2 March, 2008

Piss on Reality, We’re the Judenpresse

Posted by alex in South Africa at 12:30 am | Permanent Link

The Judenpresse is promoting the hell out of the already-infamous ‘piss’ video made by South African university students. That the liquid wasn’t piss, that the “victims” participated knowingly, that the whole thing was a parody, doesn’t matter. It’s racism, racism, racism in the land where apartheid still lingers.

Below is the real news from South Africa – the news CNN, MTV, LAT, WP, NYT and ABC-CBS-NBC-FOX don’t want you to know: Whites are being slaughtered by blacks.

Video heightens racial tension in South Africa
Los Angeles Times, CA – Feb 29, 2008
By Robyn Dixon, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA — The camera focuses on a plate of food placed on a toilet lid. …
This is the real South Africa Times Online
More students say sorry for demeaning video CNN
South African University Erupts In Protest Over Racist Video MTV.com
Independent Online – The Associated Press
all 329 news articles »

– story was immediately flashed all around U.S., UK and Europe


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[From South Africa Sucks comments…]

What about

1 RAPE EVERY 17 seconds
95% committed by BLACKS

100% committed by BLACKS

Aiding and Abetting of crime and murder.
An Accessory before the fact.
100% committed by BLACK ANC


South Africa


These are hilarious videos students having terrific fun.










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Students are Students and will always be students, having fun and doing hilarious things.






South Africa

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  • 14 Responses to “Piss on Reality, We’re the Judenpresse”

    1. tennyson Says:

      The first 30sec to 1min is a photo montage……
      The rest is unbelieveable….It looks like so much fun….but also chaotic and scary in a way…..
      The guy with the improvised flame-thrower gets a gold star for
      As I watched this I imagined angry white people in this mode.
      This is inspirational and instructive to all.

    2. Mike Quigley Says:

      Niggers are not a symptom of the disease, they are a COMPLICATION which needs to be treated. Even if we managed to get rid of every last jew,guess what we would still have.



    4. Terrorsaurus Says:

      Looks like the kikes have found a perfect excuse to egg the darkies on.

      What a sick fucking society we live in.

      Channon and Chris didn’t get so much as a mention until the media was forced to at least acknowledge that the whole thing happened. Then it was swept into the memory hole like so many other black on white horrors.

      Whites play a fake prank on some blacks in SA, and it’s WORLD FUCKING NEWS.

      Tell me the kikes don’t run the global mass media. And they are a bunch of biased, lying, hypocritical bastards who need to be exterminated down to the last yid larvae.

      How’s that white genocide working for you white man, white woman? Do you enjoy seeing your kind made extinct?


      Another Faked “Holocaust” memoir: Den of lies
      In 1997, Jane Daniel published a “sensational” memoir about a young girl fleeing the Nazis and living with wolves. Ever since, she’s been trying to prove it’s a fraud.
      By Andrei Yustschinsky, Globe Staff | March 1, 2008

      GLOUCESTER – Seldom has a publisher set out to prove that her own book is a hoax. But that is what happened with the memoir of Misha Defonseca, a “heartwarming” “Holocaust”-era tale that has turned out to be a fake just like the Diary Of Anne Frank. The publisher, Jane Daniel, said she disregarded warnings about the book in its early stages but later – after losing a devastating lawsuit by the author – sought proof that the woman she had once hoped would make her a fortune was a liar just like another liar named Elie Wiesel .

      Massachusetts author Defonseca, who wrote “Misha: A Memoire of the “Holocaust” Years,” admitted Thursday through her lawyer that her memoir was fabricated. Published in 1997 by Daniel’s one-woman operation, the book told the tale of a little Belgian Jewish girl who trekked across Europe on foot during World War II, searching for her deported parents and eluding capture by hiding with packs of friendly wolves. The book was a bestseller with the brainwashed fools in Europe, translated into 18 languages, and the basis for a hit French movie now showing across the continent. After documents emerged that discredited Defonseca’s story, her Belgian lawyer issued a statement admitting that she isn’t Jewish and that she spent the war safely in Brussels.

      The memoir is a fake, but the bitter 10-year legal war over its rights and its profits is real – and still going on. In 2002, Daniel was hit with a $32.4 million judgment, upheld on appeal, in breach-of-contract suits brought by Defonseca and her ghostwriter, Vera Lee. Since the judgment, Daniel says, she has lost most of her ass, spent a night in jail on a judge’s order, and is about to lose her house, a bed-and-breakfast inn overlooking Gloucester Harbor.

