffin and other leading “figures” of the BNP got the message “be kind to the Jews or- look into the barrel of a gun”.
      I think, New America has no illusions about the Mossad.

    32. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      I’ve watched this inevitable kike-sucker turn of the BNP from its inception. The Problem lends itself to ready diagnosis: the Limeys suck the 1″ cocks of Hymies, have done so for the last 400 yrs, (and longer, but not so flagrantly)nand cannot function without their jew masters. THIS is why no White Angblow-Sucksome-Peterstunt can be relied on as any kind of Revolutionary whatsoever. The jew status quo demands grovelling subservience to jews and their totem:money, and the jews bipedal tool of first choice is the WASP, be it on that shitty island of theirs or over here.

      I no longer waste any of my efforts trying to inculcate clean-minded, wholesome Aryan Revolutionary thought into anything infected with angblow-sucksome DNA. They CAN’T do it! I’ve NEVER seen, or read so much as a quark’s worth of Revolutionary Consciousness from any of them. THEY’RE IN THE WAY AND THEY WILL ALL HAVE TO DIE ALONG WITH THEIR MASTERS!!

      Once again, this underscores the decisive import of supporting the ARYAN paradigm over judeo-saxon manufactured “whiteness.” The Founding Niggerfucking Jewloving Syphilitics of this sorry pig-plutocracy in which I’m incarcerated, as most of you Gentle Readers are also, made it perfectly clear THEN that jews WERE acceptable as “whites.” Given how much money Massuh Tom and Co. got from the kikes (he actually wanted to put Hebrew symbols on the currency!) it is only surpising that they didn’t all stampede to just hand the whole thing over right then and there. Oh, but angblow-sucksomes are so hell bent to “keep up appearances…”

      Until you get it through your heads that “America” was NEVER anything BUT a crock of kosher krap, you waste Humanity’s time. Think about that. Humanity is indeed gettingt VERY short of patience with this sick judeo-white circus called “America” and may just have to take matters into their own hands, if, as I predict, the inmates here prove incompetent to even organize a Resistance, which would serve as the nucleus of a post-judeo-saxon regime here.

      For the Noble Aryan to live, America MUST DIE! Same for Not-so-great-Britain.

    33. New America Says:

      in reply to Arminius:

      you wrote:

      Sometimes even “New America” can slip up, which I much regret. He argued:
      “every nation that was conquered in the Twentieth Century became free, and the smartest one – Russia – organized their political and economic system along RACIAL lines.
      It works for them.”

      Really? Which nation in the world has become FREE in the 20th century? As far as I can see, they all have been conquered and enslaved. All of Europe, for example, even Britain and “liberated” (sic) France, Belgium, Netherlands, not to speak of conquered Germany, Austria, Poland, Baltic States and so on. May be the nigger states of Africa may have become free- in a doubtful way. The military power of the US and SU did that job for the jewish conspiracy: There was- and is- only one big winner from the 20.century’s troubles- Israel.

      in reply:
      It is true that the goddamned Jews “won” more than any other racial ordering, and this is because of their skills at stealthful duplicity, and the moral equivalent of cowardice that is the status quo among our national leaders.

      Notice that I said “national leaders,” and not RACIAL leaders.

      The Jews have always seen the two as one and the same, while doing all in their power to insure we never see them as even remotely equal, much less identical.

      Yet, the “free” states are more “free” than they were, at least politically. The elimination – transformation, actually – of the USSR made at least THAT much possible.

      What they chose to do with such “freedom” as they have is up to them, as it is, to us.

      More on that idea later.

      you wrote:

      Russia free-and race conscious? That must be a joke. The word race is never, never mentioned in Russian politics, Russians are not smart, being racially a crude mixture of Germanic, Asiatic and archaic stock. They were “freed” twice in the 20th century- by the jews.

      in reply:
      The Russians – the NEW Russian Leadership – are smart enough to have transformed the collapsing former Soviet Union into a WHITE Nation, with no foreign debt, no real national debt that matters, and is rebuilding itself into a regional force to be reckoned with.

      By “regional” I mean from the Atlantic to the Pacific, including their Near Abroad of the Middle East.

      Look at the pictures of the people modeling the new Russian military uniforms…

      They see a decaying Europe, rapidly becoming Eurabia, with Paris as the second capital of Algeria, and Berlin becoming the second capital of Turkey, and offer the power and vigor of a largely unexplored continent that covers one-sixth of the world’s land mass.

      I have long argued the skilled farmers and workers of Zimbabwe – and, all too soon, South Africa – start over in, say, Krasnodar, where the regional systems are being rebuilt to Twenty-First Century standards in anticipation of the Sochi Olympics.

      And, at the end of the day, Russia is the one country that can tell us to go to Hell, militarily, and back it up.

      We might want to remember that.

      The godamned Jewish Leadership made of Societ union into the first Jewish country of the Twentieth Century.

