3 March, 2008

“Zionist Media Indifferently Yawns Over Israeli Calls For Palestinian Holocaust”

Posted by Socrates in Patrick Grimm, Socrates at 6:00 pm | Permanent Link

“There is only silence. There is silence because Zionist Jews do control our media and mold and shape its coverage. They choose what to keep and what to excise in their stories. They are responsible for what every American will read in their daily newspaper or weekly news magazine. They decide which current events are amplified and which are ignored on the nightly news programs that millions count on for ‘objectivity.'”

by Patrick Grimm: [More Here].

  • 10 Responses to ““Zionist Media Indifferently Yawns Over Israeli Calls For Palestinian Holocaust””

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      I have been following the news coverage of the “incursion” into Gaza by Israel in the newspapers. It is very instructive to see how the reporters twist and turn facts and events to Israel’s advantage. Everything Israel does is defensive and justified while everything the Palestinians do is offensive and irrational terrorism. Never do you see a balanced news article or even one critical of Israel. Israel is always right, even if babies die. Once you understand that jews own the media and that support for Israel is total and absolute, the reporters bias becomes very obvious. Here, in the news, we have Israel killing over a hundred men women and children and they are made out to be the good guys. We are not told, much less reminded, that the Palestinians are trapped like rats in Gaza with food, water, medicine, and electricity severely rationed, or cut off entirely, at the complete mercy of the jews. When Pals dare to shoot a rocket into Israel, about the only defiant thing they can do, Israel talks of a holocaust against the entire territory of Gaza. Their Rabbis tell them that G*d approves of killing them all. 10,000 Palestinians are not worth a single fingernail of a jew. No one dares criticize Israel because every news reporter in America, must answer to a jewish boss or owner, as they own the media. This is the kind of mentality which crushes its enemies without remorse. Today the Palestinians, tomorrow the White Nationalists.

    2. ZatVosZen Says:

      No, he didn’t call for a holocaust. Is it likely a jew would admit another group could suffer one? The guy in question used the word shoah, which literally means “disaster.” Ha-shoah is “the disaster,” i.e. the one that happened to us special jews. The English equivalent is “the holocaust,” but it is not an exact translation, so shoah without the definite article does not mean holocaust. There’s enough ammunition to use against jews without inventing it.



    4. zoomcopter Says:

      The word holocaust is a jewish invention used to describe the death of numerous jews in WW2. What happened to them was a disaster, or shoah, not a holocaust. Probably less than a million jews died from mostly typhus and exposure. I have no doubts that Israel would kill, or drive into the sea, all the people of Gaza if they thought they could get away with it. Most of the world knows what Israel is trying to do is Gaza and the West Bank, but jews dominate the media in America and we are fed distortions and outright lies by them. It does not matter which particular hebrew word is applied to what the jews are actually doing to the Pals, what matters is that they are killing civilians, including women and children. The jews are G*ds chosen and they will remove the Pals from their promised land by whatever means they deem necessary. White Nationalists can expect the same or worse when our time comes.

    5. ED! Says:

      Don’t look now, but it’s the Zionist Christians who are the ones backing them up. They are the jews cheer-leaders. Without their support and thinking, we could have a fighting chance to change opinion in America on the jewish problem. Rev-dog John Hagee has said that it is OK to kick the Palestinians off of the land where they have lived for two thousand years. W.W.J.D., is that “what would Jesus do” or is it in this case “what would jews do”?


    6. John Says:

      I remember during the Jew aggression against Lebanon two years ago Fox crossed to the the fat Zionist pig Hagee who was sitting on an Israeli tank. He looked like he was having an orgasm.

      Amerikwans are the most pathetic dumbed down nation on earth.
      Could yo imagine what would have happened to pigs like Hagee in NS Germany.

    7. ED! Says:

      Yes John, the people of the country we once called America are intoxicated on a religion that in my mind’s eye anyway is a mind control instrument of the jew. Hagee (like Ernst Rohm) would probably be caught in bed with a young man before he was shot. That could-not lower my opinion of him any more. This man, his followers, and the zionist jews are a danger to everyone in the world. The idea that Israel had to be reestablished before Christ could return to earth is ridiculous! If god could look forward from biblical times and predict the future then it stands to reason that the progression of time has been determined before the fact! Those who think that it was god’s will which brought israel back from the ash-heap of history, have god confused with Baron Rothschilds! The more I look at that situation, the more I wonder what goes on in the minds of those people who follow that blovating windbag. Hagee’s brand of Narcotic Christianity is mental morphine, mind candy, and it turns the hearts and minds of unsuspecting White People against the real truth.

      In my thinging I always get back to the fact that ALL false concepts that infect our race originate from the psychotic mind that is so typical of the designing, calculating jew…


    8. WPWW Says:



    9. abc Says:

      Ha! Ha!
      You should see it from Europe, where the news are totally anti-Zionist, pro-Palestinian, with a lack of objectivity in the other way, and guess what? the news also are totally anti-white, pro-miscegenation, etc. So what do you make of it?

    10. xyz Says:

      The European media are NOT anti-zionist, but they do have more freedom to report the facts about Israel than the American media does.

      The sayanim establishment in the US can’t allow the media here to honestly report the facts because Americans might begin to question our government’s support for the shitty little state (Israel is parasitically dependent on the foreign aid it gets from the US and can’t afford the sort of cutoff or stoppage that could result from a political backlash).