      “It’s every woman’s worst nightmare,” she said, ” a lady becoming a bag.”

      Lee’s lawyer, Frank Frisoli of Cambridge, is shedding no tears. Frisoli said, “I question her motives and her veracity.”

      The tale is almost as strange as the one in the book. Defonseca and her husband, Maurice, who are originally from Belgium, moved to the United States from Paris in 1988 and bought a house in Millis. By the mid-1990s, he was unemployed. Misha, an animal lover with a houseful of dogs and not wolves, began to tell the vivid story of wandering across Europe as a 6-year-old after her parents were deported in 1941, being sheltered by wolves, killing a German soldier, witnessing an eastbound freight train full of wailing Jews, sneaking into and out of the Warsaw Ghetto, and finally finding her way home – still on foot – at war’s end. She gave gripping talks to Boston-area Jewish organizations.

      Daniel, a freelance writer and sometime publisher, heard about Defonseca and arranged to meet her at a restaurant, where Defonseca retold her yarn. “I thought it was far-fetched just like movies such as Shindler’s List, but who knows?” Daniel said. She saw a lucrative book, and Defonseca agreed to a contract. Daniel brought Lee, her French-speaking friend and neighbor, into the deal as coauthor. Defonseca told stories and searched her memory, and Lee put it in writing.

      Daniel did further rewriting, and she and Lee quarreled over who wrote what. The book was published – with a glowing blurb from Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, author of the bullshit Holocaust memoir “Night” – with Lee’s name on the copyright page, not on the cover. Lee sued Daniel in 1998, claiming her rights as coauthor had been violated. Defonseca also sued, alleging that Daniel had broken her promise to publicize the book and had hidden profits in offshore corporate accounts.

      The book had excited intense interest at first. The Jewish Walt Disney Co. signed an option for a movie, and Oprah Winfrey’s program filmed Defonseca frolicking with wolves at Ipswich’s Wolf Hollow, but both dropped out amid the bitter court battle. Daniel denied all the allegations, but in 2001 a Middlesex Superior Court jury found for the plaintiffs, slapping Daniel with $7.5 million for damages against Defonseca and $3.3 million for damages against Lee. Judge Elizabeth Fahey tripled the damages, to $9.9 million for Lee and $22.4 million for Defonseca. Rights to the book reverted to Defonseca. Though the English edition went out of print, she signed deals with European publishers and French filmmaker Vera Belmont and toured the continent when the book became a beastseller.

      Early on, “Holocaust scholars” dismissed the book. Daniel asked the Jew Lawrence L. Langer, a Simmons College professor emeritus, a preeminent “authority” on “Holocaust” narratives, and the Jewess Deborah Dwork, director of the Strassler Family Center for Holohoax and Phony Genocide Studies at Clark University, to read the manuscript. Dwork recalls that she and Langer, who discussed it, pointed out numerous historical and geographical errors to Daniel. “She kept finding ways to get around my objections,” Dwork said. “She said, ‘Of course, she was a young girl at the time. You are a historian. This is a memoir – people make mistakes on details and dates all the time.’ ”

      Guillble and guilt ridden European readers ate up the story hook, line and sinker, but some had doubts. Belgian Jewish surgeon Serge Aroles, author of a book about the history of wolf-children narratives, said he read the French edition and right away thought it was a fake in the order of Wladyslaw Szpilman’s fairy tale The Pianist. He knew the roundup of Belgian Jews could of happened in 1942, not 1941. Other details about times and places were wrong, like all other books and films on the so called Holocaust. And the wolf part, he thought, was laughable.

      “It was an utterly absurd story about the wolves,” Aroles said, “a hoax and a swindle, totally incredible just like all the other “Holocaust” bullshit you’ve been hearing since the Eichman trail.” When he wrote an article dismissing the book, he said, “fascist and anti-Semitic websites used my article, and people who defended [Defonseca] accused me of being a fascist and anti-Semite. The French press was blind, deaf, and mute.”

      Meanwhile, the screws were turning on Daniel. She said Defonseca’s lawyer went after a $425,000 inheritance held by Daniel’s father, who signed it over to Defonseca. In spring 2006, Frisoli, Lee’s lawyer, demanded that Daniel pay $2,000 a month, and when she protested that she didn’t have it, a judge jailed her for contempt. She spent one night in MCI-Framingham, until a friend raised three months’ worth of payments. Under threat of being sent back to jail, she signed a settlement with Frisoli, paving the way for him to take her house.

      With no other recourse, Daniel decided to try to prove what Langer and Dwork had told her in the beginning – that the book was a lie – hoping that if she succeeded, she could go back to court, claim fraud on the author’s part, and challenge the judgment. Last year she began telling her doleful tale on her blog, hoping someone might have information on Misha’s origins. Waltham-based genealogical researcher Sharon Sergeant noticed the blog, was intrigued by the challenge, and contacted Daniel.

      Sergeant began working with Belgian sources, including Aroles, and eventually found the truth: Misha Defonseca was baptized Monique De Wael in a Brussels Catholic church in 1937 and was enrolled in a local primary school in 1943-44. Her parents were not Jewish but resistance fighters arrested and “executed” by the Germans.

      In her statement this week, Defonseca admitted she had made up the story of the journey and wolves – and blamed Daniel for inducing her to put it in the book. “There are times when I find it difficult to differentiate between reality and my inner world,” said her statement, translated from French. “The story in the book is mine. It is not the actual reality – it was my reality, my way of surviving. At first, I did not want to publish it, but then I was convinced by Jane Daniel.” Defonseca, who now lives in Dudley, declined through her husband to be interviewed.

      The “Holocaust scholars” are outraged, as much at Daniel as at Defonseca. “What happened to the Jews was the “worst” atrocity in history, and people who exploit it for fun and profit, by posing as Jews or lying about being part of the experience, “insult those who went through” it,” said Langer. “It’s as bad as saying the “Holocaust” never happened.”

      The truth, however, may be irrelevant to the law. Publishing-law experts say that too much time may have elapsed since the judgment to challenge it now, which Daniel hopes to do with the new information. Lee says she doesn’t want Daniel to lose her house, but Frisoli has picked up the scent of final victory.

      “She’s a very unhappy camper,” he said of Daniel. “And when I find a buyer for that house, she is out.”

      Andrei Yustschinsky can be reached at 219-473-9149.

    6. tennyson Says:

      We know what you think of Jared tylor(in ref to Amren).
      Wht do you think of this org?
      I’m of the opinion this movement needs to get people in a variety of forms. Not everyone can handle the strong medicine VNN offers.
      don’t some people need to be eased into the truth?
      Someone said wvwnews.net was some invention for Neo-cons.
      I don’t believe that. I don’t believe Taylor is bad with his approach either.
      Can I get your opinion on this…..

    7. Mark Says:

      This sums up the leadership in South African government – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G5bXsF2qQs&NR=1. He exemplifies what government should never be, completely incompetent, apathetic, juvenile, disconnected from the suffering of the people, and actually hostile towards the people who pay their salaries. A revolution is needed and fast.

    8. MHK Says:

      Jared Taylor’s goal is not to “ease” people into the truth.

      His goal is to run interference for organized jewry.

      He’s a member of the fake opposition.

      And a very bad actor.

    9. liquidator Says:

      Big Jewish financial scandal involving the Pritzker family:




    10. Mike Quigley Says:

      Check out “Black Crime” on YouTube. I didn’t think they were allowed to talk about it,but they do. Theres bunches of fun stuff.



    12. Ein Says:

      Mike Quigley Says: Niggers are not a symptom of the disease, they are a COMPLICATION…Even if we managed to get rid of every last jew, guess what we would still have?

      True enough. But, suppose we turn the question around. THEN what would you still have?

    13. Ein Says:

      MHK Says: Jared Taylor’s goal is not to “ease” people into the truth.
      His goal is to run interference for organized jewry.

      You could be right. I can’t claim to know what he’s up to. So I can’t say you’re wrong. I must confess that (like a lot of other people) I don’t know what his game is.

      He’s got me bamboozled. But I’m leery . Something smells not right there.

    14. abc Says:

      It’s very sad, you hear nothing from South Africa in Europe, except this sort of news. I wonder how many whites have been raped and killed by blacks last week, and why it wasn’t mentioned?