      The New Russians will damn sure make sure THAT mistake doesn’t happen again!

      you wrote:

      All the leading figures in the white world kowtow to the Jew, enslaved Germans the worst example. Take that polit-whore Merkel and her March 08 visit to Israel, under supervision of her jewish overseer Charlotte Knobloch- (means “garlic” in English- very fitting!) or Pope Ratzinger, another German, who will perform his arse-creeping ceremony on the 17th April in New York.

      in reply:
      Yet, the German military is bringing back the Iron Cross…

      And, while I agree with your criticism of Merkel, in large part, it is also true that the only European expansion path for Germany is towards Russia.

      Did you know Volkswagen is building a new plant at…Kursk?

      One and all must smile at the demons known as Jews, while they work slowly for the day their children will be free, in a New European Homeland, reaching from the Atlantic to the Urals…

      you wrote:

      You can be quite certain, that Griffin and other leading “figures” of the BNP got the message “be kind to the Jews or- look into the barrel of a gun”.
      I think, New America has no illusions about the Mossad.

      in reply:
      For Griffith to attack Islam – which has pretty much won the day, demographically, in England – seems little more than an attempt to curry favor with the BNP’s natural constituency, AND be as pro-Jewish as he could be without joining The Tribe.

      I think this is a reflection of the failures of the BNP’s natural constituency to accept any of Hitler’s NINE peace treaties with Churchill.

      If they HAD accepted them, there would still be a British Empire, instead of the island outpost of Eurabia.

      That was the topic of a prior thread on VNN, by the way.

      This might help:


      This might help place that link in context:


      And, this is a useful bookmark for one and all, as to what might be possible if we follow the useful Insights of Harold Covington, and form a Northwest Republic:


      Just an idea…

      After all, we can complain, or we can lay the groundwork to do better…

      It IS up to us.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    34. New America Says:

      in reply to Gerald E. Morris:

      I’ve taken the liberty of summarizing your points for each paragraph, rather than copying the entire paragraph.

      you wrote:

      I’ve watched this inevitable kike-sucker turn of the BNP from its inception.

      in reply:
      Good point.

      Another “organization” that revels in the functional equivalent of impotence.

      Nothing new, that.

      I no longer waste any of my efforts trying to inculcate clean-minded, wholesome Aryan Revolutionary thought into anything infected with angblow-sucksome DNA. They CAN’T do it! I’ve NEVER seen, or read so much as a quark’s worth of Revolutionary Consciousness from any of them. THEY’RE IN THE WAY AND THEY WILL ALL HAVE TO DIE ALONG WITH THEIR MASTERS!!

      in reply:
      This is the summary of your position, and, allowing for your enthusiasm, sums up the central issue of those who look forward to an “Aryan Revolution.”

      The problem is, the Aryan Man – the Superior Man – CREATES the revolution in all that he does, by CREATING a better system, a new Social Order, if you will, starting where he is.

      The Sceptered Isle got it, once, and began losing it in their attack on the Boers.

      They have declined ever since, and will not return to their better days.

      There is, however, a Remnant that performs brilliantly, and they are organized around the remaining Institutional Structures.

      I think the British Army, man for man, remains the best in the world, and remains the model for so many.

      And, in their own quiet ways, the heirs of Malthus, the East India Company, and Kipling, continue their work.

      They are, I can assure you, QUITE Racially Aware, but see they can do little given the nature of our Age.

      you wrote:

      Once again, this underscores the decisive import of supporting the ARYAN paradigm over judeo-saxon manufactured “whiteness.”

      in reply:
      REALLY Good point.

      The demons known as Jews are now manufacturing a new “Whiteness” meme, and are indoctrinating our Children in the public fool system in “Whiteness Studies.”

      As Terrible Tommy Metzger so astutely noted, we have no one to blame for this but our selves.

      We shall have to Do Something About That.

      While we can…

      you wrote:

      Until you get it through your heads that “America” was NEVER anything BUT a crock of kosher krap, you waste Humanity’s time. Think about that.

      in reply:
      To paraphrase Tocqueville, America was a great nation, as long as it was a White Nation, inspired by the Aryan Spirit working in the Western Soul.

      We really are not too far from becoming a waste of time for Mankind As It Is Becoming, but we can still turn it all around, especially if our focus is, as it should be, the world of our Posterity.

      you wrote:

      For the Noble Aryan to live, America MUST DIE! Same for Not-so-great-Britain.

      in reply:
      The devolution process begun under Blair will continue apace, as England decides it can no longer afford the maintenance costs of great Britain, as currently structured.

      Once the North Sea issues (prices versus physical depletion) are clarified, I would expect to see Scottish devolution on a scale the Irish would envy.

      And, America AS WE KNEW IT is dying, slowly, softly, quietly, because we focused on everything but the very few things that truly mattered.

      Equality, at the price of Excellence, is foremost among those.

      The good news is this:

      The Obama Presidency will REALLY make things as clear as possible to one and all.

      After that, ignorance, however masked by the best of intentions, will not be an excuse your Posterity will accept.

      Nor should they.

      Here’s a good site to bookmark, and refer to throughout the day:


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    35. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      Give it up “New America.” IFF any Aryan DNA is to remain intact in the Western Hemisphere, it will be only with a complete destruction of the anglo-american-jewish-masonic deathrap for our race. To wit: ARYANA! The Founding Fuckups worked on the behalf of jews KNOWINGLY when they SET US UP IN THIS SICK CLUSTERFUCK CALLED “AMERICA.”

      IF you know even a tenth of the history you pretend to with your patronizing, turd-stuffed attitude, then face the Truth: America is a SEMITIC, NOT ARYAN construction. There WAS a precedent: CARTHAGE, which in Punic, “Kart Hardasht” meant simply “New City” rather like “New Amsterdam” which got hastily renamed “New York” when the Limeys swallowed the poison pill.

      Like Carthage, plenty of Aryans have let themselves be duped and seduced into supporting the theo-plutocracy here, right down to the ritual sacrifice of children, now called “abortion” which is required by “liberated white protestant girls” to be acknowleged as a “real american woman.” Same goes for lesbianism.

      VERY LITTLE has in fact changed among america’s ruling elite, aside from their relative laxity about “keeping up appearancers” which YOU Mr. “New America” seem so hell-bent on fooling people with. It won’t work now, not here Good Buddy, so you just negatory that shit.

    36. New America Says:

      in reply to Gerald E. Morris:

      Gerald, for FIFTY YEARS, millions of dollars, millions of man-hours, and millions of Dreams for millions of Americans – WHITE Americans – have been wasted following one False Flag after another, all of which have been created for us by the perfect parasites, the demonic Jews.

      I have read stories from people swearing that they, Daddy’s ’63 Chevy Bel Air, and Granpa’s old squirrel rifle, were going to “take America back, just as soon as I get the word.”

      With respect, the examples of the late David Lane, and the brilliant Leader, Robert Mathews, show EXACTLY how far such folly works.

      I have listened to people who talk of Nazi supermen, waiting for The Right Moment, to lead the fight against ZOG.

      All of these people have one thing in common:

      An inability to accept the fact – the FACT – that this battle is fouhgt DAILY, on ALL fronts, as part and parcel of a RACE WAR.

      This Race War has two Aspects – the Negative Aspect, of dealing with the Jewish controlled systems we live under – and a Positive Aspect – realizing that, in the brilliant Insight of Terrible Tommy Metzger, “WE LET THIS HAPPEN TO US.”

      Being against the activities of the demonic Jews is a constant reminder that, if we would just STFU and WORK at it for a few minutes a day, we could free ourselves from the traps placed around us by the hook-nosed Satanists, and start where we are, to lay the Foundation for the much greater world we could Create.

      I looked at all of the people who spoke of Something Outside – Nazi Supermen, whatever – who were going to save us from what we – WE! – Created, and allowed Others to control the Creation at ou expense.

      I think of them as Our Side’s equivalent of the Rapture Bunnies: We don’t have to DO anything; just show up, Be Better, and all will be added unto us, while our Enemies face perdition at the hands of Justice.

      Not happening.

      Pierce is dead, the NA is a hollow hoax of what it COULD have been – if Pierce had the foresight to realize Institutions are more effective than Individuals in transforming social systems – Rockwell is dead, Hell, Hitler is dead – the list goes on.

      What wonderful opportunities await us, if we simply realize that we must take the responsibility to be what we want the world to become.

      Peter Shank just nailed – the Jews took over America without firing a shot, through control of the words we hear, and the pictures we see, ALL under the control of a program of RACIAL Progress.

      They only have the power we allowed them, and, in time, we can take it all back, leaving them like slugs trapped in the sunlight on a very hard surface…

      It would be so nice if these people could find it in their heart, while they are waiting for ZOG to fall, if they could do something simple, like begin homeschooling their kids, and networking with other homeschoolers, or joining Ron Paul Meet-Ups to learn political networking skills, or starting to build victory gardens in their back yards, or even – and I know this is a tremendously difficult task for these Whiskey Barrel Warriors – send, hell, twenty dollars a month to Alex Linder – address at the top and bottom of this page.

      As a friend of mine said, these people – these goddamn Failures – LITERALLY do not have an extra SIXTY CENTS A DAY to send to someone who makes a substantial difference in all ways possible, by providing us with the intellectual ammunition we need to carry the battle forward.

      Now, THAT is a truly courageous act – cut out ONE cup of coffee per day, AND one doughnut – and send the money saved to support VNN.

      And THAT Act, Mr. Morris, is too much for you, much less the Whiskey Barrel Warriors.

      THAT’S WHY you dream of walking in torchlight parades, which will never happen, with people like you “leading” us.

      THAT’S WHY you actually SEE well-dressed, uniformed, and uniformly attired, people of the best of the West, performing torchlight parades in Scandinavia – where the laws against people who say what we do are MUCH stronger.

      Twenty dollars a month, Gerald.

      Are your Children worth it?

      The answer to THAT question says more about you, than it does about us.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    37. panic Says:

      If the London train bombings were really committed by Muslims they must be the most stupid Muslims ever. Edgeware station is heavily populated by Muslims/Arabs. They would have done better if they had attacked Israeli targets….that they did not proves they were done by MOSSAD.