21 March, 2008

Who Will Be the Best Shabbos Goy?

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 4:52 pm | Permanent Link

Which candidate is best for Israel? [Here].

  • 5 Responses to “Who Will Be the Best Shabbos Goy?”

    1. Wiener Savage Says:

      It goes like this:
      1) Hillary
      2) John
      3) Barack

    2. tennyson Says:

      cool website.
      Who cares who the next president is?
      We are out of the loop regardless of which political prostitute is propped up for our entertainment.

      Savage is funny at times, but he is a sorry punk.
      Get a leg up on him in an argument and he will just turn your volume down on his show. He suppresses dissident callers. That is weak as fuck in my opinion. A good propagandist should be able to field all comments.
      His censorious behavior is a microcosm of the greater jew we face every day when watching or listening to the so called news.

      I’m still voting for Ron Paul…..if I vote at all.

    3. Booger Says:

      It’s a dead even race to see which candidate will be the best jew tool.What makes it hard to discern,is they all have their heads stuffed so far up Big Joo’s ass that no one can really tell who’s A-HEAD!Know this-the war for Israel will go on,our economy and standard of living will go down even more,and millions of wetbacks will be given “citizenship”-like it means something anymore.The jews have given “US” some tough picks.A power-hungry bi-sexual,communist bitch,an unbalanced leftist-closet liberal,torture victim,and best of all-a halfbreed muslim marxist monkey with a white-hating preacher and a commie mother.Gee,the future looks bright for AmeriKwa!What can you say about a nation that doesn’t even make it’s own underwear anymore?Great link Tennyson-Kudos to you,screw Big Joo.And no i don’t bother to “vote”anymore as its a waste of T&E,only fools vote,thinking it will “change” something,-welcome to the KWAN.

    4. Whitepride Says:

      I gotta go with McCain. But if he wants to take the oath of office first he’s going to have to remove Norman Podhoretz’s dick from his mouth.

    5. Anon Says:

      Yeah things sure are looking bright for the ‘Kwa.