17 March, 2008

More Violence in Kosovo

Posted by Socrates in globalization, Kosovo, NATO, Serbia, Socrates, UN at 8:59 pm | Permanent Link

“International peacekeepers” go to work in the new, illegitimate, Muslim state:


  • 7 Responses to “More Violence in Kosovo”

    1. Hengest Says:

      Wow! Those Serbs are SERIOUS and not backing down.
      Cue for another ZOG/UN military intervention?

    2. ein Says:

      “Yesterday’s trouble was easily the most serious since Kosovo’s Albanian leadership, backed by the US and most of the EU, declared independence a month ago. Some 300 Serbs occupied the court last Friday, evicting the UN employees and hoisting two Serbian flags over the building….and the UN sent in hundreds of Ukrainian and Polish riot police.That suggested there could be demands to deploy Russian troops in the Serbian-dominated parts of Kosovo, reinforcing the likelihood of partition.”

      As always, it’s bizarre how we chose sides. (And why should we chose any?) Why should anyone (but the usual disrupters) want to establish a Moslem state in Europe anyway?

      Also, I imagine the Poles and Ukranians are in an awkward spot, probably feeling privately sympathetic to their fellow Slavs; and with good reason having no love for Moslems.

    3. Anon Says:

      The West wiping out Islamic States while at all times rewarding those that transition to Feminist States. The UN is often the conductor in these affairs. What is new in the NWO?

    4. John Says:

      ‘Some 300 Serbs occupied the court last Friday, evicting the UN employees and hoisting two Serbian flags over the building….’

      This court building was built by the Serbian govt some 30-40 years ago, it is property of Serbia not the UN. The Serb judges and employees were pushed out of the building by NATO back in 1999 so all they are doing is reclaiming what was theirs.

      Things sure are heating up Serbia.

    5. Ruslan21 Says:

      If Serbians aren’t Aryans we shouldn’t care; Hitler had Albanians (SS Skanderberg) and Croats team up to kill them, at Jasenovac among other places. (Hitler was fond of Islam.) On the other hand, if we acknowledge Islam’s (as well as the Jews’) threat to Western civilization, we should. Oh dear…

    6. Socrates Says:

      Ruslan21 Says: “If Serbians aren’t Aryans we shouldn’t care; Hitler had Albanians (SS Skanderberg) and Croats team up to kill them, at Jasenovac among other places. ”

      Serbs are White. But the Albanians in Kosovo are part-Turk and Muslim. Hitler sometimes sided with Islam for geopolitical reasons. That doesn’t mean that he was “fond” of it.

    7. Ruslan21 Says:

      I’ve read things to that effect repeatedly. Here’s an example:
