18 March, 2008

Israel : German Chancellor Merkel declares Germany to repay for holocaust “forever”

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 3:17 am | Permanent Link

Germany will never forget its post-Holocaust responsibility to Israel, Angela Merkel said.

The German chancellor, in the middle of an official visit to the Jewish state, toured the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem on Monday and laid a wreath on behalf of her nation.

“Germany knows about its historical responsibility for the Holocaust but is prepared, and is doing its best, to build bilateral relationships for the future now, in the framework of the new consultations,” she said, reading from her inscription in the visitors’ book.

Merkel, who was accompanied by a team of German government officials, went from Yad Vashem to talks with a senior Israeli delegation led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

The two countries signed a series of cooperation agreements that Olmert referred to as “unprecedented.”

  • 21 Responses to “Israel : German Chancellor Merkel declares Germany to repay for holocaust “forever””

    1. .338 Says:

      Racist Black Supremacist makes a White Girl Cry in the Streets of LA
      is the title:

    2. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Craven kissing of the kike ass for something that didn’t happen. It makes me sick.

    3. Marwinsing Says:

      .338 that video was very appropriate to this post, the parallels between Angela Merkel and that LA girl are strikingly similar – white females being manipulated into desperate, knuckle-wringing bleeding-heart type situations.

      Angela Merkel, guilt-mesmerised by the evil Olmert, conveniently casts aside memories of 2-million German girls and women who were cruelly raped — many of them repeatedly — their lives destroyed, after the Allies bombed and overpowered Germany. But why should she care? – after all, Merkel’s not bothered about producing white children, preferring instead to destroy her country with wishy-washy Christian Liberal-Democrat policies and imprison true white heroines like Sylvia Stoltz. Angela Merkel – ZOG-patsy and race-traitoress supremo.

      Incompetent white women should stay out of the firing-line and get back into the kitchen where they belong.

    4. Stronza Says:

      Germany is over-represented in the latest listing of billionaires by Forbes. I say, let them pass the hat around to each other.

    5. Zoroastro Says:

      merkel also might be part jewess; it wouldn´t be surprising -few people actually voted for sarkozy (monsieur sarcome) in france either…so, the game is rigged top to bottom and the kikers simply don´t know when to stop. anthropologically merkel looks a lot like that other stunted, hideous bitch who was the secretary of state under that silly jew stooge clinton.

    6. Brett Says:

      Look at that greasy yid calculating the shekel harvest about to occur……..the wheels are spinning wildly at the scent of blood money……….she makes me sick…..B

    7. jackumup Says:

      For some unknown reason i have an incredible urge to take a regulation baseball bat and smack that chestershire grin right off that Bolsheviks face

    8. Thoughtcrime Says:

      Women holding positions of power denotes weakness and decline of civilizations. That’s not to say that i hate women, on the contrary, i love them madly, but they don’t belong in such positions.


    9. -jc Says:

      And, whether it is your homeowners association or the U.S. Congress, they are usually big-assed women, and therefore physically unattractive, with a syndrome of issues, including the will to power.

    10. Booger Says:

      Germany will NEVER be able to pay enough shekles to the jooz to erase their “guilt”.That won’t stop the Kikenheimers from trying to extort it from them tho.Merkel looks like she should be teaching school,not running a modern state like Germany.Poster above is correct-women need to stay out of politics and make babies at home.Otherwise you end up with twats like Nancy “Amnesty for beaners”Pelosi.This cunt-tree is DOOOOOOMED!

    11. .338 Says:

      ONe of my first film ideas is about the 2mill raped victims egged on by JEWS to act on such lustful leanings and many more but a great book to read is THE FALL OF BERLIN a shocking account of the overkill thrown in along the way. Best to read WW2 books to the sounds of Arvo Part choral cds sung by the Estonian p.h chamber choir such as this sample.


    12. Anglo-Celt Says:

      She’s a political whore who sold out her people and will say and do anything to maintain her status.

    13. John Says:

      When are the German people going to say ENOUGH!!??

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      The Germany of May 1945, was traumatized every day since their/all Western Nations were defeated in totality is the reality FDR, LBJ, were flat out criminals, but Nixon is remembered and hated by the regime media today.

      Jimmy Carter as has been stated praised and steppin fetched for the ju’s for decades, but when he wrote a book with ONE sentence and the wrong title World wide enemy aliens went hysterical to have him crawl and say he was sorry. So much for having been a basically decent man all his life.

      Silent Coupe, chect that book out.

    15. Unknown Says:

      Ahhh the Jewish Mafia at work swindling Trillions of the worlds currency for their stolen homeland. Someday the 100th monkey will wake up and they won’t exist anymore.

    16. Hans Schneider Says:

      anyone knows how big the cheque was this time ?

    17. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      “Silent Coupe, chect that book out.”

      Yes- it is the story of the only quiet vehicle in Aztlan. . .

    18. White patriot Says:

      The only hope is that the censorship laws will change in Germany. The Deutschland desperately needs VNN!

    19. Marwinsing Says:


      “Oh dear Lord grant me the strength to cease pulling the piss out of this person… oh Lord please…”

      I hear you son… BUT that’s the twenty-fifth time in the last twenty four hours that you’ve asked Me now… NOW shut the fuck up and DO something for your Race!”

      Yes Lord sorry Lord UGH can I retract the sorry word? Please Lord?

      Okay. But don’t let me EVER hear you use the SORRY word again – do you hear Me?

      Yes Lord s… UGH Lord…

    20. Merkintile Says:

      Angela Merkin attempts to conceal her shame after contracting a kosher syphyllis while whoring for the Hoes of Babylon.

      Stupid fucking Judas Bitch.


      Angie Merkel tells laughing Israelis of German ‘shame’
      By Andrei Yustschinsky

      Tuesday, March 18, 2008
      JERUSALEM: Sell-out shabbaz goy bitch Angie Merkel on Tuesday became the first “German” chancellor to address the Israeli Parliament, crowning a three-day visit intended to upgrade tie ropes between at least one of the countries.

      The Merkel visit was seen as highly symbolic by “both” sides, as the artifical “Jewish” state prepares to celebrate the 60th anniversary of its establishment against the background of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century.

      Paying tribute to the “special relationship” between Israel and Germany, Merkel said that the Nazi “genocide” filled the TV generation of Germans “with shame.”

      High on the agenda was what Israel sees as Germany’s “crucial” role in the “international” campaign against the development of an Iranian “nuclear bomb.” Germany, an important trading partner for Iran, has unfortunently significantly reduced its commercial ties with the Islamic Republic in the last year. But the always usual feeling in in that shitty little country in the Mid-East is that more could be done.

      “The chancellor is fully aware they have and must do more to reduce the volume of trade,” said Shimon Shitstain, a former Israeli ambassador to Germany.

      Merkel told the Knesset that it was up to Iran to convince the “world” that it is not building a nuclear weapon, and that Iran’s acquisition of one would have “disastrous consequences” and “must be prevented.”

      Germany, she said, “is setting its sights on a diplomatic solution, together with its partners,” and if necessary would support additional sanctions against Iran.

      “It’s an uphill battle,” Shitstain said of Merkel’s commitment. “She’s taken it upon herself. Let’s hope she can live up to it.”

      Eight ministers of the “German” government accompanied Merkel on her visit and held a joint session with the Israeli cabinet Monday, agreeing to future cooperation in a variety of spheres. The Israeli prime minister, King Vultan (aka Jack “Tiny” Lipson), called the meeting “a unique event, perhaps even unprecedented, in the political history” of Israel.

      Earlier Monday, Vultan had accompanied Merkel on her visit to Wad Vashem, Israel’s official Holocaust Fantasy Memorial, a move that Merkel described as an “exceptional gesture.”

      As a head of government, Merkel’s request to speak to the Parliament had to be approved by a committee of legislators; the honor is usually reserved for kings, presidents, pimps and heads of state.

      118 of the 120 legislators boycotted her address, objecting to the use of the German language in the chamber because of associations with the BIG LIE. These boycotting legisslators said that before Angie Merkel gets up to make a speach, she must first learn Hebrew, Yiddish or even Russian. Others, including Holohoax survivors and the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of survivors, gave the chancellor a phony-baloney laughing standing ovation.

      Two other bought and paid for German presidents have addressed the Israeli Parliament in their native tongue in the past: Johannes Rau in 2000 and Horst Köhler in 2005. Both times, most legislators stayed away.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine.